F-3-64 Old National Pike Milestone No. 45 Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 06-22-2016 F-3-62 Milestone #43 F-3-63 Milestone #44 F-3-64 Milestone 1145 F-3-65 Milestone 1146 F-3-.R6 - ,J1pestone rE • ~"" 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HE IN IOR if.4~51 ~ IRev. 6-72\ NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ! Ma:rylai:id COUNTY· l'U.TIOHAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES ~ See conrin11<>t"inn Choo+ NOMINATION INVENTORY - FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY DATE (Type all entries complete applicable sections) ; I WnP ., 1~"/c 11. NAME C OMMQN: I nL~ 'LT-..._• - 1 .n~i,.o "~1 - I t AND 0 R H I 5 T 0 RI C : I National Road t>'I; 1 P<:f"nnPc - ;\;<>t-i nn<> 1 Trai 1 Mi 1 o~+~~o~ 12. LOCATION.. - STREET AND NUMBER: M::irvl ::incl L1.1. II C' i II S .1.n A 1 t- Prn <> t-,, 11 c; .1.n u .... -"1 ..,~,.i 1 i::.c:: c ~ - .1 {'\ CITY OR TOWN: CON<>RESSIONAL DISTRICT - - See conrin11qt"inn shoo+ STATE I CODE COUNTY· I CODE Mqrvl <>nrl .......... .... .; ~ I /A C'- - _ ~ ~l-. I f3. CLASSfFICATtON l CATEGORY ! ACCESSIBLE I OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) I : TO THE PUBLIC I z 0 District 0 Building a Public Public Acquisition: io Occupied I Yes: 0 Restricted 0 Site 0 Structure 0 Private 0 In Process =:J Unoccupied I ;:J Being Considered 'I Unrestricted Kl Object D Both :::J 0 Preservation work\ X: ,., No 1n progress .__1 PRESENT USE (Check as . One or More Appropriate) 0 Agr i cu ltura I 0 Government c Park D Transportation =Comments 0 Commercial c Industrial D Private Residence Ii] Other (Specify) ,..--, I D Educational LJ Military D Religious mea511re distanc<> I Entertainment G Museum D Scientific c ......... z f 4. OWNER OF PROPERTY !OWNER'S NAME: ..."' )> ~ u~d!Il~i:is~ration ,c;t-<:>t-p n-F lt.lq-rvl ;:inrl ~-= - +..; -- C:+~+-o . ... w STREET AND NUMBER: . 4 - . "' w ,., , ~;;;; n+.i:-; f'A ~+ +l-.~ .... ,_ T ~-- l ; , "~ ----· CITY OR TOWN: - . STA. TE: ... "':ODF R<> 1 ri mf'\rf' ., ____. , -- .J '") 1 is. LOCATION OF ~EG~L DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS. ETC: 0- n 0 :::::: c l-1"' 1 1 n-F ~ c rt...... z STREET AND NUMBER: ... 12 < C::r 1~i..~c: rn11~~~ - I~ ~ . Cl TY OR TOWN: STATE CODE !~- ~ 0 0 ::: . 1 ; C" M,,_, 1 .... ~,.i '1 A i ::s tf. '!t.J'~RES~i'.'.ffA'n{lN IN EXISTING SURVEYS - Jo I (!) TITLE OF SURVEY: I rt z "'... ll .,., < 0 DATE OF SURVEY: Federal State Local . 0 0 0 Sa..,~ 0., z Al DEl"OSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: - c - ~ ;:: z (l1 ~-~,:;o "'" - ll c STREET ANO NUMBER: -· - "' - "'m -· ~ 0 - 1 ~,,. z CITY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE r - / ;---- -< i 0,. ... "' f7. DESCRIPTION ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f-3·'~ ~ (Check One) I :::::J Excellent =Good CiJ. Fair D Deteriorated []Ruins D Unexposed f~S ri3 I CONDITION -1 il I (Check One) (Check One) rC-3 0 , ~-------L---'--__A_l1e_r_ed __ -:-:-:-.,---KJ-:-_U_na_l_1e_re_d ___ -"- ___CJ_:__M_a_ve_d __ __,!i',,___OT_i_gi_na_l_S_i t_e __~ ~ _ j - b ') DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (if known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ·rt=-3 -ct The stones were located beginning at the Baltimore courthouse, spaced one mile apart and placed on the north side of Maryland Route 144 primarily, but found also along sections of Route 40, Alternate Route 40, :-raryland Route 165, and ·-: cenic 40" west of Hancock. Owned by the state of ~laryland on the edge of the right-of-way they are completely accessible to the public. Dimensions of the stones vary from section to section. Generally they are about twelve inches wide, eight inches deep and project about thirty inches above grade. The distance of the stone's facing the road; "38 M to B" (38 miles to Baltimore). The other three faces bear no inscription. The stone material also varies. The first thirty-nine stones are of Baltimore gneiss from the Ellicott City area. From ~est Friendship through Frederick to Boonesboro, the material is quartzite, m plentiful along the ~lonocacy RiveT. From Boonesboro to Funkstown, a m very white limestone was used and also a different stone cutter whose lettering is very distinctive. West of Hagerstown, the stones are of a grey limestone. Sixty-nine stones remain on the route. z 0 z ft• SlGNIFfCANCE PERIOD (Checlr One or More•• Appropri•te) f· 3,,.t 2- 0 Pre-Columbion ~ 0 16th Century 0 18th