PALEONTOlOGIA I EVOLOCIO.l 23 (1~1990). p8gs.83-97 lberian Suoidea by J. V. D. MAnE- RESUMEN ABSTRACT En este trabajo se presenta una sintesis de los Suoidea There is a good record of Suoidea (- Suidae + de la Peninsula Ibérica. Tayassuidae; Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Miocene Los Suoidea ibérioos están compuestos por treinta of the Iberian península, besides Suidae are siso known especies y subespecies. Para cada taxón se presenta from the IberianPliocene and Pleistocene. una lista de localidades y se presenta una distribución The lberian Suoidea (30 species and subspecies) are temporal. briefly described or reference is made to a recent description. For eacn taxon a Ilst of localities where it is found is presented and a range-cnart has been compiled. The Suoidea of the lberian penlnsula are compared to those of the rest of Europe. Some of the differences are the absence of Taucanamo, Sanitherium and Mlcrostonyx antiquus In Spain and Portugal and the presence or abundance in Spain of SdJizochoerus and Parachleuastochoerus. Further differences are in sorne ranges: Bunolistriodon, K. provincialis and S. arvemensis are known from older localities in Spain than in France; K. provincialis also enters early in ltaly. Species diversity was high during the Eany Aragonian and near the transition from the Aragonian to the Vallesian. Uke in other parts of Europe, speciesdiversity became very Iow alter the Vallesian. K. palaeochoerus is the only species crossing the MN 9 - MN 10 limit for a substantial periodo The cause of this change must be an important ecological event because in Africa and the Indian Subcontinent suoid species diversity remained high. INTRODUCTION lberian Suoidea and to study the changas in the suoid fauna. A last goal is to compare the lberian Suoidea This paper has several goals. One is to give a list to the rest of Europe aoo to study the changas in the of the lberian species and the localities where they Suoid record. In soma cases it was necessary to occur. Another goal is to compile a range-chart for the discuss systematics or determinations of Individual pieces. 1 studied mast of the lberian material. A large part of the Spanish material described or mentioned here . Facultelt GeoIogle en Geotyslca, Ri~niversiteit . was described or mentionedbefore by GOlPE (1972). Utrecht, Pos1bus80.021,3508 'fA Utredrt. Neder1and If a comparison is made the reader will fioo that my 83 determinationsdiffer many times from those by GaPE. MPV. MuseoPaleontológico de Valencia One of the main differences between my RGM. Rijksmuseumvoor Geologieen Mineralogie, determinations and those by GaPE concems now called National Museum of Natural History Hyotheriumsoemmeringi. The majorityof the material (Leiden). referredto this speciesby GOlPEbelongs in myopinion UC. Universidad Complutense.Madrid to Conohyus steinheimensis.I studied the Conohyus UCBL. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon material from Steinheim. the large population of LM. Museum of natural history of Usbon Hyotherium soemmeringi from Sandelzhausen and In addition material of various private collections the publication in which the types of H. soemmeringi was studied. are figured (VON MEYER, 1834). Dr. Antuneswas so kind to show me the Portuguese material which is under study. So I make only some THE TAXA AND THEIR RANGES brief remarks on this material. The suoids will be treated per species or subspecies,30 forms all together. For each species a PALMER, 1897 table is given with all localities where the species occurs (in the case of a possible presence this will be The lberian Tayassuidaebelong to Doliochoerinae indicated by a question marK),the collection, useful SIM~. 1945 or to an other group of old world descriptions of the material. the biozone and a peccaries. reference on the dating. I did not try to be complete when giving references of descriptions (for instance: I did not refer each time to GOLPE,1972). When a Palseochoeru. Iypu. POMEL,1847 referenceof a descriptionof materialis given this does not imply that I agree with the determination of that This sma" tayassuid is typified by upper molars with author. If the collection is mentionedthis means that the paraconule fused to the protocone and separated I studied the material, if it is not mentioned I know the from the cingulum and by a size inferior to Hyotherium material only from literature. meissneri. It resembles much Aureliachoerus, but its There is some lberianSuoid materialolder than MN premolars are more hypsodont and the upper molars 2a but this is not taken into considerationas it is very have a different paraconule morphology. scarce. Postcranial material from Valquemado might Usuallythe biozonationby MEIN (1975) is used and belong to another species. like the species of not the one by DMMs & FREUDENTHAL(1981) and Navarrete or may belong to Aureliachoerus DMMs, FREUDENTHAL& ALvAREZ (1986). The reason for aurelianensis. Although the entry of A. aurelianensis this is that the ages of many localities can be found should be in MN 2b (GINS8UAG,1980) this species is in literature In the MN zonation. but not in the other not known for certain before MN 3b in Spain. zonation (for instance Portuguese and Catalan localities). locaIty ooHectIon d88cri."wn biozone reference Celina MNCN V.d. MADE YIMN2a GINS8URG in prep. et al. 1987 COLLECTIONS Moheda MNCN Z MORALES pera. como CEPUNL. Centro de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia ?V~ MNCN Y/2b G..