THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. VOLUME XXI—NO. 19 JOHNS. THUSSDAY AFTERNOON,—DECEMBER 16. 1909. TWELVE PAGES ONE DOLLAR A YEAR AFTER UNM ILLNESS BMCNTYOUMi NNNMM SAMIEL S. WALKER DEAN mwm c. UUUM DIIC1> M:N0AV FlilEB' Sll llIKIi Ml’UUACNIiY AT IHNN'ITAL IN inUAAtimCK OF MfCHUiAN MOWT* rnttm -------------- I BMA'IDKRIC. ILUNUUI. HCMUflNEi. AWAY. SMESMBB tsAOK tVA. HAN P.A Mr*. C. Oltoba tSI*«l At her 'IVMHL WliKWnj>(6« MATI7H JAM»N M«MII>MAN riMCli HIM lAMI MIsa Bsmice M. Hkinasr. eldsr «tau. IIAKKIt C'.t iiotm ovM Tf> Mamuel H. Walkor. at on* tima a ■ICl hume In the north part of thie city ahter of John Hklnnsr of Massx. disd vary well known resident of Cllntan fC IN PIW»M DAS'llt. .•Sunday aften- a lone weAiieooie lllneoe Mt'IUMT. .uMMenly last Thursday mornins NKXT' M OF oniTwr. county, died very* suddenly Friday, CITY. from »*ancer. I at the Amerlrsn hospital at Bsividsre, Dec. 1«, at his home at OM Mission Mr*. Glbha arhu was the dauehtrr of ! Illinois, where for some time she had where he had llvad for many ysars. naaaaaaw ClM£CO QAilT HMC' ”*^**"*** •** ’*****'^ ‘* bom In been w nurse. ly esata JnU Mewtenre The body won tahan to Ann Arbor IMNIMC rlWalCIl DUll I UiVC • Mouth Bristol. untArlo county. Now SANE TAU AT POWMMi The newh of her dsath was recelvsd Maiurday for Interment and the fun* York. Juno 3A. ISa3. In ItSS sh« _______ I a little latsr by her father who In or* ersl held In Ht. Andrew ’s Rpiscopal I romoved with her parents to Blue j ('ompsny with Isas*- Hewitt of Mspis church In that city. BATTIJ.: t»N- «1ANTN WAN j 'X .MKXT HI»MI>NA WITH tMdVKilUpIds left that day ti* biin* ths Mr. Walkar eras tha only aon of tha FA«r MOWlON mamt iHtdy ^home. returnlna to Ht. Johns lata Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Walker of KXSIOWnfFN. itM’Hsaum sNi>. I sioco roald* <1. i Haturday mornina. The remains (*ourt has been In saaslon tha acest- thla ctt)'. He woe twm in New Toth KBI' f$CfnC IN NFKW I Mhe coninionce«l Itor edui atton In ^ were immediately taken to the family er |*art of the week llatenina to evl- alxty*elaht yosrs mtgu, and came to t music and art at the academy of Nap* . Ixtme In Eaaex where on ftunday the deni*e In a number of oases that have MIchlMBn when a very youna boy. I j lea. New York, and •'umploted a 1jmn «* .^MtllsiMw of lawdins till IwtersatlMN tlmmp* !*■** ' I funeral services were held. been brouBht aaalnst alle«ed offend ­ Kducatetl In the University of Mlchl* j coure* at the Goneeee Wesleyan asm* Mtee Hkinner. who was twent>-el«ht ers of the total option law. aan, he araduated In lARl, comlna to I Torn .\ll Pnrtw oT IAm* oT fotmly Nnw Clewn .\lMetit' ) iiiar.\ and *fNne»ee <.*0110®* at lAma, )>ears of aae. waa a very brl«ht youmi on Monday James Cordrsy pleaded m. Johns where he took an actlva In­ I .New Yawk. juet Itefifre movliic West, I'onteat. tkMmly. ^ woman, and while In the hlph school aulliv to the charae of havina broken terest in politics. He was one of Che tin doptemtier 1H, 1S73 she teas uni* jin this city, was considered an excep- the iaw and was sentem*ed to thirty j principal mambers of the old Mlcht* ------------- - j ie«l In marrtasf to Charlsa A. Lossy :ilonallv brilliant student, completlnc itays In the c'ounty jail In addition to j aan Mortaaac Co., of this city that W Johns saw the fln. « w i. *iima ' "hw Pehrusry S. lltS. To them PfAMONA GRANUtL i the i-ourse with the «*laas of Itaylna a fine of IM and coats of tlO.i failed so dlaaatrously more than "You have been flabtina trusts and contest that It ever fwiw or will have we<e U.rn three children. Miss Grace iteport of the e«‘enlnc meefna of Hhe was a atrl of a very retliina na ­ If at the expiration of hie jail term twenty years since. other unlawful combinations which an opportunity t<» »ee aauin In a le*ae> <4 ttiia city, Mrs. Carrie D. Puntona Granse held at lAeWllt lie* ture. and while she was hlRhly re­ he has not paid the fine and costs he ! Hhortly after the failure that for veurs have bloclead. In the national ttme last niaht at AlM-.m's l»epa Mrake i4 MInneapulle. Minn., 190f. spected by a iarae circle of sequsin* Is to remain confined until he does i brouaht arlef to ao many Clinton senate, reform lealslallon arhKdi you house. The Iheatr* w:i« flMed with I*. I..