Home 01 t,"e New, All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe' ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 3o-No. 24 thEnt~red ~sfsecond Class Matler at $5.00Per Year 28 P~ges-Two Sections-Section One, ___________ .:....-=e~..:.os:.:t~.f_I_Ce_.t __ D_ctr_O_It_,_M_lch_lg_all. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, June 12, 1969 lllePerCOpy , j @ -- IIEADLINt:S Products of Teer:"1age Talent Put on Display 'Lead Field of the IGP Park Council Of Four for WEEK School Board As Compiled by the IEyes Demolition Grosse Pointe News Candidates Backed by Citizens for Education Thursday, June 5 Of Old Landmark Victorious as 5,690 A SERIES OF BLASTS sec. Cast Ballots onds apart, rjpped through a Authorizes Solicitation of Bids to Raze McMillan' gunpowder storage area Wed. Residence in Three Mile Drive Park Unless Alfred R. Glancy, Jr. and nesday at E. I. duPont de Ne- William J. Adams led a mours and Company explosives Practical Use is Found field of four candidates to works in Carneys Point, N,J. The Park council on Monday, June 9, authorized win. two four-year terms At least three persons were killed and dozens injured. Four City Manag~rRobert Slone to solicit bids for the pos- on.the Grosse Pointe Board other employes who worked in sible razing of the McMillanmansion, except .the garage of Education in the school the storage area were reported or carriage house, on the seven.acre property, now a district's trusteeship elec- missing and at least 56 persons part of the Three Mile Drive Park. There is a faint tion, held Monday. were treated at hospitals and glimmer, of hope that the building might be saved, if Mr. Glancy led the winning discharged. there is any likelihood that some practical use could be ticket,with a total of 4,242 votes • • • made of the old residence. and Mr. Adams was second Friday, J,une II The Park City Plan Commis- ~ - : with 4,108. SEcRETARY, OF S TAT E sion, which has made a year-' A t T .' Defeated in their bid for William P, Rogers said Thurs. long study to determine if the rres rlO school trusteeships were William day the United States is "not house could be of any use, and .,.. CR' podrtCer,'681 Hampton, and wedded" to the Thieu.Ky reo int.~ns.ifie~ the study since thoe Ha1,-n _ Dope onal . Lucas, 1316Harvard. " 'U Mr. Porter garnered 1963 votes gime in South Vietnam. He I . buildmgand:!an~ became avail. ~. and lIIr. Lucas earned 653. also left the door open to com- able to the CItY on the death. of I Th.. C munist participation on a super- Mr~.. JamesT,.McMilIan la,st n elT' aT SCore second Victory visory commissIon to run elec. August 14,re.commended that The winning candidates had tions and pick a new South the mansion be demolished. the - support of Grosse Pointe Vietna~ese government. He Woald Be COStlYi, Teenage Youths Caught ~Citizens for -Education, a citi- made the statements in a press George H. Helm, chairman of With Mari"luana. Two Re-' zens group that foqned in !h.e conference on the eve of Presi. • . ~. fall of 1967 to encourage quail. the commission, who was at leased on Bond, Third fied persons to seek trustee. dent NIxon's meeting Sunday at Midway Island with South IIfonday night's meeting, in. Jailed After Hearing ships. Candidates sponsored by formed the council that the rec. _,__ ' Citizens for Education swept the Vietnamese President Nguyan Van Thieu. ommendation'fof~~the demolition Two teenage 0 ths - field in the 1968 school election . Photo by Charles Pagel ~as:madebecause of. the pro~ . y u are also. - , Saturday, June '1 Pictured (left to right)a~e ;LESLIE m;;AMES, ordinator, EUGENE WOLONICK, with samples of hl~ltive ~st '~. repa~~_estt- free after, postIng bond~ of Mr. Glancy, a resident ot • • • Grosse Pointe South High ~c.hool Industrial Arts and Perry's and Brian's wotk. The boys', creations and m~ted a:" aoo!!t $159,.'000.,At $5,000 ~ach, and !l thIrd, GrOsse Point~ ft)r the past 25 DR. THOMAS O. PAINE, Woodworking teacher, seniors PERRY PRAVET. those of other South ij.igh students were on display least tli~.;.JI1uCJiwould be ne.ed, ~h~ faIled to .p~duce ~ years, is president and. director ~~~e:c~~tf~dl.T~t~:::~es~~~~: TONE, and BRIAN KLOVSKI and Industrial Arts co- r~cently at the annual Mothers' Club Meeting. ed. to relllpdel the old h?use and slmilar l';mQUnt,ISInWayne of Realty Investment' Corpora- Appropriations subcommittee --------------------------.