APPENDIX: PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CERTaIN FONTaNaBUONa KIN GROUPS AccORDINg TO THE 1641 CARATATA (fROM CHaP. 4) 1. The Arata kin group (parishes of Cicagna and Orero) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 8 13 – – 595 100–200 10 15 1 – 1,235 200–400 11 19 5 1 2,840 400–600 12 38 7 1 6,476 600–800 8 35 6 – 6,162 800–1,000 5 19 4 – 5,082 1,000–1,200 6 18 6 – 6,150 1,200–1,400 4 17 3 – 5,225 1,400–1,600 7 29 7 1 10,281 1,600–1,800 3 12 4 – 5,140 1,800–2,000 3 18 4 – 5,736 2,000–3,000 3 8 4 1 7,830 3,000 3 29 8 1 10,190 Total 83 270 59 6 72,942 © The Author(s) 2018 283 O. Raggio, Feuds and State Formation, 1550–1700, Early Modern History: Society and Culture, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94643-6 284 APPENDIX: PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CERTAIN FONTANABUONA KIN… 2. The Fopiano kin group (parish of Cicagna) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 17 19 1 – 971 100–200 15 20 1 1 2,392 200–400 21 35 9 – 6,851 400–600 12 31 8 – 6,120 600–800 14 29 8 – 10,310 800–1,000 5 12 5 1 4,620 1,000–1,200 5 18 5 – 5,552 1,200–1,400 5 21 7 1 6,460 1,400–1,600 – – – – – 1,600–1,800 3 14 3 – 5,080 1,800–2,000 – – – – – 2,000–3,000 2 8 4 – 4,310 3,000 – – – – – Total 99 207 51 3 52,666 3. The Casazza kin group (parish of Cicagna) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 15 16 1 – 660 100–200 14 19 4 – 2,480 200–400 16 28 10 1 5,800 400–600 12 38 9 – 6,379 600–800 5 12 4 – 4,195 800–1,000 4 9 6 1 3,750 1,000–1,200 2 8 2 – 2,346 1,200–1,400 1 4 1 – 1,325 1,400–1,600 1 3 – – 1,458 1,600 – – – – – Total 70 137 37 2 28,393 APPENDIX: PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CERTAIN FONTANABUONA KIN… 285 4. The Leverone kin group (parish of Cicagna) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 5 7 3 – 334 100–200 9 15 5 – 1,138 200–400 7 19 4 – 2,165 400–600 2 6 4 2 1,042 600–800 3 11 4 – 2,080 800–1,000 1 6 1 1 1,040 1,000–1,200 2 10 3 – 2,250 1,200–1,400 1 3 – – 1,250 1,400 – – – – – Total 30 77 24 3 11,299 5. The Porcella kin group (parishes of Cicagna and Verzi) Estimate category ( lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 10 11 1 – 580 100–200 4 8 4 – 748 200–400 4 10 – – 1,158 400–600 3 17 2 – 1,370 600 1 11 – – 650 Total 22 57 7 – 4,506 6. The Malatesta kin group (parishes of Cicagna and Verzi) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 13 13 2 – 780 100–200 2 2 – – 400 200–400 4 17 2 1 1,400 400–600 8 25 5 – 3,845 600–800 6 26 5 – 4,265 800–1,000 4 13 3 – 3,780 1,000–1,200 1 2 – – 1,200 1,200–1,400 1 2 – – 1,260 1,400–1,600 1 4 1 – 1,560 1,600 – – – – – Total 40 104 18 1 18,490 286 APPENDIX: PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CERTAIN FONTANABUONA KIN… 7. The Cavagnaro kin group (parish of Verzi) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 26 31 6 – 1,450 100–200 16 33 9 – 2,635 200–400 12 35 6 – 3,775 400–600 7 28 6 – 3,460 600–800 3 14 4 – 2,035 800–1,000 5 23 7 – 4,624 1,000–1,200 4 15 4 – 4,391 1,200–1,400 4 19 3 1 5,195 1,400–1,600 1 2 1 – 1,600 1,600–1,800 3 18 6 – 5,180 1,800–2,000 3 20 3 – 5,670 2,000–3,000 1 2 – – 3,000 3,000–4,000 2 8 4 – 6,220 4,000 1 2 4 – 6,000 Total 88 250 63 1 55,235 8. The De Martino kin