-1932 * The Students' Voice for Over SO Years .. 1984· Vol. 51 No. 9 .Baruch College, CUNY February 14, 1984 CUNY· Deal 19th STREET BUILDING LOST For Apple yet. We're still under contract. and By Ivan eint,fon Computers there are some details that still have Baruch College has lost the 19th to be worked out." Street building, at 226 Park Avenue­ Mikulsky said there might be rwo By Eu Choon Leng reasons why the owner decided to South, to the Catalano Kornblum --:--------------'- Development Corp., which bought sell. First, she compared it to own­ CUNY students will soon be able. ing a "hot rod. You know you can ell: the building for an estimated $18 to purchase the latest Apple per­ ~ million from La Salle Industries. get more money for it from the next sonal computer, the Macintosh, for ...J guy." Second, Mikulsky con­ ~ about $1,000 (list price $2,5(0) z According to Marilyn Mikulsky, tinued: "Also, what happens is an under a deal CUNY and 23 other f Director of the Office of Campus ~ colleges and universities worked .. Planning and Facilities, the sale ~ "came as a very big shock." U.I. ..... out with Apple recently. ..,. Under this deal, each institution BanIdt's campa - See .P" 11. !;; "Baruch does not have the au- will agree to buy a certain amount thority to purchase the building," of Apple products - mostly the declared Mikulsky, pointing out Macintosh and the Lisa computers that the money appropriated, in the next three years, in exchange which was $20 million dollars, was for Apple selling the Macintosh· to Liberal Arts Curriculum provided by the New York State students, faculty and staff at dis­ Dormitory Authority. The sum was counted prices. In addition to to be used to purchase the site and CUNY, some of the other institu­ Change Planned for the engineering and technical tions include Columbia University, services to be rendered. In addition, Committee, recalled, "In my role Baruch entered into a joint venture • Harvard University, Carnegie­ By Marcelo Triunfo Mellon University, Stanford as chair, in consultation with the with the State University of New a University, Princeton University, A revision of the base curriculum Dean of Liberal Arts Office, there York's School of Optometry to and Yale University. for students in the School of was a common sentiment between purchase and occupy the building. This deal was announced two Liberal Arts was recently com­ us that w.hat's good for the Sch.ool Mikulsky explained that. Baruch owner knows that when be's selling of Business students certarnIy entered into the deal with SUNY weeks ago, but specific details pleted, but these changes are not ood f h Sch I f - to a public.insritnrion, there are ad- should be g . or t e . 00 0 because, uWe had a ~er c~ vantages -and disadva~~~·.. about them and how students can expected to be [mplemented in the w~. ~kiR8 ~~ the're-~ate buy .tile QIOmpu.teI" are stin· being near future, and students currently Liberal Arts:;. if __·of.obtainiI1'g:tbe'funding in a Joint advantage IS' UifltA:IIf!l..... r1srer:5i -wottecr oor: ---- --- their (business students) educationr venture:" - .. attending Baruch will not be af­ be enriched in the area of . mechanisms to be considered, such Baruch, at present, has an on­ fected. humanities, sbould we Dot~.the- _.issu~;~~~:~I~:: __ ~.~a_x~_~~~~~~ts .... !?~.~sadvan- _. .~_.__. g~!hg~:aeal ··witb- Trifenialional . rev,seth~ The moVement' to ContiJaaJ Oft PrlIe-1--- .. n .' ... ~. .., ta~ ~s..t s a long process. Business Machines (IBM) for the liberal arts curriculum had its ~ld because of red ta~, accord- Elaborating on the options faculty and staff to purchase the beginnings in the School of 109 to sources who WIshed to re- available to an owner when- he sells P.C. at a 200Je discount. The prob­ Business and Public Administra­ main anonymous. In addition, privately, Mikulsky said, "The ad­ lems are that this deal is not extend­ tion a few years back. At the re­ because of the lengthy approval vantage is a private party will put ed to students and the P .C. is still quest of Samuel F. Thomas, former process of the CUNY Boar~ of up the $18 million; the disadvan­ beyond the budget of most dean of the School of Business, an Trustees and the Dormitory rage, no fringe benefits." ad hoc committee was formed that Authority, the value of. the real Another reason, Mikulsky spec­ examined the adequacy of the estate rose, delaying Baruch and ulated, that the building was liberal arts base curriculum for its SUNY further. bought was, "There's been a major students. It was interaction be­ The Ticker contacted Michael movement in real estate in Manhat­ tween this committee and a similar Strouss, representative of La Salle tan. This neighborhood became committee in the School of Liberal Industries. When asked to verify very hot." Arts that prompted the School of the sale price, Strouss replied, Mikulsky said her office is going Liberal Arts to reexamine the struc­ "Look, I don't know who you to look for another building. She ture of its base curriculum. think you are, but I don't want to said she had three possibilities "in As Dr. Susan Locke, Chairper­ comment on anything that per- the neighborhood," but declined to son of the Liberal Arts Curriculum sonal. I don't want to continue with say exactly where they were. She Susaa Locke this, ok?" Strouss refused to com- 'said they were "north and south of ment further. 