Weather Distribution Today Mr HI*** taavmtar* M, fflDBANK H to * twtgbt. Werteriy windf 17,650 U to U HONDAYTHKUOHrtlMr-ttT.UH SH I -0010 IUUM <UUy. Itultt Uucun fndo. laeonl Clm Poiuj« RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1961 35c PER WEEK •tM U H^ B] J „ Mjmol UUltoi Olllcn. 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Need Amendment 6' Taxing Rights Berlin Policy Limit Asked WASHINGTON (AP - Despite his resolution he will offer it as concessions granted by New York an amendment to another tax Gets Backing State, Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- bill opposed by New Jersey mem * NJ, said today a constitutional hers of Congress which may come amendment is still needed to ban up for a Senate vote this year. states and cities from taxing the That bill, already approved by incomes of non-residents. the House Ways and Means Com- mittee, would permit the federal A resolution he drafted for in- government to withhold city wage troduction in the Senate today taxes from the pay-checks of em- Of Governors would provide for a constitutional ployees. It is sponsored by Rep amendment to limit the taxing William J. Green, Jr., D-Pa. rights of states and cities. It is aimed principally at New Force Vote ' Kennedy York State and ^Philadelphia "In this fashion, we would have which levy wage or income taxes an opportunity to force a vote on New Jerseyans who work on the larger question," Case said within their borders. In a pre- of the tax on non-residents. Support pared Senate speech, Case said He said although New York now he held no illusions about pas- permits New Jerseyans the same sage of the resolution. deductions on its income tax that Thirty-four states, he said, inv it allows New Yorkers, Garden COLORS RETIRED — The Jersey Blues Guard retires the colors at ceremonies cele- pose income taxes on residents Staters working in New York are brating the 183d anniversary of the historic Battle of Monmouth at Old Tennent Pledged still subject to double taxation. and non-residents and "it's doubt Church grounds, yesterday. Leading the guard is Dr. (Col.) C. Malcolm B. Gilman, ful that these 34 states are going 'Double Taxation' HONOLULU (AP)—Gov- to give up, without a struggle, of Middletown, who was the principal speaker at the event. The Revolutionary It is unfair because New Jer- ernors of both political thir particular source of tax rev- seyans pay New York State in- War cannon shown here was fired by the Jersey Blues contingent. enue." come taxes on their New York parties pledged strong sup- Amendment Needed earnings, in addition, they also port today to President Three-fourths of the Legislatures P?y their full* share of the cost Fought June 28, 1778 Kennedy in his dealing of all the states must ratify a of New Jersey's state and local with the Russians on Ber- constitutional amendment. governments," he said. "This is Another Tax Bill double taxation, no matter how lin and other crisis areas. Case said if the Senate judici- you look at it." Battle of Monmouth Marked But Kennedy's domestic poli- ary committee fails to approve (See TAX, Page 2) cies came in for sharp criticism TENNENT — The Monmouth The event was attended byj authentic Revolutionary War can-from some Republicans and a Battlefield Association held cere- more than 100. non and tolled an old bell, also a Democrat who was one of his monies at Old Tennent Church Francis Drake Wells, New Jer- war relic. early supporters for the 1960 grounds yesterday commemora- sey president of the Sons of the Dr. Gilman told of some of the presidential nomination, G o v, Board to Get ting the 183d anniversary of the American Revolution, who died events of the battle in the war John Patterson of Alabama. Battle of Monmouth. last week, was to have been the between British forces under Gen Patterson kicked up some ex- Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, of principal speaker. Sir Henry Clinton and the Ameri' citement on the outskirts of the Middletown, president of the as- Authentic Cannon can forces led by Gen George 53d annual Governors' Confer- 1.I5TH ANNIVERSARY—Rtv. Harry A. Olson, left, pas- ence by blasting what he called Plan for Sewers sociation, spoke on the history of After the program in the Washington, Charles Lee and tor of Middletown Reformed Church, ihowt booklet church, the Jersey Blues guard 'Mad" Anthony Wayne. the "childish" handling of the the battle, which was fought June printed to mark the 125th anniversary of the congrega- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The out the knowledge of any Levitt 28, 1778. fired three rounds in salute in an Worried that the French Dee "Freedom Riders" bus contro Planning Board will receive plans official. would "bottle up" his forces in versy by the president's brother, tion to Rev. Milton-J. Hoffman, Reformed