--------------------- br.mg it up.to ~re.sent file, elec- County Jail. The trio will tion of Detroit, New York, and hearing th8t an increase back 8 0 \1 030 sIn. h S h I Ie D · trl.cal an~ ~uildmg codes, .he appear before 'Woods Mu. Seattle, Mr. and Mrs: Glancy, up to the $5 billion to $6 billion possums .' -. ._.. 'out 1 . 19:_. -.,.. , C 00 enter rIve ~~~~a:~~~tr~~~d a~~st p~~m~J~f nicipal Judge Don J. Good. 735 LakefS~ore ;rdoad.ai:e_~e ~, level .wiIl be necessary to keep - tional $200,000, it Wl!S said. row on We~ne~day, June parents 0 SL't..C~U,r~n. .' , r~-..-'~i'fb'~~\1ft~.t~aItm.~~-Occupgnts-,of ..\.$emors to~.BeGraduated ,Reaches Goal ~h~r~es S.;Tompl?ns of 15984 ~~~:~ra~~~:f:a~~~onfwar:G:~~~o~n::. ~ c~rtili~rpu~~ Vietnam war ends. The test!- C. G 1 A Co T h Wmdmill Pomte dnve, made n - • f g.. 0 pos lie accountant; he is employed mony was made public Friday. lty e !I 1 m.. mencemenl onig .1. Of $85,00_ 0 plea for th.e ~etentioll o~ the seSSIOn0 marIJuana. by Arthur Anderson and Co. ]',fr. Two members of the subcom. arag' -.--~ house for public use, pOs.sihly The youths stood mute to the and Mrs. Adams, 1012 York- mitt~ warned 'Piiile bis budget ! - -. - as .a,Park branch of the Gross~ charges at a hearing held be- shire, ate .the parents of one would be cut eveiI more than it Dog Announces Ne\Vs of Annual Party Sponsored by Mothers' Club to be Held S~ccess Assured as Carn- Pomte Publi~ I:ib~ar:y, which is fore the judge on Saturday, sOI1,",David, a pupil at M&ire has been if the first American Tenants to Dr. John "at Memorial 0~nter FoJlowing:Traditional .. paign Was O.rily-$75 under the JurIsdIction of the June 7, the date they. were ar. School. moon explorers plant any fjag - C' > • • F b II F' Id Grosse. Pointe Board of Educa- rested. Free until the next The terms of the new trustees' except that of the United States. C. Porter; Family , . ere~ony on. oot a , Ie Short of Quota on tion.. court hIJarmg are Dav)d Wilon, begin officiaUy on.July 1. They • • • Protec, te, dinCage . Some 1,030 Grosse P.ointe South Rig'h seniors will -Tuesday, June 10 He,has a great deal of respect 18, of 20951 Lancaster; and will sit as' Board members for Sunday, June 8 for' ,the. 'PlimCOmmission and Albert Filbert, 19, of 20951 Lan- the first time at the .trustees' receive their diplomas tonight, Thursday, June 12, at Grosse'poinle War Memo-' the: city coun~, ~ompki~s. said, ~aster! both of Harper Woods. Annual ]',feeting, scheduled for THE APOLLO 10 astronauts ~ The Grosse Pointe en. 7 o'clock, at formal exercises which will be held on the but wondered if the deCISion to Held IS Roland Johnston, 18 of 7:30 p.m. on Monday. July 7 - reported Saturday the moon virons. are perhaps not as football field, weather permitting. rial's 20th Anniversary An- dem04sh the McMilla~ mansion 438 Fisher r08d who was unable in the .gymnasium of Monteith landing site they inspected is far removed from the time Students and parents will be@;~----------- nual Family Participation was' not a>ba~ty one. to raise his bond. School. "rugged" but the Apollo 11 of field and stream as some seated on the 50.yard line i!1 which is directed by Russell D. Campaign will be a success . ,.bks F~er Study Wilton and Gilbert we~'e rep. Plan Briefing Session crew sho.'I1d have no problem of us mil!ht like to think. the bleachers. Tern po r a r y Reed. by the ti~e this newspaper Once the house is down, it's resented by attorney:; whereas, Dr. Theos I. Anderson, Super- touching down. They told a Just ask Dr. Porter. ,bleachers will be set up on the The annual After.Commence. is delivered. As of this down, Rnd then it might be too Johnston informed the court intendent of Schools said that Dews conference they actually Dr. JohilC. Porter, 966Lin.track for additional seating. In ment Pa~.y, sponsored by the writing (Tuesday" June. 10) late, he said. 'He 'Y0uldlike to that he could Dot afford a law- ]',fr. Glancy'and :Mr. Adams missed the site by four miles to coIn road, was relaxing one reo case of inclement weather, the Mother's Club, will follow the only $75 remains to be reo see ~ll avenues e:,;plored for yer and asked that one be have been invited to an all-day ~~:~~f:~:fs ~e~:;::etob~~~~~ cent morning when his barking gymnatorium will also be ready ceremonies. It.wiIl be held in ceived to put it over the practical Use of the building be- appointed for him. briefing executive session to of irregularities in the lunar dog demanded his immediate for use.
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