• m •“* or»m >» co H co to *tj w H > . > 32 Honoraires Elect President Knight, Twelve Juniors H n H P3 » W mm. co co o H P3 5SJ 33 O H 11 H « n m £ NY Timesman to Talk? H o t- ac CO Lawrentfan o o At Chapel May 3rd *■* Volume LO—Number 27 Lawrence Col’ege, Appleton, Wisconsin Friday, April 28, 1961 n •-J Mr. James R. Reston. prize-winning correspondent for K the New York Times, will speak at the Lawrence College C hapel, W ednesday evening. May 3. Reston’s \ isit is spon­ Mace and Mortar Board Choose Members sored by the college and the Appleton Post-Crescent as a part of the “America and the World Community” series For Scholarship^ Leadership Service which brought Nixon and Malik to the campus Iasi year. Twelve Lawrence juniors and one member of the ad­ tor of the Ariel as well. She has The correspondent’s speech featured on the cover of Time ministration were named to Lawrence honorary societies received Honors, and her cu­ was postponed from April 4 in February of 1960. During the m ulative grade point is 2 295. when British Prime Minister recent presidential campaign, in convocation Thursday morning. The girls joining Mor­ Sarah Meyer, an English ma­ Harold MacMillan made a sur­ he was the Times correspond­ tar Board are Janet Ansorge, Mary Hamilton, Sarah Mey­ jor and a member of Delta Gam­ prise visit to President Ken­ ent assigned to cover candidate er, Anne Pelizzoni, Marcia Rivenburg, Enid Skripka, and ma. which she has served as nedy and Reston had to remain Kennedy as well as both con­ Barbara Stroud. New Mace-men include Daniel Brink, treasurer of her pledge class in Washington to cover their ventions. Richard Kauffman^ Walter Krueger, Dona’d Manson, and as scholaiship and recom­ conference. Tickets obtained for Reston began his career on the original date will be hon­ Robert Waterman, and President Douglas M. Knight. mendations chairman, has been the staff of the Springfield, co-chairman of the Convoca­ ored on May 3. Ohio, Daily News. He also serv­ Freshman and sophomore wo­ hel. She is head counselor a1 tion Committee and LWA treas­ Retson is the recipient of two ed as sports publicity director men were honored at Convoca­ Colman this year, and she has urer and publicity chairman. Pulitzer Prizes. The first was a for Ohio State University as tion yesterday by membership served as a dorm proctor. She She has worked on the Lawren- result of his coverage of the well as working as traveling in Sigma and Pi Sigma. Nine­ is a member of both Sigma and tiaji as a reporter, a desk edi­ Dumbarton Oaks Security Con­ secretary for the Cincinnati teen freshman women, who had Pi Sigma and has received the tor, and a member of the Edi­ ference, and in 19.">6 he was giv­ Reds’ baseball team. In 1934 he earned grade points of 2.5 or Phi Beta Kappa Junior Schol­ torial Board. She is a member en the Pulitzer award for na­ joined the Associated Press as higher for the first semester, arship. She has received High of the Contributor board as well tional reporting. Among many a sports writer. gained election to Sigma. Eight Honors and her cumulative as the Encampment Steering other honors, he has won a ci­ In 1937 the AP sent him to sophomores were chosen for Pi grade point is 3.000 Board. She has been both a tation from the Overseas Press liondon to cover m ajor sport*« Sigma on the basis of partici­ Mary Hamilton, an English dorm proctor and a freshman Club for outstanding reporting events in the summer and the pation in acUvities and a cumu­ major and a member of Kappa counselor, as well as a member in 1949. 19.> 1 and 1955. He also foreign office in the winter. By lative grade point of 2.25 or Alpha Theta, has served on the of Fraternity Forum. She is a received the Raymond Clapper 1939 he had joined the London higher. Homecoming and Polling Com­ member of Pi Sigma and has Award in 1955 for outstanding Hurtu of the New York Times. mittees, in addition to having received Honors. Her cumula­ Washington reporting. Named to Pi Sigma were Bar­ Two years later the Times as­ been vice-president of Pan-hel tive grade point is 2 313, He was presented with the bara Amend, Elizabeth Cole, signed Keston to its Washing­ and a freshman counselor. A Anne Pelizzoni, a biology ma­ Kngllsh Speaking Union Award Karen Eltgroth, Joan Paulson, ton bureau to specialize In dip­ member of both Heelers and jor and a member of Kappa In 1951 and became a Chevalier Karen PrahL Mary Restifo, lomatic and foreign affairs. On Sunset, she has been in several Alpha Theta. which she has of the French Legion of Honor Nancy Van Scoy. and Rosalie leave of absence in 1942 he was Lawrence College Theater pro­ served as