J E Est: J^BYE Teofthe Islihom Scor ETQAS Sbestrs Linatesi © Ik )Laindep New La Putylaic Ibor Sec D Totesr Cretaiy I :) Bud; I

J E Est: J^BYE Teofthe Islihom Scor ETQAS Sbestrs Linatesi © Ik )Laindep New La Putylaic Ibor Sec D Totesr Cretaiy I :) Bud; I

■,".!■ ‘.■‘.'VyV' 7-->r>' ^5, • ■ t ■w, . V M s m t . 9,.Idaho/96^ ye^,,gj : Fnc 50ci;nts ' — ISOOD/W^lORNING---- n i __^E ifl3ifi'FL JE e s t : ; T o d ^ ',; ••;,■• s c o r© I k s e ' ' . - i cdo'udyivitli o '” - ______ -goodcfaa^.- rjjitaa te w ill w ork \ ■ w itbudistrictgs^to-pottr-over jr-num bersrs(srokingTrend:3s to im proveie m e n t - 7 ■ L-i :'336,low i 2& ^Jmil scores butIt rankl local student U rooB w ck '- • • “ •- beyondh the overall scoresM and this qning. Jce:agaiiist-thenBdcin^=r=a: wNiiii wttwi • ' f-^tarictT jyaisfiic =ai^ntanhe-data'for'(f^(ndsm. As for details • • ■ • st liis on statewide ' ~ ' “ ’I ^ g i c V a l student performance,” Ho<oward scores, the ' -------------- ----- For the mmost part this year, • sj le. ' ' E ducation ■. ■■mI ^ 'PALIS - AtM publicic ‘ the Iowa Tests of Basic said. “Key to tftat^analy^sL i; i^e Department saysiys jt j continues to ' . IC Skills and ' state averair^ges were near theJ __-abilityto-accessal thedatT [heSaw tooA — fcfaoo^ >r_ Studpnfe in gt-a>Tf>c.ft{niine-through— ^50th.pen:end ^aTn-i^^analyze the resultswits. rpvecfscores on d I I tak e th e T. computerized format to allowa r^ sjj^ ’re seeinglg diatd: as students Socw^is seeinggthefridtof t] tes^s this year, and the Idaho T ests of “OveraU1 ouroi students p^orm l[educator to examine the da 0 Achievem ent and Pro'roficiency. well on the ] lata in adva^e-in-scboo:hool-oyerall-they------ i tt efforts. ■' ■;''' f. Departartment of Education hopes le Iowa test,” Marilyn n<new ways.” <s The tests assess basic•ic skills in - Howard, statirate superintendent of . are making progresgress each year" .:1 ., PaW Bl , J O Ml^t> th em^l^otc even.m ore-e. -reading; wri^g-and-a 1 .. .?!orihe first_time.diis year,ar.dis-, . Howard said. “On . ^h' ■ -, ;• ; . d osdy -arithmetic .■ publicinstnnru ^ n ,~ s a id iiTastat^-----fr “One of our chd- ' ■ “and*in"additionai'siibJ' «a-on----- lenges-is-to-idendenrlfy-studeHts------ . .--.Eacl bJectsTireH uShTissuedd Iby Heroffice. ciCD-ROM. School administrs ri^ot^EY ich October students inn ' as sodal studies in somime grades. “W eareer lato rs who start.off behindbeh and find • g ta d^ ^ '; t i ^ through eight take encoura^ng local dis- aiand testing directors wil e Results don’t.reflecect ac tu al’ Fricts and co 111 be I R i ^ 2 0 0 1 - )2 ^ x p ea this to ' ; .," communities to look tr;trained how to use die soft\ftware Please seee RESULTS.RE Page A2 • ^^m os^lune]Uengingyev-. v. §^oessi6n,atrioofq f b ^ S . ; [.