![Dates of Sailings on Application](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
^^AP^mW ¦ *..«, ?r. sy,; T j 1 ^Ê m , . ^^^ / ¦ *"•' 'v '...'¦ ">'• i: ¦ .. x-i . : •¦'¦ , ¦' mmx.y A WEEKLY JOfcMNAL OF T ND FINANCE VOL. 9 RIO DE JANEIRO, WEDNESDAY, July 2nd, 1919 THE R0YAL WAiL STEAM PACKET COMPANY R M S. P. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY P. S.7PÍ. (7 ] HE PACIFIC ¦ çWa <WK« Regular service Frequent service of mail of boats to and from ali che ,;."' v •• ¦¦;• steamers between Brazil, Europe, cargo xxyf Ports The River Plate and Pacific principal British Ali steamers fitted with France, Spain and Kl'- R also serving ¦ ports, ;¦' V,y~Vy liarconi system of wireless tele- Portugal. graphy. (,_ri) Cabines de luxe - Staterooms with bath-room, etc, also a large number of Shfgle berth Cabins —- 'i ¦¦¦. Vyyy í* • * r ^ DATES OF SAILINGS ON APPLICATION. PÀRTICULARS; APPLY TO /,-w i. .¦ t FOR FURTHER COMPANY (v:'í ii:-Q THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET 53 and 55, Avenida Rio Branco, 53 and 55 •'¦-•¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ -vi .1 Tel. OMARIUS - RIO - P. O. B. 21 :.;-''*Í7if: .,' '''#.» NO. 1199 NORTE. y ¦ M . l * .,.-;. TELEPHONE y _S*Í&M i. t * - RUA 15 DE NJJY1MM0J90 ¦ RUA QUITANDA SANTOS ¦..-¦.¦ yizxy SÃO PAULO (C»mr tf Rua ••• ¦•nt«) ,... -. II WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW July 2ud, 19Í9: $ The Great Western of Brazil Railway Company, Ltd. Direet communication between: and Saturday». RECIFE (Cinco Prontas) and Maceió and Jaraguá On Sundays. Tuesdays, Thursdays ¦ returziing on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, RECIFE (Centrai and Barão do Rio Branco I and Fridays. RECIFE (Brum) and" Parahyba and Cabedello COMMUNICATION BETWEEN RECIFE (Bru m) and Natal and vice-versa, on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays PARAHYBA and Natal sleeping at Independência. The Great Western Railway; system, with 1,621 klms. of lines at present in traffic, servesthe following States: Área sq. klms.Population ALAGOAS 58,491700,000 PERNAMBUCO 128,3951,300,000 Note._The figures relating to inhabi- PARAHYBA 74,731'500,000 tants refer to the year 1906; 20 per cent maj RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 57,485480,000 safely be added to arrive at approximat. figures for 1917. Total 319,102 2,980,000 Development of the system and its traffic since 1905. Klms. in traffic Passengers Goods, tonB 1905 1,276 ! 1,813,444 708,935 1910 1,475 2,214,503 907,135 1915 .' 1,621 1,975,586 1,066,260 1916 1,621 742,390 1,192,394 1917 1,621 3,289,562 1,366,660 1,621 3,720,075 1,470,916 The steady progress of the zone served by the Great Western The favourable conditions and steady progress of this zon« .üown by the above figures cannot fail to undergo further con- should attract the attention of European and American investon dderable impulse when the construetion of the Ports Jaragus to the zone served by the Great Western Railway. !Alagoas), Cabedello (Parahyba), Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) Although tropical, the zone is exceptionally healthy and, in- and Recife (Pernambuco) is complete. deed, counts several health resorts, ííke Caruaru, Garanhuns, The plans and estimate of the first have been completed, whilst Floresta dos Leões, etc, to which residents of other and les» tihe construetion of the Ports of Cabedello and Natal is being healthy districts habitually resort. carried out under the administration of the Federal Government. The staple products of the zone are sugar in the lowland and It íb expected that construetion will be accelerated on the concln- cotton vji the hinterland. ?