Differentiable manifolds Lecture Notes for Geometry 2 Henrik Schlichtkrull Department of Mathematics University of Copenhagen i ii Preface The purpose of these notes is to introduce and study differentiable mani- folds. Differentiable manifolds are the central objects in differential geometry, and they generalize to higher dimensions the curves and surfaces known from Geometry 1. Together with the manifolds, important associated objects are introduced, such as tangent spaces and smooth maps. Finally the theory of differentiation and integration is developed on manifolds, leading up to Stokes’ theorem, which is the generalization to manifolds of the fundamental theorem of calculus. These notes continue the notes for Geometry 1, about curves and surfaces. As in those notes, the figures are made with Anders Thorup’s spline macros. The notes are adapted to the structure of the course, which stretches over 9 weeks. There are 9 chapters, each of a size that it should be possible to cover in one week. The notes were used for the first time in 2006. The present version has been revised, but further revision is undoubtedly needed. Comments and corrections will be appreciated. Henrik Schlichtkrull December, 2008 iii Contents 1.ManifoldsinEuclideanspace. 1 1.1 Parametrizedmanifolds . 1 1.2 Embeddedparametrizations . 3 1.3 Curves ........................ 5 1.4 Surfaces........................ 7 1.5 Chartandatlas . 8 1.6 Manifolds . .10 1.7 Thecoordinatemapofachart . 11 1.8 Transitionmaps . .13 2.Abstractmanifolds . .15 2.1 Topologicalspaces . .15 2.2 Abstractmanifolds . .17 2.3 Examples . .18 2.4 Projectivespace . .19 2.5 Productmanifolds . .20 2.6 Smoothfunctionsonamanifold . 21 2.7 Smoothmapsbetweenmanifolds . 22 2.8 Liegroups. .25 2.9 Countableatlas . .27 2.10Whitney’stheorem . 28 3.Thetangentspace . .29 3.1 The tangent space of a parametrized manifold . 29 3.2 The tangent space of a manifold in Rn ..........30 3.3 Theabstracttangentspace . 31 3.4 Thevectorspacestructure . 33 3.5 Directionalderivatives . 35 3.6 Actiononfunctions. .36 3.7 Thedifferentialofasmoothmap . 37 3.8 Thestandardbasis . .40 3.9 Orientation . .41 4.Submanifolds . .43 4.1 Submanifolds in Rk ...................43 4.2 Abstractsubmanifolds . 43 4.3 Thelocalstructureofsubmanifolds . 45 4.4 Levelsets . .49 4.5 Theorthogonalgroup. 51 4.6 Domainswithsmoothboundary . 52 4.7 Orientationoftheboundary . 54 4.8 Immersedsubmanifolds . 55 5. Topologicalpropertiesofmanifolds . 57 5.1 Compactness . .57 iv 5.2 Countableexhaustionbycompactsets . 58 5.3 Locallyfiniteatlas . .59 5.4 Bumpfunctions . .60 5.5 Partitionofunity . .61 5.6 EmbeddinginEuclideanspace . 62 5.7 Connectedness . .64 5.8 Connectedmanifolds . 67 5.9 Components. .67 5.10 TheJordan-Brouwertheorem . 69 6.VectorfieldsandLiealgebras . 71 6.1 Smoothvectorfields . .71 6.2 Anequivalentformulationofsmoothness . 74 6.3 Thetangentbundle. .75 6.4 TheLiebracket . .77 6.5 PropertiesoftheLiebracket. 78 6.6 TheLiealgebraofaLiegroup . 80 6.7 Thetangentspaceattheidentity . 81 6.8 The Lie algebra of GL(n, R)...............82 6.9 HomomorphismsofLiealgebras . 84 7.Tensors ..........................85 7.1 Thedualspace. .85 7.2 Thedualofalinearmap . .86 7.3 Tensors........................87 7.4 Alternatingtensors . .89 7.5 Thewedgeproduct. .92 7.6 Theexterioralgebra . .94 8.Differentialforms. .95 8.1 Thecotangentspace . .95 8.2 Covectorfields. .96 8.3 Differentialforms. .99 8.4 Pullback . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 8.5 Exteriordifferentiation . 102 8.6 Exteriordifferentiationandpullback . 108 9.Integration . 109 9.1 Nullsets ...................... 109 9.2 Integration on Rn .................. 110 9.3 Integrationonachart. 112 9.4 Integrationonamanifold . 115 9.5 Ausefulformula . 117 9.6 Stokes’theorem . 118 9.7 Examplesfromvectorcalculus . 121 Index ........................... 125 Chapter 1 Manifolds in Euclidean space In Geometry 1 we have dealt with parametrized curves and surfaces in R2 or R3. The definitions we have seen for the two notions are analogous to each other, and we shall begin by generalizing them to arbitrary dimensions. As a result we obtain the notion of a parametrized m-dimensional manifold in Rn. The study of curves and surfaces in Geometry 1 was mainly through parametrizations. However, as it was explained, important examples of curves and surfaces arise more naturally as level sets, for example the circle (x,y) x2 + y2 =1 and the sphere (x,y,z) x2 + y2 + z2 =1 . In order to{ deal| with such sets,} we shall define a{ notion of| manifolds, which} applies to subsets in Rn without the specification of a particular parametrization. The new notion will take into account the possibility that the given subset of Rn is not covered by a single parametrization. It is easy to give examples of sub- sets of R3 that we conceive as surfaces, but whose natural parametrizations do not cover the entire set (at least if we require the parametrizations to be regular). For example, we have seen that for the standard spherical coordinates on the sphere there are two singular points, the poles. In order to have a regular parametrization we must exclude these points. A variation of the standard spherical coordinates with interchanged roles of y and z will have singular poles in two other points. The entire sphere can thus be covered by spherical coordinates if we allow two parametrizations covering different, overlapping subsets of the sphere. Note that in contrast, the standard parametrization of the circle by trigonometric coordinates is everywhere regular. 