Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 2-6-1997 The Daily Egyptian, February 06, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1997 Volume 82, Issue 90 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -l.- ' J • Glyph: .-Black History: •~ ' Cousin Andy's .Businessman offers Coffeehouse open advice on changing again. DAILY ;J)YPTIAN work environment. imuk 3 ~ page Southern Illinois University at Carbondale J.. Vol. 82, N,l. 90, 12 p;igcs - - h /' 1 <l ) ------------------i IU'ltl'§illia•H'§le'Eltwl ~----------t-rp_=_,"_'"_'"_·._a_i_yc_1,,_·p_r_j;i_n_.c_u_m Student found guilty SEXUAL ASSAULT: County court finds resident guilty after one day of testimony. MARC (HASE lhitl' EGWTIAN Rtl'-1J;TlR ,\ fonner SIUC student wa.~ found guilty in county court Wednesday of se.,ually :L~s:mlting a Saluki fapress bus driver while the victim w,L~ dri\·ing along her bus mute last spring. Carbondale n:sident Mar.-hall Wheaton. who wa., an und~-cidcd fn:shman in spring I 9'Xl. wa.~ found guilty of two counts of SC:\• ual a.,-.:1ult after one day of testimony. ·Both count~ cam· a minimum of four years in prii,un each ·and a maximum of 15 years in prison without pmbation. Circuit Judge David Watt Jr. handed down the con­ viction after Wheaton waived his right to jury Monday. l11e conviction comes after an incident PHaros BY Al.ff S1MUSS/lluly El:)'!'li:in th:it took place while Barbara Reeves, a for­ mer Saluki bus driver. wa.~ on duty March 4. FACE _TO FACE: Chancellor Donald Beggs (ieft) speaks one·on-~ne with John P~ters, ci freshman in aviation Wheaton. who tcstifk-J in Jack.~on County from Elgin, after Beggs talked to a group of students to hear their opinions an issues about the University Tuesday Court Wedncs<lay that Reeves had conscnt~-J night al Thompson Point. · · to have SC:\ with him. was a pa.~scnger :-EE TRIAL, rAGE; Administrator President to visits. students because we've done some­ spend more REACHING OUT: thing one way for 10 years, Beggs im·itcd to docs that mean we still shouldT on education informal discussions Beggs began the informal e,·ening with a short talk STATE OF THE UNION: at Thompson Point. about how he remembered Clinton details 20 percent plan. DAVE ARMSTRONG Thompson Point a.~ a student DAILY Ecwr,IAN REl\lRTTR in the early "60s and his mcm­ oric.~ of SIUC Halloween tra­ JENNIFER CAMDEN KEEPING IN TOUCH: Beggs makes a visit to DE P,)LJTICS EPITOR Fining the role of a neigh­ ditions. bor more than an adminiMra­ "Thi~ is kind of nostalgic.'' Smith Hall's television room to talk with a group of sru•. President Bill Clinton·s plan to spend 20 tor of a university, SIUC Beggs said to the group of dents on issues concerning the University. percent mun: on education next year. which about 30. "I don•t see any Chancellor Don Beggs end of the world," Beggs said. said Beggs' visit is integral• he detailed in his State of the Union address. Mopped into Smith Hall's tcle­ carvings of mine on the furni• is a good foundation for Clinton·s "bridge to \'ision mom to talk with ~lu­ turc,. but I do sec the same ''111ose who wish to look 10 his job. the 21st century;· local ob!.en·ers say. dent~ Tuesday night. · kind of problems I had.when I down on us ca.n come com- ~•1 think visit~ like this are Speaking before Congress Tuesday night, Beggs. who wa.~ invited by wa.~ a student here." pele with u.~. I have no fear of very important to him Clinton said the United States ha.~ no immi­ the Smith Hall Council ·in Beggs said thc.sc problem~ competing with other because the: students arc who . nent foreign threats. but inaction is the Thompson Point, !i:!id the pur­ included a feeling of being i;chools." he serves," Moore said. ''111e national enemy. pose of his visit wa.~ to get stu­ "lost" on campus, being Other issues students more student· opinions he .. If we do not act, the moment will pa.•,s. dent opinions on i!..~ucs to unaware of special service.~ brought up were Halloween has, the better he can do that · make the llniversity more for students and SIUC's nega­ activities, conditions of donn job. I also think he had a lot .. user-friendly" and infonn the ti\·c "party image" reputation . rooms, parking and their .of good things to say." SEE SPEECH, PAGE ; students aboul what change.