•" sion of the present cnsis.T_ v' i The soil is ^extremely rich and gives a splendid return—even The construetion of the Port of Recife on a scale and in ívithout manures—for cultivation of Indian com, beans mandioca, :£ •echnical conditions that will convert it into one of the most up-to- carnaúba wax, maniçoba, cocoa, coffee, etc. late ports of the Continent, is well advanced; an área amph Almost the entire region, served by the Great Western Rail- sufficient for actual traffic has been completed and opened -for *vay is considered amongst the best in the world for tropical traffic. fruits. The geographical pòsition of the Port of Recife is exceptionallj The quality of pineapples, cocoanuts, mangoes, pinhas, bananai idvantageous, as it is practically the obligatory port of call for and goiabas, etc, grown in the north-èast of Brazil, is famous, and 4,11 ships from both Europe and North America destined for South their production and export certain, in the near future, to take very imerica and vice-versa, as well as for ships bound from éithei large proportions. ;oast ©f North or Central America for the Southern Atlantic, Important canning factories already exist, though this indústry «rhatsoever their destination. is yet in its infancy and its resources1 practically untouched. Owing to its advantageous situation Recife is the port foi regarding the zone served by the Great Western cnost of the produce of the rich tropical zone of north-eastern Information Brazil, a fact which cannot fail to contributo considerably to th* (ailway may be obtained on application to any of the Company'¦ )rogresH ©f the neighbouring zones likewise".í jffices aB below:— RECIFE—Rua Barão do Triumpho n. 328—Pernambuco. RIO DE JANEIRO—Avenida Rio Branco n. 117, 2' andar. LONDON—River Plate House, Finsburv Circus, E. C. 1919. WILEMAN'S ,j„|y.2ncl. BRAZILIAN REVIEW III LONDOJM AND BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED. , w ESTABLISH E D 1862 ICapital £2,500,000 £ai Capital paid up .. £1,250,000 i Reserve ^** }.é;!; Fund........... _?1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE .................v.i7, TOKENHOUSE YARD, LONDON. E.C. BRANCH OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO ... ..V í.. 19, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA PARIS BRANCH ...........;::...............;.5, RUE SCRIBE, PARIS Draws on Head Offices and following branches: Lisbon,Oporto, Manáos, Para, Maranhão, Ceara, Pernambuco, Bahia, Santos, S Paulo Curityba, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Pelotas, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Rosário de Santa Fé, Paris and New York Also on the following CAgenoy)' ;Bankers:^-Messrs. Glyn Mills, Currie and Co., London; Socíété Générale," Paris and Branches:' Italiano, Italy • Credito Hongl^ng and Shanghai Sanking Corporation, índia, China and Japan; Crédit Lyonnais and Anglo-Seut- : American Bank, Ltd., Spain; Branches of the Banco de Portugal, Portugal.•;"¦ ;¦ ¦¦Si''CORRESPONDENTS.0$$0$ The Bank has Age^™^!or^^principal ports and cities of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, United States ;* Europe l_2i__¦ THE BR^gTBANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LTD. HEAD OFFICE : 4 MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. Capi,al 22**000m Idem Paid Up ....£1,000,000Resem, Fund 00..;. _1,000,000 Rua Primeiro » Office iri Rio de janeiro de Março 45 and 47 et.;•'•.'