Archival copy. For current version, see: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/ec1227 EC 1227/Reprinted July 1993 50¢ PEPPERS N.S. MANSOUR eppers come in perhaps a 4 to 6 inches long, and sometimes Giant, Pip, Canape, Lady Bell, greater variety of sizes, they taper slightly. They start off as Gypsy, and New Ace Hybrid. P shapes, colors, and tastes dark green to yellow-green, and Varieties that are not red at than most other garden vegetables. most turn red when fully ripe, maturity include Golden Bell, The most popular peppers are the although some turn yellow, purple, Klondike Bell, and Orobelle, which mild bell, banana types, and the orange, or brown. A few start out turn from green to yellow. Oriole pungent Hungarian wax types. white and don’t change color! turns orange. Purple Bell, Lorelei, Peppers produce a large yield in Bells normally are harvested in and Violetta turn purple. The Dove a small amount of space, making the mature, green stage. They serve stays white. them suited for even small gardens. a variety of uses including stuffing, Their popularity with gardeners relishes, salads, and cooked veg- Pimiento peppers are sweet with also can be attributed to their etable dishes. very thick walls. The fruit is conical, unique taste, their visual attractive- About 200 varieties are in the 2 to 3 inches wide, 3 to 4 inches ness, and their richness in vitamins Bell group. California Wonder and long, and slightly pointed. Pimien- A and C. Yolo Wonder are two of the most tos are red when ripe, the most Although there are numerous dependable in this group. Other commonly used stage. Popular common or commercial names for dependable varieties are Early Cal varieties include Perfection Pi- peppers, pepper varieties can be Wonder, Bell Boy, Bellringer, Cal miento, and Pimiento L. classified in two main types: those Wonder 300, Keystone Resistant Cherry peppers are cherry- or with mild- or sweet-fleshed fruit, globe- shaped with three cells. They and those with hot- or pungent- grow on long upright stems, fleshed fruit. usually above the leaves of the Pungency, which is determined plant. They range from orange to by the amount and location of the deep red when harvested and may compound capsaicin, varies from be sweet or hot, large or small. sweet to hot. The “sweet” include Varieties include Sweet Cherry, Bell, Pimiento, and Sweet Cherry. Bird’s Eye, Red Cherry Small, and The “hot” include Anaheim, Red Cherry Large. Cayenne and Jalapeno; and the very hot, Tabasco and Habanero. Bell peppers, probably the most popular type grown in gardens, are N.S. Mansour, Extension vegetable crops characterized by large, block- specialist, Oregon State University. shaped fruits with three or four Adapted for use in Oregon from a lobes. They are about 3 inches wide, University of Idaho Cooperative Extension publication. Replaces EC 882. Archival copy. For current version, see: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/ec1227 Celestial peppers arc cone- during the day and 60 to 70°F at Cultivation should mix crop shaped and taste very hot. They night. residues and organic matter in the grow upright above the plant’s Blossoms may not set fruit if top 7 to 8 inches of soil. It should 3 leaves. They’re ⁄4 inch to 2 inches temperatures are below these destroy current weed growth and long, have three cells, and may or ranges or if soil is too dry. provide a small, granular type of may not change color from yellow- Some varieties that experience bed for transplanting. Over- ish to red or purplish to light, temperatures below 60°F will not cultivated soil becomes powdery orange-red. even blossom. Select the variety and has a tendency to crust. Ideal Different colored fruit can grow most suited to your area’s tempera- pH for peppers is 6.0 to 8.0. on a plant at the same time, making ture. the plant colorful and attractive. Peppers mature slowly. Under Fertilizer Celestial peppers are ornamental, good growing conditions, they take One pound of a pre-plant grow best in containers, and are at least 45 to 55 days after pollina- fertilizer (20-20-20, for example) for good patio plants. Popular varieties tion to produce harvestable fruit. each 100 square feet is recom- are Celestial, Floral Gem, and For this reason, several varieties mended. One week after blossom- Fresno Chile. should not be grown where the 1 ing begins, sidedress with 1 ⁄2 frost-free season is less than 120 ounces of ammonium sulfate for Tabasco peppers are 1 to 3 days. inches long, slim, tapered, and very each 10 feet of row. In many areas, temperatures You can base the amount of hot. They are attractive ornamental during the day and night are so low plants that provide fruit you can fertilizer you apply on a soil test that even without frost, maturity report from the OSU Soils