November 28, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 15763 for her continued commitment to our commu- on the board she was Chairperson of the Po- CONGRATULATING JACK TAYLOR nity. lice, Fire and Safety Committee. Edna now AND THE GRINNELL COLLEGE Jeanne Oliver is an essential member of the Chairs the Health Hospital and Social Services BASKETBALL TEAM executive management team for the Jefferson Committee. She is currently in her third year Center for Mental Health. Her position encom- as Chair of the Board of Directors for North- HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY passes many roles including corporate com- east Brooklyn Housing Development Co. OF IOWA munication, marketing and fund development. In recognition of her services she has re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jeanne is the center’s Public Information Offi- ceived citations from me, City Councilwoman Wednesday, November 28, 2012 cer and is a part of its Political Action Net- Robinson, The NYC Police Department, The work. 79th Precinct Council, The Brooklyn Job Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Jeanne is an expert in crisis management Corps, A.I.D.P. at P.S. 26, Hebron Baptist today to congratulate Jack Taylor and the and presents nationally on crisis communica- Church, Greater Cross Road Baptist Church, Grinnell College basketball team. On Novem- tion. Her commitment to aiding members of Bridge Street Development Corporation, The ber 20th, Taylor broke the NCAA single game our community throughout times of crisis was Bedford Stuyvesant Community Block Asso- scoring record by scoring 138 points in one instrumental in helping families after the Col- ciation and The National Night Out Committee. game. The Grinnell Pioneers won by a final umbine shootings, the recent wildfires and the score of 179 to 104. Aurora movie theater tragedy. Edna is a very active mother in the lives of Taylor, a sophomore at Grinnell, broke the Through her concerted efforts to secure pri- children, D’Shawn & Fred, her son-in-law NCAA record by 25 points. The previous scor- vate donations and grants, Jeanne has helped Mark, and two grandchildren, Markell and ing record was set at 113 points back in 1954. the Jefferson Center better serve the mentally Kayla. She is Choir Director, Trustee, Chair of Taylor attempted an astonishing 108 shots, an ill in our communities during these hard eco- the Pastor’s Aide Committee and member at average of one shot every 20 seconds. Over- nomic times. It is thanks to her commitment The Greater Cross Road Baptist Church. She all, Taylor made 52 out of his 108 scoring at- and outstanding leadership, the Jefferson is also an original member of Naomi Shelton tempts. He also made 27 of his 71 3-point at- Center for Mental Health’s donations have and the Gospel Queens singing all over the tempts. His record setting game drew praise grown substantially. Jeanne truly epitomizes United States and Canada. from some of the NBA’s biggest stars. Taylor every aspect of a selfless steward to the com- Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mrs. was also interviewed on Sports Center, Good munity. Edna Johnson for her commitment to our Morning America and the Today Show about I extend my deepest congratulations to Brooklyn community. the game. When asked about the game, Tay- Jeanne Oliver for her well deserved honor by lor said he was thankful to his teammates for the West Chamber serving Jefferson County. f their support and their willingness to give him I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- the ball so he could try and break the record. cation and character in all her future accom- TRIBUTE TO EAGLE SCOUT HENRY Taylor said he would not have been able to plishments. OBERMAN break the record without their help. f Next year, I will have the honor and privi- lege to represent Grinnell College in the TRIBUTE TO EDNA M. JOHNSON HON. TOM LATHAM House of Representatives. I’m proud to have OF IOWA Grinnell College in my new district and I con- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS gratulate both Jack Taylor and the Pioneers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK basketball team on their record breaking vic- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 28, 2012 tory last week. f Wednesday, November 28, 2012 Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and congratulate Henry Oberman of TRIBUTE TO REVEREND RANDY pay tribute and to honor Edna Johnson, for Clive, Iowa for achieving the rank of Eagle LEE WARE her contribution to her community and dedica- Scout. tion to my Brooklyn office. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest ad- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Edna Johnson was born and raised in small vancement rank in scouting. Only about five OF NEW YORK steel mill town in Clairton, Pennsylvania, the percent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES youngest of nine children where her parents Award. The award is a performance-based Wednesday, November 28, 2012 also raised four of their grandchildren. She achievement with high standards that have studied music at the Hayes Schools of Music been well-maintained over the past century. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in Pittsburgh at a very young age. After grad- pay tribute and to honor to Reverend Randy uating from Clairton High School she relocated To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout Lee Ware for his ongoing service to his com- to New York City where she lived in Manhat- is obligated to pass specific tests that are or- munity. tan for over 30 years. She joined Broadway ganized by requirements and merit badges, as Reverend Ware is a native of Brooklyn, New United Church of Christ and served as Dea- well as completing an Eagle Project to benefit York and now resides in Arverne, New York. con, Trustee, and Steward. The church took it the community. For his project, Henry raised He received his elementary education at P.S. upon itself to pay her college expenses, which over one thousand dollars as he oversaw the 191 and high school education at Fort Ham- led her to Pace University in the evenings for installation of a meditation garden at Heartland ilton High School in Brooklyn. He went on to seven years before receiving a BA in Political Presbyterian Church. The work ethic Henry continue his education at Staten Island Com- Science. has shown in his Eagle Project and every munity College for two years. In May 1990 he Edna previously worked as a Parent Orga- other project leading up to his Eagle Scout completed his B.A. degree in Liberal Arts and nizer working with parents in the public rank speaks volumes of his commitment to Psychology from the College of New Rochelle schools. While living in Manhattan she be- serving a cause greater than himself and as- and in May 2011 he received his Master of Di- came chairperson of the Tenant Association in sisting his community. vinity degree from New York Theological Sem- Clinton Towers for five years. Edna also Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young inary. Reverend Ware has been accepted to chaired the 79th Precinct Community Council man and his supportive family demonstrates the doctoral programs at the New York Theo- for six years where she changed the attitudes the rewards of hard work, dedication and per- logical Seminary. of people in the community to work with the severance. I am honored to represent Henry Reverend Ware joined Berean Missionary local police. and his family in the United States Congress. Baptist Church in 1977 and was baptized Edna served as Special Assistant to in my I know that all of my colleagues in the House under the leadership of the late Dr. Hylton L. office serving the 10th Congressional District will join me in congratulating him on obtaining James. He entered the ministry at Berean in in Brooklyn. She is also a member of Commu- the Eagle Scout ranking, and I wish him con- 1983 under the leadership of Reverend Gus nity Board 3 and has received several cita- tinued success in his future education and ca- Roman. On April 12, 1992, under the leader- tions for perfect attendance. In her first year reer. ship of Dr. Arlee Griffin Jr., he was ordained. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:35 Jun 21, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E28NO2.000 E28NO2 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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