University of Hawai‘i, Institute for Astronomy Publications in Calendar Year 2002 The names of authors listed as affiliated with IfA in ApJ, 566, 123–136 (2002) each article are in boldface. Barger, A. J. Accretion History of Supermassive Ajiki, M., et al., including Kakazu, Y., & Sanders, Black Holes. Proc. SPIE 4835: Future Research D. B. A New High-Redshift Lyα Emitter: Possible Direction and Visions for Astronomy, 22–30 (2002) Superwind Galaxy at z = 5.69. ApJ, 576, L25–L28 Barger, A. J. Submillimeter Surveys at High Redshift. (2002) Highlights in Astronomy, 12, 469–472 (2002) Alexander, D. M., Aussel, H., Bauer, F. E., Brandt, Barger, A. J. Tracing Activity in Distant Super- W. N., Hornschemeier, A. E., Vignali, C., Garmire, massive Black Holes with X-rays. Contemporary G. P., & Schneider, D. P. The Chandra Deep Field- Physics, 43, 339–349 (2002) North Survey. XI. X-Ray Emission from Luminous Barger, A. J., Cowie, L. L., Brandt, W. N., Capak, Infrared Starburst Galaxies. ApJ, 568, L85–L88 P., et al. X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Imaging and (2002) Spectral Properties of the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field Arnaboldi, M., et al., including Kudritzki, R. P., & North Sources. AJ, 124, 1839–1885 (2002) Mendez,´ R. H. Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in Barnes, J. E. Dynamics of Stellar Collisions. ASP Virgo: Photometric Selection, Spectroscopic Val- Conf. Ser. 263: Stellar Collisions, Mergers and idation, and Cluster Depth. AJ, 123, 760–771 Their Consequences, 65–80 (2002) (2002) Barnes, J. E. Formation of Gas Discs in Merging Atreya, S. K., Mahaffy, P. R., Niemann, H. B., & Galaxies. MNRAS, 333, 481–494 (2002) Owen, T. C. Composition and Cloud Structure of Barrado y Navascues,´ D., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Jupiter’s Deep Atmosphere. Highlights in Astron- Bejar,´ V., Rebolo, R., Mart´ın, E. L., Mundt, R., omy, 12, 597 (2002) & Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. VLT/FORS Spectroscopy Aussel, H. Star Formation and Clustering in the Hub- in σ Orionis: Isolated Planetary Mass Candidate ble Deep Field. Ap&SS, 281, 441–444 (2002) Members. In The Origins of Stars and Planets: The Bally, J., & Reipurth, B. Recent Developments in the VLT View (Springer), 195–200 (2002) Study of Herbig-Haro Objects. Revista Mexicana Barrado y Navascues,´ D., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, 13, Mart´ın, E. L., Bejar,´ V. J. S., Rebolo, R., & Mundt, 1–7 (2002) R. Discovery of a Very Cool Object with Extraordi- Bally, J., Heathcote, S., Reipurth, B., Morse, J., Har- narily Strong Hα emission. A&A, 393, L85–L88 tigan, P., & Schwartz, R. Hubble Space Telescope (2002) Observations of Proper Motions in Herbig-Haro Barucci, M. A., et al., including Meech, K. Visible and Objects 1 and 2. AJ, 123, 2627–2657 (2002) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Centaur 32532 Bally, J., Reipurth, B., & Aspin, C. The Highly Col- (2001 PT13). ESO Large Program on TNOs and limated HH 92 Jet and Parsec-Scale Outflow from Centaurs: First Spectroscopy Results. A&A, 392, IRAS 05399-0121. ApJ, 574, L79–L82 (2002) 335–339 (2002) Bally, J., Reipurth, B., Walawender, J., & Armond, Barucci, M. A., et al., including Owen, T. 10 Hygiea: T. The Fountains of Youth: Irradiated Breakout of ISO Infrared Observations. Icarus, 