UNIVERSITY AND LIBERAL ARTS CORE COURSES 2020-2021 Academic Year ID First-Year Signature Course (Core 90) MA Mathematics (Core 20, Liberal Arts) VP Visual & Performing Arts (Core 50) Three semester hours: Three semester hours: Three semester hours: Undergraduate Studies (UGS): 302, 303 Advertising (ADV): 309R African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 311C, 356C, Plan II Tutorial Course (T C): 302 African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 302M, 350 356D, 356E Educational Psychology (EDP): 308 American Studies (AMS): 330 C1 Composition (Core 10) Mathematics (M): 302, 305G, 408C, 408K, 408N, 408Q, Architecture (ARC): 308, 309W, 312C, 318K, 318L, 408R 342C Three semester hours: Philosophy (PHL): 313 Art History (ARH): 301, 302, 303, 325, 327N, Psychology (PSY): 317L 327R, 327S, 328J, 329J, 329N, 329R, 329T, 330G, Rhetoric & Writing (RHE): 306, 306Q Sociology (SOC): 317L 330J, 331J, 331K, 331P, 331S, 332K, 332L, 333L, Plan II World Literature (E or T C): 303C Statistics & Data Sciences (SDS): 301, 302, 303, 335J, 337K, 338J, 338L, 338M, 338V, 339J, 339K, 304, 305, 306, 325H, 328M 339L, 339M, 339N, 339P, 339R, 341K, 341L, 342J, HU Humanities (Core 40, Liberal Arts) Plan II Mathematics (M): 310P 345J, 346K, 346L, 347J, 347K, 347L, 347M, 347N, Three semester hours: 348N, 349K N1 Natural Science & Technology-I (Core 30) Arts & Entertainment Technology (AET): 304, 308C, English (E): 316L, 316M, 316N, 316P 336C Plan II World Literature (E or T C): 303D Six semester hours: Classical Civilization (C C): 301, 302, 303, 307C, 307D Core Texts & Ideas (CTI): 350, 351 Courses in bold are appropriate for non-science majors. GO American & Texas Government (Core 70) Design (DES): 308 Anthropology (ANT): 301, 304, 304T English (E): 310F, 310S, 321P, 379P Six semester hours: Astronomy (AST): Fine Arts (F A): 308, 313C Choose one pair of courses from the options below. ! one from 301 or 307 Journalism (J): 308S ! any from 309C, 309G, 309L, 309N, 309R, Mexican American & Latina/o Studies (MAS): 315 Government (GOV): 309S Music (MUS): 302L, 303C, 303D, 303E, 303M, ! 310L & 312L Biology (BIO): 306M, 307, 312C, 334 ! 310L & 312P ! one from 301L (retired) or 311C Philosophy (PHL): 317K, 346K ! 310L & 3US (in transfer) ! one from 301L (retired), 301M (retired), or Radio-Television-Film (RTF): 306 ! 310L & 306C (formerly 3TX) 311D Religious Studies (R S): 346M ! 3US (in transfer) & 306C (formerly 3TX) ! any from 302D, 302E, 302F, 302G, 315H, Theater & Dance (T D): 301, 307K, 308K, 309K, 317C, 325H, 326M, 446L, 365S 317D HI United States History (Core 60) Chemistry (CH): ! one from 301, 301C, 301H, or 304K Six semester hours: Foreign Language (Liberal Arts) ! one from 302, 302C, 302H, or 305 History (HIS): 314K, 315G, 315K, 315L, 317L, 333L, Geography (GRG): 401C, 301K, 404E Completion of a foreign language sequence: 333M, 334L, 340S, 345J, 345L, 350R, 351P, 355F, Geological Sciences (GEO): American Sign Language (ASL): 601D, 610D, & 311D 355M, 355N, 355P, 355S, 356G, 356K, 356P, 356R, ! one from 401 or 303 Arabic (ARA): 601C & 611C 356S, 357C, 357D, 365G, 376F ! any from 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, Bengali (BEN): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L 302M, 302N, 302P, 302Q, 303C, 303E, 405 Up to three hours of Texas History may apply: Chinese (CHI): 606, 607, 312K, & 312L; or, 604 & 612 Marine Science (MNS): 307, 