••»e> of Lansin®. ail of whom Meeiina x>alle«i to order at 7:3n p. tancee. She kept her own counsel, and make payment for a period not to ex­ county* farmers. Mr. Walker moved to have been demandina. When you at* an audience re|*re»eninil»*- the clt> were with their mother when she m. b> W. M. Jerome Dills. HIncIna made no warm friendships, lovina the ceed idx months Did Miselon where he purchased a to the prlmartes next Heptembar to and surroundlna c«uinir> and It c»»n- passed away*. b> the Granac. "The Parmer Feeds companionship of t»ooka more than Prank Hlaler was brouaht Into fruU farm. Poliowina tha custom of vote fbr a candidate for United Htataa talned a lame number «»f the ilt>‘« In Jun« lhS5 the dccssa sd waa mar­ Them AM." that of her schoolmates. <oirt Momiay and pleaded not xullty j many of the reeidenta of hla nelahbor- senator look the candidatee over care­ bu«lneeii and luofeeelonal men and ried III Mel\ln K. Gibbs of Ht. Johns. In\'ocailon, Itev. G. T. Plstn-r. Home >'ears alnc*e Mias Hkinner's l« the crime for which he Is charaad j hood. Mr. Walker took summer board* fully lest x-ou make the mistake of well-known faimerf There were also Mrs. Gihbs Is also survived by hsr Hon. Jason Woodman of Paw Paw htelth failed and for a time she was and will stand trial. Tuesday and {era. amona whom at one time waa the votina f'*r a candidate who may not a number of woiii<n In th< oudb nee. a«ed father who for a Ion* time has^^^^ |„|,„dues,i. The subject he in the West. Keturnina to Mlchlasc Wednesday the «*ourt was occupied i uuthor. Elliot Plower. who wrote "De- stand for the reforms for which you K\ervihiiia wn^ as lU- orous and or resided with hla daughter. «Rd one -phe Farmer and Hia but little lmpro\-ed she was then tsk wHh the Peter fasper matter, and at | iichlful Dodd." a pen picture of Mr. have been oontendina." derlv a- It «-ould well Schinil fom- brother. I>. H. (tallsbur), of ItNSkecon |„ i»penlna his suhje«'t he said en to Hattie t'reek where she aalne«l iii,. time of adjournment last evenina tValker. a book that has been read Ho spoke Geora* B. Horton, for !• mlseloner TowneemI .i« ted as leferee wrho came to Ht. Johns a numAx-r of most valuable cittxen of .Lmertoa rapldl). While In that city she he*|in, <-aae had come to the defense, and | great Interest by former friends i y^,rs master of the state aranae. ad »nd l»oth I onti-rtJinit* ••\pree»ed them- da>s liefore his sUtvr died. > today Is the farmer. This fanner hae ennie possessed of the deolre to be a | pt^>bablv be ch»ae«l Priday. | anil acquaintanc-es. | dreasina 500 deleaatee and several aelv<s as satisfied writh the doolelons Puncral services were heM at the ar>at amliltinn. macine the farmer nur>w and when atrona enonah to be* ] x motion has been made In the yir. Walker waa reaent of the unl- hundred others In rhe opera house at the attention h<-« orded then) home Tuesday aflernuon. Dr. G. D. j •:> >ean. aao. The Rlrt whon) aln sent Into trainina In a hospital ; iiwker murder matter to have the case i vemlty for elaht years, from 1S7« to Traverse f^ty. at the annual meetln® Krnesi Penb> of .*4hrphi-rd and T«im hai*r of the .Methodist church he hae taken f«rr hi* helpmate Is his ' In .Vnn .\rhor. j set over until the next term of court, j ixm, and was at one time a member of MIchlaan Htate Grmanee. Tuesday T>mvis of .Milwaukee Wire the contes ­ ficlatlna Kurlat was made In ••♦liial anti alM»\e all a *o«»i| cook. | Ml o. i.*b< r 1*07. she went to Hel* j ii^.-ause of th< absence the »tate | stale leclalature. He has bean , night. tants .mil no l*etter s|ii-ciinens of John's »•♦ tnetery. Ttiere Is a son in this hom*-. The fa* | v hie re where *h. studied for six ' of an Important witness The request | g^yen much credit for the xrowth and There were comments afterwapda prh>slia’ manhood can Iw found an)- Iher has xreat ambltl«»ns for Ilia aon. j months to c«nnp't*ie the couree, and will doiihiless t*e xranted. | i*reaent hlRh standard of the enrin* | connectlnx what he said with Henator whi n—and they demunsti'aie what a Me vilshee him to be a model man «fler her araduatb.n she was alven --------------------------— I eerinx department of the university.
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