COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 SESSION OF 2015 199TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 65 SENATE Now, Father, bless all that will take place today, the noble purpose of our gathering, and the justice of our cause. This we TUESDAY, November 17, 2015 ask in the name of whom we serve, Jesus Christ, the Lord. We The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. thank you. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) in the The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Bishop Morris, who is Chair. the guest today of Senator Haywood. PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chaplain, Bishop ERNEST C. MORRIS, SR., of Mount (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) Airy Church of God in Christ, Philadelphia, offered the follow- BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED ing prayer: The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate God bless you and thank you, Lieutenant Governor Stack, and Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were the one who invited me, Senator Arthur Haywood, and to the read by the Clerk: ladies and gentlemen of the Senate. Shall we pray. November 17, 2015 O God our Father, master of the house of life in which we dwell, the God from whom every good thing cometh, we dare not Senators BROWNE, CORMAN, SCARNATI, GORDNER ask You for anything before we thank You for the blessings such and EICHELBERGER presented to the Chair SB 1071, entitled: as the gift of life, healthy bodies and minds, work to do and lei- An Act amending Titles 24 (Education), 51 (Military Affairs) and 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, ex- sure to enjoy, and shelter. Thou has surrounded us with families tensively revising pension provisions: for the Public School Employees' to delight in, dear ones to love, and friends to enjoy; for that, we Retirement System, in the areas of preliminary provisions, of member- say thank You. We pause this afternoon acknowledging our hu- ship, contributions and benefits, of School Employee's Defined Contri- man frailties and our sins of commission and omission, which bution Plan and of administration and miscellaneous provisions; for health insurance for retired school employees, in the area of preliminary Your grace has covered us. provisions; for military pensions, in the area of military leave of ab- We pray for You to look with mercy upon this ordered world, sence; for boards and offices, in the area of Independent Fiscal Office; a world of war, terrorism, racial strife, injustice, addiction, home- for the State Employees' Retirement System, in the areas of preliminary lessness, poverty, and crime. We pray for the heart of the French provisions, of membership, credited service, classes of service and people on the senseless act of terrorism, that You, O God, can eligibility for benefits, of State Employees' Defined Contribution Plan, of contributions, of benefits and of administration, funds, accounts, bring healing and love to those minds and hearts. Forgive us for general provisions; and providing, as to the revisions, for construction our selfishness, and grant us the spirit of love and unity given in and administration, for applicability, for funding, for liability, for State peace. It is true we have disrespected Your word, disregarded the Employee member statements and for State Employees Retirement gift of life, and have not shared with all Your abundant re- Board obligations. sources. For that, we ask for forgiveness. Which was committed to the Committee on FINANCE, No- We pray that You would give us a sensitivity to human needs, vember 17, 2015. regardless of political alignment. May we always remember not to be fooled into thinking that our elevation to our high offices Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1073, entitled: came through the ballot box only. That we will understand that An Act to provide from the General Fund for the expenses of the promotions come from You, the You that put many women up, Executive and Judicial Departments, the State Government Support it is You who will take them down. Father, we pray that these Agencies and the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, the public men and women, persons of character, integrity, and commit- debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, for certain institutions and organizations, and for the payment of ment, who must honorably perform their duties for the good of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending all, that You would give them the wisdom of Solomon, the cour- June 30, 2015; to provide appropriations from the State Lottery Fund, age of David, the faith of Abraham, the humility of Moses, and the Tobacco Settlement Fund, the Aviation Restricted Account, the the love of God. We pray that You will remember the many sac- Hazardous Material Response Fund, The State Stores Fund, the Milk Marketing Fund, the Home Investment Trust Fund, the Emergency rifices, the hours of labor, the days away from their families for Medical Services Operating Fund, the Tuition Account Guaranteed the good of mankind, and for the good of their fellow citizens. Savings Program Fund, the Banking Fund, the Firearm Records Check 1202 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE NOVEMBER 17, Fund, the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority Fund, the HB 1170 (Pr. No. 1518) Oil and Gas Lease Fund, the Home Improvement Account, the Cigarette Fire Safety and Firefighter Protection Act Enforcement Fund, the Insur- An Act designating a portion of Blair Mill Road in Montgomery ance Regulation and Oversight Fund, the Pennsylvania Racehorse De- County as the PVT William H. Walls, U.S.M.C. Memorial Highway. velopment Restricted Receipt Account, the Justice Reinvestment Fund and the Multimodal Transportation Fund to the Executive Department; to provide appropriations from the Judicial Computer System Augmen- HB 1195 (Pr. No. 2540) (Amended) tation Account to the Judicial Department for the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016; to provide appropriations from the Motor Li- An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- cense Fund for the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, for the dated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; proper operation of several departments of the Commonwealth and the and, in certificate of title and security interests, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police authorized to spend Motor License Fund duration of perfection. money; and to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive Department of the Commonwealth and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, HB 1201 (Pr. No. 1576) 2015. An Act repealing the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.279, No.131), enti- Which was committed to the Committee on APPROPRIA- tled "An act authorizing the Department of Highways and counties, TIONS, November 17, 2015. cities, boroughs, towns and townships to adopt and take over as public roads and highways, certain highways taken over, located, extended or HOUSE MESSAGE constructed by the Federal Government or any agency thereof, in the exercise of the war power, and providing the procedure therefor." HOUSE BILL FOR CONCURRENCE HB 1341 (Pr. No. 2309) The Clerk of the House of Representatives presented to the Senate the following bill for concurrence, which was referred to An Act designating a portion of State Route 51 in the Borough of the committee indicated: Coraopolis, Allegheny County, as the Fred A. Trello Memorial Boule- vard. November 17, 2015 LEGISLATIVE LEAVES HB 406 -- Committee on Finance. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Centre, Senator Corman. BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEES Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I request a temporary Capitol leave for Senator Pileggi. Senator GREENLEAF, from the Committee on Judiciary, The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from reported the following bills: Allegheny, Senator Costa. Senator COSTA. Mr. President, I request a temporary Capitol SB 917 (Pr. No. 1096) leave for Senator Leach. The PRESIDENT. Senator Corman requests a temporary An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in juvenile matters, providing for Capitol leave for Senator Pileggi. interagency information sharing. Senator Costa requests a temporary Capitol leave for Senator Leach. SB 936 (Pr. No. 1148) Without objection, the leaves will be granted. An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylva- JOURNAL APPROVED nia Consolidated Statutes, in support matters generally, further provid- ing for attachment of income. The PRESIDENT. The Journal of the Session of September 29, 2015, is now in print. SB 986 (Pr. No. 1414) (Amended) The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the Session of September 29, 2015. An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I move that further reading Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for civil immunity of of the Journal be dispensed with and that the Journal be ap- person rescuing minor from motor vehicle. proved. Senator RAFFERTY, from the Committee on Transportation, On the question, reported the following bills: Will the Senate agree to the motion? SB 891 (Pr. No. 1413) (Amended) The yeas and nays were required by Senator CORMAN and were as follows, viz: An Act amending the act of May 21, 1937 (P.L.774, No.211), re- ferred to as the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Act, further provid- ing for emergency vehicles. YEA-49 Alloway Eichelberger Mensch Vogel Argall Farnese Pileggi Vulakovich Aument Folmer Rafferty Wagner Baker Fontana Sabatina Ward 2015 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 1203 Bartolotta Gordner Scarnati White These are dedicated, compassionate young women who strive Blake Greenleaf Scavello Wiley Boscola Haywood Schwank Williams to make the world a better place while having fun and building Brewster Hughes Smucker Wozniak strong friendships and sisterhood.
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