156, 202–210 Outflows in S140. AJ, 124, 2152–2163 (2002) (2002) Balogh, M. L., et al., including Ebeling, H. Distin- Bauer, J. M., Meech, K. J., Fernandez,´ Y. R., Farn- guishing Local and Global Influences on Galaxy ham, T. L., & Roush, T. L. Observations of the Cen- Morphology: A Hubble Space Telescope Compar- taur 1999 UG5: Evidence of a Unique Outer Solar ison of High and Low X-Ray Luminosity Clusters. System Surface. PASP, 114, 1309–1321 (2002) 1 Bauer, J. M., Roush, T. L., Geballe, T. R., Meech, giants in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 300. ApJ, 567, K. J., Owen, T. C., Vacca, W. D., Rayner, J. T., 277–288 (2002) & Jim, K. T. C. The Near Infrared Spectrum of Bresolin, F., Gieren, W., Pietrzynski, G., Kudritzki, Miranda: Evidence of Crystalline Water Ice. Icarus, R., Przybilla, N., & Mendez,´ R. H. Identification 158, 178–190 (2002) and Study of Blue Supergiants in Nearby Galaxies. Bendo, G. J., Joseph, R. D., et al. An Infrared Space In Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI In- Observatory Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies. AJ, strumentation: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop 123, 3067–3107 (2002) held in Garching, Germany, 11–15 June 2001, 184– Bendo, G. J., Joseph, R. D., et al. Star Formation 189 (2002) in the Infrared Space Observatory Atlas of Bright Bresolin, F., Kudritzki, R., Lennon, D. J., Smartt, S. Spiral Galaxies. AJ, 124, 1380–1392 (2002) J., Herrero, A., Urbaneja, M. A., & Puls, J. Space Blakeslee, J. P., Lucey, J. R., Tonry, J. L., Hudson, Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Ultraviolet Spec- M. J., Narayanan, V. K., & Barris, B. J. Early-type troscopy of Early B Supergiants in M31. ApJ, 580, Galaxy Distances from the Fundamental Plane and 213–224 (2002) Surface Brightness Fluctuations. MNRAS, 330, Bresolin, F., Kudritzki, R., Najarro, F., Gieren, W., 443–457 (2002) & Pietrzynski, G. Discovery and Quantitative Spec- Boehnhardt, H., et al., including Meech, K. ESO tral Analysis of an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11) Star in the Large Program on Physical Studies of Transnep- Sculptor Spiral Galaxy NGC 300. ApJ, 577, L107– tunian Objects and Centaurs: Visible Photometry. L110 (2002) First Results. A&A, 395, 297–303 (2002) Briel, U. G., Henry, J. P., Arnaud, M., & Neumann, D. Boesgaard, A. M. Oxygen in Unevolved Stars. High- The Coma Cluster of Galaxies Observed by XMM- lights in Astronomy, 12, 416 (2002) Newton. ASP Conf. Ser. 268: Tracing Cosmic Evo- Boesgaard, A. M., & King, J. R. Beryllium in the lution with Galaxy Clusters, 203–206 (2002) Hyades F and G Dwarfs from Keck HIRES Spec- Bus, S. J., & Binzel, R. P. Phase II of the Small Main- tra. ApJ, 565, 587–597 (2002) Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey: The Observa- Bottema, R., Pestana,˜ J. L. G., Rothberg, B., & tions. Icarus, 158, 106–145 (2002) Sanders, R. H. MOND Rotation Curves for Spi- Bus, S. J., & Binzel, R. P. Phase II of the Small Main- ral Galaxies with Cepheid-based Distances. A&A, Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey: A Feature- 393, 453–460 (2002) Based Taxonomy. Icarus, 158, 146–177 (2002) Brandner, W., & Potter, D. High-Contrast Imag- Bus, S. J., Denault, A. J., Rayner, J. T., Binzel, R. P., ing Science with Adaptive Optics. In Scientific & Birlan, M. Remote