Labora- harvest. The most popular pepper may take an additional 15 to 20 of this group is Tabasco, grown tory or a private testing laboratory, days. if you wish. commercially for making tabasco Other environmental conditions sauce. Other hot peppers are Chili that cause an extreme loss of water Piquin, Coral Gem, Japanese result in the dropping of flower Planting transplants Cluster, Thai Hot, and Small Red buds, flowers, and small fruit. Even Peppers are best started in home Chili. though there may be adequate gardens by using transplants after the soil has warmed in the spring. Ornamental and novelty pep- moisture available in the soil, a dry Peppers should start growing pers include the varieties Riot, (low- humidity), warm, or windy quickly after planting and maintain Marbels, and the orange, lantern- day will cause rapid, excessive a rapid growth rate. shaped, ultra-hot Habanero. transpiration that the plant can’t tolerate. Low soil moisture also can If peppers start blooming and set cause buds and blossoms to drop. fruit while the plants are too small, Climatic requirements they will be stunted and fail to Because peppers are of tropical Soil preparation develop the plant size necessary for origin and in the same family as a good yield. Such premature fruit tomatoes and eggplant, they thrive Pepper plants grow best in should be removed. when temperatures are warm. warm, well-drained soils of moder- Don’t attempt to grow peppers Consequently, delay transplanting ate fertility and good tilth. Seedbed from seed unless you have a until the danger of frost is past. preparation should start when the greenhouse or a hotbed with good The ideal temperature for soil has sufficient moisture to form exposure to sunlight. Pepper growing green peppers is 70 to 80°F a mud ball that crumbles into seedlings don’t grow satisfactorily medium-sized fragments. Pepper seedlings Archival copy. For current version, see: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/ec1227 under house lights or on Cultivation windowsills. Transplant stocky, sturdy plants and watering into a well-prepared soil that has If cultivation is necessary to been fertilized before. Normally, a remove other plant competition, it pre-plant fertilizer of 0.2 pound should be shallow. Deep cultivation nitrogen for each 100 square feet is close to the plants will destroy recommended. When first fruits set, much of the root system and reduce 1 sidedress with 1 ⁄2 ounces ammo- yield and quality. nium sulfate for every 10 feet of After the plants are well estab- row space. lished, applied mulches can con- Make the transplant holes 3 to 4 serve soil moisture, prevent soil inches deep and about 14 to 18 compaction, and help suppress inches apart in the row. Space the weed growth. rows 24 to 36 inches apart. Before planting, fill the holes with water Insects and diseases fruits may be left on the plant to and let it soak in. These insects may be a problem: ripen fully to a red or yellow color. Move the plants carefully from green peach aphid, garden Hot peppers, except Jalapeno the box or flat and set them in the symphylan, flea beetles, spider (which remains green when ripe), transplant holes. Leave as much soil mites, and wireworms. are usually harvested at the red ripe as possible around the roots. Fill the Disease also can hurt pepper stage. hole with soil and pack loosely plants. These include: curly top Two methods are used to dry hot around the plant. virus, alfalfa mosaic virus, tomato peppers. Don’t cover the roots deeper ringspot virus, anthracnose, The traditional method is to pick than the original soil ball. Leave a cercospora leaf spot, common fruits when mature, tie the stems slightly sunken area around each mosaic, root rot, and verticillium together, and hang them in a dry plant to hold water. Water the wilt. See Fact Sheet 242, Discourage area such as a garage. Avoid direct plants after planting. Plant Diseases in Your Home Garden, sunlight, and check the fruit daily Try to transplant peppers in the for more information (no charge for to be sure no rot is developing. If a evening or on a cloudy day. This single copy; order from Publica- fruit rots, pull it from the bunch will keep the plants from wilting tions Orders, Agricultural Commu- and discard it. and getting too dry. You can use a nications, Oregon State University, A simpler method consists of board or shingle to protect trans- Administrative Services 422, pulling up the entire plant and plants from excessive wind and Corvallis, OR 97331-2119). hanging it upside down in a dark, sun. dry area for 3 to 4 weeks. Leaves While use of peppers varies from Harvesting and drying will keep the fruits apart, so there is family to family, about three to four no need to check for rot.
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