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Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross 53 2. 1 his little pig went to market 53 3. Diddle, diddle, dumpling 53 4. Bow, wow, wow 53 5. Bye, baby bunting 53 6. Hush-a-bye, baby 53 7. Pat-a-cake 53 8. To market, to buy a fat pig 53 9. Polly, put the kettle on 54 10. Come, butter, come 54 xiii xiv Contents PAGE 11. The rose is red 54 12. Hey, diddle, diddle 54 13. Jack and Jill 54 14. Hickory, dickory, dock 54 15. Cushy cow bonny 54 16. Pussy cat, where have you been 54 17. Mistress Mary 54 18. A farmer went riding 54 19. Little Betty Blue 55 20. Jack be nimble 55 21. Three blind mice 55 22. Higgledy, piggledy, my black hen 55 23• There was an old woman lived under a hill 55 24. Wee Willie Winkie 55 25. Little Jack Horner 55 26• Little Miss Muffet 55 27. Little Boy Blue 55 28. Cock-a-doodle-doo 55 29. Little Robin Redbreast 56 30. The north wind doth blow 56 31. Once I saw a little bird 56 32. God bless the master of this house 56 33. There were three jovial huntsmen 56 34. I had a little nut-tree 56 35. I saw a ship a-sailing 56 36. Girls and boys, come out to play 57 37. Ding, dong, dell 5 7 38. Sing a song of sixpence 57 39. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe 57 40. One, two, buckle my shoe 57 41. I had a little pony 57 42. Old King Cole 58 43. Little Bo-peep 58 44. Willy boy, where are you going 58 45. Blow, wind, blow 58 46. Baa, baa, black sheep 58 47. Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe 58 48. A cat came fiddling 58 49. Little King Boggen 58 50. Intery, mintery, cutery-corn 58 51. Pease-porridge hot 58 52. Humpty-Dumpty 59 53. I have a little sister 59 54. Twenty white horses 59 55. Little Nancy Etticoat 59 xiv Contents PAGE 11. The rose is red 54 12. Hey, diddle, diddle 54 13. Jack and Jill 54 14. Hickory, dickory, dock 54 15. Cushy cow bonny 54 16. Pussy cat, where have you been 54 17. Mistress Mary 54 18. A farmer went riding 54 19. Little Betty Blue 55 20. Jack be nimble 55 21. Three blind mice 55 22. Higgledy, piggledy, my black hen 55 23. There was an old woman lived under a hill 55 24. Wee Willie Winkie 55 25. Little Jack Horner 55 26. Little Miss Muffet 55 27. Little Boy Blue 55 28. Cock-a-doodle-doo 55 29. Little Robin Redbreast 56 30. The north wind doth blow 56 31. Once I saw a little bird 56 32. God bless the master of this house 56 33. There were three jovial huntsmen 56 34. I had a little nut-tree 56 35. I saw a ship a-sailing 56 36. Girls and boys, come out to play 57 37. Ding, dong, dell 57 38• Sing a song of sixpence 57 3g. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe 57 40. One, two, buckle my shoe 57 41. I had a little pony 57 42. Old King Cole 58 43. Little Bo-peep 58 44. Willy boy, where are you going 58 45. Blow, wind, blow 58 46. Baa, baa, black sheep 58 47. Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe 58 48. A cat came fiddling 58 49. Little King Boggen 58 50• Intery, mintery, cutery-corn 58 51. Pease-porridge hot 58 52. Humpty-Dumpty 59 53. I have a little sister 59 54. Twenty white horses 59 55. Little Nancy Etticoat 59 Contents XV PAGE 56. As round as an apple 59 57. In marble walls as white as milk 59 58. As I was going to St. Ives 59 59. Thirty days hath September 59 60. Monday’s child 59 61. If all the seas were one sea 59 62. There was an old woman tossed up in a basket 60 63. There was a crooked man 60 64. There was a man in our town 60 65. Simple Simon 60 66. Peter Piper 60 67. Robert Rowley 60 68. Three children sliding on the ice 60 69. This is the house that Jack built 60 70. Old Mother Hubbard 61 71. There was an old man who lived in a wood 62 MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES: SUGGESTED GRADES 63 BOOKS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES 64 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 65 REFERENCES FOR STUDENTS 66 VERSE VERSE FOR CHILDREN 69 BOYS AND GIRLS The Huntsmen, Walter de la Mare 73 Time to Rise, Robert Louis Stevenson 73 s Day Begins, Walter de la Mare 73׳A Child Bed in Summer, Robert Louis Stevenson 74 My Bed Is a Boat, Robert Louis Stevenson 74 Lullaby, Paul Laurence Dunbar 74 The Sleepy Song, Josephine Daskam Bacon 75 Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, Eugene Field 75 Sweet and Low, Alfred Tennyson 7^ My Shadow, Robert Louis Stevenson 76 Washing, John Drinkwater 76 Birthdays, Marchette Gaylord Chute 77 Presents, Marchette Gaylord Chute 77 Troubles, Dorothy Aldis 77 Skipping Ropes, Dorothy Aldis 77 To China, Leroy F. Jackson 77 At the Seaside, Robert Louis Stevenson 78 XVI Contents PACE %ף Merry-Go-Round, Dorothy W. Baruch The Swing, Robert Louis Stevenson ׳Three Lovely Holes, Winifred Welles 78 ׳The Land of Counterpane, Robert Louis Stevenson 78 Alone, Joseph Paget-Fredericks Over the Garden Wall, Eleanor Far jeon 79 A Good Play, Robert Louis Stevenson yg If Only . , Rose Fyleman 80 The Raggedy Man, James Whitcomb Riley 80 Skating, Herbert Asquith 80 The Butterbean Tent, Elizabeth Madox Roberts 81 Thanksgiving Day, Lydia Maria Child 81 Christmas Morning, Elizabeth Madox Roberts 82 Mr. Nobody, Author Unknown 82 A Circus Garland, Rachel Field 82 A Boy's Song, James Hogg 83 Little Orphant Annie, James Whitcomb Riley 83 BOYS AND GIRLS: SUGGESTED GRADES 84 FAIRIES AND MAKE-BELIEVE Fairies, Rose Fyleman 86 Some One, Walter de la Mare 86 The Child and the Fairies, Author Unknown 87 Queen Mab, Thomas Hood 87 The Elf Singing, William Allingham 87 Up the Airy Mountain, William Allingham 88 A Visit from St.
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