~ da Universidade Nova de Lisboa et al. 1987 CST. Collegio La Salle, Teruel IPS. Instituto de Paleontologla de Sabadell ITGE. Instituto Technologico y Geominero de Espana (Madrid) (formerly called IGME) IVAU. Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen Utrecht = Faculteit Geologie en Geofysica. Rijksuniversiteit te A much worn molar and a piece of a maxilla from Utrecht Navarete represent another tayassuid. The maxilla has a vertical canine and a diastema between P 1 and MAMCVMA. Museu ArqueolOgic Municipal "Camil Visedo Moltó., Alcoy p2. The molar indicates a size comparable to P. typus, MGB. Museo de Geologla, Barcelona but this animal does not have a diastema. MGSCB. Museo GeoIógico del Seminario Conciliar, A molar from Colmenar has enamel with a very Barcelona smooth surface, resembling tayassuids and it is too MHMN. Museu Hist6ric Municipal de Novelda larga for P. typus. The known Miocene tayassuids are MNCN. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales smalier or are 10phodont. Tayassuids with molars of (Madrid) this size and morphology (P. gergovianus and MPZ. Museo de Paleontologla de la Universidad de Doliochoerus) are thought to be older (GINSBUAG,1973 Zaragoza & 1980). 84 locality collection deacription ~ 1927) and they differ in having relatively longer premolar rows, the individual premolars being less Navarete MNCN z hypsodont and frequently being more elongate. In the Colmenar MNCN Hyotheriinae and Listriodontinae upper molars with the paraconule fused to the protocone still occur, but also a type with the paraconule fused to the cingulum and GOLPe,1977 Barberahyus separated from the protoconule occurs. The last type is the only one occurring in Tetraconodontinae and This is the smallest European Miocene suoid. Its Suinae. molars are bu no dont and have smooth enamel, giving them a very simple appearance. The canines are of the tayassuid type, but are more hypsodont than in Taucanamo. The ridges on the distal articulations of the metapodials continue dorsally. This is algo the case Listriodontinae (including Kubanochoerus) are in recent peccaries and Suidae but it is not the case Suidaewith 11,11and 12with lowandwidecrowns. The in Taucanamo and probably not in Palaeochoerus. shape of the incisors is a derived character of the whole This tayassuid does not seem to be closely related to group.The incisorsare well describedby LEINDERS either Palaeochoerus/ Doliochoerus on one hand nor (1977a), who compared them to the incisors of Sus. to TaucanamolSchizochoerus on the other. It is However, it should be kept in mind that the starting probably an immigrant in Europe. HENOEY(1976) point of development of the listriodont incisors were not described a peccary from South Africa that resembles Sus-like hypsodont incisors. Primitive suoid incisors Barberahyus in size and morphology (as far as can be are low crowned; the listriodont incisors became wide judged from the pictures). and the incisors of Sus became hypsodont. In the genus Buno/istriodon the paraconule loc8Iity collection description biozone reference sometimes is fused to the protocone and sometimes Castell de IPS GQ.PE MN8 MEIN 1975 to the cingulum; this may change even within one tooth Barbera 1975, 1977 row. In Listriodon the protocone, paraconule and Nombrevilla 11MNCN MORAlES MN8 sse paragraphparacone are fused to form a lophe. pefa. como on ParachIeu- The astragalus of the listriodonts is typical and is astochoerus well described by LEINDERS(1976), but the astragalus from Munébrega which he referred to B./ockharti more likely represents Hyotherium (V. d. MADE & ALFÉREZin Schízochoerus va/lesíensís CRUSAFONT& prep.). LAVOCAT,1954 The lineage "Listriodon" /ockharti - Ustriodon sp/endenswas proposed by LEINDERS(1975) and he Schizochoerusis a largepeccary and is probably included B. /ockharti in the genus Listriodon because related to Taucanamo.In Europe Schizochoerusisan of the supposed clase relation. Such a lineage seems immigrant and not a direct descendant of this genus. unlikely because of reduction of the facet for the The genus is known only from Spain and eastern second cuneiform on the navicular in Buno/istriodon, Europe and from outside of Europe. Its molars are this facet is not reduced in Listriodon. lophodont and resemble those of Listriodon, but are more elongated, the incisors and canines are entirely different. More information on this taxon is given by PICKFORD(1978). In Spain the species is restricted to two localities Large listriodontines with bunodont dentition. The both attributed to the lower part of MN 10 (AGUSriet premolar row is somewhat shortened (comparad to, 10r al., 1985). instance, B. jeanelli and Hyotheriinae). B. lockhalti occurs in localities 01 MN 4a to MN 5, Iocality collection ~on biozone or zone D and E.
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