Church, East for the proposed sewer system The Albright firm had been in- Philadelphia, Gen Clinton with his Attorney Gen. Robert Kennedy. Millstone, at a special service- yesterday. for the 1,300-house Levitt project structed to investigate all facets Surgeon General Says:" 10,000 men headed for the British Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of within two weeks, William J. of the sewer situation and likely fleet that was anchored off Sandy New York—who might be Ken- Levitt, Jr., informed the Register had contacted the borough as part Hook. nedy's Republican opponent for yesterday. of a general survey check, he The American forces, hearing the presidency in 1964—called for At the same time, Mr. Levitt added. All Clams, Oysters of this move, cut him off just a moratorium on political criti Man Fatally Shot confirmed that recent reports that The township's Planning Board outside Freehold - then known as cism of the administration's in- the firm was considering a tie-in declared Wednesday that it would Monmouth Courthouse-where the ternational moves. with the Matawan Borough sewer not approve any Levitt sewer now famous battle took place. Rockefeller told a news con system, rather than construction system which was hooked into Not Contaminated A tour of the historic area fol- ference yesterday that Kennedy of an independent system, re- the borough system. Toying With Pistol lowed the program. (See CONFERENCE, Page 2) sulted from "a misunderstand- In the initial stages of planning ATLANTA (AP) — Is eating aid, but he estimates another ing." for the project, the Levitt firm raw shellfish from unknown 250 cases of personjyvho already FREEHOLD-A Freehold man upside down, pointed it to Ml • On June 13, Albright and Frlel told the township board that it sources a little like playing Rus- have the disease will be traced died yesterday in Fitkin Hos- stomach and squeezed the trig- ger and safety catch together. Inc., Philadelphia, wrote to the would build and operate an inde- sian roulette? o the same source. pital, Neptune, as the result of a Borough Council inquiring into pendent system in th« township. Rugged Training self-inflicted bullet wound ' suf- He then slumped over, moaning, Dr. Donald Henderson of the Shellfish harvested in a polluted' fered the previous day, Oh.l'mshot!" the possibility «t Levitt's project Mr. Levitt said yesterday that U. S. Communicable Disease Cen- area will clean themselves if put being hooked into the borough Patrolman Dark said it is not there has been no change from ter here made that oharge/But clean water for 24-48 hours, Harry Jennings, 161 Throck- •ystem.' Peace Corps Worfc/.'StarU Today known where Mr. Jennings ob- the original stand. the U S. Surgeon general says Henderson said. The creatures morton St., was playing with a Mr. Levitt yesterday identified The sewer engineering studies, .25 caliber automatic pistol in a tained the pistol. it probably isn't as bad as some live by pumping water through NEW BRUNSWICH (AP) - A 'ex., prior to assignment in the firm as engineering consult- he adde"d, are nearly complete neighbor's kitchen wtien the ac The Freeman Funeral Home, people have pictured it. themselves and extracting food group of neighborly young 'anganyika, Africa. ants for his company. He'said and will be presented to the local cident happened, according to Freehold, is fai charge of ar- rom it, and they will pump Americans; who would like noth- The Colombian project at Rut the letter had been written to the board within two weeks or pos Henderson, chief of the sur- Patrolman Harry Dark, who in- rangements. enough in the course of a day ers is being administered by Matawan Borough Council with- sibly even one week. veillance section of the Epidemio- ing better than to prove their vestigated. At Perth Amboy, a three- logy Branch at the center, em- or two to remove any hepatitis neigbbortiness to our Colombian CARE, the organization that pro month-old boy suffocated Satur- phasized that not all clams and virus they might be carrying. friends, get into full swing to vides relief and rehabilitation The 45-year-old construction day in a fire which left four in oysters are contaminated. In fact Most states have regulations re- day as they begin work toward programs in distressed areas o worker reportedly said, "This the family and eight in another the sea creatures aren't diseased, garding the harvesting of shell- fulfillment of President Kenne he world. works just like a lemon squeez family homeless: New Hotel ish, but enforcement is difficult. dy's Peace Corps dream. Tlie trainees' 60-hour week is er," lo Mary Matthews and her but they may be harvested in The child, John Maher, 611 broken up in this manner: brother-in-law, Benny Fitzpatrick polluted water, he said.
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