-From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- II I II ArIT interctvi{ eSlaterMElectronic Voting System TAlly Sorrwnnr TnnIruIruGMANUAL BOSSVersion 2.8 compatible -From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- TM Tally TallyVersion # 2.8 containsconfi dential and pmprietary iniormatonbelonging oxclusively to Hart Inte'clylc, lnc. No T-3. RevisionJ5 partof this publicationmay be reproduced,storod in a HartlntercMc, lnc. O 2001 retrievalsystem, or transmittedin anyfurm or by any means All RightsR€s€rved elecfonlc,mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherq,ise TallySoflrvare Training Manual Table of ContentE Taale oF CoNTENTS -From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- Course labus TallyOperator Training CourceContent Chart......... ..,... 11 TallyOperator Training CourseOutline .......12 APPENDICES AppendixA:Glossary of Terms.... ................15 AppendixB: Information,Gonfirmation, Error, &WarningMessages .,................19 AppendixC: Tips& Tricks..... .....2A AppendixD: BackingUp Election Databasesto a GD...... ,..,........,....23 AppendixE: CourceSelf-Check|ist................................. 30 Page3 HartlnterCivic, Inc. TallySofuvare Training Manual lntroducdon lurnoDUcrroN -From Black BoxWhat Voting is Tally? Document Arcives- Tallyis a softwareapplicaiion that reads,stores, and tabulates the CastVote Recordsru (CVRS)from Hartlnteroivic s BallotOrigination Soft are System'sMobile Ballot Boxes (MBBS)w. The MBBscontain Cast Vote Records captured by the eslate Precincl VotingSystemm (PVS) and/or scanned Ballot Nown paperballots and audittrail data that authenficatesthe CVRs.Tally is initial2edwith the lockedBallot Origination Softrare Sy$em (BOSS)database that was usedto createthe election.This initialization"programs" Tally for tabulation.The onlyrequired task priorto beginningthe tabuldionprocess is to inputany approvedwrite-in endidate names.Tally counts vote totalsfor TestTabulations, Absentee Voting, Early Voting, and ElectionDay. Tally producesofficial results reports and data. This Document: ThisDocument is a trainingmanual designed to guideoperator training, and it is meant for use in conjunctionwith the TallySystem Operalions Manual. This training manual is meantfor bothinitial faining with HartInterCivic training specialists, and as a reference to supplementthe operations manual once training is complete. Objectives Throughthis course the trainee will: tr TabulateCVRs recorded on eslate systemMBBs, E Generateunoficial reports and ofFcialreports, tr EditMite-ins, tr Checkprovisional ballots, E Includeabsentee and manual votes in thetabulation. tr Producetabulation repons, tl Closean election.and [1 Viewprocedures for backingup elec{iondatabases. Take Note: ' All stepsthat referto a buttonor menuon the screenhave the buttonin bold (i.e.:Save, Close, OK). ' All stepsthat referto a keyon lhe keyboardhave the key undertined(i.e.: Ctrl,Shift, Enter). Afl stepsthat referto a mouseclbk havethe word(s)italicized (i.e.i click,rtght dick, doubledick). The word clbk refersto a Ieft click. 4 F refersto areaswithin the TrainingManual that contrainmore informationregarding the topic. Tallyprints a hardcopy, real-time, Audit Log documenting all useraciivities. € For Tlps & Trlcks s€e page20. Fora Glossaryof Termssee page15. Page4 Hartlntercivic, lnc. TallySoftrare Training Manual eSlataDab Flowchart ESLATEDern FIowcHART -From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- Page5 HartlntercMc, Inc. TallySoftruare Training Manual The Tally YYlndtr Tne TnULYWINDow -From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- Noffco:No TaakbarArrllabls Tally slll not allox,the ussr b acc@ anolfier ptogramnrhlls runnhg Tally. Page6 HartlnteroMc. lnc. TallySoftware Training Manual Tally menus Tallv MeHus -From Black Box Voting Document Arcives- Page7 HartIntercMc, Inc. TallySoftivare Training Manual Tally User Prlvllsgs TeruvUseR PnrvrLEGEs MministratoF-From and Black Operators Boxlogin to theVoting Tallyapplication Documentby typing a Arcives- UserlD (usemarne)and passwordafter opening Tally. It is remmmendedthat the usercunently logged in: > SbV d the computerwhile running the