group (parish of Lorsica) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 36 41 2 – 1,790 100–200 15 32 10 – 2,490 200–400 23 79 16 1 6,585 400–600 14 85 18 5 7,274 600–800 8 66 6 – 5,520 800–1,000 8 65 9 – 7,006 1,000–1,200 3 31 5 – 3,295 1,200–1,400 – – – – – 1,400–1,600 2 21 2 – 2,910 1,600–1,800 2 14 2 – 3,410 1,800–2,000 1 13 2 – 1,960 2,000–3,000 2 28 4 – 4,432 3,000–4,000 1 13 3 – 3,305 4,000 2 39 6 3 14,270 Total 117 527 85 9 64,247 APPENDIX: PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION WITHIN CERTAIN FONTANABUONA KIN… 287 9. The Segaro kin group (parish of Lorsica) Estimate category (lire) Owners Parcels Houses Mills Estimated value 0–100 3 4 – – 150 100–200 7 15 1 – 930 200–400 5 22 3 – 1,576 400–600 4 12 4 – 1,940 600 1 17 2 – 2,650 Total 20 70 10 – 7,246 INDEX1 A Apennines, xii, 27, 38, 41, 58, 62, 64, Acereto (village), 176 91, 122, 154, 155, 158, 170, Acqua (village), 115n40, 118 181, 193, 231 Adorno (Adorna), 9, 184, 186, 189, Apprentice, 154, 235–237, 241, 242 195n18, 197, 204, 207 Apulia, 155, 156 Adorno, Gio Batta, 50, 234n46, Aquilonare (gate in Rapallo), 158 281n83 Arata, Agostina (daughter of Affinity (in-law), 144, 146 Bernardo), 134, 139, 143n61, Aix, 40n54 143n62 Albaro (hill), 58n104 Arata, Alessandro, 140, 141, 243–247, Alberghi, 5–7, 9, 9n20, 24, 24n4, 245n73, 270 129n24, 174, 186, 186n6, Arata, Ambrosio, 162, 270 281n84 Arata, Angelo Maria (son of Gio Alí (Moorish slave), 221n16 Batta), 118n42, 132, 267, 268 Allegra, L., 128n19 Arata, Aurelio (son of Gio Batta), 132, Amandolesi, 69, 70 161, 244n69, 266 Angeletta (wife of Gioanni Arata, Batta (son of Bernardo), 134, Castagneto), 133, 134, 178, 143n62 179 Arata, Battino, 128, 129, 135, 160 Antibes, 40n54 Arata, Battino (from Croce), 125 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2018 289 O. Raggio, Feuds and State Formation, 1550–1700, Early Modern History: Society and Culture, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94643-6 290 INDEX Arata, Battino (from Lencisa, son of Arata, Gio Francesco, 132 Stefano and Geronima), 253 Arata, Giovanni (from Arata), 128 Arata, Battino (from Pendola), 128, 129 Arata, Giuliano (from Lencisa), 128 Arata, Battista, 127 Arata, Luisina (daughter of Bernardo), Arata, Benedetto (from Lencisa, 143n62 brother of Francesco and Arata, Marco, 160 Nicolino), 135, 136 Arata, Nicola (from Lencisa, cousin of Arata, Benedetto (from Lencisa, son of Battino), 125, 135 Stefano and Geronima), 136 Arata, Nicola (son of Bernardo), Arata, Bernardino (from Orero), 128 143n62 Arata, Bernardo (father of Nicola and Arata, Nicolao, 126 Domenico), 143n62 Arata, Nicolino (from Lencisa, brother Arata, Carlo, 122–125, 132 of Francesco and Benedetto), 136 Arata, Domenico (son of Bernardo), Arata, Nicolino (from Orero), 258 128, 143n62 Arata, Nicollino (from Lencisa, son of Arata family, 72, 117, 121, 128, 160, Stefano and Geronima), 135 217 Arata, Oliviero, 134 Arata, Felino, 162 Arata, Paolo, 125 Arata, Filippo, 128 Arata, Pellegro, 161 Arata, Francesco (from Lencisa, Arata, Pompeo, 132 brother of Nicolino and Arata, Rolandino, 128, 161, 170 Benedetto), 136 Arata, Scipione, 132 Arata, Galeazzo, 117–119, 122–129, Arata, Stefano, 132, 135, 136 132–135, 154, 215, 