Century 0 20th CentU<y f ·'J , { 5 O 15th Century 0 17th Century GQ 19th Century 1------------------------------;f-3~6~ 1--s"'_E_c_•_F_•c~o_A_T_E_,,_,~~-'-A~pp-=-ll-c•_b_le~•-nd~K-nown~~>~~~l~R~nu1k~-~l~R~.1..._R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-3 ~t~~ (Checlc One or More •• Approprl•te) AREAS OF SICONIFICANCE c. 3-{(, Abor iginol 0 Education 0 Political 0 Urban Planning 0 Prehistoric 0 Engineering 0 Religion/Phi- 0 Other (Specify) 0 Historic 0 Industry losophy 0 Agriculture 0 Invention 0 Science 0 Architecture 0 Landscape 0 Sculpture 0 Art Architecture 0 Socio I/Human- Literature 0 Commerce 0 itarian 0 Communications 0 Military 0 Theater Conservation 0 0 Music [j! Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE These milestones mark the original route of the old National Pike from Baltimore to Cumberland, Maryland. z The Baltimore-Fredericktown Turnpike Company was franchised by the state in 1805 to construct, maintain a·i collect tolls on sixty-two miles of 0 toll road from Baltimore to Boonesboro, Maryland. The first tollgate was opened April, 1807 . ..... u Jonathan Ellicott, President of this company, was instrumental in :::> having three other turnpikes formed which extended the road over the ai:: mountains to Cumberland where it met the federally funded National Road, opened in 1818. A group of banks, mostly from Baltimore, provided the ..... capital for the construction. This made possible overland transportation all the way from Baltimore to St. Louis with the result that through the z Cumberland Narrows passed over half of the emigrants and freight of our westward migration in its early days. w It is significant that Maryland was the first of the mid-Atlantic states w to finance and maintain its roads with the turnpike system, and the method quickly spread throughout the eastern seaboard. , ' . ·- -- ~ ....... '-· 1·· "' Ft- MAJOR 8l8LIOGRAPHtCAL REFEREKCES f-·3 ,,.f>J_ f 3 -t~ Durrenberger, Joseph A. TurnEikes A Studz: of the Toll Road Movement. r-3-&i New York: John Edwards, 1931. /" f--3 ~ 6 'J Laws of Maryland. 1804. Chapter 51. (-3-66 Nye, Edwin Darby. "Rewards of a Roadside Quest. " The Sundal'.: Sun Magazine, Baltimore. (June 17, 1973), 8-12. see continuation sheet no. GEOGRAPHJCAL DAT A - LATITUDE ANO LONGITUDE COORDINATES L'TITUC\E AN~ l..C'INGl""'JOE COO_ROINA_US DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PRO<>E"RTY 0 DEFINING Tl-I"" '-"-"'T:;.R POINl OF A ?..cOPERTY R- OF l..ES_S THAN TEN ACRES CORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds 0 0 0 NW . 0 . I I NE 0 . 0 . SE 0 . 0 . See continuation heet <.w 0 . ~ . I ·~- APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: , ·. " (LIST ALL STATES ANO COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNT°'l'::"'tl'~IES , STATE: CODE COUNTY I• - • CODE m - rr: Hn-ul n-.-l ? .1 ll" , M.C.D "ft -- {l{l c:: STATE: CODE COUNTY: - if .,~,. -- CODE .... .. -- - Hn~' ·1 n-.-l ?'1 rn~-~11 - - f'l 1 .. -· - -- - ~ STATE: ' CODE COUNTY: ~: =-~·. CODE z .....' .,.,/ ~ ' . rl< '/ ()) 1 "--· , --.-l '>A -- STATE: ' CODE COUNTY: . _,/ CODE -f - ;_ __ ~ she7t) ..,,, (l ')., ;:a u-,.ul ~-nrl " ' ( .. "'"' ,,..._'I"\+.; "l""'\1,'t+; -- ··.. · ·-· .... - ... .. - .... :.•· ·:: ::• ru. FORM PREPARED BY ·/ c: NAME AND TITLE: n l::'rJw; TI - . ~!""'. ORGANIZATION -f 1D:TE , 1C\"7'Z STREET ANO NUMBER: ~ 0 ~ ' ~ 3112 .... ~ -- N W z CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE w.,.,,'h; not"nn n r ")('\('\ 1 c: 1 1 I t2. ST A.TE LlAISON OFFICER tiRTIFICATtON--··. ...... NATIONAL REGISTER VER:l·FtCATtoM .. As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na- I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Registet. in the National Register and certify that it has been Pvaluated accord~ to the c·iteria and procechres set tfeflw.c~ forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Director, Otlice of ArcheoloQy and Hiatoric Preeer-tion level of significance of this nomination is: National @ State 0 Local 0 I ~ " r.-.te ~ (j I• } h?/?~ Name vet\.\ ;;,, /C,'d-~-f 1v Orlando Ridout, IV ATTEST: Title State Historic Preservation Off licer lJ>:~~~ I Kee~r of The National Re~~ Date March 14 1974 uate S · 27·/t~ GPO 931·894 Fonn 10-JOOo UNI STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR T A TE (July 1969) HA TIONAL PARK SERVICE i-il..4!.Li:l"u--¥-'"....1..1.i:l.I""'w.".1------ ---1 F_.
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