Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council Annual Report 2017-2018 ABOUT THIS REPORT This is another prosperous year for Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council. During the year more services were delivered that improved the livelihood to Lockhart community. The Annual Report will provide an overview of Council’s performance and statement of wealth for the period 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2018. In this report, Council’s achievements for the financial year will be highlighted including the challenges encountered during the same period. Generally, the Council experienced expansion in its operations and construction of new infrastructure assets. The capacity of the Council to undertake this was tested and proven. Several methodologies were used to accomplish such works in collaboration with subcontracting partners. We are proud of the outcome and we will keep doing it. The role of the Council of being accountable to the community residents did not waiver and the intent of this report is to show how each role was fulfilled. The Council’s obligations to other parties like Staff, Councillors, Government Departments and other interested groups was no less during the year. To achieve its objectives, Council uses a range of tools like our 5-Year Corporate Plan, our Operational Plan, and our Budgeting Tool. We use these to keep us on track and focused on delivery. Copies of these documents are available in our website along with our Annual Report and the Council’s Financial Statements. The can be accessed at any time free of charge electronically on Council website www.lockhart.qld.gov.au. Like any organisation we are not perfect and can improve. Our Chief Executive Officer encourages feedback and comments on our services and as such they should be directed to him on 07 4060 7144 or email [email protected]. Please spare a moment of your time to read and enjoy this annual report presented herein. 2 Table of Contents Mayor’s Report 5 Our Council 6 Overview of Lockhart River 7 Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Gui ing Principles and Values 8 Map of Lockhart River 9 Map of Lockhart River township 10 History 11 Facilities and Services 15 Electe Members 20 Senior Management 21 Organi.ational Structure 22 Disclosures 0 Councillors meeting attendance and remuneration 23 0 Senior Management 2eam 24 0 Invitation to tenderers to change their tender etails 24 0 5eneficial Enterprises 24 0 Significant 5usiness 24 0 Invitation to provi e expression of Interest 24 0 Internal Audit 25 0 External Audit 25 Assessment of Corporate Plan and Operational Plan 25 Annual Report 25 Grants to Community Organi.ations 25 List of Registers available to the Public 26 Overseas travel 26 Other relevant issues to making an informe ecision 26 Conduct and Performance of Councillors 26 Complaints Management Process 8 A ministrative Action 27 2raining and Development 27 Equal Employment Opportunity 27 Employee Statistics 27 :ork Place Health and Safety 3 28 Co e of Conduct 28 Table of Contents Rates and Charges 28 Controlle Roa s 28 Council Performance 0 Governance 29 0 Engineering Services 30 0 5uil ing Services 31 0 Environmental Management Services 32 0 Community Development and Services 11 0 Corporate Services 13 0 Aero rome Company 35 Community Financial Report 0 Snapshot of Financial year 36 2017/18 (consoli ate entity) 0 End of Year Financial Statement 36 0 An overview of this year’s 38 Financial Result and Financial position 0 Financial Sustainability Measures 42 0 Annual Financial Statement 33 4 Mayor’s Report The Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council has had another success ul and productive Financial Year 2017/18, an +Unmodi ied- E.ternal Audit result has Capitalised on our Capacity to 0overn. Accountability and transparency are critical in +good governance practice2 and the credibility goes to3ard team 3ork in governance, administrations and on the ground sta 3ho are essential to productivity. Housing unding has been a challenge and 3ill continue to be a challenge. We have put an enormous amount o 3ork to3ards building homes or our community and at the same time building the people-s capacity in the community by training apprentices. 