* Anti-discrimination bill unveiled WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Some of the tion will take aggressive action to President Carter said the nation's top civil rights leaders reor- consolidate the enforcement of ac- enforce the nation's civil rights ganization visited the White plan is "the single most tivities of 15 agencies into three. House Thursday to laws. important action to improve civil If the plan is enacted, hear President Jimmy Carter outline "Fair employment is too vital for the Equal rights in 'the last decade." Employment Opportunity a plan to consolidate nearly all haphazard enforcement," he said. Commission would gain in status and federal anti-job discrimination Among those at the White House power to The plan is designed to change become the primary anti-discrimina- programs under the Equal Opportuni- ceremony were Coretta Scott King, the way the government fights job tion enforcement agency. ties Employment Commission. widow of Martin Luther King Jr., discrimination, whether it be on The President said the plan Carter sent the plan to Congress and Executive Director Vernon Jor- would the basis of race, sex or age. not save money, nor would with a message that his admini tra- dan of the National Urban League. it reduce And according to Carter it would the federal payroll. Vol. 33 No. 38 Anti-pact senators Friday. Februa ry 914. 1978 stcrt second round WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Opponents of And on Thursday, Senator James the Panama Canal Treaties started Allen, D-Ala., offered an amendment their second round of anti-pact also designed to make Panama unhap- maneuvers Thursday. py. Allen proposed that the treaties ednesday, during the first be amended to allow the U.S. to d, the Senate finished up a maintain military -.bases in the two-day hearing on allegations that canal vicinity after Panama takes General Omar Torrijos ignored drug control in the year 2000. trafficking within his own govern- This was the first in an expected ment. series of amendments by treaty foes Th4 bavy's only 6hote-batsed dal y Panama is reported unhappy over who hope to complicate or block that Senate report. ratification of the accords. U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Senate debates coa I strike solutions COMPILED FROM AP/UPI REPORTS) -- The vania and Julian Carroll of Kentucky seek such a temporary back-to-work Hartley Act, Carter can set up a Senate is taking a break from the all voiced support for Carter. order. fact-finding board to determine Panama Canal debate today to discuss Rockefeller said the only way to The poll was conducted by the As- whether the coal strike constitutes what Congress can do to end the 81 settle the strike through negotia- sociated Press and NBC Tuesday and a national emergency. day-old coal strike. tions would be for the coal indus- Wednesday. If so, the President can order the Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd try to agree to the tentative set- The back-to-work provisions of Justice Department to seek an in- promised President Jimmy Carter that tlement reached last week between the law were explained briefly to junction in U.S. District Court or- anything he sends to Congress to end the United Mine Workers Union and each of the 1,600 adults in the sur- daring the miners back to work for the walkout will get swift action. an independent, Denver-based coal vey. an 80-day cooling off period. firm. When asked if Carter should invoke Legislative solutions that have Gov. Carroll said: "It's time the law, 65 percent said "yes," 28 The idea behind the cooling off been most frequently mentioned in- for the coal operators to understand percent said "no" and seven percent period is to allow mining to con- clude federal seizure of the mines the negotiations essentially are were undecided. tinue while negotiators for the and the imposition of binding arbi- over." Support for Presidential action United Mine Workers Union and the tration. And Gov. Shapp described the was broad, cutting across class coal companies try again to Three governors who met with Car- agreement with work the independent firm lines as well as regional and racial out a new contract. ter Thursday to talk about the coal as the "only game town." in divisions. But there's no guarantee ike said that negotiations in the law There's been no reaction from the And there were no significant dif- would work, strike are nearly at an impasse. should Carter decide to coal industry. ferences among liberals, moderate,, use it. he governors said only conces- But a new public opinion survey and conservatives. Union leaders and officials in sions by the coal industry can has found that almost two-thirds of In each section of the