r i Thuriday, May 22, 1986 Th« E»gl« t-*"*' T«»»«, H««dllght P(g« % P*9t* Th* Eagit Lali*, Tf«4 Hvadllght Thuridpy, ««»y 73, 1M6 '^^,-^.^^mi<^l^S::^'.l/| Channel 2's sports director - ^- ^^' Middle School art department o .>» Rich Farris graduates from architecture school to hold open house May 24 MF Value Leaders ^ I"he an department of the luigic tem|KT.i, criKhct, nuicranK, Ron Franklin asks good be balanced with bad Willi.iin R (Ruh) Fams w.is ollkf. durinj; the 1084 85 aiademic l.ake Middle .Schixil invites the needlepoint, quilting, shop pr«)jects The thirihircdi perNonrrxnn ot^ff thik«e mai*v,o:n« ' .. — ... • i , L • . i vtuir i/ih .» »..., L .^ i •> L ^ i , . > #., . pi.klu.iitvl ttoiu the Rice I'niverMi^ \e.u speaker and his background. yourj<.basmuthasl,"hesaid a sky b(» watching. Sh<jrtJy the In a quesu<in-answer session and others. Svhix>l I't Vahiiiviurc in HOUSIIMI. public to an open house this trio of Houston's KF'RC tele Franklin was born in Jackson, I^e fans are asking, Franklin telephcxK in the box rung . It after his remarks, Franklin said Saturday, May 24 at the hairie Fdge vision channel 2 news team S.itii'a.iN. M.i\ 10 wiih a bachelor ol Rich has recently been notified by Mississippi, and was an athlete in said, "What's happening to was Earl calling to tell his mother that he hoped the state woukl Museum between *) a.m. and 4 p m 1 he students and Mrs 1 ois Raabe, brought a special message to Big tractor features at atchiiiMuie dcjiivc Rich received J the Schixil Architecture of Columbia his youth, but turned down a athletics., lo sports." Baseball he was OK. retain the No Pass, No Play nile, art tejicher, look forward to seeing Eagle l^e May 9 when he spoke bachelor ot arts degree from Rue I niversity, New York City, that he The fine arts and crafts being football scholarship to 01' Miss last year suffered through its Other athletes Franklin mxed "with modifications .. Why you at the sh«)w. at the annual Study Club Resi­ I ni\e(MiN in 1984. His rH>si h.Ls been accepted for lutiher study in displayed include oil, pencil. because of a head injury. With his worst black eye in history with are impcjitant U) their fellow play­ should a kid (be allowed to) flunk under lOO-hppriceSu dent's l.urK:he«)n in the Com­ jiiaduaie Mudies in m-hitectuie their ni.LsierN of architecture program. interest in sports still high, he the dnig charges, pro football has ers. Many, he said, participate in three subjects fin the spring) and ciimpleies ti\e >e.irs of academic He and his wife, l.isa. plan to move munity Center. looked to broadcasting and siriular problems, and basketball the Fellowship of Christian still be eligible for football in work on campus and one year to New Yi>ri in the late summer. While sports suffered its worst worked in New Mexico and Tulsa isn't immune either On the Athletes, and others do many the fair" he asked black eye in history in the past precepiotship >er\ed with Mobarih Rich IS the son of Mr. and Mrs Senior adult choir perfonns Oklahoma. In 1971 Franklin came college front, mvesugations are things that ckin't get reported He HIMJ said he thought that year with the drug scandals at the Oh.iui \ K.i><scbaum. los Angclt'^ U illiam Fams of Ijgle l^e. to Houston to work for KHOL, pr'xttding against many schools. "Balance the bad with the there was no chance the Asiroi in Eagle Lake tliis Sunday professional level and recruiting and then in 1980 moved to That's bad news, he said, and good," he said. would move lo Washington, DC. investigations at the college KI'RC, Cliannel 2. Franklin said that's what you read and hear Friday, May 30 is election day for ITie Senior Adult Choir ot the Senior adult choirs have become very level. sports directcv Ron he was proud of his family, his about, "but I can give you names First Bapnst C'hunh of F'on Anhur popular among Baptists. Franklin spent time detailing wife Bonnie and their son, who of (athletes) who sull stand r silver-haired legislature delegates will present a service of music and Ihe Port Arthur choir is stopping many stories about the good side also IS an athlete and carries a tall. " Earl Campbell and Kenny Faye Anderson created testimonies at the First Baptist by f-lagle l.ake on their way to a of the men who play the game. 3.97 grade point average. Houston to name just two. "Don't I iid.i>. May .