I.C.C. begine 1977-78 barrel competition The Interclass Council (ICC) its appearance altered in any barrel is surrendered over to the rel at midnight before Tayla- mediately. consists of the president, vice- manner which would make it un­ ICC adviser, the method of decid­ thon. 6. Know the rules so that your president, secretary, treasurer, recognizable. Punishment for ing which class then shall have b) 300 points will be awarded the class is not the one penalized. the class adviser from each failure to comply with this rule possession will be decided by the class who has possession of The object is to tally up those class, a SGO representative, a shall be left up to the ICC. presidents of the classes not in­ the barrel the most days class points and stay ahead in the SUB representative, and the ICC 2. The class in possession of volved in the offense, drawing throughout the school year. competition and to ultimately win adviser. the barrel must display it at least straws at the next ICC meeting. c) 50 points will be awarded any the class of the year trophy. One of the major goals of the every two weeks to a crowd of at 5. Any incidents such as fight­ class who "captures" the bar­ MEMBERS OF THE Interclass Council this year is to least 200 people. The barrel will ing or unbecoming conduct while rel by a member of that class TU BARREL COMMITTEE: build unity and enthusiasm not be in competition while it is competing for the barrel will be touching it. The class who Chairman: Sr. Class Vice- among class members. being shown and the class will decided upon by the ICC, and pen­ captured the barrel must re­ President- Rick Martin One of the activities which the have 24 hours to re-hide it before alty will differ according to the port it to the ICC adviser. Junior- Marianne Carter ICC hopes to aid this goal is the the competition starts again. At severity of the case in question Each class has 24 hours to Sophomore- Keith Sexton barrel competition. Each year least 8 (4 men and 4 women) and the circumstances involved. hide the barrel and may take it Freshman- Greg Fennig the class which wins the tug of members of the class must be in­ How points are awarded: off campus during that 24 hour Director of Student Develop­ war during Parents Weekend is volved in the displaying of the a) 100 points will be awarded the period. The ICC adviser must be ment- Walt Campbell awarded the barrel to begin the barrel. class in possession of the bar­ advised of the new location im­ competition. The Sophomore Any class displaying the barrel class won the tug of war and the to a crowd of 200 or more persons barrel will be presented to them by pulling a fire alarm, or during during half time of the Manches­ chapel hour, or in any other man­ ter/Taylor football game tomor­ ner not in compliance with the row afternoon. standards of student life as pre­ RULES FOR THE scribed by the university will im­ BARREL COMPETITION mediately surrender the barrel to 1. The barrel may only be hid­ the ICC adviser and will forfeit den within the prescribed bound- 100 class points as penalty. Fail­ ries set down by the ICC. It may ure to hand over the barrel will be hidden anywhere on Taylor result in a forfeit of 100 class property except: residence halls, points for every 24 hour period of buildings which are secured at delinquency. any time, or in any area that is 3. Any class caught making not accessible to both sexes on a and/or displaying a forgery of the 24 hour basis. It must be visible barrel, or having anything to do Vol. LXXVIV No. 8 Taylor University, Upland, IN 46989 October 28, 1977 to the naked eye at all times. It with such shall forfeit 100 class may not be locked up, sunk under points. water, buried in any way, or have 4. When for any reason the Scary movies tomorrow night Duewell to be emphasis speaker For nearly 25 years a mission­ ti. His articles have appeared in helped spearhead the Evangelical ary to India, Dr. Duewel now di­ many publications, and for a Fellowship of India, and was rects the worldwide ministries of number of years he edited RE­ prominent in leadership of the the missionnary organization VIVAL MAGAZINE which was North India Christian Lecture So­ Charles E. Cowman founded in published in twelve languages in ciety as well as the Bible Society 1901. Widely recognized as a au­ India and other nations. A much of India. thority on missions, he is present­ appreciated speaker and writer, Dr. D Jewel was elected presi­ ly a member of the Board of he has ministered in more than 20 dent