MIAA - Member School Enrollment Data Base Year Data (10/1/19) for 2021-22 and 2022-23 Alignments School CityDistrict League Total Abby Kelley Foster Reg Charter School Worcester2 Colonial Athletic 381 Abington High School Abington9 South Shore 587 Academy of Notre Dame Tyngsboro5 Commonwealth 111 Academy of the Pacific Rim Hyde Park6 Independent 240 Acton-Boxborough Reg H.S. Acton4 Dual County 1809 Advanced Math & Science Acad. Charter Marlborough2 Colonial Athletic 589 Agawam High School Agawam1 Pioneer Valley 1070 Algonquin Reg. High School Northborough3 Midland Wachusett 1395 Amesbury High School Amesbury5 Cape Ann 522 Amherst-Pelham Reg High School Amherst1 Pioneer Valley 919 Andover High School Andover4 Merrimack Valley 1761 Another Course to College Hyde Park6 Boston City 240 Apponequet Regional H.S. Lakeville8 South Coast 732 Archbishop Williams High School Braintree6 Catholic Central 502 Arlington Catholic High School Arlington6 Catholic Central 521 Arlington High School Arlington4 Middlesex 1417 Ashland High School Ashland7 Tri-Valley 825 Assabet Valley Reg Tech HS Marlboro2 Colonial Athletic 1141 Athol High School Athol1 Pioneer Valley 322 Atlantis Charter School Fall River8 Independent 312 Attleboro High School Attleboro7 Hockomock 1754 Auburn High School Auburn2 South Worcester County 736 Austin Preparatory School Reading6 Catholic Central 565 Avon Mid/High School Avon8 Mayflower 183 Ayer Shirley Regional High School Ayer3 Midland Wachusett 373 Barnstable High School Hyannis9 Cape and Islands 1530 Bartlett Jr./Sr. H.S. Webster2 South Worcester County 420 Bay Path RVT High School Charlton2 Colonial Athletic 1138 Baystate Academy Charter Public Springfield1 Pioneer Valley 236 Bedford High School Bedford4 Dual County 841 Belchertown High School Belchertown1 Pioneer Valley 694 Bellingham High School Bellingham7 Tri-Valley 563 Belmont High School Belmont4 Middlesex 1324 Bethany Christian Academy Mendon3 Worcester County Athletic Conf 39 Beverly High School Beverly5 Northeastern 1296 Billerica Memorial High School Billerica4 Merrimack Valley 1176 Bishop Connolly High School Fall River8 Mayflower 196 Bishop Feehan High School Attleboro6 Catholic Central 1084 Bishop Fenwick High School Peabody6 Catholic Central 545 Bishop Stang High School North Dartmouth6 Catholic Central 544 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Page 1 of 10 MIAA - Member School Enrollment Data Base Year Data (10/1/19) for 2021-22 and 2022-23 Alignments School CityDistrict League Total Blackstone Valley Reg Voc/Tech HS Upton2 Colonial Athletic 1229 Blackstone-Millville Reg HS Blackstone2 Dual Valley 441 Blue Hills Regional Tech Sch. Canton8 Mayflower 856 Boston College High School Boston6 Catholic Conference (B) 1160 Boston Collegiate Charter School Dorchester6 Independent 301 Boston Community Leadership Academy Hyde Park6 Boston City 479 Boston International High School Dorchester6 Boston City 343 Boston Latin Academy Dorchester6 Boston City 1217 Boston Latin School Boston4 Dual County 1650 Bourne High School Bourne8 South Coast 455 Braintree High School Braintree7 Bay State 1720 Bridgewater-Raynham Reg High School Bridgewater8 Southeast Conference 1383 Brighton High School Brighton6 Boston City 516 Bristol County Agricultural HS Dighton8 Mayflower 447 Bristol-Plymouth Reg Voc Tech Taunton8 Mayflower 1307 Brockton High School Brockton8 Southeast Conference 4061 Bromfield School Harvard3 Midland Wachusett 359 Brookline High School Brookline7 Bay State 2073 Burke High School Dorchester6 Boston City 419 Burlington High School Burlington4 Middlesex 943 Burncoat High School Worcester2 Inter High 1173 Calvary Chapel Academy Rockland9 Independent 35 Cambridge Rindge & Latin Schl. Cambridge4 Dual County 1981 Canton High School Canton7 Hockomock 971 Cape Cod Academy Osterville9 Cape and Islands 75 Cape Cod Regional Tech HS Harwich8 Mayflower 617 Cardinal Spellman High School Brockton6 Catholic Central 444 Carver Middle/High School Carver9 South Shore 391 Cathedral High School (B) Boston6 Catholic Central 214 Catholic Memorial School West Roxbury6 Catholic Conference (B) 502 Central Catholic High School Lawrence4 Merrimack Valley 1180 Charlestown High School Charlestown6 Boston City 829 Chelmsford High School North Chelmsford4 Merrimack Valley 1409 Chelsea High School Chelsea5 Independent 1423 Chicopee Comprehensive HS Chicopee1 Pioneer Valley 1184 Chicopee High School Chicopee1 Pioneer Valley 992 Claremont Academy Worcester2 Inter High 376 Clark School Rowley5 Independent 55 Clinton High School Clinton3 Midland Wachusett 443 Cohasset High School Cohasset9 South Shore 469 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Page 2 of 10 MIAA - Member School Enrollment Data Base Year Data (10/1/19) for 2021-22 and 2022-23 Alignments School CityDistrict League Total Collegiate Charter School of Lowell Lowell4 Independent 155 Community Academy of Sci & Health Dorchester6 Boston City 