Henri Bohnet Values of political pluralism try. In more than its 70 offi ces world- wide, the KAS promotes activities to This is the season of elections: strengthen democratic party structures parliamentary elections in Macedonia and a democratic, pluralistic political in June, presidential elections in the system. In our understanding, political United States in November, local and parties and democratic pluralism are presidential elections in Macedonia in indelible components of a modern nation March 2009, elections to the European state: democratic parties offer important Parliament in June 2009 and parliamen- channels between state and society to tary elections in Germany in participate and to commu- September 2009. Elections nicate; thus, so that the citi- refl ect the most elementary zens can take active part in power the citizens have to shaping their social and po- determine the course of litical environment. Political their country and to realize parties, however, also stand the fundamental principle of for particular values. These democracy: the rule of the values are debated within people. Elections provide the party and also in public, the citizens with a choice in the media and with other between different political parties. Elections determine ideas and leaders, as well as which of these values will between different arguments affect the domestic and for- and programs proposing eign policy of the country. In the best ways to move the Germany, as in Macedonia country forward. This choice stands for and many other countries, the voter the political pluralism of the country, usually prefers a combination of political with politicians and parties competing ideas and values, thus making compro- for the vote of the people with their set mises and coalitions between parties of proposed priorities, ranging from necessary to form a government – and conservative, liberal, social-democratic optimally, an opposition - coalition. That to green views and beyond. is why, in my view, political pluralism is The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung pro- one of the main ingredients in shaping motes political pluralism and democracy successful politics. in Germany and worldwide, knowing In this context, this new issue of that these principles are not a western Political Thought presents to you the concept that can be imposed similarly in views of the main political parties in Mac- every country, aware that they have to edonia. We have asked eleven parties refl ect the social, economic, cultural and to contribute their opinion on what con- ethnic situation in each individual coun- stitutes the values and main elements Godina 6, br. 24, dekemvri 2008, Skopje str. 1 Henri Bohnet of political pluralism: the responses political landscape in Macedonia on the we have received are published here eve of the upcoming elections, showing without any changes by the editorial the progress this country has made to- board1. The reader is thus presented wards its democratic transformation and with a comprehensive overview of the towards joining the European Union. 1 Please note that the opinions presented by the authors do not necessarily represent the views of the editorial board. The ed- itors do not bear any responsibility for the content of the arti- cles. Rezime Izborite se odraz na osnovniot oblik na vlasta {to gra|anite ja imaat vo odreduvaweto na nasokata vo koja nivnata zemja }e se dvi`i i preku koi mo`at da vlijaat vrz ostvaruvaweto na osnovnoto na~elo na demokratijata, a toa e vladeeweto na narodot. Izborite im davaat na gra|anite mo`nost za izbor pome|u razli~ni politi~ki idei i voda~i, kako i mo`nost za izbor pome|u razli~ni argumenti i programi vo odnos na pra{aweto za toa koj e najdobriot pat kon napredokot na zemjata. Vakvata mo`nost za izbor go pretstavuva politi~kiot pluralizam, vo koj politi~arite i partiite se natprevaruvaat za glasovite na gra|anite preku ponudata na prioritetite sodr`ani vo nivnite programi, koi{to se dvi`at od konzervativni, liberalni, socio-demokratski, pa s¢ do zelenata opcija itn. str. 2 Politi~ka misla SODR@INA / CONTENTS VVovedoved / IIntroductionntroduction Values of political pluralism ......................................................................... 1 Henri Bohnet Vrednosti na politi~kiot pluralizam Anri Bone AAktuelnoktuelno / CCurrenturrent Kratka (i)storija za makedonskiot pluralizam: Blogot gi pobedi polit-komesarite ....................................................... 9 Vladimir \or~ev A short (hi)story of Macedonian pluralism: The blog has defeated the polit-commissars Vladimir Gjorčev Vistinskiot politi~ki dijalog – {ansa za stabilna demokratija .............................................................................. 