S486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 2, 2011 office. But at the same time he was re- S. RES. 36 SENATE RESOLUTION 37—RECOG- ceiving tax-free workers’ compensation Whereas in a 1-year period, an estimated NIZING THE GOALS OF CATHOLIC benefits, he was also operating a snow 3,400,000 people in the United States reported SCHOOLS WEEK AND HONORING removal and lawn care business. being stalked, and 75 percent of victims re- THE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS In addition, about 100 other claim- port that they were stalked by someone they OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN THE know; ants per year are prosecuted by the De- Whereas 81 percent of women who are UNITED STATES partment of Labor’s Office of Inspector stalked by an intimate partner are also Mr. VITTER (for himself, Ms. General because they received workers’ physically assaulted by that partner, and 76 LANDRIEU, and Mr. JOHANNS) submitted compensation and their retirement percent of women who are killed by an inti- the following resolution; which was pay. These are the so-called ‘‘double- mate partner were also stalked by that inti- considered and agreed to: dippers.’’ mate partner; S. RES. 37 Mr. President, as part of my effort to Whereas 11 percent of victims reported strengthen oversight of this program, I having been stalked for more than 5 years, Whereas Catholic schools in the United and 23 percent of victims reported having States have received international acclaim have asked the Government Account- been stalked almost every day; for academic excellence while providing stu- ability Office, along with Senator Whereas 1 in 4 victims reported that they dents with lessons that extend far beyond COBURN and Senator MCCASKILL, to were aware of email, instant messaging, the classroom; audit the FECA program and report on blogs or bulletin boards, internet sites, or Whereas Catholic schools present a broad the length of time individuals remain chat rooms being used against them by their curriculum that emphasizes the lifelong de- on the program, the number of recipi- stalkers, and 1 in 13 victims reported that velopment of moral, intellectual, physical, ents who exceed the standard Federal stalkers had used electronic devices to mon- and social values in the young people of the itor them; retirement age, and how the Federal United States; Whereas stalking victims are forced to Whereas Catholic schools in the United program compares to State workers’ take drastic measures to protect themselves, States today educate 2,119,341 students and compensation best practices. I expect including changing identity, relocating, maintain a student-to-teacher ratio of 14 to these findings will lead to additional changing jobs, and obtaining protection or- 1; reform proposals as the bill proceeds ders; Whereas the faculty members of Catholic through the Senate. Whereas 1 in 7 victims has relocated in an schools teach a highly diverse body of stu- I also intend to work with stake- effort to escape a stalker; dents; Whereas approximately 130,000 victims re- Whereas the graduation rate for all Catho- holders to determine if changes in the ported having been fired or asked to leave a Federal Employees Retirement Sys- lic school students is 99 percent; job because of stalking, and about 1 in 8 em- Whereas 97 percent of Catholic high school tem, the FERS system, as opposed to ployed victims missed work because they graduates go on to college; the old Civil Service Retirement Sys- feared for their safety or were taking steps Whereas Catholic schools produce students tem are necessary to make sure that to protect themselves, such as seeking a re- strongly dedicated to their faith, values, workers’ compensation recipients straining order; families, and communities by providing an would be treated fairly when they are Whereas less than half of victims report intellectually stimulating environment rich stalking to police, and only 7 percent of vic- converted to FERS retirement benefits in spiritual character and moral develop- tims contacted a victim service provider, ment; and under this bill. shelter, or hotline; For example, this may require the Whereas in the 1972 pastoral message con- Whereas stalking is a crime under Federal cerning Catholic education, the National Department of Labor to administer the law and under the laws of all 50 States, the Conference of Catholic Bishops stated, ‘‘Edu- Thrift Savings Plan contributions for District of Columbia, and the territories of cation is one of the most important ways by recipients or to require Social Security the United States; which the Church fulfills its commitment to contributions from workers’ compensa- Whereas stalking affects victims of every the dignity of the person and building of race, age, culture, gender, sexual orienta- tion recipients. community. Community is central to edu- tion, physical and mental