OdonatologicalAbstracts 1971 12 spp, from the Faisalabad area, Pakistan, are listed, described and discussed. Pseudagrion ceylanicum is a peculiar record, certainly re- (7055) REMANE, A. & C. SCHLIEPER, 1971. ferable to C. rubriceps. Biology of brackish water. [Die Binnenge- York- wasser, Vol. 25]. X+372 pp. Wiley, New 1981 -Toronto-Sydney. ISBN 0-471-71640-5. - Price: US $ 57.50. (7058) GROSSBERGER, K. & J, HOFFMANN, This is a revised Engl, edition of the classical 1981. Antrag auf Ausweisung eines Natur- 1958 ’’Biologic des Brackwassers”(Die Binnen- schutzgebietes im Bereich der Flussmün- Bd. Schweizerbart’sche gewasser, 22, Verlags- dungen Ilmenau und Luhe, Landkreis buchhandlung, Stuttgart). The scanty infor- MittBl. dt. Bund Odon. based H. Harburg. Vogelschulz mation on (p. 80) is mainly on Hamburg (Sonderheft 9; 1-68. — „ (Second Lindberg’s 1949 monograph (Commeniat. Author: Schopstr. 6, D-2000 Hamburg-20, biol. 10: 1-206), it is neither revised, nor com- FRG). pleted or updated. The very substantial the and brief References to list of, a discussion volume of information on Odon. in brackish on the national status of the 21 odon. spp. water habitats published in the past 4 decades recorded in the area of the proposed nature and covering all climatic zones and continents reserve (Hamburg, FRG) appear on pp. 4, 5, remains completely disregarded. 45-47. 1978 1984 (7056) PINHEY, E„ 1978. Falcon College Expe- (7059) NIAZ1, W.A.K., 1984. Damselfliesof district dition to Huwi Private Nature Reserve, El- Rawalpindi. M. Sc. thesis (Ent.) Univ. Agric., lisras, N.W. Transvaal, Nov.-Dec., 1977: excl. Faisalabad. VI+36 pp., I map — (c/o Dr Odonata and Lepidoptera. Falcon. Zimbabwe M. — Yousuf, Dept. Agric. Ent., Univ. Agric., 6(3): 61-63. (7 Anvil Close, Billingshurst, Faisalabad,Pakistan). W. Sussex, RH14, 9NQ, UK). from 18 spp. the Rawalpindi area, Pakistan, Commented list of 30 odon. spp. arelisted, described and discussed. 1979 1985 (7057) CH1SHT1, M.Y., 1979. Damselflies of Fai- salabad. M. Sc. thesis (Ent.), Univ. Agric., Fai- (7060) KANTH, Z.I., 1985. Odonata of Azad Jammu salabad. VI+20 — Dr M. and Kashmir. M. Sc. thesis Univ. pp. (c/o Yousuf, (Ent.) Agric., Dept Agric. Ent., Univ. Agric., Faisalabad, Faisalabad. X+101 pp. —(c/o Dr M. Yousuf. Pakistan). Dept Agric., Univ, Agric., Faisalabad, Pa- 196 Odonatological Abstracts kistan). 1986 61 spp. from 4 districts of the province Azad 1986. Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, are described (7064) DAVID, S.. Vaiky (Odonata) Holeho other vrchu in considerable detail. Among details, a Kosiar dolinky v Sliavnickych — the characters distinguishing between Croco- vrchoch. [Dragonflies (Odonata) of the themis servilia and C. erythraea. and between Holy hill and the KoDiar valley in the Pseudagrion rubriceps and P. ceylanicum Landscape Reserve of the Stiavnecke Range], but of the are outlined, no localities latter Prehi. odhor. Vysl. XXI Tahora Ochrancov stated OA 50-56. — are (cf. 7057). Prir.. pp. (Slovak). (Tekovské Muzeum, CZ-934 69 Levice). 15 listed (7061) KAPPES, E. & W. KAPPES, 1985. Zusam- spp. are and the fauna of this reserve menstellung der Lihellen-Beobachtungen ini in the Stiavnccke Range (= Schemnitzer Mts), Slovakia. Norden Griechenlands. IV-H33 pp. Privately Czechoslovakia, is briefly discussed. published. Hamburg. — (Holstenstr. 157, D- (7065) DAVID, S.. 1986. -2000 Hamburg-50,FRG). Vâiky Hrâdockého ramene — Detailed account of odon. (47 spp.) recorded Vâhu a dais ich lokalit v okoli Trencina. 