13 Zoran Zaev Genuine political dialogue: A chance for a stable democracy Zoran Zaev Vrednostite na politi~kiot pluralizam vo pluralnite op{testva .............................................................................17 Ermira Mehmeti Values of political pluralism in pluralistic societies Ermira Mehmeti Partnerstvo za razvoj .............................................................................. 23 Tito Petkovski Partnership for development Tito Petkovski Politi~kiot pluralizam kako fundamentalna vrednost na liberalizmot – pluralizmot vo Makedonija ..................................... 27 Imer Selmani Political pluralism as a fundamental value of liberalism: Pluralism in Macedonia Imer Selmani Godina 6, br. 24, dekemvri 2008, Skopje str. 3 Ocenka na kapacitetot na Makedonija za politi~ki dijalog ......... 35 Liljana Popovska An evaluation of the capacity of Macedonia for political dialogue Liljana Popovska MMakedonijaakedonija i EUEU / MMacedoniaacedonia aandnd EEUU Izborite na patot kon evropskata integracija ................................ 41 Zagorka Tnokovska Elections on the road to European integration Zagorka Tnokovska PPredizviciredizvici i perspektiviperspektivi / CChallengeshallenges aandnd pperspectiveserspectives Electoral systems in pluralistic societies: The cases of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania................................................................................. 47 Nataša Hroneska Izbornite sistemi vo pluralisti~ki op{testva - primerite na Makedonija, Bugarija i Romanija Nata{a Hroneska Amerikanskite politi~ki partii – problemi, promeni, predizvici ................................................................................................. 55 Velimir Delovski American political parties: Problems, changes, challenges Velimir Delovski Cultural pluralism: The key component of the contemporary international relations ............................................. 65 Ljuben Tevdovski Kulturen pluralizam: klu~nata komponenta na sovremenite me|unarodni odnosi Quben Tevdovski str. 4 Politi~ka misla TTeorijaeorija / TTheoryheory Why thinking too much really hurts: Schmitt and Figgis on the consciousness/sovereignty nexus ............................................................ 73 Adrian Grama Zo{to od mnogu mislewe boli glava: [mit i Figis za vrskata me|u svesta i suverenitetot Adrian Grama Problemot na vrednuvaweto vo makedonskiot politi~ki pluralizam ili za Problemot na politi~kiot pluralizam i negovoto aksiolo{ko vrednuvawe ......................................................................... 81 Dejan Donev The problem of evaluation in Macedonian political pluralism: The problem of political pluralism and axiological evaluation Dejan Donev Another chance for party pluralism: The logical positivist challenge to Duverger’s law .................................. 87 Sergiu Gherghina U{te edna {ansa za partiski pluralizam: logi~ko pozitivisti~ko problematizirawe na zakonot na Duverger Sergiu Gergina Novite „vrednosti# od politi~kiot pluralizam kako izvor na frustracii ...................................................................... 99 Aleksandar Dimitriev The new „values“ of political pluralism as a source of frustration Aleksandar Dimitriev RRecenziiecenzii / RReviewseviews „[efot na dr`avata i nadvore{nata politika# od Aleksandar Spasenovski ................................................................ 105 Vasko Naumovski The Head of State and Foreign Policy by Aleksandar Spasenovski Vasko Naumovski Godina 6, br. 24, dekemvri 2008, Skopje str. 5 DDokumentiokumenti / DDocumentsocuments Izboren zakonik na Republika Makedonija – Sproveduvawe na izbori / Zакон за изменување и дополнување на изборниот законик .................................................................................. 109 Electoral Code of the Republic of Macedonia: Conducting the Elections / Law on changes and amendments to the Electoral Code ZZaa aavtoritevtorite / AAboutbout tthehe AAuthorsuthors .......................................127 str. 6 Politi~ka misla Godina 6 Year 6 Br. 24 Nº 24 dekemvri December Skopje, 2008 Skopje, 2008 ISSN 1409-9853 ISSN 1409-9853 Spisanie za politi~ko-op{testveni temi Magazine for Political and Societal Issues Izdava~: Publisher: Anri Bone Henri Bohnet Osnova~i: Founders: d-r \orge Ivanov Dr. Gjorge Ivanov m-r Andreas Klajn Andreas Klein M.A. Urednici: Editors: m-r Vladimir Misev Vladimir Misev M.A. Emilija Tuxarovska Emilija Tudzarovska B.A. m-r Nenad Markovi} Nenad Markovic M.A. m-r Ivan Damjanovski Ivan Damjanovski M.A. m-r Vladimir Bo`inovski Vladimir Bozinovski M.A. Goce Drtkovski Goce Drtkovski B.A. Adresa: Address: Fondacija "Konrad Adenauer# Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ul. Maksim Gorki 16, kat 3 ul. Maksim Gorki 16/3 MK - 1000 Skopje MK - 1000 Skopje Tel.: 02 32 31 122 Phone: 02 32 31 122 Faks: 02 31 35 290
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