221n16, Arata, Tomaxino, 125 225, 229n28, 232n37, 239n58, Arata, Zanino, 133 252, 268 Arbiter (peace-maker), 123, 177, 217, Arata, Geronima, 133, 134, 136, 138, 261 139 Arbitration, xii, xiii, 11, 12, 15, 43, Arata, Geronima (daughter of 211, 261, 268, 271 Stefano), 135 Arboccò (village), 232 Arata, Giacometto, 253 Archive Arata, Gieronima (daughter of archival, xvii, 43, 72 Bernardo), 143n62 cadastral source, 174n1 Arata, Gio, 127, 128, 255 criminal record, 16, 58, 174n1, 253 Arata, Gio (from Croce), 128 criminal register, 175 Arata, Gio Andrea, 161, 269 documentation, 52, 152 Arata, Gioanni, 128 notarial records, 199 Arata, Gio Batta (notary), 85n46, Arena (village), 217, 232 103n26, 118n42, 122, 123n2, Argirofi family, 189 125, 129, 132n30, 134n41, Ariosto, Ludovico, 244n69 137n45, 141n60, 143n62, Arno, A., 30n24 157n15, 244n69, 253, 258n18, Arrighi, G., 261n29 259n25, 267–269 Ascheri, G.A., 6n11 INDEX 291 Ascoli, Albert R, xviin26 Baker, 72, 85, 162–169 Assemblies, 7, 43, 44, 52, 66, 73, 103, Bakhtin, M., 30n24 200, 205, 207, 222 Balandier, G., 280n82 Aste family, 53 Ballano, 175, 228, 256 Auto-consumption, 126, 157 Bancalari family, 207, 209 Aveno, 45, 46, 255 Bandits (against bandits), 19, 23, 28, Aveto valley, 38, 39n52, 51, 122, 125, 31, 32n27, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46, 145, 153, 154, 158, 164, 170, 51–53, 145, 266 199n27, 202, 232, 233, 241, Banishment (exile/ban), 11, 12, 29, 246, 247 33, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 57, 95, Aymard, Maurice, 233n40 203, 216, 218, 225, 230, 239, 252, 276 Banton, M., 192n11 B Barbarasco (village), 117 Bacezza (village), 223 Barbazelata, Alessandro, 177 Bachioco, Agostino, 187, 188 Barbazelata, Battista, 175, 176 Bachioco, Batta, 189 Barbazelata, Benedetto, 176, 239 Bacigalupo, Batta (husband of Barbazelata family, 216n8, 250, 260 Agostina Boitano), 139 Barbazelata, Martino, 175 Bacigalupo, Batta (son of Vincenzo, Barbazelata, Pasquale, 176 husband of Maria Valente), 141 Barbazelata, Pasqualino, 175 Bacigalupo, Battino, 201 Barbazelata, Stefano, 35, 94n2, 218, Bacigalupo family, 201 232n37, 263 Bacigalupo, Galeazzo, 141 Barbero family, 216n8, 222 Bacigalupo, Giacomo, 270 Barbero, Scipione, 227 Bacigalupo, Gio (son of Galeazzo), Barbieri (village), 233n43 141 Bardi, 163 Bacigalupo, Gio Batta, 188 Bargagli, 49, 63, 224 Bacigalupo, Gio Carlo, 200, 201 Bargello (police chief), 181 Bacigalupo, Juanino, 39, 39n52, 40 Barnavi, E., 3n3 Bacigalupo, Lazaro, 188 Basso family (from Camogli), 213 Bacigalupo, Masina (daughter of Bateson, G., 211n51 Galeazzo, wife of Stefano Bavari (parish), 35 Valente), 141 Bazzorro, Battino, 40 Bacigalupo, Rolandino, 273n63, 279 Beals, A.R., 192n11 Bacigalupo, Rolando, 194 Beattie, J.M, 28n19 Bacigalupo, Vincenzo (father of Belgrano, L.T., 193n12 Batta), 134, 141 Bellomo, M., 143n61 Badaracco, Agostino, 145, 146 Bendix, R., 253n6 Badaracco, Geronimo, 146 Benvenuto family, 36 Bafico family (from Rupinaro), 213 Bertigaro, 202 Bafico, Lorenzo, 189 Bettola, 39, 40 Bailey, F.G., 47n73, 54n94 Bezassa family, 74n28 292 INDEX Bisagno valley, 28, 37, 41, 45, 48, 52, Braudel, F., 19n35 57n101, 123, 227, 228 Bread, 85, 130, 165–167,
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