V-"'- ‘ TBKt WEATHER NET FBEBS BUN T^reoMt by U. S. Weather Bnr«aii» AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for the Month of October, 1929 jconn. Slate UMary—Coiilp. Mostly clondy tonlfht and.Sator* day; probably rain this afternoon or' 5,522 ton^ht, not much change In tem­ Meaiben of tke Aodlf Bnreaa of ' ' perature. Clrcnlotloao > SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929. TWENTY PAGES PRICE I'HKEE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 34. (Classified Advertising on Page 18) STOCK EXCHANGE Brookhart Describes “ Wet Party” GLASS WOULD MAKE RESERVE 5 MEN TO BITS BACK TO NORMAL B O W BOSS BLAST Early Gains Cut Down or 13 0 0 S B J O T H E R E D •<$> Senator Says It Should Havej Were Carrying 80 Pounds of Hotel Man Is Called w w Oji fetor. a.«| g Y GAS FUMES Power to Stop Stock Gam-1 Dynamite in Tunnel When bling Which is % g r a c -| In Booze Party Probe It Explodes Prematurely; In Starting.' FROM VOLCANO ing Country " Washington, Nov. 8.— (AP.)— Anected with the dinner, given by Two Other Men Injured New York, Nov. 8.— (AP.)— Frank S. Right, manager of the ' Walter Fahy, New York broker for Trading on the New York stock Details Only Now Coining in Washington, Nov. 8.— (AP)— j WiUard hotel, where the dinner re- Amendment of the Federal Reserve has been requested to testify before In Accident; Were Work­ Exchange returned to normal pro­ Act to make it mandatory upon th0 | ferred to by Senator Brookhart as Grand Jury. Edward E. Loomis, portions again today with price from Guatemala; Victims Federal Reserve Board to assert it.«! the "Wall street booze party” took president of the Lehigh Valley rail- ing on Water Develop­ movements decidedly mixed. Early authority and "to prevent by penali­ place in December, 1926, has been road, was asked by Rover to ap- gains which ran from $1 to $10 a zation such disasters in stock requested by District Attorney pear Monday and has accepted the share in the active issues, and $10 Killed as They Worked gambling operations as have re­ Rover to appear Monday before the invitation. ment Project. to $31 in a few specialties, were cently disgraced the country” was Grand Jury. ‘ Senator Brookhart said on the cut dowm, or wiped out, before the In Field. He didn't ta^te it, so Senator Smith W. Brookhart couldn’t testify advocated today by Senator Glass, Rover said he had requested floor of the Senate that he saw close, and several of the recent whether it was wine, gin, whiskey or some other kind of liquor that flowed of Virginia, a former Democratic Hight to bring with him all hotel Loomis pour some "alcoholic stuff” Worcester, Mass., Nov. 8.— (AP.V leaders sold $1 to nearly $10 a at a "Wall Street party’’ given for senators in a Washington hotel. But secretary of the treasury. records relating to the dinner from a flask and drink it. —Five workmen were blown to the Iowa legislator “recognized the aroma from old saloon days,” and here pieces in a premature explosion of share below yesterday’s final fig­ Guatemala City, Guatemela. Nov. Senator Glass last spring called about which Senator Brookhart,' Otto Kahn, New York financier, ures. Profit-taking by traders who you see him, left, telling District Attorney Leo Rover about it. Later 80 pounds of dynamite in a shaft 8.(AP)—Overwhelmed by molten upon the Federal Reserve Board t-5 who attended testified before the was also present at the dinner but bought stocks "for a turn," and the Senator Brookhart testified before a District of Columbia grand jury. dismiss Charles E. Mitchell, presi­ Grand Jury this week. : Rover ha^ not indicated that he of the Metropolitan water develop­ liquidation of stock bought for lava, or suffocated by asphyxiating dent of the National City bank of Hight is the second person con-! would be asked to testify. ment at Coldbrook early today. supporting purposes were held re­ gases, scores of the 300 or more New York, as a member of tlje The cause of the explosion could sponsible for the late selling move­ victims of Monday’s eruption of board of directors of the New York not be immediately determined. Fel­ low workmen told investigators ment. * Santa Marla volcano have been CAREFUL AUTOISTS COP AND BANDIT Federal Reserve bank on the grbund U. S. Steel Common dropped from that he had defied the board in of­ that a dynamite e-xplosion had be«i an early high of $175.75 to $171 and found in their homes or along the set off further in the tunnel at an fering cEill money to the market at early hour and that the five men rebounded to $173.25, or $1.25 be­ roads near El Palmar where they a critical time in the market opera­ CALLS INDEPENDENTS j were on their way toward the en­ low last night’s close. American perished. .MAY BE REWARDED DIE IN GUN D U E tions. Telephone, American and Foreign trance, carrying 80 pounds of dyna­ The full story of the disaster has | Senator’s Letter. Power, Radio, Sears Roebuck and been begun reaching Guatemala mite in ory» of the small cars used Johns-Manville converted their early In a letter today to the meeting of WILD JACKASSES’ SONS for transporting material. In some City through relief workers who had I the Associ.ation of Member Banks of gains of $1 to $5 a share into de­ A- manner the dynamite was explod- brought aid to the thousands of per-1 Boston Officials Discover Suspect Shoots It Out With the Boston Federal Reserve district, clines running almost as much. sons in the affected region. In all ed. The men were blown, to pieces Auburn Auto which opened $31 a the Senator wrote: j and several hours later the parts eight coffee plantations were de­ “If there are men in the financial share higher fell back $24 from the stroyed and most of their inhabi­ That Stiff Penalties Do Officers Rather Than Face Remark Attributed to Sena- iSTORRS’ NEW HEAD I of the bodies had not been recover- world, as I think undoubtedly there I ed. top. tants killed. ' are, who imagine themselves super­ Closing quotations and net Killed by Fumes. tor Moses Stirs Up Col- The Dead changes of some of the leading Not Prevent Accidents. a Death Sentence. ior to the existing governmental The victims were: Joseph Edgi- The bodies found in ruined homes banking system and who are totally IS INAUGURATED stocks were: and along the roads gave mute evi­ como, 35: J. Plotti, 40; P. Pondei, U. S. Steel Common 171, off 3.50. dence of the horror that had over­ indifferent to the real commercial leapes; Moses Asks for ^ 41; Joseph Lukes. 38; Joseph Lo­ Radio, 35.50, off 2. taken the population. Some of the i Boston, Nov. 8.— (A P)—Rewards Shawnee, Okla., Nov. 8.— (AP) — and Industrial interests of the na­ i renzo, 38. tion, the sooner such men are re­ General Motors 43, off 50 cents. dead had been caught in the fields for careful automobile driving are Determination of an alleged bank All were living on the construc­ General Electric, 215, off 9. strained and severely disciplined „v a Better Description* {Distinguished Gathering at tion property. by the molten stream of lava while being considered by state officials robber to "shoot it out” rather than Anaconda Copper 86.75, off 1.25. others had been asphyxiated in their adequate punishment, the better it Two other workmen in the tun­ Bethlehem Steel, 89.50, off 3:50. barricaded homes. but fatalities brought on by careless face a possible death sentence in will be for the country. nel were rendered macosacious by Montgomery Ward, 58.50, off 4. operating continue. court had resulted today in his own Show -Authorltj'. Washington, Nov. 8—(AP) —The State College as Dr. the blast. One of them, Nicholas One of the most tragic spots was Registrar of Motor Vehicles American & Foreign Power 67.25, a grove of trees where fleeing in­ death and that of one of two officers "In my view it is the imperative term "sons of wild jackasses,” a Lucrelli, stepson of Piotti. who George A. Parker, speaking before off 5.75. habitants had sought refuge, some with whom he waged a short but obligation of.the administrators of remark attributed to Senator Moses, was foreman on the job after re­ an Open Forum here last night, said bloody gun battle. the Federal Reserve banking system Works Takes Over Post. Public Service of N. J., 70 up 1. of them climbing into the highest Republican, New Hampshire; in re­ gaining consciousness, groped his Union Carbide, 76, off 5.50. branches, only to suffocate and that a plan was being studied by Robbery with fire arms is a capi­ to assert to the limit the powers which drivers with clean records ferring to the Republican Independ­ way for a mile through the boring National Cash Regrister, 78.50, up bum. tal offehse in Oklahoma. Courts have which the laws confer, and, in this I Storra, Nov. 8.— (AP) —Dr. and ascended to the surface ' to Collecting Funds. would be granted a decided cut in inflicted life terms recently for way, to assert the dignity of a Fed­ ent group of Senators was assailed bring aid. 2.50. registration or insurance fees for the George A. Works was formally ju- Erie, 55.87. up 2.87. Relief funds are being collected minor robberies of that character eral Reserve banking system which In the Senate today by Senator Water Tunnel Job American Can, 115.25, off 4.75.
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