374 Community Charter School of Cambridge Cambridge4 League TBD - New School 66 Concord-Carlisle High School Concord4 Dual County 1280 Cristo Rey Boston Dorchester6 Catholic Central 270 Danvers High School Danvers5 Northeastern 889 Dartmouth High School South Dartmouth8 Southeast Conference 1041 David Prouty High School Spencer2 South Worcester County 267 Dedham High School Dedham7 Tri-Valley 716 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional HS South Yarmouth9 Cape and Islands 704 Dighton-Rehoboth Regional HS North Dighton8 South Coast 795 Diman Regional Voc/Tech HS Fall River8 Mayflower 1420 Doherty Memorial High School Worcester2 Inter High 1495 Douglas High School Douglas2 Dual Valley 370 Dover-Sherborn High School Dover7 Tri-Valley 679 Dracut Senior High School Dracut4 Merrimack Valley 880 Drury High School North Adams1 Berkshire County 298 Durfee High School Fall River8 Southeast Conference 2144 Duxbury High School Duxbury9 Patriot 982 East Boston High School East Boston6 Boston City 1114 East Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School East Bridgewater9 South Shore 660 East Longmeadow High School East Longmeadow1 Pioneer Valley 834 Easthampton High School Easthampton1 Pioneer Valley 456 English High School (Boston) Jamaica Plain6 Boston City 570 Essex North Shore Agric & Tech School Hathorne5 Commonwealth 1487 Everett High School Everett5 Greater Boston 2009 Excel Academy Charter High School East Boston6 Independent 662 Excel High School South Boston6 Boston City 495 Fairhaven High School Fairhaven8 South Coast 700 Falmouth Academy Falmouth9 Cape and Islands 141 Falmouth High School Falmouth9 Cape and Islands 839 Fellowship Christian Academy Methuen5 Commonwealth 22 Fenway High School Boston6 Boston City 390 Fitchburg High School Fitchburg3 Midland Wachusett 1202 Fontbonne Academy Milton6 Catholic Conference (G) 250 Foxborough High School Foxborough7 Hockomock 796 Framingham High School Framingham7 Bay State 2297 Franklin County Tech. School Turners Falls1 Pioneer Valley 507 Franklin High School Franklin7 Hockomock 1742 Frontier Regional School South Deerfield1 Pioneer Valley 409 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Page 3 of 10 MIAA - Member School Enrollment Data Base Year Data (10/1/19) for 2021-22 and 2022-23 Alignments School CityDistrict League Total Gardner High School Gardner3 Midland Wachusett 494 Gateway Reg. High School Huntington1 Pioneer Valley 200 Georgetown Middle/High School Georgetown5 Cape Ann 381 Gloucester High School Gloucester5 Northeastern 768 Grafton High School Grafton2 South Worcester County 874 Granby Jr./Sr. High School Granby1 Pioneer Valley 232 Greater Lawrence Tech HS Andover5 Commonwealth 1591 Greater Lowell Tech HS Tyngsboro5 Commonwealth 2234 Greater New Bedford RVTHS New Bedford8 South Coast 2112 Green Academy Brighton6 Boston City 314 Greenfield High School Greenfield1 Pioneer Valley 367 Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Groton3 Midland Wachusett 722 Hamilton-Wenham Reg HS South Hamilton5 Cape Ann 550 Hampden Charter Sch of Science East Chicopee1 Pioneer Valley 262 Hampden Charter Schl of Science West West Springfield1 Pioneer Valley 68 Hampshire Regional Middle/High School Westhampton1 Pioneer Valley 471 Hanover High School Hanover9 Patriot 769 Haverhill High School Haverhill4 Merrimack Valley 1825 Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Dorchester6 Boston City 268 High School of Commerce Springfield1 Pioneer Valley 814 Hingham High School Hingham9 Patriot 1298 Holbrook Middle-High School Holbrook8 Mayflower 307 Holliston High School Holliston7 Tri-Valley 842 Holyoke High School Holyoke1 Pioneer Valley 1357 Hoosac Valley Middle/High School Cheshire1 Berkshire County 248 Hopedale Jr./Sr. High School Hopedale2 Dual Valley 291 Hopkins Academy Hadley1 Pioneer Valley 148 Hopkinton High School Hopkinton7 Tri-Valley 1235 Hudson High School Hudson3 Midland Wachusett 684 Hull High School Hull9 South Shore 275 Immaculate Heart of Mary School Still River3 Worcester County Athletic Conf 46 Innovation Academy Charter School Tyngsboro5 Commonwealth 397 Ipswich High School Ipswich5 Cape Ann 559 John J. Duggan Academy Springfield1 Pioneer Valley 248 Joseph Case High School Swansea8 South Coast 524 Keefe Technical HS Framingham2 Colonial Athletic 799 King Philip Regional H.S. Wrentham7 Hockomock 1244 KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate Lynn5 Commonwealth 480 Lawrence High School Lawrence4 Merrimack Valley 3038 Lee Middle/High School Lee1 Berkshire County 233 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Page 4 of 10 MIAA - Member School Enrollment Data Base Year Data (10/1/19) for 2021-22 and 2022-23 Alignments School CityDistrict League Total Leicester High School Leicester2 South Worcester County 471 Lenox Memorial Middle & High School Lenox1 Berkshire County 261 Leominster
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