^0, IS FlecUon D.n, lour voting districts (oloriido Church of Eagle l.ake this Sunday, music festival in .San Antonio. the stones most of us never get a He related several humorous ex- just look at the people making tor rv.cistered voierN in Colora^to (ounty Agriculture Kuilding, Study Club decorations May 25 at 7:30 p.m. The thirty-five The public is invited to enjoy this chaiKC to learn about. penences from his career, includ­ headlines," he asked. C'ountv who were 60 years of ace it .M6 Spring Street, Columhus service of music and praise with voice choir is under the direction of The annual luncheon was a ing the problem he faced in try Earl Chrisuan Campbell, and 'Texas, our Texas! All hail the older on Janu.uy 1. 1'586 to cast tht r has been designated as the prepared by members of the Study lx)well Rollins. He has directed members of First Baptist Church, standing room only buffet ing to fill an hour's broadcast in his mother Ann Campbell, are ballots to chix>se their delegate i' polling place for Colorado nughty state! Gub with the exception of the senior adult choirs for many years. luigle l.akc. presided over by Mary Lou Ander­ TuLsa with that school's coach held in high respect by Franklin. Texas' first SilverllaiicJ (ounty for the May .M) Texas, our Texas! So Wonderful rolls which were made by Dr son in the absence of Study Club after they had been beaten by the To show how important his mom and Great Raymrjnd Thomas. legislature The group will convene election. >^ »iptnd a o! ot vxifs •'~ ifv President Bunny Frazar who was TV Chatinel 2'8 University of Houston 100 6. IS, Franklin said that m the fust Kathryn McRee, library in .Austin tor a ihrec-day session m The names of the six candiAiies •Ml Of yOu( MF 60C S«r«s uac e»pect oniv on large' itactofs on vacation in the Orient. Ron Franklin Franklin called Ron Stone one game she saw Earl play in an God Bless you, Texas! And keep chairman for the club, presented lOf Thttjiwhenyooi'-nost Stop tv todav t>? .-'ijH-* "^c^ late September. for eltviion to the Silver Haired 4-H fashion show However, Mrs. Frazar sent a letter of his best friends. The two Oiler uniform. Earl was injured you brave and strong Mary Uju a copy of Ron Sione's iPpl»Ci«l« Its roomy auiet com out vou'se" ITie Silver-llaired Legislature will Legislature from this district, in ci«Tiate-ox!Oi«3 ^.•a^ to be read to the audience on the including the silk Blue Bells in a broadcast the Houston Oilers. "I and left the field for medical that you may grow in power and Book of Days to be given to be a mcvk legislature which wiii order of their appearance on the club's contributions to the country setting. Thanks also went hope all of you who work enjoy treatment Mrs. Campbell was in worth throughout the ages Bunny. * S5-tS hp' tu«t-»aving Perkins d«sels consider ;uid vole on issues tb.n balli>t. ;ire Raymond Alexander winners named library, and about the lufK'heon. to Fair Wells and Mrs. Wiese for long."' Arthur Anderson had the honor * 2-CK *-wf>«»l drive models to match your need' con».em the needs of Older Texans.! Saage. Anna E. Nichols, Jean Bryan Ky Peggy Kalina VVeirruir, junior active sportswear; Many people made the affair their work on the annual auction, G. Wright and J. Mar^h of introducing the speaker of the • 12'*p*ed synchromesn transmission both ttniiv and tomorrow and make Adims. William Joseph Blanks. « B)g capacity hydraulics advanced Ferguson system County Extension Agent Amy Sklar of Frclsburg. senior possible and Mrs. Frazar thanked as well as (with Mrs. Frazar) for day, Ron Franklin, who is sporu U>uglas CiKik Luther, and lommie • trxJapendent S40 lOOOrpmPTO recomniend.ilions to the 1987 regul.ir "Waltz Across Texas with active sportswear; Dionne Glover ot them all, especially Margie Wiese the luncheon's chicken; to Betty What a joy it was to continue diiectof for Channel 2, Houston. tirjce L.aMotta. session of the Texas I epislature. Fashion" was the theme of the 1986 Eagle Lake, senior non taiUired whom she called the commander- Wilcox for preparing the salad, to celebrating our state's sesquicen- Of course many probably felt they The Silver-ILiired Legislature will Election procedures will follow 4-H Fashion Show held May 9 at daywear; Jennifer Coervcr of in-chief in her absence. Mrs. Dr. Ray Thomas for the rolls, and tennial at the lovely Eagle Lake already knew Ron after having W.A.
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