__ ^ ^ t o l d l a ^ ; j^B Y EETQAS :) Bud;Iget i — I drawVS I scruttiny ' I ' ' ' J l H Lawmakerss questionq H laLsiiig basics;c s p e n d i n g j j . ' f H by $240 millicllio n The Aaaodated Prwa8M BOISE - Lessi thanthi 24 hours ......... Cte8 8 icil'i;w:Sh¥^leveiyuncon- |^H |M after the detailsi werewc released._____ H COP Gov. Dirk Ke - ------t^^ntionalQuartcttottoG eU to- Kempthorne’s aggressive spendintding blueprint ^ ($ eiu the Siin Valleille^Center . was beginning to3 be questioned the Aits’diamlxQ b v jn u sic by the nation’s mostnost Republican . s m e s Sa tu rd ^ nig^i ^ 't i n Legislature. Ketdiu^ ’■ Legislative budge:dget committee Vp ^ c i ^ chairmen each expre;pressed concern . .about the fact thatlat KempthomeI raises the continuinening basic state budget'^by'S240 m . r. ) million, the t l d n ^ m t o largest increase ever.'er. 1It makes dje . ■ ■ total base budgett - thei amount thathasto. _____ ~b<^overed • [T r r / rc= ai » |war>in^and - i f t. • • year out—MfcW! unless ser- IU eI i.. ■ ,vicesarecut ‘ ■ -about$2Smillionminmore dian the projected tax coUecti ^ o u V d i ^ C: lections for the tf |M year. The extra spendending is being' '■ 5st.£tom . >j).*iidM» ttwlbtiiw of ierome CouCounty Cpl. PhUIpAndMon, U underwritten withI cashca: from th e ' d ^ i the flag ft9Biiji*8TO'«cbf^•fRn^uring burial ceremoniM Tht In Kiina. Aho altandlns. J D OaklaidOTd,New aniniid™ty n ’i daugMacs, Bw ifBcar'a ilildn.m _____^ tg surplus. ( ,- ^ tim o r e — ^ — '.lljis puts us on1 thethi edge of a preaplce/’ House AppropriationsApr ____; Chairmai^Maxine-BdlBell-of-Terome O i l said. teo fth esbestrS)laindep Brian Whitlock,ck, longtim e firence cfaampipnshiships putylaicd toTesr Kempthome aide whowhi has been ^ p r o a ^ ifJouroea shortlysl before draped thehe steel his high school l the governor’s budget iwiwrttw __________ g }I basketball just a Edenlen. get director for • .'Page Dl . '5”* * 2 !! gray vault, huddled togJgether few years ago.. AA fter funeral sef- Kn just 11 days, defendeinded the fiscal against the cold air and th Known for his easygoing smil the sud-, vices in the gyn\ym at Kuna High and[d c outgoing nature, Anderson'in’s b lueprint before-•e- ,.the Joint ■ ■’•: ■ i-':5ciiifi'i'L-ttridwaaeeigraysky ddeh death that ovenook thitheir 23- School, where Ai Finance-Approp-opriations . O p i n i o n ■■^i:I;; ' and'.a coldolddrizzly rainiiamily, Anderson graduat- frieniends and family told storie yiyear-old son ahd brother jusust over ed irt 1996, the,(le,gathering slowly durir Committee., and fellow officers laid aaweekngo. iring the Catholic funeral o Coniln’ up.dry: i h ^ Rdls friend* an walked to the'le' city cemetery Andeiderson’s.love of hunting, fishish. H e.reiterated Ken . Jerdm b .X.County; S h eriff Cpl. Gov. Dirk Kcmpthorni Kempthorne’s" .C w al Co. is su p iwi:ting ^ a state . phiuip^Aad ne and across to'the stretreet for the burial. ' ing,'g, mounlainn biking and beingg ;a belief that the S140,40 millioni tax Adersdn,to rest Ihursday mmore than 400 unifonnedd police] Anderson wa: mpratorium on newwwater v wiibaboni vns sh o t to death cop.p. cut package wouldd keepkc Idaho’s ------ one-jarring.21-gun salute ■ fromfr numerous departntm en ts Jan. 3 along witlvith fellow depi\ty ' ' Ant appropnadons, tod£viay^ editor- and-the mmournful cries of bag- ai Anderson’s confirmaiion sponon- economy expandingling while his ar9 und the state gathereded .with. James Moulson,in, 30, and George sor rai and dose friend Sam Anger;er, combination of one-tin i^says. ■''••■'• ■ ■ Anderson’sAj friends and fare e-time and con- miily to Timothy Williamims, 47, when offi- whoJO . Anderson taught to swinjng tinning sijending is: an investment y members, stoic until ptpay tribute to die young depsputy in cers tried to serverve a narcotics war- •^0*6 the folded flag which di that hdps move thee statest: into the the gymnasium where he playedp rant at Williamims' residence iti , Please see DEPUTY. Page’ A: new century. Administration1 econotiiist< - - - S e c t i o n BY SESECTION - . M ichaelTergusonn totold budget •writers tTOt^the reve jSectlonA 'Comicimc8-;-.'