~ Beggs said the only people experiences with academic Beggs said that he has arc planned for the University. who see an academic problem advisers. visited other residence halls Gus Bode "The University is here to with SIUC arc those who have • Some student~ said the during the fall semester, but Gus says: Bill's meet students' need~." Beggs never anended the University. idea of having SIUC's chan- Smith Hall was the first this said. "If we were m1.-eting stu­ "I didn't tell my high ccllor visit the residence hall semester. · dent~• needs, we wouldn't i;chool counselor I was com­ wa.~ impressive. ing to SIUC, because he Rachel Moore, a junior in ~ahm5:~~di8years aao ~.~•:'--.:'~ ... ..--:; need to be here. I kind of want n to shake - things up. Just would've thought it was the accounting from Fairfield. · :sEE BEGGS, rAGE 5 except with ~ , better special effects. 2 c THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1997 DAIU .h'fll1Yf1AN NEWS TODAY 3064. every other lhursday, 6:30 p.m:, . · Southern Illinois l'orl'fitst Combrio Room in Student Center. , • French Writing Woriahop, Feb. 6, 2 Calendar • Sal~ Voltnteer Corps - Spring '97, Conlod Olga .at 529-2914 or Ralph TODAY: Student Development Office, -453· to 3 p.m., Faner 2205. Contoc:1 5),1-,ie at549·5076. 5714; at -453·5415. Partly sunny, chance of rain. • SIUC l.awy Affairs • 1ntroduclion CAI..ENDAA POLICY" • Sil.JC Oi!mler/Emergency \bluntce,- • Asian-American Women's High: 46 il,edcadllnefor lo Con$1ruding Home Pages (HTMIJ" Program · Discussion Group, l"llll}' lhursdoy, Low: 33 Cakndu item.1 b l'\\"O • Giant Cily Stables Seminar, Feb. 6, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., ruWminn ,bys h:forc WaJdy Holl B·U4. Contoc:1 lecno al Moo-is lbory Room 1030. Contoct th~c-.,-rnt. Theitnu • Women's Center -453-3655 .. FRIDAY: must include time, date, • Corbonclole Public Luxcry _the Undergmduote Mat 453·2818. rlarr, admission c.ost -The Science Center • Japanese V"icleo Oub will be ~ow- Cloudy, chance of rain. • Student DeYelopment · Student Ufe and •rm= ol the ..-n,t • Carbondale Fire Deportment ing "Ninja Saollt Feb. 6, 5 to 7 p.m., Adviser Interest ~ion, Feb. 6, 7 High:M an.I the name and rl,one • Coibondale Police Deportment Faner 1125. Contoc! Paul at 549· 0£ the flt'"OO ,uhmittins: p.m., Mi=ri Room. Contoct Vincent Low: 30 . the itrm. hems .houlJ -lheNclwork 0700. ot 453·5714. h: drU,-.nJ ..- nuilrd ta - Big Brdher/Big Sisler Program aub mce!ing, thel>•llrEi:rrtian • Ms ond Crohi for Seniors • Geology weddy Feb. • Student Envinlnmental Center o,go· Ncwtroom, -BombooF1u1e 6, 5 p.m., Parkinson 101 F. Contoct Communications Rich o1 (618) 59b-6459. Iloi1Jj"1!, Room 1247, - Home Dclivcnxl Moots ~~j~t.~~~de at Corrections AD cJrndar itan1 aho - Enlerloin the Senior Citizens 549·7387. • Disabled Student Recreation - Come •rrnr on the l>E Web • Foreign Exchange Student join DSR stolfond Ix,,;! at the Student The "Nigerian l3kes sund against oil"' story in Wednesd3y's ~.. No aknd.ar in(or.-. • Block lf!Slory Month Committee, Pre.enlolions Rocrcation Center, every Thursday, 6 Daily Egypri(JJJ incorrectly sutcd the dates that Shell Oil Co. had nution will h: blm • Senior Adults Services Clerico! COBA, & P.lB pre500t Mr. floyd E. been in Ogoni L:ind. The company stopped producing oil in that O\"ttlhcrl,rtM".. to 8 p.m. Cor,toct Melissa at -453- Brody, President & CEO of Dr. H.B. Position 1265. region in 1993. -~eBuddiC$ Brody Foundation, Feb. 6, 7 p.m., The DE regrets this error. • SHARE (Self.help ond Re>oun:c • IRS ~ Income Tax Sh.dent Center Ballroom B. Conlod If readers spot an error in a news article, they can conuc1 the Exchange) . Asslstonce Orientation, Fd>. 6, 6 to 8 Mike ot 453-7498. Daily EK)prian Accuracy Desk al 536-3311, extension 233 or 228. -Moren of Dimes lnt=ship ::J Rehn Hell Room 24. Those inlet- • Newmon Oub - Cotholic • CorbooJole Cleon ond Graen in helping low income cam= Chommo!ic Prayer Meeling, e,ery • Egyplion Area~ on Aging ft1e their 1996 tax returns shoukl lxlMlU Southern Illinois University at carbondale Thursday, 7:30 1o 9 p.m., Newmon lh1u· Onlenl~ip/Volunloer) oHend. Ccinlod Worth at 684-3868 or Cotholic Student Center. Contod Tom n..Da;,Es,-plianisp.H,,l,ed/,lo,doyin,ug,Friclaycl.mglh,lclla,dsprw,g..,..,..,a,cl - Southern Illinois Regional for AIDS Kirk ot -457-5885. at 549-4266. fnetimo<o...,,lcl.mglh,....,.__°""""cl.mg""""""...d..,......hbythe fuid-roi!.ing • Uni1ed Asian-Ameriron Counca ...i.,bofSouf.n, 111,.,;.lJn.....aydCalx,,,dcl.. • American Morxeting Association • SIU/W Drive, Feb. 6, general mecling, Feb. 6, 6 p.m., Blood general meeting • Gucsl speak: S:foor.Jn.OUd:- Brian T.
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