China Heritage Quarterly, No. 6 (June 2006) Great Wall Bibliography (II) © China Heritage Quarterly www.chinaheritagequarterly.org College of Asia and the Pacific The Australian National University Authors G-K Gai Shanlin 盖山林 and Lu Sixian 陆思贤, ‘Nei Menggu jingnei Zhanguo Qin-Han changcheng yiji’ 内蒙古境内战国秦汉长城遗迹 (Remains of the Warring States and Qin-Han Great Walls inside Inner Mongolia), in Zhongguo Kaogu Xuehui 中国考古学会 ed., Zhongguo Kaogu Xuehui diyici nianhui lunwen ji 中国考古学会 第一次年会论文集 (Papers of the first annual conference of the China Archaeology Society), Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出 版社, 1980, pp 212-224. Gai Shanlin 盖山林 and Lu Sixian 陆思贤, ‘Yinshan nanlu de Zhao changcheng’ 阴山南麓的赵长城 (The Zhao Great Walls at the southern foot of the Yinshan Mountains), originally published in Zhongguo changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调 查报告集 (Volume of reports on the survey of great wall sites in China), Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, 1981. Also included in Nei Menggu Zizhiqu Wenwudui 内蒙古自治区文物队 ed., Nei Menggu wenwu ziliao xuji 内蒙古文物资料续集 (Second volume of Inner Mongolian cultural relic materials), Hohhot, 1984, pp 87-89. Gao Fengshan 高凤山 and Zhang Junwu 张军武, Jiayuguan ji Ming changcheng 嘉峪关及明长城 (Jiayuguan and the Ming Great Walls), Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, 1989. Gao Rong 高荣, 'Qin-Han shiqi xibei jiangyu de bianqian' 秦 汉时期西北疆域的变迁 (Changes in the north-western border in the Qin-Han period), Xibei shidi 西北史地 (North-western historical geography), 1992:2, pp 24-29. Gao Tingku 高廷库 and Guo Zemin 郭泽民, 'Shanhaiguan qu gu changcheng kaochahuoxin chengguo' 山海关区古长城考察获新成果' (New results of surveys of the ancient Great Walls in the Shanhaiguan district), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 12 July 1998. Gao Wang 高旺, Nei Menggu changcheng shihua 内蒙古长城史话 (A talk on the history of the Great Walls in Inner Mongolia), Hohhot: Nei Menggu Renmin Chubanshe 内蒙古人民出版社, 1991. Gu Jiegang 顾颉刚, 'Meng Jiangnü gushi de zhuanbian' 孟姜女 故事的转变 (The transformation of Meng Jiangnü stories), originally published in Geyao zhoukan 歌谣周刊, no. 69, 23 November 1924, reprinted in Wang Zijin 王子今 ed., Quwei kaoju 趣味考据, Kunming: Yunnan Renmin Chubanshe 云南人民出版社, 2003, pp 408-422. Gu Jiegang 顾颉刚, ed., 'Meng Jiangnü gushi yanjiu ji 孟姜女 故事研究集, 1' (Volume of research on Meng Jiangnü stories, 1), Guoli Zhongshan Daxue Yuyan Lishixue Yanjiusuo 国立中山大学 语言歴史学研究所, Zhongshan Daxue Minsu Xuehui 中山大学民俗学会, April 1928, reproduced in Ye Chunsheng 叶春生 ed., Diancang minsuxue congshu 典藏民俗学丛书 (Compendium of folkloric compilations), 3 vols., Harbin: Heilongjiang Renmin Chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2003, vol. 1, pp 25-91. Gu Jiegang 顾颉刚, ed., 'Meng Jiangnü gushi yanjiu ji 孟姜女 故事研究集, 3' (Volume of research on Meng Jiangnü stories, 3), Guoli Zhongshan Daxue Yuyan Lishixue Yanjiusuo 国立中山大学 语言歴史学研究所, Zhongshan Daxue Minsu Xuehui 中山大学民俗学会, June 1928, reproduced in Ye Chunsheng 叶春生 ed., Diancang minsuxue congshu 典藏民俗学丛书 (Compendium of folkloric compilations), 3 vols., Harbin: Heilongjiang Renmin Chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2003, vol. 1, pp 325-392. Gu Jiegang 顾颉刚, ed., 'Meng Jiangnü gushi yanjiu ji 孟姜女 故事研究集, 2' (Volume of research on Meng Jiangnü stories, 2), Guoli Zhongshan Daxue Yuyan Lishixue Yanjiusuo 国立中山大学 语言歴史学研究所, Zhongshan Daxue Minsu Xuehui 中山大学民俗学会, March 1928, reproduced in Ye Chunsheng 叶春生 ed., Diancang minsuxue congshu 典藏民俗学丛书 (Compendium of folkloric compilations), 3 vols., Harbin: Heilongjiang Renmin Chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2003, vol. 2, pp 1185-1256. Gu Tieshan 顾铁山, 'Dalingzhai Ming changcheng Zuosanyao de faxian ji qi yanjiu' 大岭寨明长城左三窑的发现及其研究 (The discovery of, and research on, the Zuosan Kiln at Dalingzhai on the Ming Great Walls), Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋, 1996:1, pp 29-32, 34. Gu Tieshan 顾铁山, 'Qianxi Qianxi jingnei Mingdai Jizhen baozhuan changcheng de xiuzao qingkuang' 浅析迁西境内明代蓟镇 包砖长城的修造情况 (A preliminary analysis of the state of repair of the Ming dynasty Jizhen [Jizhou Commandery] brick enclosed Great Walls in Qianxi county), Wenwu chunqiu 文物 春秋 (Cultural relics chronicles), 1998:2, pp 71-72. Guan Zhenfu 关真付, 'Mingdai changcheng tuntian yu Jidong kaifa' 明代长城屯田与冀东开发 (The Ming Great Walls tuntian system and the opening up of the Jidong region), Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural relics chronicles), 1998:2, pp 70, 39. Guo Guanghong 国光红, 'Qi changcheng zhaojian yuanyin zaitan' 齐长城肇建原因再探 (A further study of when the construction of the Qi Great Walls was initiated), Lishi yanjiu 歴史研究 (Historical research), 2000:1, pp 182-185. Guo Jianfen 郭建芬, 'Qi changcheng kaocha chengguo xianzhu' 齐长城考察成果显著 (Impressive results of the surveys of the Qi Great Walls), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 6 September 1998. Guo Yonghe 郭永河, 'Juyongguan Dongshan changcheng zhengxiu wanbi' 居庸关东山长城整修完毕 (The completion of the restoration of the Dongshan Great Walls at Juyongguan), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 1994.3.13. Guojia Wenwuju 国家文物局 (State Cultural Relics Bureau) and Nei Menggu Zizhiqu Wenhuating 内蒙古自治区文化厅 (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Cultural Office) ed., Zhongguo wenwu dituji: Nei Menggu zizhiqu fence 中国文物地图集: 内蒙古 自治区分册, 2 vols., Xi'an: Xi'an Ditu Chubanshe 西安地图出版 社, 2003. Han Guanghui 韩光辉 and Li Xinfeng 李新峰, 'Ming changcheng dongduan yanxian juluo de xingcheng he fazhan' 明长城东段沿 线聚落的形成和发展 (The formation and development of settlements along the eastern section of the Ming Great Walls), Wenshi zhishi 文史知识 (Chinese literature and history), 1995:3, pp 46-50. Hang Kan 杭侃, 'Zhongguo gudai chengqiang de yong zhuan wenti' 中国古代城墙的用砖问题 (The question of the use of bricks in ancient Chinese walls), Wenwu jikan 文物季刊 (Journal of Chinese antiquity), 1998:1, pp 81-84. He Deliang 何德亮, 'Qi changcheng xianzhuang kaocha' 齐长城 现状考察, Wenwu tiandi 文物天地 (Cultural relics world), 2003:12, pp 24-25. He Qinggu 何清谷, ‘Gaoque diwang kao’ 高阙地望考 (A study of the location of Gaoque), Shaanxi Shifan Daxue xuebao 陕西师范大 学学报 (Journal of Shaanxi Normal University), 1986:3, pp 74-77. He Qinggu 何清谷, 'Qinshihuang changcheng beiduan de kaocha' 秦始皇长城北段的考察 (A survey of the northern section of Qin Shihuang's Great Walls), Renwen zazhi 人文杂志 (The journal of humanities), 1989:4, pp 83-89. He Qinggu 何清谷, ‘Guanyu Gaoque weizhi de fansi-jian da Bao Tong tongzhi’ 关于高阙位置的反思 — 兼答鲍桐同志, Zhongguo lishi dili luncong 中国历史地理论丛 (Journal of Chinese historical geography), 1993:2, pp.81-84. He Yu 何钰 et al., 'Qindai changcheng xiduan yiji de diaocha' 秦代长城西端遗迹的调查 (Survey of the remains of the western section of the Qin Great Walls), Kaoguxue jikan 考古学集刊 (December 2000), no. 13, pp 83-99. Hou Pixun 侯丕勋, 'Shiji "yin he wei sai" shuo yu Qin Shihuang wanli changcheng xiduan shouqidi' 史记"因河为塞"说与秦始皇万里 长城西段首起点 (The theory in Shiji that 'the Yellow River served as walls' and the place where the western section of Qin Shihuang's Great Walls began), Zhongguo bianjiang shidi yanjiu 中国边疆史地研究, 1996:4, pp 