1.1 Parametrized manifolds In the following m and n are arbitrary non-negative integers with m n. ≤ Definition 1.1.1. A parametrized manifold in Rn is a smooth map σ: U Rn, where U Rm is a non-empty open set. It is called regular at x→ U if the n m⊂ Jacobi matrix Dσ(x) has rank m (that is, it has linearly∈ independent× columns), and it is called regular if this is the case at all x U. An m-dimensional parametrized manifold is a parametrized manifold∈ σ: U Rn with U Rm, which is regular (that is, regularity is implied at all points→ when we speak⊂ of the dimension). 2 Chapter 1 Clearly, a parametrized manifold with m = 2 and n = 3 is the same as a parametrized surface, and the notion of regularity is identical to the one introduced in Geometry 1. For m = 1 there is a slight difference with the notion of parametrized curves, because in Geometry 1 we have required a curve γ: I Rn to be defined on an interval, whereas here we are just assuming U →to be an open set in R. Of course there are open sets in R which are not intervals, for example the union of two disjoint open intervals. Notice however, that if γ: U Rn is a parametrized manifold with U R, → ⊂ then for each t0 U there exists an open interval I around t0 in U, and the restriction of γ to∈ that interval is a parametrized curve in the old sense. In future, when we speak of a parametrized curve, we will just assume that it is defined on an open set in R. Perhaps the case m = 0 needs some explanation. By definition R0 is the trivial vector space 0 , and a map σ: R0 Rn has just one value p = σ(0). By definition the map{ } 0 p is smooth and→ regular, and thus a 0-dimensional parametrized manifold in7→Rn is a point p Rn. ∈ Example 1.1.1 Let σ(u, v) = (cos u, sin u, cos v, sin v) R4. Then ∈ sin u 0 −cos u 0 Dσ(u, v) = 0 sin v − 0 cos v has rank 2, so that σ is a 2-dimensional manifold in R4. Example 1.1.2 The graph of a smooth function h: U Rn−m, where U Rm is open, is an m-dimensional parametrized manifold→ in Rn. Let σ(x⊂)=(x, h(x)) Rn, then Dσ(x) is an n m matrix, of which the first m rows comprise a∈ unit matrix. It follows that× Dσ(x) has rank m for all x, so that σ is regular. Many basic results about surfaces allow generalization, often with proofs analogous to the 2-dimensional case. Below is an example. By definition, a reparametrization of a parametrized manifold σ: U Rn is a parametrized manifold of the form τ = σ φ where φ: W U is a→ diffeomorphism of open sets. ◦ → Theorem 1.1. Let σ: U Rn be a parametrized manifold with U Rm, and assume it is regular at→p U. Then there exists a neighborhood of p⊂in U, such that the restriction of σ∈to that neighborhood allows a reparametrization which is the graph of a smooth function, where n m among the variables − x1,...,xn are considered as functions of the remaining m variables. Proof. The proof, which is an application of the inverse function theorem for functions of m variables, is entirely similar to the proof of the corresponding result for surfaces (Theorem 2.11 of Geometry 1). Manifolds in Euclidean space 3 1.2 Embedded parametrizations We introduce a property of parametrizations, which essentially means that there are no self intersections. Basically this means that the parametrization is injective, but we shall see that injectivity alone is not sufficient to en- sure the behavior we want, and we shall supplement injectivity with another condition. Definition 1.2.1. Let A Rm and B Rn. A map f: A B which is continuous, bijective and has⊂ a continuous⊂ inverse is calleda homeomorphism→ . The sets A and B are metric spaces, with the same distance functions as the surrounding Euclidean spaces, and the continuity of f and f −1 is assumed to be with respect to these metrics. Definition 1.2.2. A regular parametrized manifold σ: U Rn which is a homeomorphism U σ(U), is called an embedded parametrized→ manifold. → In particular this definition applies to curves and surfaces, and thus we can speak of embedded parametrized curves and embedded parametrized surfaces. In addition to being smooth and regular, the condition on σ is thus that it is injective and that the inverse map σ(x) x is continuous σ(U) U.
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