Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 4 AUGUST 1953 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Queensland Parliamentary Debates. FIRST SESSION 01' THE THiRTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT. Appointed to meet AT BRISBANE ON THE FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST, IN THE SECOND YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11., IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1953. any members or member of the House the TUESDAY, 4 AUGUST, 1953. oath or affirmation of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, which commi~sion was OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. then road to the House by the Clerk. Pursuant to the proclamation by His RETURN OF \VR.ITS. Excellency the Governor, dated 2 July, 1953, appointing Parliament to meet this The Clerk informed the. House that the day for the dispatch of business, the House writs for the various electoral districts had met at 12 o'clock noon in the Legislative been returned to him severally endorsed as Assembly Chamber. follows:- The Clerk of the Parliament read the Aubigny-\Valter Beresforcl James proclamation. Gordon Sparkes. Balonne-J ohn Hussell Taylor. CO::VIMISSION TO OPEN PARLIAME:t\T. Bammbah-J ohannes B jelke-Pctersen. Barcoo-Edwarrl William Davis. The Clerk acquainted the House that His Excellency the Governor, not being able con­ Baroona-\Villiam Power. ,·eniently to be present in person this day, Belyando-Thomas Anclrew Foley. had been pleased to cause a commission to Bremer-Jamcs Donald. '1e issued unde.r the public seal of the State, Bris!Jane-J ohn Henry Mann. appointing the Hon. J olm Edmund Duggan, Bulimba-Robert James Gardner. the Hon. Thomas Anrlrew Foley, and the Hon. Edward Joseph Walsh, Commissioners Bundaberg-Edward Joseph Walsh. in order to the opening and holding of the Buranc1a-Richard Kidston Brown. present session of Parliament. Bmdekin-Arthur Coburn. The Commissioners so nppointe,d being Cairns-Thomas Martin Crowley. seated on the dais, and the Clerk having Calli de-Vincent Ellward J ones. read the commission, Carnarvon-Panl J erome Remigius Hilton. The SENIOR COJilUISSIONER (Hon. J. E. Dnggan, Toowoomba) said: Hon. Carpentaria-Alfred J ames Smith. members, we have it in command from His Charters Towers-Arthur Jones. Excellency the Governor to let you know­ Chermside-Alcxander Tattenha1l Dewar. That as soon as the members of 'the Legisla­ Clnyficld-Harold Bourne 'l'aylor. tive Assembly have been sworn, the causes Com1amine-Leslie Frank Diplock. of this Parliament being called toge.ther will Cook-Herbert Arthur Adair. be declared to you: And, it being necessary that a Speaker be first chosen, it is His Cooroora-Davic1 Alan Low. Excellency's pleasure that you proceed to the Coorparoo-Thomas Alfred Hilcy. election of one of your number to be your Cunningham-Alan Ray Fletcher. Speaker, and that you present such person Darlington-Thomas Flood Plunkctt. so chosen to His Excellency the Governor at Fassifern-Adolf Gustav Miiller. such time nnrl place as His Excellency shall appoint. Fitzroy-James Clark. Flinders-Em est J oseph Riordan. The Acting Premier thereupon produced a commission under the public seal of the State Fortitude Valley-:Michael Timothy empowering him, the Hon. Th<Jmas Andre~ Brosnan. Foley, and the Hon. Edward J oseph Walsh Gregory-George Henry Devries. or any of them, to administer to all or Haughton-Colin George McCathie. 1953-B 2 Mernhers Sworn. [ASSEMBLY.] Members Sworn. Hinchinbrook-Cecil George J esson. then administered the oath or affirmation of Ipswich-Ivor Marsden. allegiance to the following other members, Isis-J ack Charles Allan Pizzey. who thereupon also subscribed the roll:- Ithaca-Leonard Eastment. Aclair, HerlJert Artlmr, Esquire. Kcdron-Eric Gayford Lloyd. Aikcns, Thomas, Esquire. Kelvin Grove-Joh11 Albert 'l'urncr. Baxter, vVilliam Edward, Esquire. Keppel-Vivian J oseph N orthcote Brosnan, Michael Timothy, Esquire. Cooper. Brown, Richard Kidston, Esquire. Kurilpa-Thomas Moores. Burrows, J ames, Esquire. Landsborough-George Francis Reuben Byrnc, Peter, }<;squire. Nicklin. Chalk, Gon1on William Wesley, Esquire. Lockyer-Gordon William Wesley Chalk. Clark, J ames, Esquire. Mackay-Frederick Dickson Graham. Coburn, Arthur, Esquire. Mackenzie-Patrick James Whyte. Collins, The Honourable Haro1d Henry Maroclian-J ames Alfred Heading. Cooper, Vivian Joseph Northcote, Maryborough-David Farrell. Esquire. Merthyr-William Matthew Moore. Davis Edward William, Esquire. Mirani-Ernest Evans. Dcwa;·, Alexander 'l'attenhall, Esquire. Mount Coot-tha-Kcnneth James Morris. Diplock, Leslie Frank, Esquire. Mount Gravatt-Felix Cyril Sigismund Dittmer, Felix Cyril Sigismund, Esqni1·e Dittmer. Dohring, Alfred, Esquire. Mourilyan-Peter Byrne. Donald, .Tames, Esquire. Mulgrave-Charles Bernard English. Duflicy, John Joseph, Esquire. Mundingburra-Thomas Aikens. Eastme:rit, Leonard, Esquire. Murrumba-David Eric Nicholson. English, Charles Bernard, Esquire. Nash-Gregory Brian Kehoe. Evans, Ernest, Esquire. Norman-William Edward Baxter. Farrell, David, Esquire. North Toowoomba-Leslie Arnold