country, states hard-hit by the strike warn avert Presidential intervention to all Americans think Pres. Carter more than 60 percent said they fa- that the miners might ignore a back end the strike. should invoke the Taft-Hartley Act. vor using the law to get the miners to-work order, and some officials Governors Jay Rockefeller of West And just over a quarter of those back to work. say there could be violence Virginia, Milton Shapp of Pennsyl- interviewed in the said Carter should not Under the provisions of the Taft' coalfields. Sadat supports U.S. peace efforts (COMPILED FROM AP/UPI REPORTS) -- tions before Kamel opened talks with There are conflicting reports on At a Cairo news conference Thurs- Egypt's President Anwar Sadat vowed U.S. envoy Alfred Atherton. how Atherton is faring in his ef- day, he would only say that the Thursday to support U.S. efforts to Also in the Mideast, Israeli of- forts to bring Israel and Egypt to- Egyptians had come up with some "con- narrow his country's differences ficials report trouble in the U.S. gether on a set of peace principles. crete and "helpful" ideas, and that with Israel on a Mideast peace set- mediated peace talks. he will present them to the Israelis tlement. They say the trouble concerns the Informed sources in Cairo have within a day or so. At the same time, he said Egypt Palestinian issue. said Atherton's current discussions The Israeli evaluation of Ather- would not soften its demands for to- They also report that Pres. Sadat with Egyptian officials are going ton's mission was leaked out of a tal Israeli withdrawl from occupied wants Jordan's King Hussein to sup- better than expected. briefing for some members of the Arab territory and restoration of port a settlement. But Israeli officials say Egypt is Israeli parliament by Foreign Minis- Palestinian rights. But Hussein says he wants Arab hardening its position and that's ter Moshe Dayan. Sadat was suffering from a case of refugees to be able to return to blocking progress toward peace. According to the account, Egypt is flu as he met with Foreign Minister their old homes in Israel, and Is- Atherton himself is .keeping pretty backing away from its earlier sup- Mohammed Kamel to give him instruc- rael refuses to allow that. much tight-lipped. port of an American proposal. Bee Gees get best group Grammy HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The Bee Gees were But Williams was the big winner in The Academy thought Steve Martin rnythm and blues female singer f6r named best popular musical group and the early Grammy handouts from the was the funniest man in the recording "Don't Leave Me this Way." John William's space rhapsody "Star National Academy of Recording Arts industry, voting him' a comedy Grammy The rythm and blues Grammy for Wars" won three statues at the 20th and Sciences. for "Let's Get Small." best group went to the Emotions for annual Grammy Awards presentation Williams was in the pop charts Named country song of the year was "The Best of My Love." Thursday night. for months with his "Star Wars" theme "Don't it Make my Brown Eyes Blue," Peter Asher, who produces Linda The Bee Gees, who have been making and remains there now with his theme sung by Crystal Gayle. Ronstadt and James Teylor, won a hit records for more than a decade, from the other giant space movie, Grammy for producer of the year. were near the top of the pop charts "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." The Kendalls were named best coun- And James Taylor was named best all year with several different hits. try group for their "Heaven's Just a male singer for his recording of Williams won Grammys for the best Sin Away." "Handyman." They won the best pop group Grammy original score for a movie, best in- Leo Sayer's hit, "You'Make me Feel Debbie Boone, who took the country for "How Deep is Your Love," beating strumental composition and best pop Like Dancing," won a Grammy as the by storm with her hit single "You the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac, among instrumental recording for the "Star best rhythm. and blues song. Light up my Life," was named best new others. Wars" theme. Thelma Houston was chosen best artist of the year. Page 2 Guantana Gazette Friday, February 24, 1978 Today's Meetings ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets at 7:30 p.m. at the East Bargo Point Old Nursery School building. For further information call 90269 or 8275. Sunday's Meetings THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER CHURCH OFF CHRIST will meet at DAY SAINTS will meet at the McCalla McCalla Chaapel for the following Bulletin t 5 Chapel Annex for the following meet- meetings: wings: Bible Stuudy 9:30 a.m.
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