Observing at the NASA In- Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation frared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Proc. SPIE 4845: (Springer), 264–266 (2002) Advanced Global Communications Technologies Brandner, W., Potter, D., Sheppard, S. S., Moneti, for Astronomy II, 94–99 (2002) A., & Zinnecker, H. The Evolution of Circum- Businger, S., McLaren, R., Ogasawara, R., Simons, stellar Disks: Lessons from the VLT and ISO. In D., & Wainscoat, R. J. Starcasting. Bull. Amer. The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View Met. Soc., 83, 858–871 (2002) (Springer), 331–336 (2002) Caccianiga, A., Maccacaro, T., Wolter, A., Della Ceca, Brandner, W., Tully, R. B., & Heasley, J. N. M31 R., & Gioia, I. M. On the Cosmological Evolution Globular Clusters in the Near-Infrared. In IAU of BL Lacertae Objects. ApJ, 566, 181–186 (2002) Symposium 207: Extragalactic Star Clusters, 152– Cai, Z., et al., including Chambers, K. C. A 327 156 (2002) MHz VLBI Study of High Redshift Radio Galaxies Bresolin, F., & Kennicutt, R. C., Jr. Optical Spec- 1345+245, 1809+407 and 2349+289. A&A, 381, troscopy of Metal-rich H II Regions and Circumnu- 401–407 (2002) clear Hot Spots in M83 and NGC 3351. ApJ, 572, Campins, H., & Fernandez,´ Y. Observational Con- 838–860 (2002) straints on Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei. Bresolin, F., Gieren, W., Kudritzki, R., Pietrzynski, Earth, Moon and Planets, 89, 117–134 (2002) G., & Przybilla, N. Spectroscopy of Blue Super- Canalizo, G., & Stockton, A. Low-Ionization BAL 2 QSOs in Ultraluminous Infrared Systems. ASP Chandra Blank Field Observations. ApJ, 566, L5– Conf. Ser. 255: Mass Outflow in Active Galactic L8 (2002) Nuclei: New Perspectives, 195–198 (2002) Crawford, C. S., Gandhi, P., Fabian, A. C., Wilman, Carollo, C. M., Lilly, S. J., & Stockton, A. The Metal- R. J., Johnstone, R. M., Barger, A. J., & Cowie, licity of 0.5 < z < 1 Field Galaxies. ASP Conf. L. L. Multiwavelength Observations of Serendipi- Ser. 253: Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and tous Chandra X-ray Sources in the Field of A2390. Intergalactic Medium, 167–172 (2002) MNRAS, 333, 809–824 (2002) Casini, R., & Lin, H. A Classical Model for the Crisp, D., et al., including Owen, T. C. Divergent Damped, Magnetic Dipole Oscillator. ApJ, 571, Evolution among Earth-like Planets: The Case for 540–544 (2002) Venus Exploration. ASP Conf. Ser. 272: The Cesarsky, C., Elbaz, D., Aussel, H., Fadda, D., Future of Solar System Exploration (2003–2013): Franceschini, A., Flores, H., & Chanial, P. Re- Community Contributions to the NRC Solar Sys- solving the Cosmic Infrared Background with ISO- tem Exploration Decadal Survey, 5–34 (2002) CAM. In Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Cruddace, R., et al., including Ebeling, H. The Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cos- ROSAT All-Sky Survey: A Catalog of Clusters mology (Springer), 119–122 (2002) of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Steradian around the Ciaravella, A., Raymond, J. C., Li, J., Reiser, P., Gard- South Galactic Pole. ApJS, 140, 239–264 (2002) ner, L. D., Ko, Y.-K., & Fineschi, S. Elemental Cruikshank, D. P., Geballe, T. R., Owen, T. C., Dalle Abundances and Post-Coronal Mass Ejection Cur- Ore, C. M., Roush, T.
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