vice-president and a year later. The Newspaper W ard. head of the Information Serv­ ductions. She is a member of president of her pledge class, (juild of New York gave him Newly elected members of ice of the Office of War Intel­ both Sigma and Pi Sigma, as has been secretary of LWA. a thi'lr Page One Award in 1954. Cigma include Judith Anderson, ligence In the American Em­ well as having gone on the En­ member of the Union Commit­ A regular columnist for the Jan AusUn, Judy Bagemihl, J° bassy in London. campment. A member of Orche- tee, and a committee chairman T i m e s a n d other papers through­ Ban thin, Sharon Bauerlein, Peg­ sis, she has been fraternity edi­ (Continued on Page 6 ) out the country, RoVon was The next year he was made gy Buresh. Kathy Dinham, an assistant to Publisher Ar­ Barb Finstrom, Steph Giese, thur Hays Sulzberger, and later Kathleen Gill, Jean Harrison, in 1943 he became acting head Kathy Haynesworth, Betsy of the Times L>ndon Bureau. Laves, Judy Lindquist, Mary Oswald. Linda Scharmer, Ann Illlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll» Uber. Mary Ellen Wolfe, and Nan Ziebold. NEW (ilKKKIIADKKS After two weeks of sore Janet Ansorge, an anthropol­ throats and aching muscles, ogy major and a member oi nine people have emerged Kappa Alpha Theta, which she amidst shouts of "Yea Law* has served as treasurer, has rence” as members of the been an LWA representative 19(51-02 Cheerleading Squad. and vice-president of that group, Joining Zoo DeLorme as reg­ as well as being an SEC repre­ u lar m embers are Jo n i Wer- sentative and a member of the ness. Lynn Pechman, Jane Executive Com m ittee. She is Dillon, and Sue Brehm. Al­ co-editor of the Ariel for 1961 ternates are Georgia Hupp, as well as having been secre­ and Ann Peterson. A new tary of the Union Committee look will be present with this and having served on the Hand­ squad as two boys. Hap Sum­ book Committee. She has been ner and Ken King, have also chairman of Women's J-Board, been chosen. as well as president of Pan- Jan Ansorge Don Brink Mary Hamilton Dick Kauffman Wally Krueger Don Manson Sarah Meyer Anne Pelizzoni Muff Rivenburg Enid Skripka Barb Stroud Bob Waterman President Knight Page 2 H I) t latntf ntian Friday, April 28, 1961 Visit to NSA Convention Impresses Davis, Lubenow SEC Observers Report Swim Show Tonight Aqua-fin will present its spring Actions of Organization water show tonight at 8 p.m . at the Alexander gym pool. The By WANDA DOLE presentation, directed by Presi­ In order to learn immediate and concrete information dent Barbara Schultz and Head about the National Student Association, Julie Davis, Doug Coach Pris Rydberg, will in­ (/rim, and Joe Lubenow attended the Illinois-Wisconsin clude twelve swimming sequen­ regional assembly of NSA at the University of Chicago last ces appropriate to the different months of the year. week. Members of the club include The program Saturday in­ which already receive aid un­ Donna Allen, Dana Anderson, cluded morning workshops aft­ der present programs, and 3) Jo Banthin, Sandy Bartels, Sue ernoon legislative session and schools which would be hard hit Bayer, Carol Chmiel, Diana an evening meeting of all repre­ by a great increase in enroll­ Gage, Jane Dillon, Helen Edel- sentatives to vote on previous­ ment. Many of the students fa­ hofer, Stephanie Giese, Grethe ly considered proposals. vored federal rather than local Hallberg, Georgia Hansen, Mar­ In the morning, Julie attend­ control of education because the cia Hansen, Jeannie Harrison, ed workshops on International existing local controls are strict­ Mary Helscher, Mollie Herzog, Affairs, Civil Rights, and Prep­ er than the federal ones would and Barbara Isely. aration for the 14th congress to be. The delegates also approved be held in August, while Lube­ of the present system of federal now sat in on discussions of aid and favored a continuation Federal Aid to Education and of specific forms of aid and College Orchestra International Student organiza­ scholarship programs. tions. The other session Joe attend­ The*r workshops were con­ ed was the workshop on inter­ Appears in Concert ducted by students, who had national student organization. The Lawrence Symphony Or­ Pictured above are candidates for honorary corps comman­ as “resources” one or more This session discussed various chestra, under the direction of der and honorary squadron commanders for the Lawrence adults who were well-informed student organizations and the Kenneth Byler, performed on College A FRO T C cadet corps, to be chosen tomorrow in the field of discussion.
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