LIST OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS WHO HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED WILDCAT CONNECTION REGISTRATION. DateCreated Name 5/11/2018 13:06 .dev 5/10/2018 1:29 64 Squares 5/18/2018 16:20 A&O Productions 5/18/2018 22:23 Academy of Music and Arts for Special Education 5/16/2018 15:51 Active Minds 5/18/2018 0:54 African Students Association 5/18/2018 1:42 Afrothunda Dance Troupe 5/18/2018 21:53 AIESEC 5/18/2018 11:14 Aikido 5/18/2018 8:33 Alexander Hamilton Society 5/18/2018 17:05 Algorithmic Trading Club 5/18/2018 22:29 Alianza ‐ The Latinx Student Alliance 5/18/2018 17:23 Alliance of African Scholars 5/18/2018 16:44 Alpha Kappa Psi 5/10/2018 23:25 Alpha Phi Omega 5/7/2018 16:16 Alternative Student Breaks 5/17/2018 10:50 Applause for a Cause 5/18/2018 22:45 Arab Student Organization 5/18/2018 15:23 Archery Club 5/18/2018 14:24 Arts Alliance 5/18/2018 14:31 Arts and Music Programs for Education in the Detention Center 5/14/2018 14:28 Asian American Intervarsity Christian Fellowship 4/25/2018 22:32 Asian Pacific American Coalition 5/8/2018 18:36 Asian Youth Services 5/18/2018 11:47 Association for Women in Sports Media 5/10/2018 16:50 Association of Undergraduate Women in Science 5/8/2018 19:52 Asterik A cappella 5/15/2018 15:37 Athletes in Action 5/18/2018 10:36 Athletics Sustainability Committee 5/17/2018 19:38 Badminton Club 5/12/2018 14:18 Baha'i Club 5/19/2018 0:27 Baja SAE 5/16/2018 15:36 Ballet Folklórico Mexicano: Ritmo de Mis Ancestros 5/16/2018 18:09 Ballroom Latin and Swing Team 5/18/2018 21:12 Be the Match 5/8/2018 13:23 Best Buddies 5/12/2018 22:18 Biology Students Association 5/10/2018 22:07 Biomedical Engineering Society 5/18/2018 11:07 Blockchain Group 5/9/2018 18:53 Book Club 5/18/2018 12:51 Boomshaka 5/18/2018 20:15 Brazilian Students Association 5/3/2018 17:04 Bridge Club 5/18/2018 16:24 Brown Sugar 5/16/2018 16:33 Campus Curlz at Northwestern 5/18/2018 11:57 CatToonz 5/10/2018 21:17 Challah for Hunger 5/19/2018 0:04 Chi Alpha Campus Ministries 5/10/2018 22:57 China Care 5/3/2018 15:33 Chinatown Health Initiative 5/15/2018 13:36 Chinese International Student Association 5/18/2018 16:33 Chinese Students Association 5/17/2018 23:15 Christian Science Organization NU 5/10/2018 17:34 Church of the Redeemer 5/18/2018 13:04 Club Field Hockey 5/18/2018 13:45 Club Figure Skating (NUFSC) 5/18/2018 13:53 Club Golf 5/18/2018 14:39 Club Tennis 5/17/2018 16:17 College Democrats 5/18/2018 15:16 College Feminists 5/17/2018 13:14 College Mentors for Kids 5/18/2018 18:55 College Republicans 5/17/2018 15:32 Community Health Corps 5/16/2018 11:41 Community of Neo Traditional Rhythmic Activity 5/7/2018 16:23 Consultants Advising Student Enterprises 5/18/2018 12:56 Contemporary Thought Speaker Series 5/8/2018 12:47 COPE (Cancer Outreach Prevention Education) 5/16/2018 22:48 Cru 5/14/2018 21:09 Cycling 5/18/2018 13:04 Deering Days 5/18/2018 14:05 Delta Sigma Pi 5/16/2018 17:55 Design Innovation for Social Change 5/7/2018 17:52 Dolphin Show 5/18/2018 20:00 Dwelling Place 4/25/2018 17:05 Engineering World Health Northwestern University 5/8/2018 18:13 Engineers for a Sustainable World 5/18/2018 20:08 Engineers Without Borders 5/5/2018 16:21 EPIC 5/18/2018 15:06 Equestrian Team 5/18/2018 