ability, and eco- cation ministry, both as a necessary condi- What is clear, however, is that this nomic status; tion and an ardently desired goal. The edu- program is in need of urgent reform. Whereas national organizations, local vic- cational efforts of the Church, therefore, The program is costing too much, in- tim service organizations, prosecutors’ of- must be directed to forming persons-in-com- fices, and police departments stand ready to jured workers are not being monitored munity; for the education of the individual assist stalking victims and are working dili- sufficiently and helped to return to Christian is important not only to his soli- gently to develop effective and innovative productive work, recipients who should tary destiny, but also the destinies of the be in the retirement system are instead responses to stalking; Whereas there is a need to improve the many communities in which he lives.’’: Now, receiving tax-free benefits, and some criminal justice system’s response to stalk- therefore, be it agencies have high claim rates, sug- ing through more aggressive investigation Resolved, That the Senate— gesting that safety improvements are and prosecution; (1) recognizes the goals of Catholic Schools needed. Whereas there is a need for increased avail- Week, an event cosponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association and the For the sake of fairness and fiscal re- ability of victim services across the country, and such services must include programs tai- United States Conference of Catholic sponsibility, we must reform this pro- Bishops that recognizes the vital contribu- gram now. Not doing so is an affront to lored to meet the needs of stalking victims; and tions of thousands of Catholic elementary the thousands of Federal employees Whereas the Senate finds that ‘‘National and secondary schools in the United States; who enter the retirement system. It is Stalking Awareness Month’’ provides an op- and a disservice to those Federal and postal portunity to educate the people of the (2) commends Catholic schools, students, employees who truly need workers’ United States about stalking: Now, there- parents, and teachers across the United compensation benefits, and it is an un- fore, be it States for their ongoing contributions to education, and for the vital role they play in necessary burden on taxpayers. Resolved, That the Senate— (1) designates January 2011 as ‘‘National promoting and ensuring a brighter, stronger f Stalking Awareness Month’’; future for the United States. (2) applauds the efforts of the many stalk- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS f ing victim service providers, police, prosecu- tors, national and community organizations, SENATE RESOLUTION 38—CON- SENATE RESOLUTION 36—RAISING and private sector supporters for their ef- GRATULATING BROOKLYN CEN- AWARENESS AND ENCOURAGING forts in promoting awareness about stalking; TER, MINNESOTA, ON ITS 100TH (3) encourages policymakers, criminal jus- PREVENTION OF STALKING BY tice officials, victim service and human serv- ANNIVERSARY. DESIGNATING JANUARY 2011 AS ice agencies, college campuses and univer- Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and Mr. ‘‘NATIONAL STALKING AWARE- sities, nonprofit organizations, and others to FRANKEN) submitted the following res- NESS MONTH’’ increase awareness of stalking and the avail- olution; which was considered and Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mrs. ability of services for stalking victims; and agreed to: (4) urges national and community organi- HUTCHISON, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. CHAMBLISS, zations, businesses in the private sector, and S. RES. 38 Mr. KOHL, and Mr. ISAKSON) submitted the media to promote awareness of the crime Whereas February 5, 2011, marks the 100th the following resolution; which was of stalking through ‘‘National Stalking anniversary of the establishment of Brook- considered and agreed to: Awareness Month’’. lyn Center, Minnesota; VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:38 Oct 01, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\S02FE1.REC S02FE1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S487 Whereas in the summer of 1852, individuals Whereas during the BCS National Cham- SENATE RESOLUTION 40—CON- came to Brooklyn Center and cleared rich, pionship Game, Lombardi Award winner GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY tillable land to farm and build homes; Nick Fairley recorded 5 tackles, including 3 OF AKRON MEN’S SOCCER TEAM Whereas those industrious individuals tackles for losses, 1 sack, and 1 forced fum- ON WINNING THE NATIONAL quickly transformed Brooklyn Center into a ble, and was named the Bowl Championship COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- prosperous farming community, where Min- Series Defensive
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