5espite this challenge, 3e have continued 3ith our commitment to training programs or all sta . The Council 3ill continue to strive or the best o our community, 3e aim to live up to our 6ISION statement and hoping or another greater outcome in the ne.t inancial year. Cr 4ayne Butcher 8ayor Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council 5 OUR COUNCIL Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council has ive elected representatives 3ho are responsible or ormulating Council polices, Corporate Plan, Operational Plan, Council budget and providing strategic direction to the Community. The Shire is undivided or electoral purposes. Each Councillor there ore represents the overall public interest o the 3hole area. The Council has adopted a port olio system and each Councillor is assigned a speci ic port olio9s: to look a ter. This allo3s or the principle o accountability and collective responsibility to operate. Councillors are elected every our years in accordance 3ith the Local 0overnment Act. The last election 3as held on 19 8arch 2016. Acceptance o the duties and responsibilities o the 8ayor and Councillors are signi ied by their declaration o o ice. This declaration requires the elected members to ul ill the duties o o ice by acting aith ully and impartially to the best o their judgment and ability and to uphold the Council Code o Conduct. In addition, Councillors are required to complete register o interests, as a urther check to dealing 3ith the issues o con lict o interest and material personal interest. To represent the community e ectively, Councillors are required to attend ordinary meetings at the Council and any special meetings that may be called. Councillors are required to vote on all matters that require a decision or to abstain rom taking part in the discussions and voting issues 3here they have con lict o interests and material personal interests. The role o the 8ayor and Councillors is 3ell spelt out in the Local 0overnment Act 2009. Training has been provided to Councillors to help them understand their roles and responsibilities. Council authority is e.ercised as a 3hole, 3ith decisions being made by the Council in the best interest o the community. In this regard, the Local 0overnment Act 2009 together 3ith Council Polices provides guidance to the 8ayor and Councillors on 3hat their roles and responsibilities are, and the Code o Conduct e.pected o the elected representatives to observe. The Code o Conduct provides or penalties ranging rom reprimand to disquali ication rom o ice. All these measures are intended to sa eguard against the misuse, abuse and miscarriage o po3er and authority by the elected members. Ordinary meetings o the Council take place on the third 4ednesday o the month. 8eetings are generally held in the Lockhart River Council Chambers in Lockhart but there are occasions 3hen the meetings are held in the Cairns O ice. The Council meeting is open to the public. 6 DEMOGRAPHICS OF STAFF 68 Full time equivalent employees 29% 71% Our land area 3,540.72 k ! LOCAL NON-LOCAL Population Governance Team 51% male 4 Male 747 49% female 5 1 Female Source: abs.gov.au Average daily high te perature: 29.8(c Average daily low te perature: 22.0(c 7 - Strong Puuya, OUR MISSION - Strong Culture, - Strong Future To lead, strengthen and serve the OUR MISSION community by providing high quality STATEMENT level of services as well as providing opportunities for you and me. OUR GUIDING The commitment of the elected PRINCIPLES AND representatives and officers of the VALUES Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council to its residents is underpinned by the following principles:- *Respect *Honesty *Integrity *Working and Learning together *Fairness *Being positive *Respect of Culture *Accountability 8 9 Airport 6.3 k ,ockhart River Township 2.1 k .splanade 10 0istory of ,ockhart River Lockhart River 3as established in 192A 3hen people rom ive traditional territories in the area 3ere coerced into a ne3 Anglican mission 9no3 kno3n as the BOld Site-:. They spoke 4uthathi, Cuuku Ya-u, Uuthaalnganu, Umpila, and Caanju languages and 3ere not used to living close together. Aboriginal people 3ere not allo3ed to speak their language or to practise their cultural traditions and they 3ere moved inland a3ay rom their sea country. 8arked by the good intentions but o ten misguided policies o successive governments and missionaries, our history is steeped in the traditional culture o our peoples. .arly .uropean contact The irst European contact 3ith Lockhart River 3as by 4illiam Bligh in 1789. 8ost people kno3 o the in amous Bmutiny on the Bounty- but many do not realise a ter being cast adri t, Captain Bligh-s irst land all 3as close to 3here the Lockhart River mission 3ould one day be built. E.plorer Edmund Cennedy passed through the traditional lands in 18A8, s3inging 3est3ard across the hills to the upper Pascoe River, in the irst European attempt to survey the interior and peninsula o this part o Australia. He le t a base party o eight on the Pascoe River, si. o 3hom starved to death a ter re using ish and other ood rom the Cuuku Ya-u people. No urther land e.ploration took place until 4illiam Hann came across rom the Holroyd River in 1872, passing just south o the present to3n o Coen. Lockhart River 3as named during an e.ploratory e.pedition by government geologist Robert Logan Dack in 1880 a ter a riend o his 9Hugh Lockhart:, o Edinburgh.
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