44 in the branch of (1982-1984) in areas northern Greece, Dragonflies of Hrâdok the River mainly in the regions of the Prespa Lakes, Vâh and of other localities in the surroundings of Trencin. Aliakmon Delta. Limni Volvi, a stream nr Zbor. odbor. Prac IV zapadoslov. Porto Lagos, and the Mitrikoy Lake. Detailed Topu, Bratislava 3: 255-265. (Slovak, with descriptions of habitats and their odon. fauna Engl. s.). — (Tékovské Muzeum, CZ-934 69 are followed by an annotated list of records. A Levice). adults the Cordule- key to the of European 20 spp. are evidenced from this locality in gaster spp. (by H. Stobbe) is appended (cf. OA Slovakia, Czechoslovakia. The record of Cro- 7063). cothemis erythraea is ofparticular interest. (7062) MICHAELIS, F.B.. 1985. Rare or threatened (7066) KAPPES, E. & W. KAPPES, 1986. species from inland waters of Tasmania, Au- Dragonfly observations in Canada (Yukon Rec. Victoria Mus. Launceston 87: I- British 44 stralia. and Columbia). pp. Privately pu- — — -14. (Aust. Natn. Parks & Wildlife Serv., 3rd blished, Hamburg. (Holstenstr. 157, D- Floor, Construction House, 217 Northbourne -2000 Hamburg-50/Altona,FRG). and of Ave.. Turner, A.C.T. 2601, AU). Field notes a list records. The Tasmanian endemics Archipetalia auri- culata and Synthemiopsis gomphomacro- (7067) SCHMIDT-FASEL, S. & D. SCHMIDT, mioides. and Synthemis macrostigma 1986. Zur Flora und Fauna des Nistertales orientalis (which is widespread in continental zwischen Stein-Wingert und Wissen. Ornilhol. 7: listed in the IUCN NatSchutz Koblenz 149-156. — Australia) are category (Denkmal- "rare”. str. 16, D-5244 Daarden, FRG). Contains a list of 8 odon. spp. (Westerwald (7063) STOBBE, H., 1985. Bestimmungsschlüssel nr Koblenz, FRG). für die europäischen Cordulegaster-Arten (Anisoptera: Cordulegasteridae). In: E. Kap- 1987 & W. pes Kappes. Zusammenstellung der Libellen-Beobachtungenim Norden Griechen- (7068) CHAO, H.-f.. 1987. Odonata: Aeshnidae, Li- In: S. lands, pp. 128-133. privately published, bellulidae. Zhang, [Ed.], Agricultural - Hamburg. (Holthusenstr. 4a. D-2000 insects, spiders, plant diseases and weeds of Hamburg-67. ERG). Xizang [=Tibet], Vol. I. pp. 5-6. Xizang the both Key to adults of sexes of 6 European Peoples’ Publishing House, Xizang. [Pu- the blished in 1987 is spp.; infraspecific taxa are not considered. 1988, though given on the For the book cf. OA 7061. cover], (Chin., with Engl. s.). — (Inst. Biol. Odonatological Abstracts 197 Control, Fujian Agric. Coll., PRC-350002 — (Dipto Zook, Univ. Napoli, Via Mezzo- Fuzhou, Fujian). cannone8,1-80134 Napoli). This is 16 listed from of a highly interesting little note, dealing spp. are the lake Falciano with the fauna ofan odonatologicallyvirtually (Caserta, Campania, southern Italy). Or- thetrum unexplored region in Tibet. Since the text is nitidinerve represents the first record in entirely Chinese, Professor H.-f. Chao was ofthis sp. in Campania since 1928.87.5 % ofthe kind enough to provide Engl, transliterations regionalspp. are referable to the preglacial"Re- of the the of St. — An locality names as appearingin paper fugialfauna” Quentin. annotated list of 34 from 38 localities in southern by S.-m. Zhang, Y.-x. Chao & S.