12:30 eSports Club 5/12/2018 0:01 Essence 5/1/2018 20:50 Ethics Bowl 5/18/2018 10:46 Eye to Eye at Northwestern 5/18/2018 13:47 Fencing 5/3/2018 17:41 Fiedler Hillel 5/17/2018 13:27 Flux Dance Project 5/18/2018 16:28 Freshman Fifteen 5/18/2018 18:58 Freshman Musical 5/17/2018 14:18 Fusion Dance Company 5/15/2018 21:09 Girls Empowered by Math & Science 5/18/2018 17:39 Global Brigades 5/18/2018 16:11 Global Engagement Summit 5/18/2018 14:20 Global Engineering Brigades 5/18/2018 18:06 Global Medical Missions Alliance 5/18/2018 14:11 GlobeMed 5/18/2018 16:30 Graduates Mentoring Undergraduates 5/18/2018 6:30 Graffiti Dancers 5/10/2018 12:19 Habitat for Humanity 5/14/2018 16:12 Happiness Club 5/18/2018 12:12 Helicon 4/20/2018 14:14 Her Campus 5/17/2018 0:01 Homecoming 5/18/2018 15:22 I AM THAT GIRL : Northwestern 5/11/2018 10:19 Illuminate 4/24/2018 14:09 In Our Nature 5/18/2018 17:47 Institute for Student Business Education 5/2/2018 16:44 Institute of Industrial Engineers 5/16/2018 16:24 International Gender Equality Movement 5/17/2018 16:27 International Student Association 5/16/2018 13:36 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 5/18/2018 23:55 Investment Management Club 5/5/2018 14:23 Investment Management Group 5/18/2018 14:11 J Street U Northwestern 4/26/2018 16:56 Japan Club 5/13/2018 13:22 Japanese American Student Association 5/17/2018 17:15 Jewish Theatre Ensemble 5/18/2018 14:33 Jumpstart 5/18/2018 21:41 Junior Achievement at Northwestern 5/17/2018 17:27 Kaibigan: Philippine Student Association 5/18/2018 12:03 Karate Club 5/18/2018 23:03 Korean American Student Association 5/18/2018 13:45 Koreans at Northwestern University 5/4/2018 22:34 Lambda Strategy 5/16/2018 20:33 Lipstick Theatre 5/18/2018 11:43 Lovers & Madmen 4/27/2018 16:54 Lutheran Campus Ministry 5/13/2018 20:54 Mariachi Northwestern 5/10/2018 0:07 Mayfest 5/8/2018 22:10 MEDLIFE 5/18/2018 14:49 Mee‐Ow Improv and Sketch Comedy 5/18/2018 17:02 Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault 5/7/2018 15:35 Men's Basketball 5/18/2018 16:26 Men's Ice Hockey 5/18/2018 10:52 Men's Lacrosse 5/18/2018 16:38 Men's Ultimate Frisbee 5/18/2018 23:19 Men's Volleyball 5/18/2018 17:09 MEOR 5/4/2018 19:37 MiniChefz 5/18/2018 13:04 Minor Dissonance 5/15/2018 18:16 Minority Business Association 5/8/2018 21:15 Mixed Race Student Coalition 5/18/2018 16:57 Mock Trial 5/18/2018 17:47 Model Arab League 5/11/2018 17:11 Mortar Board 5/17/2018 19:44 Multicultural Filmmakers Collective 5/17/2018 23:23 Muskwa Club Northwestern Chapter 5/9/2018 21:47 Muslim‐cultural Students Association 5/18/2018 17:53 National Association of Black Journalists 5/17/2018 20:51 National Society of Black Engineers ‐ Northwestern Chapter 5/18/2018 15:23 Neuro Club 5/18/2018 11:24 New Life Volunteering Society 5/18/2018 6:20 New Movement Project 5/16/2018 19:05 Niteskool Productions 5/18/2018 9:53 North by Northwestern 5/17/2018 23:29 Northwestern A Cappella Community Alliance 5/9/2018 17:29 Northwestern Anime Club 5/18/2018 11:23 Northwestern Art Review 5/10/2018 19:28 Northwestern Club Swim Team 5/8/2018 19:23 Northwestern Community Development Corps 5/18/2018 16:59 Northwestern Community Ensemble 5/18/2018 15:43 Northwestern Crew 5/7/2018 20:32 Northwestern Emergency Medical