308 320E, 320F Czech (CZ): 506, 507, 412K, & 412L; or, 601C & 611C Nutrition (NTR): 306 Danish (DAN): 604 & 612 Physical Science (P S) and Physics (PHY): Dutch (DCH): 604 & 612 SB Social & Behavioral Sciences (Core 80) ! one from P S 303, PHY 301, 302K, 303K, 309K, French (FR): 601C & 611C; or, 406, 407, & 412K or 317K Three semester hours: German (GER): 506, 507, & 612; or, 604 & 612 ! one from P S 304, PHY 302L, 303L, 309L, 316, Greek (GK): 506, 507, & 311 Advertising (ADV): 319 or 317L Hebrew (HEB): 601C & 611C; or, 602C & 612C African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 303, 324E Science (SCI): 365 Hindi (HIN): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L; or, 604 & 612 Anthropology (ANT): 302, 305, 307, 318L UTeach-Natural Sciences (UTS): 306J, 306K, 306L, Italian (ITL): 601C & 611C Core Texts & Ideas (CTI): 302, 365 306M Japanese (JPN): 601D, 610D, & 611D Curriculum & Instruction (EDC): 319 Plan II Biology (BIO): 301E* Korean (KOR): 606, 607, 312K, & 312L; or, 604 & 612 Economics (ECO): 301, 304K, 304L Plan II Physics (PHY): 321 Latin (LAT): 506, 507, & 511K Geography (GRG): 305, 306C, 319 Malayalam (MAL): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L Health & Society (H S): 301 * only one from Biology (BIO) 301E, 301L (retired), or 301M (retired) may count Norwegian (NOR): 604 & 612 History (HIS): 329U Persian (PRS): 601C & 611C Human Development & Family Sciences (HDF): 304, Polish (POL): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L 304H N2 Natural Science & Technology-II (Core 93) Portuguese (POR): 601D, 610D, & 311C; or, Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO): 301 Three semester hours: 610S & 311J Kinesiology (KIN): 311K Russian (RUS): 406, 407, & 412K; or, 601C & 611C Linguistics (LIN): 306, 312D, 312E An additional ANT, AST, BIO, CH, GEO, GRG, MNS, NTR, Sanskrit (SAN): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L Mexican American & Latina/o Studies (MAS): 301, 309 P S, PHY, SCI, or UTS course listed in Natural Science & Serbian/Croatian (S C): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L Psychology (PSY): 301, 306 Technology-I ( N1 ) above; or, Spanish (SPN): 601D, 610D, & 311; or, 604 & 311J Radio-Television-Film (RTF): 303C Computer Science (C S): 302, 303E, 312, 314H Swedish (SWE): 604 & 612 Religious Studies (R S): 310 Tamil (TAM): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L Sociology (SOC): 302, 307C, 307D, 307E, 307F, 307G, Electrical & Computer Engineering (E E): 302, 302H Engineering Studies (E S): 301 Turkish (TUR): 601C & 611C 307J, 307K, 307L, 307N, 307P, 307Q, 307S, 307T, Urdu (URD): 506, 507, 312K, & 312L 308D, 308E, 308F, 308G, 308J, 308K, 308L, 308M, Yiddish (YID): 604 & 612 308N, 309, 309C, 312S, 313K, 318, 319 Yoruba (YOR): 601C & 611C Special Education (SED): 303 Plan II Social Science (S S): 302C, 302D, 302E, 302F continued on back Additional Social Science (Liberal Arts) German, Scandinavian & Dutch Studies (GSD): 361F The following course numbers apply only when the Government (GOV): 350K course topic (i.e., title) matches that on list below. Three semester hours: History (HIS): 322D, 322G, 322M, 322R, 322S AAS 310: 3-Mixed Race Identities African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 303, 315O, Kinesiology (KIN): 424K AAS 310: 6-Asian American Film History 322D, 324E, 350D, 360D, 360F Linguistics (LIN): 313, 315, 344K, 350C, 353C, 