-c. Hu, ”On spp., the geographicalregions ofagricultural insects Italy is appended. the in Xizang", published in same volume, pp. 25-27. The Engl, transliterations of Tibetan (7070) DAVID, S., 1987. Prispevek k poznâni vâzek okoli Lucence. — locality names there, however, are in part (Odonata) [Contribution to unusual, hence the the knowledge of dragonfly fauna in the places not easily recog- nizable, therefore the Abstracter requested Dr LuJenec area]. Prehl. odbor. Vysl. XXII Prir. 151-158. Gyatsho Tshering (Library of Tibetan works Tabora Ochrancov pp. (Slovak). and — CZ-934 69 archives, Dharamsala, India) for a more (Tekovské Muzeum, Levice). "classic” transliteration, based on the names in The odon. fauna (19 spp.) of this region in the al. work. The southern is listed. Zhang et localities are as Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, follows et transliteration in At 5 localities 2 distinct odon, (the Zhang al. pa- studied, commu- rentheses): Oriental region: (I) Dza-yul/ nities were discerned. Mon-yul/Glo-yul rice and tea district ("Zayu- -Menyu-Loyu”), (2) "double cropping dry far- (7071) KAPPES, E. & W. KAPPES, 1987. Odonata ming district", no locality name, (3) "Middle Canada 29.6-25.7.1986 und 20.6-18.7.1987 in Himalayadistrict”, nolocality name, (4) Nying- British Columbia und Alberta. Stencil, 8 pp. -khu/sMin-gling district ("Nyingchi-Main- Printed and circulated by the authors. — (Hol- ling"); — Palaeartic region: (5) Hong- stenstr. 157, D-2000 Hamburg-50/Atona, -grong mountain district ("Heng-Duang”), (6) FRG). "southern Xizang [=Tibet] farming and animal Annotated list of 38 spp. collected or photo- husbandry district”, no locality name, (7) graphed. "Mountain region high cold district", no lo- cality name, (8) Western mNg’a-ris district (7072) MACAGNO, M„ 1987. Per una libellula. Boll. ("Ali”), (9) Nag-chu high cold district Soc.paleontol. ital. 26( 1 /2), 2 pp. (introductory The and the lo- of the ("Nagqu”). spp. corresponding part issue, no pagination) (Author’s calities are: Anax parthenope (I, 2, 3, 7), address not stated). Aeshna Personal the sp. (9?), Adsorb'd panorpoides (4), Cro- reminiscences of encounter with, cothemis erythraea (6), Diplacodes trivialis (5), and the odon. palaeontology work of the late Prof. Libellula quadrimaculata (1,2, 8), Orthetrum Carlo Sturani (deceased Dec, 20, 1975). O. For his work cf. OA chrysis (6), internum (2), Palpopleura sex- 6925, maculata (4, 6), Pantala flavescens (6), Tri- themis festiva T. (6), pallidinervis (2, 6). In the (7073) McNICOL, D.K., P.J. PLANCHER & B.E. Zhang et al. a is given of paper good map the BENDELL, 1987. Waterfowl as indicators of the topographicposition of districts concerned. wetland acidification in Ontario. Techn. Publ. was This annotated by Prof. Chao and copies Ini. Council Bird Preserv. 6: 149-166. — (Can. are available from the Editor of Odonalologica. Wildl. Serv., Ontario Region, 1725 Woodward Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1A OH3, CA). D’ANTONIO, C., Gli odonati (7069) 1987. del lago di The summarizes information on paper current Falciano del (Falciano Massico, Caserta) e v/aterfowl-acid rain relationships in Ontario, catture di odonati inaltre stazioni. Boll. nuove identifies the advantagesof using breeding wa- Soc. Natur. 96; 165-175. Napoli (With Engl. s.). terfowl as indicators of wetland acidification, 198 Odonatological Abstracts and provides recommendations for the devel- to the Library are receiving it free, sub- of the addresses opment a biomonitoringprotocol using wa- scriptions are accepted at in- The terfowl.
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