.T7'= '3 G 1 6sn : tists a lte r J F g e n e s i n i rn o n k e y , s p)arkingrese c l e a f c h h o p e “ whidi'created the unpiunprecedented ■ Wjather 2 Senior S330 million surpluplus was thie «»'=.••••■«, ro.WMij.„lington Poat Researchers said they hopedh Gerald Schamiiten , who with goats, jjj; result of unexpected:ted develop-' ^ th us, cattle, pigs and other ani- the tedinique would hdpp them ; Anthony W.S.5. Chan led the malsJs since* the first such animal,jj' ments that will likelyly notnc recur, ' ^ A ’.'.'.’.6.V SictlonC ^ ,,7 ASHitfINGTON - Scientists . producepi monkeys - with..,,'..research-ai.the-Cj-Oregon-Regional— a mou sated the world’S first , Al iouse,wascreutedin 1976. Eliminating thosese eventsc - a e k M Alzheimer’s disease, breasi»si can- Prim ate ResCaiCarch Center in jt,. record taxable profitfit forI Micron' ^ o n B iy modified monkey, an cer,ce hereditary blindness:ss and Beaverton. “We 'he work involves adding vies .... .6 advance thi We’re optirhistic , » Technology and anin estatec tax that su ^ e sts the* possi- otheroti ailments against whidich new that geneticallyIly modified pri- 6™“jes from one species Into the ., .......1-...... -b ility of.mimaking.aistomized pri- - th ; or.early.embrj-o of another windfaU foUowing diethe death of a ........... therapies or vacdnes coulluld be - • mates can trananslate-someof— . ■ philanthropist - from' tSltMarles .-..2' iCtlonD mates fornr medical research and tested.tei :cies so'the foreign DNA ends om 'the equa- ’ ^uuiiv brings the a those discoveriesIcs in mice safely ’ „ : tion leaves revenuee growthgi at a I J l^ /W e s t.« Sports e a h of genedc manipu- “There are fantastic discscover- . and swiftly to peoj in many or all of die develop- irts....l-5 lation clorloser than ever to Ies . ing animal.*;'an: cells. ‘ solid 6 percent in.steadMd ofi the ane- ies now bidng made from studiessti Scientists havlave made gene- mic 2 percent sliownn in a head-on •,■.••••5 Moneyley ; . ,&8 ' humans,-.. ' .. .of.of human diseases in mice,” . Please see MONKEY. Page A2 1\jomingbreak.6 5,” said ^altered fruit flies,es, rabbits, sheep, '2 comparison. liossword.. .6 . SOCtiCtlon E ' lferAbby;...6 Classlflislfled .1*10 S l islihomr linatesinew Laibor seccretaiy I P residdent-elect brisdet e during disci:ussion of oppos)sirion to some2 of( his picks- I --------------- TbeAsaoctetiiatedPreu ‘ — second sele<^on for Labor and Chao,J, who was born in_B ""■"■■appears Ukdytobebe confirmed:" Taiwan,' “( ^GtASSIFIEIED— . WASHIN(WGTpN - President^ Eaucatlon relonn; r “deeply beUeves Iti tlie I He picked her aft(ifter his firsi American:an dream because iihe— I tl, completing his eco- a *healfng* lnati|^irfll|_ _____ ^oice.

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