Wood. Fletcher, Alan Roy, Esquire. Nundah-Frank Edward Roberts. Gardner, Robert James, Esquire. Port Curtis-James Burrows. Gaven. Eric .T ohn, Esquire. Rockhampton-.James Larcombe. Graham Frederick Dickson, Esquire. Roma-Alfred Dohring. Gunn William Morrison, Esquire. Sandgate-Herbert Freemo:rit Robinson. Heading, .Tames Alfred, EsquiTe. Sherwood-Thomas Caldwell Kerr. Hiley, Thomas Alfred, Esquire. Somerset-Alexander James Skinner. J esson Cecil George, Esquire. South Brisbane-Vincent Clair Gair. Jones 'Vincent Edward, Esquire. Southport-Eric John Gaven. Kehoe,' Gregory Brian, Esqm_re.. Tablelands-Harold Hemy Collins. Kerr, Thomas Caldwell, Esqmre. Toowong-Alan Whiteside Munro. Larcombe, James, Esquire. Toowoomba-.Tohn Edmund Duggan. Lloyd, Eric Gayford, Esquire. Townsville-George Keyatta. Low, David Alan, Esquire. W arrego-J ohn J oseph Durticy. Madsen, Otto Ottosen, Esquire. W arwick-Otto Ottosen Madsen. Mann, The Honourable John Henry Whitsunday-Lloyd Henry Sciirfie!a Marsden, Ivor, Esquire. Roberts. McCathie, Colin George, Esquire, B.A. Windsor-Thomas William Rasey. Moores, Thomas, Esquire. Wynnum-vVilliam Morrison Gunn. Morris, KP1meth James, Esqmre. Yeronga-Henry Winston Noble. Muller, Adolf Gustav, Esquire. The Clerk: I also inform the House that Munro, Alan Whiteside, Esquire. on the 16th day of July, 1953, an order in Nicholson, David Eric, Esquire. council was issued validating the election of Noble, Henry Winston, Esquire. John Russell Taylor, and Alfred James Smith Pizzey, Jack Charles Allan, E~qmre. as members to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland for the electoral Plunkett, Thomas Flood, Esqmre. districts of Bal on ne and Carpentaria respec­ Rasey, Thomas William, Esqu~re. tively, notwithstanding that the poll was Roberts, Frank Edward, Esqmre. not taken at certain polling places in those Roberts, Lloyd Henry Scurfield, Esquire. electoral districts until 21 March, 1953, and Robinson, Herbert Freemont, Esquire. 14 March, 1953, respectively. Skinner, Alexander J ames, Esquire. MEMBERS SWORN. Taylor, Harold Bourne, EsquiTe. Taylor, .T ohn Russell, Esquire. The Commissioners, who, with other mem­ Turner, John Albert, Esquire. bers of the Ministry had been sworn in before His Excellency the Governor on Whyte, Patrick James, Esquire. 30 and 31 July, 1953, and subscribed the roll, Wood, Leslie Arnold, Esquire. Election of Speaker. [4 AUGUST.) Election of Speaker. 3 ELECTION OF SPEAKER. quote from the record of Parliament recording one of these incidents, the record being made lUr. LARCOMBE (Rockhampton) (12.23 at the direction of the Speaker himself- f.m.): Mr. Dickson, I move- " 16 .July, 1610-Affirmed by Mr. " That Mr. John Henry Mann do take Speaker, that Sir E. Herbert put not off the Chair of the House as Speaker.'' his hat to him, but put out his tongue, I believe he is the man for the office. I and popped his mouth with his finger, in am sure, Mr. Dickson, that hon. members scorn"; "that Mr. T. T., in a loud and 'Yill agree that Mr. Manu has filled the office violent manner, and, contrary to the usage of :Mr. Speaker with outstanding success since of Parliament, standing near the Speaker's the time he succeeded our late lamented Chair, cried 'Baw' in the Speaker's ear, to eolll'ague, Samuel John Brassington. He has the great terror and affrightment of the shown a pleasing aptitude for the oilice of Speaker and of the members of the House.'' :\fr. Speaker, his rulings and decisions and It would take a lot of '' Ba,Ys'' and tongue­ :,rucral attitmle in the chair have been marked poking and mouth-popping to fTighten the by comm~nsense, courtesy, tact, quick thought, hon. member for Brisbane, and I advise the sound Judgment, and impartiality. In new members not to attempt anything of that adclit~on, he has now had soi1l8 years of kind in the Queensland Parliament. cxpenence as Speaker, and prior to his nppointment as Speaker, he had six years' For the reasons I have given, I am sure that hon. members will support my motion. ;:xperience as Ch~ir.man of Committees, which 1s very good trmnmg. I do not wish to appear parochial, but I recollect with pride that our Premier, Mr. Obviously, the position of Speaker is not Gair, is a Hockhampton native. Mr. Mann an easy one; in fact, at times it is verv is also a native of Rockhampton and I look difficult. In addition to the other attribute"s forward with proud expectation to his that I have mentioned, a Speaker requires re-election as the Speaker of the Queensland to be very firm. Mr. Manu has been very Parliament. firm, but at the same time he has tempered In conclusion, I am sure that, like myself, firmness with mercy. At times of course other hon. members on such an occasion as debates become very tense and ~erv excited: this think of the historical background of tile and on such occasions the Speaker "must act. position of Speaker. It is one that is very Sometimes the position reminds one of these illustrious but at times it has been very lines from the German poet, Go,ethe- ignoble. In the early history of Parliament the Speaker was the King's Man.
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