E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2007 No. 150 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was last day’s proceedings and announces H.R. 3052. An act to designate the facility called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House his approval thereof. of the United States Postal Service located pore (Mr. ROSS). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- at 954 Wheeling Avenue in Cambridge, Ohio, nal stands approved. as the ‘‘John Herschel Glenn, Jr. Post Office f Building’’. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER f H.R. 3106. An act to designate the facility PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of the United States Postal Service located PRO TEMPORE at 805 Main Street in Ferdinand, Indiana, as The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the the ‘‘Staff Sergeant David L. Nord Post Of- fore the House the following commu- gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. fice’’. nication from the Speaker: WILSON) come forward and lead the The message also announced that the WASHINGTON, DC, House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Senate has passed with an amendment October 4, 2007. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina led in which the concurrence of the House I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE ROSS the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: is requested, bills of the House of the to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the following titles: NANCY PELOSI, United States of America, and to the Repub- H.R. 1585. An act to authorize appropria- Speaker of the House of Representatives. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tions for fiscal year 2008 for military activi- f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ties of the Department of Defense, for mili- PRAYER f tary construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe The Reverend Dr. Clay Evans, Pastor MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE military personnel strengths for such fiscal Emeritus, Fellowship Missionary Bap- A message from the Senate by Ms. year, and for other purposes. tist Church, Chicago, Illinois, offered H.R. 2082. An act to authorize appropria- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced tions for fiscal year 2008 for intelligence and the following prayer: that the Senate had passed without O God, our Father, You have said in intelligence-related activities of the United amendment bills of the House of the Your word, ‘‘If my people, which are States Government, the Community Man- following titles: agement Account, and the Central Intel- called by my name, shall humble them- ligence Agency Retirement and Disability selves and pray, and seek my face and H.R. 2467. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located System, and for other purposes. turn from their wicked ways, then will at 69 Montgomery Street in Jersey City, New The message also announced, that I hear from heaven and will forgive Jersey, as the ‘‘Frank J. Guarini Post Office the Senate insists upon its amendment their sin and will heal their land.’’ Building’’. I come to You today in the mighty to the bill (H.R. 1585) ‘‘An Act to au- H.R. 2587. An act to designate the facility thorize appropriations for fiscal year name of Jesus, thanking You and prais- of the United States Postal Service located ing You for our great Nation. I thank at 555 South 3rd Street Lobby in Memphis, 2008 for military activities of the De- You for the governing plan You gave to Tennessee, as the ‘‘Kenneth T. Whalum, Sr. partment of Defense, for military con- our Forefathers. Post Office Building’’. struction, and for defense activities of I lift up our Congress. I pray that by H.R. 2654. An act to designate the facility the Department of Energy, to prescribe Your power the legislative body will of the United States Postal Service located military personnel strengths for such at 202 South Dumont Avenue in Woonsocket, fiscal year, and for other purposes,’’ re- make laws that are right and just. South Dakota, as the ‘‘Eleanor McGovern Father, I ask You to give them wis- quests a conference with the House on Post Office Building’’. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses dom to make decisions that will H.R. 2765. An act to designate the facility strengthen and prosper our Nation. of the United States Postal Service located thereon, and appoints Mr. LEVIN, Mr. I pray that You will cause the Mem- at 44 North Main Street in Hughesville, KENNEDY, Mr. BYRD, Mr. LIEBERMAN, bers of Congress to trust You with all Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Master Sergeant Sean Mr. REED, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. NELSON their heart and lean not to their own Michael Thomas Post Office’’. (FL), Mr. NELSON (NE), Mr. BAYH, Mrs. understanding. Allow them to acknowl- H.R. 2778. An act to designate the facility CLINTON, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. WEBB, Mrs. edge You alone are God and You will of the United States Postal Service located MCCASKILL, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. WARNER, at 3 Quaker Ridge Road in New Rochelle, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. SESSIONS, Ms. COLLINS, direct their path. New York, as the ‘‘Robert Merrill Postal Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. GRAHAM, Mrs. Amen. Station’’. f H.R. 2825. An act to designate the facility DOLE, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. THUNE, Mr. MARTINEZ, and Mr. CORKER, to be the THE JOURNAL of the United States Postal Service located at 326 South Main Street in Princeton, Illi- conferees on the part of the Senate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nois, as the ‘‘Owen Lovejoy Princeton Post The message also announced that the Chair has examined the Journal of the Office Building’’. Senate insists upon its amendment to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H11253 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:03 Oct 05, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04OC7.000 H04OCPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC61 with HOUSE H11254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 4, 2007 the bill (H.R. 2082) ‘‘An Act to author- than 20 States, has been happily mar- were killed at Virginia Tech. That ize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 ried to the former Lutha Mae tragedy exposed problems with Federal for intelligence and intelligence-re- Hollingshed for more than 60 years, and laws that are a barrier to schools com- lated activities of the United States they are the proud parents of five chil- municating with parents when a stu- Government, the Community Manage- dren. dent has a serious problem. The Family ment Account, and the Central Intel- Although Rev. Evans retired as pas- Educational Rights and Privacy Act of ligence Agency Retirement and Dis- tor on December 8, 2000, he remains a 1974 states that students’ records can- ability System, and for other pur- man of faith, a man of vision, and one not be released except ‘‘to protect the poses,’’ requests a conference with the who emphatically believes: ‘‘It is no se- health and safety of the student and House on the disagreeing votes of the cret what God can do.’’ others.’’ two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. f Unfortunately, the interpretation of ROCKEFELLER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. that law is so unclear that schools are REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER WYDEN, Mr. BAYH, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. fearful of being sued. AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3554 FEINGOLD, Mr. NELSON (FL), Mr. The just-released report from the Na- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. BOND, Mr. WARNER, Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, due tional Association of Attorneys Gen- Mr. HAGEL, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. HATCH, to an error in my office, the name JOHN eral Task Force on Campus Safety Ms. SNOWE, and Mr. BURR; SALAZAR was added to the bill H.R. calls for an update of the FERPA law As additional conferees: Mr. LEVIN, 3554, and I would ask unanimous con- that would allow for protection from li- and Mr. KYL; to be the conferees on the sent that his name be removed from ability if schools make good-faith ef- part of the Senate. H.R. 3554. forts to protect students, faculty and The message also announced that the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there staff. That is precisely what my bill, H.R. Senate has passed a bill of the fol- objection to the request of the gen- 2220, offers, a way to allow schools to lowing title in which the concurrence tleman from Iowa? communicate with parents when a stu- of the House is requested: There was no objection. dent has significant mental health S. 2106. An act to provide nationwide sub- f problems that increase the risk for sui- poena authority for actions brought under ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund cide, homicide or violent acts while we of 2001. PRO TEMPORE still protect the confidentiality of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The records. The message also announced that the I ask that all my colleagues join me Senate has agreed to the following con- Chair will entertain up to five further and Representative GRACE NAPOLITANO current resolution: requests for 1-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. in cosponsoring our bill, the Mental S. Con. Res. 45. Concurrent resolution com- Health Security for Families in Edu- mending the Ed Block Courage Award Foun- f cation Act, and work to protect our dation for its work in aiding children and REPUBLICANS NEED TIME TO families affected by child abuse, and desig- students.
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