23rd Street," but added no specific Peter Catalano, part owner of details. USS Elections Held: Catalano Kornblum, was similarly When asked why Baruch did not 1be Madntash P.C. reluctant to speak about the try to foresee or guard against this building, but did say, "I'd like to eventuality, Mikulsky replied, "I students, even with 20070 off. e Wins Second Term give you more information, but I'm talked to the owner of the building The heart of the Macintosh is the University Student Senate (USS) Senior Colleges; Flerida Negron in a very awkward position here. every day. He constantly told me he Motorola-68000 microprocessor, elections were held Sunday, (Hostos.) Vice Chair, Community The building has not been closed would sell the building." one of the fastest and most power­ January 22 at CUNY headquaters Colleges; Marc Rose (Queens,) Vice ful in the market. This allows the on East 80th Street. The seven of­ Chair, Legislative Affairs; Esther computer to process complicated ficers elected comprise the steering Mitchell (BMCC,) Vice Chair, programs at speeds reportedly committee of the body which Evening Affairs; Adelina S1. Claire faster than the PC or the Digital represents CUNY students in (City,) Vice Chair, Graduate Af­ Electronics Corp.(DEC)Rainbow. legislative efforts and dealings with fairs and Charles Andrews The Inside Scoops: The "Mac" has a built-in 9-inch the Chancellor's office. (Lehrnan.) Vice Chair, Fiscal Af­ black and white screen, a detach­ Officers are elected by majority fairs. able keyboard and a 3 1/ 2-inch disc vote of USS delegates. Each All the officers, with the excep­ ~IReIa'tio. ...........................·.. .. ..5 drive. It also has a "mouse," a box CUNY school elects or appoints a tion of S1. Claire who defeated .Bob Marley •••••••••••.•••••..••••.••••••..••.•••10 the size of a pack of cigarettes that campus representative to serve as a Keith Fullerton, ran unopposed. In ' '..nleMo.f....df.1Girl hatlleWorld ....•.•...••.•••11 is used to move the cursor key and USS delegate. All delegates are last year's 'election, two Baruch enter commands. For example, to eligible to nominate or be students, Salvador Cheda and 'I'he:-"'--' ·.·····1 3 remove an unwanted file, one uses nominated for an officer's post. Steven Sales, were elected to the .J'._~ ,_W~ , ~ ··············.• ~ ·U the mouse to fetch an icon of a tiny The officers, who-will serve one Vice Chair posts of Legislative Af­ - file folder across the screen to an year terms, are: Melvin Lowe fairs and Fiscal Affairs, respective­ image of a garbage can. (Hunter.) Chairperson; . Carol ly. Cheda and Sales have since graduated. Continued on Page 5 Atkins (Medgar Evers.)Vice Chair, * CENTERFOLD: BLACKHISTORY * r • • • • ... • " • If ..... ~ , " ., , ... '" "' .. ~ • ,..... 'W '" ., '.. .:,. • • " " .. •• .. .. ( , It. " , •.'.. ~ " ~ 'f ., • ~ • . .. February 14, 1984 Page 2 The TIcker February 14, 1984' The'Dcker EDITORIALS LETTERS DIALECTICS Voting Rights & Wrongs: Buying a Personal Computer The Democr-ats & Reagan: Round 1 The Controversy Continues 5. For those who prefer to get a disc­ midable but it usually amounts to nothing. By ED Choon I.eng By Cary Federman He has a strong following among Following are a few Quotes from drive rather than a Data-sette, the dealer To the Editor,,. minorities, the poor, and third-world in­ his article that are self-explanatory should be able to convert the communica­ Go Out And Vote! With regard to the article Planning to buy a Commodore home or The race for the presidency has forced me tellectuals; but it won't amount to much ex­ and certainly _self-incriminating: tion program (in cassette) that comes with '-'Voting Rights and Wrongs" by personal computer to enable you to sign­ to make a few observations worth cept, perhaps, in some ofthe bigcities, ifhe -"there is more to being a citizen, your modem into the disc, at a price; or that fascist Cary Federman, that on to the CUNY Computer? Read on; per­ remembering come election day: lasts that long. His friendship with Arab Horatio, than living in a rent­ check out your friends with disc-drives. appeared in the Jan.
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