14-19. Hou Pixun 侯丕勋, 'Qite de Gansu gu changcheng' 奇特的甘肃古 长城 (The unique ancient Great Walls of Gansu), Zhongguo dianji yu wenhua 中国典籍与文化 (Chinese classics and culture), 1997:3, pp 12-16. Hou Renzhi 侯仁之, Lishi dilixue de lilun yu shijian 历史地 理学的理论与实践 (The theory and practice of historical geography), Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版 社, 1979. Hou Renzhi 侯仁之, 'Wulanbu yu shamo beibu de Handai ken qu' 乌兰布和沙漠北部的汉代垦区 (Han dynasty virgin lands development areas in Wulanbu and the northern desert region), in Zhisha yanjiu 治沙研究 (Studies in desertification control), no. 7, 1965:11. (See also the following article.) Hou Renzhi 侯仁之, 'Wulanbu he shamo de kaogu faxian he dili huanjing de bianqian' 乌兰布和沙漠的考古发现和地理环境的变迁 (Archaeological discoveries and environmental change in Wulanbu and the desert), Kaogu 考古 (Archaeology), 1973:3, also included in Hou Renzhi Lishi dilixue de lilun yu shijian 历史地理学的理论与实践 (The theory and practice of historical geography), pp 95-124. Hu Minghuan 胡明焕, 'Qin wang xinlun' 秦亡新论 (A new theory on the collapse of Qin), see: http://www.chinagreatwall.org/detail/news_detail.jsp?info _id=1100052903&cust_id=greatwall Hu Xiaonong 胡小农, 'Chayouhou qi kelimeng gucheng' 察右后旗 克里孟古城 (The ancient walls in Kerim, Ulan Qab Right Rear Banner), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 13 November 1989. Hua Linfu 华林甫, Zhongguo lishi dili xue wushi nian 中国历 史地理学五十年 (Fifty years of Chinese historican geography), Beijing: Xueyuan Chubanshe 学苑出版社, 2001. Hua Xiazi 华夏子, Ming changcheng kaoshi 明长城考实 (Studying the reality of the Ming Great Walls), Beijing: Dang'an Chubanshe 档案出版社, 1988. Huang Wenbi 黄文弼, Xibei shidi congshu 西北史地丛书 (Articles on the history and geography of the north-west), Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社, 1981. Ji Naijun 姬乃军, 'Shaanxi Fuxian Qin Shangjun sai changcheng tacha' 陕西富县秦'上郡塞长城踏查 (Field investigation of the Shangjun-sai Great Walls of the Qin state in Fuxian [county], Shaanxi province), Kaogu 考古 (Archaeology), 1996:3, pp 84-85. Ji Naijun 姬乃军, 'Yan'an faxian zhanguo shiqi Qin changcheng' 延安发现战国时期秦长城 (Warring states period Great Walls discovered in Yan'an), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 25 March 1988. Ji Ren 吉人, 'Wanli changcheng: Gudai renlei fangwei sheshi de jiechu daibiao' 万里长城:古代人类防卫设施的杰出代表 (Wanli changcheng: A magnificent example of ancient man's defensive methods), Wenshi zhishi 文史知识 (Chinese literature and history), 1995:3, pp 33-338. Ji Ren 吉人 and Kong Lingtong 孔令铜, 'Hukou changcheng jiedu' 壶口长城解读 (An interpretation of the Great Walls at Hukou), Zhongguo wenwu bao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news), 1997.6.15. Ji Zhongyuan 纪忠元 and Ji Yongyuan 纪永元 ed., Dunhuang Yangguan Yumenguan lunwen xuancui 敦煌阳闗玉门闗论文选萃 (A collection of the best papers on the Yangguan and Yumenguan passes at Dunhuang), Lanzhou: Gansu Renmin Chubanshe 甘肃人 民出版社, 2003. Jia Yiken 贾衣肯, 'Meng Tian suo zhu changcheng weizhi kao' 蒙恬所筑长城位置考 (A study of the locations of the Great Walls constructed by Meng Tian), Zhongguo shi yanjiu 中国史研究 (Journal of Chinese historical studies), Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe 中国社会科学出版社, 2006:1, pp 25-45. Jiang Zhijing 蒋至静, 'Chengcheng suoyi' 长城琐议 (Notes on the Great Walls), Neimenggu shida xuebao 内蒙古师大学报 (Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University), 1988:4, pp 37-44. Jin Huaqing 金华清 et al., 'Zhanguo, Qin, Han changcheng diaocha (bitan)' 战国、秦、汉长城调查(笔谈) (A survey of the Warring States.
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