353N AHC 325: 13-The Ancient Historians Anthropology (ANT): 302, 305, 307, 314C, 318L, 322I, Marine Science (MNS): any AHC 325: 15-Civil War in Rome 322Q, 326C, 326D, 326E, 326F, 326L, 327D, 330C, Mathematics (M): any, excluding 301 AHC 378: 1-Roman Law 336L, 453, 462M Nutrition (NTR): any AMS 370: 18-The Beats & Am Cul, 1945-90 Core Texts & Ideas (CTI): 302, 365 Philosophy (PHL): 312, 313, 316K, 322, 325M, 344K, AMS 370: 33-Atlantic Slavery: Hist/Memory Economics (ECO): 301, 304K, 304L 344M, 358 AMS 370: 36-Exiles/Expats/Pol Pilgrims French (FR): 364L Physical Science (P S): any AMS 370: 38-Property in American Culture Geography (GRG): 305, 306C, 307C, 319, 320K, 331K, Physics (PHY): any AMS 370: 40-Southern Cultures 336, 337, 341K, 357, 374 Psychology (PSY): 308, 317L, 418, 323, 325K, 332, 332C, AMS 370: 41-Vienna: Memory/the City-AUT German (GER): 347L 353K, 458, 371 AMS 370: 42-Black Political Thought German, Scandinavian, & Dutch Studies (GSD): 311F Religious Studies (R S): 373M AMS 370: 43-Literature of Black Politics Health & Society (H S): 301 Sociology (SOC): 310S, 317L AMS 370: 45-Fem Intervntns Borderlands His History (HIS): 329U Speech, Language, & Hearing (SLH): 311K, 313L AMS 370: 46-Latina/o Pop Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO): 301 Statistics & Data Sciences (SDS): any C C 304C: 3-Intro to Ancient Egypt Jewish Studies (J S): 365D UTeach-Natural Sciences (UTS): 306J, 306K, 306L, C C 304C: 4-Greece/Rome: Film & Reality Linguistics (LIN): 306, 312D, 312E, 345, 372K, 306M C C 340: 6-Food/Hlth/Cul Anct Mediterr 372L, 373C, 373P Plan II Logic (PHL): 313Q C C 340: 7-Pompeii Mexican American & Latina/o Studies (MAS): 301, 309, Plan II Modes of Reasoning (T C): 310 C C 340: 8-Archaeology of Greek Prehistory 350E, 357L The following course numbers apply only when the C C 348: 7-Women in Classical Antiquity Philosophy (PHL): 325J, 342R course topic (i.e., title) matches that on list below. C C 348: 10-Jesus in Hist and Tradition Portuguese (POR): 330L C C 348: 14-Ancient Greek Medicine Psychology (PSY): 301, 304, 305, 306, 309, 319K ANT 324L: 33-GIS/Rem Sns for Archaeol/Paleo C C 348: 16-Moral Agency in Grk Tragedy Religious Studies (R S): 310 ANT 348K: 10-Primate Conservation CTI 304: 1-Bible and Its Interpreters Sociology (SOC): 302, 307C, 307D, 307E, 307F, 307G, C C 348: 14-Ancient Greek Medicine E 314J: 1-Literature and Film 307J, 307K, 307L, 307N, 307P, 307Q, 307S, 307T, C C 348: 20-Roman Philosophy & Science E 314L: 3-Banned Books and Novel Ideas 308D, 308E, 308F, 308G, 308J, 308K, 308L, 308M, HIS 350L: 64-Einstein in Age of Conflicts E 314L: 4-Texts and Contexts 308N, 309, 309C, 312S, 313K, 318, 319, 321L, HIS 366N: 18-Global History of Disease E 314L: 5-Reading Poetry 321R, 322S, 323, 324K, 325K, 325L, 329, 330P, LIN 350: 11-Speech Intelligibility E 314L: 8-Pulitzer Prize 333K, 336C, 336D, 336P, 340C, 340D, 344, 354K, LIN 350: 12-Analyzing Text Data E 314L: 9-Cult Classics 366, 369K PHL 363L: 1-Philosophy of Biology E 314L: 10-GoodReads Spanish (SPN): 330L, 353, 364L E 314V: 1-African American Lit & Cul Women’s & Gender Studies (WGS): 356 Cultural Expression, Human Experience, & E 314V: 2-Asian American Lit & Culture The following course numbers apply only when the Thought (Liberal Arts) E 314V: 3-Mexican American Lit and Cul course topic (i.e., title) matches that on list below.
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