Organization 5/16/2018 21:58 Northwestern Flipside 5/17/2018 16:20 Northwestern Formula Racing 5/17/2018 12:11 Northwestern News Network 5/11/2018 13:46 Northwestern Political Union 5/19/2018 14:15 Northwestern Quest Scholars Network 5/15/2018 23:58 Northwestern Raas 5/12/2018 13:15 Northwestern Right to Life 5/10/2018 15:36 Northwestern Sketch Television 5/10/2018 13:23 Northwestern Ski Trip 5/7/2018 15:15 Northwestern Taekwondo 5/18/2018 15:45 Northwestern to Benefit Special Olympics 5/17/2018 19:21 Northwestern Triathlon Club 5/17/2018 16:25 Northwestern University Community for Human Rights 5/18/2018 17:05 Northwestern University Dance Marathon 5/18/2018 10:09 Northwestern University Model United Nations 5/18/2018 21:05 Northwestern University Native American and Indigenous Student Alliance 5/18/2018 14:56 Northwestern University Outing Club 5/18/2018 21:01 Northwestern University Sailing Team 5/17/2018 16:56 Northwestern University Women Filmmakers Alliance 4/25/2018 21:31 Northwestern Wildside 5/11/2018 15:12 Northwestern Women's Club Basketball 5/18/2018 15:04 NU Channel 1 5/14/2018 22:55 NU Club Gymnastics 5/7/2018 21:36 NU Heights 5/18/2018 15:45 NU Nights 5/8/2018 20:55 NU Robotics 5/18/2018 9:36 NU Solar Car Team 5/18/2018 21:59 NU Syllabus Yearbook 5/18/2018 21:43 One Step Before 5/15/2018 23:27 Orthodox Christian Fellowship 4/23/2018 16:44 Out Da Box 5/11/2018 16:00 Paracombatives Jujutsu 4/25/2018 16:00 Peer Health Exchange 5/17/2018 22:49 Phi Delta Epsilon 5/16/2018 17:31 Phi Gamma Nu 5/16/2018 22:58 Phi Sigma Pi, National Honor Fraternity 5/15/2018 16:51 Pioneers of Interactive Entertainment 5/18/2018 17:31 Points for a Purpose 5/10/2018 22:34 Poker Club 5/18/2018 23:49 Polish American Student Alliance 5/17/2018 18:37 Pre‐Dental Society 5/18/2018 23:20 Pre‐Med Peer Mentoring 5/17/2018 20:25 Pre‐Veterinary Society at Northwestern University 5/15/2018 23:39 Project RISHI 5/17/2018 8:59 Project SOAR 5/18/2018 17:32 Purple Crayon Players 5/18/2018 2:38 Purple Haze 5/18/2018 16:56 Quizbowl 5/18/2018 16:05 Rainbow Alliance 5/7/2018 17:26 Real Food at Northwestern 5/16/2018 15:53 Red Cross Club at Northwestern University 5/17/2018 15:22 Reformed University Fellowship 5/18/2018 22:08 Refresh Dance Crew 5/18/2018 11:40 Relay For Life 5/18/2018 19:26 Remote Operated Vehicles 5/16/2018 15:03 Seesaw Theatre 5/18/2018 18:18 Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators 5/18/2018 11:29 Shabbat with 10 Strangers 5/13/2018 23:17 ShireiNU A Cappella 5/17/2018 18:09 Sigma Alpha Iota 5/18/2018 22:53 Significant Others 5/18/2018 13:33 Singapore Society 5/13/2018 15:07 Ski & Snowboard Racing Team 5/19/2018 17:56 Smoke and Mirrors: NU Magic 5/11/2018 0:10 Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers 5/9/2018 10:46 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers 5/13/2018 14:46 Society of Physics Students 5/11/2018 18:08 Society of Women Engineers 5/18/2018 17:24 Softball 5/18/2018 22:34 Soul4Real 5/3/2018 23:37 South Asian Students Alliance 5/17/2018 17:13 Spectrum Theatre Company 5/18/2018 15:43 Spoon Magazine 5/17/2018 17:13 Sportman's Club 5/18/2018 16:06 Sports Analytics Club 5/18/2018 16:47 Squash Club Team‐Men's 5/16/2018 12:51 St.
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