of OMS in 1969. At the pre­ Directors of the Evangelical For- nations. He spends several sent time the society has 467 eign Missions Associationn months every year abroad in the missionaries serving in 12 over­ (EFMA) of which he was presi­ interests of Christian missions, a seas fields. dent 1970-72. He is a member of subject in which he is considered OMS International, formerly the Board of Trustees of Asbury an authority, particularly for The Oriental Missionary Society, Theological Seminary, the Board India and Asia. Deeply burdened is an undenominational faith mis­ of Administration of the National for the unevangelized millions of sion with work encircling the Association of Evangelicals, the the world, Dr. Duewel puts con­ globe. It specializes in direct USA board of the World Evangel­ stant priority upon prayer as the evangelism through the training ical Fellowship, and the Christian key to harvest and revival. of a national ministry, the estab­ Holiness Association. During his years in India, Dr. lishing of self-governing and self- Dr. Duewel earned his doctor­ Duewel followed closely the de­ supporting churches, and the dis­ Albrecht, Roley ate at the University of Cincinna- velopment of the new India, tribution of gospel literature. and Moore tonight GMAT's given on Nov. 5 Tonight SUB, presents a really stand on ena. we would like to ask everyone to design and wear exciting concert by Albrecht, by Sharon Craig The student must have a com­ minus a fraction of the incorrect­ Roley, and Moore. The people costumes to the movie. We will The Graduate Management pleted registration form accom­ ly-answered ones. who saw this group last year be awarding $10 prizes to the Admission Test (GMAT) is an ap­ panied by $12.50 for registration GMAT scores have two distin­ know what excellent musicians most original, scariest, and fun­ titude test designed to measure to be finalized. This fee is non-re­ guishing characteristics in rela­ they are and they have improved niest costume. You won't want to one's ability to read, understand, fundable and subject to additional tion to other test scores: They 100% since then. This group is miss this night so make sure you and reason logically. The test charges. For the original sum, are based on the same standard from Michigan and has had a lot dress up and come to the Chapel- lasts approximately three and a the ETS (Educational Testing for all candidates and they have of experience in playing in col­ Auditorium at 8:15. Admission half hours and contains both ver­ Service) sends one copy of a stu­ been found to be reliable mea­ leges. (A1 Moore is a graduate of will only be a dollar. bal and quantitative portions. dent's score report to the student sures of certain mental abilities Taylor and used to play with Events coming up next week Total scores range from 200 to himself, one to his undergraduate that are considered important in Lowell Haines in a group called will be the movie, "The Autobiog­ 800 points and do not serve as a college, and one to each of three the study of management at the Oasis). If you want to hear an en­ raphy of Miss Jane Pittman", on rating on a student's knowledge graduate schools that the student graduate level. They are only one tertaining and enjoyable concert Wednesday night. This film is a in any particular subject area. is interested in. Additional fees of many criteria considered by come hear Albrecht, Roley, and masterpiece about a fictional The GMAT is given four times are charged for late or walk-in graduate schools in reviewing ap­ Moore tonight at 8:15 in the black lady whose life spans the each year; the current approach­ registration, having the scores plicants, but are generally ac­ ing test dates are: in 1977, Nov. Chapel-Auditorium. Admission is century between the Civil War sent to more than three schools., cepted as being fairly predictive 5; and, in 1978, Jan. 28, March 18, $.75. and the Civil Rights movement. and other such situations. of a student's success. and July 1. Ball State and IUPUI Tomorrow night SUB is cele­ Make plans to see this Emmy It is usually to the student's For more information, contact in Ft. Wayne are the closest test advantage not to guess when un­ brating Halloween. We will be award winning picture in the Cheryl Chambers in LA 214 or centers to Taylor. The test al­ certain of answers because test showing the movie, Obsession Chapel-Auditorium at 8:15, for pick up a copy of "GMAT 77/78 ways starts at 8:30 A.M.
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