¦..., Rua Buenos Aires 1, 3, 5 and 7 Branches at:-MANCWESTER, ; SAO PAULO, BAHIA, BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO and ROSÁRIO^ Correspondents m Araeaj^ ;Bagé, Bello-Horizonte, Ceará, Curityba, Corumbá, Florianópolis, Joinville, Laguna, Maceió, Maranhão, Manáos, Natal, Para,,-Parahyba do Norte, Parnahyba, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Santa Maria, "' ! Santos' and &>æ.yys : Victoria. ¦ ¦"¦' ,. Draws on its Head Offic$ in London; The London Joint City & Midland iBank, Ld., London; Barclay's Bank,'Ld., and ali principal towns in the UmtedrKingdom; Messrs. Heine & Cio., Paris; Messrs. Cox & Co., (France) Ltd., Paris, and aU the principal towns m France; [Banca Belinzaghl, Milan; Banca Italiana di Sconto, Genoa, and ali the principal towns in Italy;. Messrs. E. Samx e Hijos and Messrs: Garcia Calamarte & Co., Madrid, and ali thé principal towns in Spaini -'t..> Also draws on The Bank b^New^ YÒrk/N.B.A^Nèw York; on South. África, on the principal towns in índia aná Japan; laj t' Austrália and New Zealand. '""¦'"-í,:.' Opens Current Accountsand Savings Bank Aeeounts.Receives Deposit at Notice or for Fixed Periods ISSUES LETTERS OF CREÇíT; ALSO CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CRÉDIT AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD íTRANSACTfi EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING BUSINESS '','.,'¦ ítíj í THÉ LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED. Central Office; RUA DA GLORIA, 36 - Telephone: 2404 Central j^Cable Address : LAf ESCENCEf ^%_________= _E__lo do J-=-,r-_^.----»r- Direcí communication between Rio de Janeiro and Victoria, Espirito Santo, State of Minas, etc. 1,823 miles of Une. TERMINAL STATIONS: NICTHEROY AND PRAIA FORMOSA. TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR:— NICTHEROY. PRAIA FORMOSA:—0 - (Summer) From lst November to 30th April. 6.30 Express—Campos, Miracema,, Itapemirini, Porciuncula and 6.00 Express—Petropolis, Entre Rios, Ubá Ponte Nora, Porte branch lines, daily. Novo, Cataguázes, Santa Luzia and branch lines, 7.00 Express—Friburgo, daily. Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily 7.30 Express—Petropolis, Sundays and ¦-•..."¦¦• • Holidays only. 7.45 ir ¦ 8.3*0 Express—Petropolis, daily.' •; Mixed—Macahé, Tuesdays,; Thursdays and Saturdays. 10.25 Express—Petropolis, Sundays and Holidays only. * ) S 9.40 I Mixed—Friburgo and ÒantagaÜo, 13.35 Express—Petropolis, daily, except Sundays and Holidays. '00, '* Mondays, Wédnesdays and Fridays.'..'"". • ¦'¦¦'' AÍ Ar: 15.50 Express—Petropolis and Entre Rios, daily.] ! 15.35 Passeio—Friburgo, Saturdays and when announced. 16.20 Express—Petropolis, daily, except Sundays and HolidayY 17.50 Express—Petropolis,. daily. y' \16.15 Mixed—!Rio Bonito, dailyJ.Wednesflay '21.00 to Capivary. 20.00 Express—Petropolis, daily JNight Express—Campos, ? Itapemirim and Victoria, Mondays and Fridays, sleepers and restaurant cars. Electric illumination f and ventilation. Single, fare, 48$90Q; Upper Berth, 10$000; Lower Berth, 15$000. Return fare, 74$400.. 5 Lunen an_ i. dinner served during journey. ? EXCURSIONS SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. Petropolis- 2,700 feet above sea levei, magnificent climate, FriburgO—2,800 feet above sea levei. 3 hours, Ij VÍ6WS 25 minutes »| during triP5 x ü«ur, 40 minutes, lst class return, passeio train. Fare, 10$800 lst class return t« t?Rnn¦*l'W. Stone (Saturday ballast; no dust. 6 trains per day. Monday. DELIVERY AT RESIDENCE.—A regular service of delivèry at résidence in íand Rio d© Janeiro, Nictheroy, Friburgo, Campos, '' P 6 r?P°ll.s ls maintained by the aienf Company, by which parcels may be despatched direct from any address in one of the abore 10n^d cities to any of the others "Guia 11 tt with the minimum of trouble and at moderate rates.
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