application, ) Exitlhe applicationif Vhe stepsaway from the system. An adminisffatorsets userpdvil€g€. Seethe TallyOpenations Manual for direclionson settingus€r prMleges. The following charts show user privileges for Tallyfundions and Admlnmenu comrEnds: Tallv Fanctlon Update AIT No Yes Y6 Yes Perfom MangalVotes No Yes PrintReports Y6 Ys ChangeCunent User Pasebvord Ys Yes Cr€ateNevr Usels No Y6 Page8 Hart InterCivic.Inc. TallySofuYare Training Manual Tally Overvlew Teutv OveRVrEW l lhen you are ready for Tally, you have: 1. -FromCreaied the Black ballotin BOSS. Box Voting Document Arcives- 2. Wrifienall MBB and DAU cards, 3. Lockedthe BOSSdatabase for Tally. 4. Wth MBBscreated in BOSSyou have; a. Conducteda Test or Electionmode election with eSlates. b. Scannedand savedcast vote recordsfor voted BallotNow paper ballots,if applicable. Creafrng a Tally t atabase The d€finitionsof the threetypes of statusfor a TallyElection database are: > NEW- Vvhenthe databasecunently being used has no votesrecorded yet (no MBBstom Test or Electionhave been read). > OPENED- !{/henthe databasecunently being used has votesrecorded in it. > CLOSED- \ /henthe databasehas beenclosed because all MBBSfor the electionhave been read and all manualvotes have been proce$ed. Pr*Elec{on Acfrvliles Eefore ElectionDay, you can performthe followingtasks with the election'sTally Electiondatabase that hasthe NEWor OPENEDstatus: > Defineeligible writsin candidate names, ! DefineTally options for countingprovisional ballots and consolidatingsplit precincts, ) ReadTest MBBSto performa tabulationtest, and > Yrewand printTst Tallyreports. Electon Day Actlvlfes On ElectionDay you can performthe followingtasks with the eleciion'sTally Election databasethe( has the OPENEDstaius: > Manageprovisional ballots (this can alsobe doneaffer the eleciionis closedin Tally), ) Assignwrite-in vobs, > Readelection MBBs from: t Absenteeballots r@rded withthe BallotNow application ' EarlyVoting ballots . EledionDay ballots, F Viewand printUnofficial Tally reports, ) Addor subtractvotes manually, > Rejector AcceptProvisional Ballots. Post-Hectlon Day Actlvlties .AfiErallMBBsforthe election have been read and the manualvotestask is comolete you en performthe followingtasks with the election'sTally Electiondatabase th;t has the CLOSEDstatus: > Closethe Elec{ion. ) Mew and printfficial Tallyreports, ) Rejec-tor AcceptProvisional Ballots, F Backupto CDand archivethe eledion. Page9 HartlntercMc. lnc. TallySoft^rare Training Manual Soquental Stepsfor Uslng Tally to Counl Voted MBB8 SeouENTTALSreps ron UsrNGTallv ro -From BlackCounr Box VoreoVoting DocumentMBBs Arcives- lllore lnfonnation: l. In the BOSSprogram, lock the BOSSdatabase for Make certain all MBBSand DAU cards Tally. have been writen before locking. Test modeand Elec.tionmode databases are copiedinto Tally separately. > EachTally database must have a Copythe BOSSdatabase to Tally. uniquename. > Onlyone TallyElection mode databasefor a specificBOSS d?rtabasemay exist at a time. Write-insmay be editedbefore and/or after MBBshave been read. 3. EditWritelns and Aliases, if applicable. ) An electioncannot b€ closeduntil all write-inshave been edited and resolved. TallyOptions include: ) Choosingto includepmvisional 4. D€fineTally Options. ballotsin the totals,or notto, and > Choosingto consolidatesplit precincts,or notto. Refer 5. Perficrma Logic& AccuracyTest, and readTest to the eSlateSupport Procdures ModeMBBS. TrainingManual for detailson performing anL&AT€st 6. R€peatsteps 2, 3, and 4 for the Elec{ionmode database. Eletion modeMBBs can onlybe read 7. Readthe Electionmode MBBs. intoTally on the dateof the elec{ionor later,based on the electiondate defined in BOSS. 8. AssignUnassigned Write-lns, if applicable. 9. Processprovisional ballots now or afferthe electionhas beenclosed in Tallv. 10.Calculate any necessarymanual vote tabulations. 11 . lmportvotes ftom other systems, if applicable. 12.Affer all MBBshave bean read, close lhe election You can readunvoted MBBs that were in Tally. createdas backupsfor the electjonin orderto accountfor all MBBswrinen. 13. Printoffcial reDorts. Reportsare unoffrcialuriil the eldion is closedin Tally. 14.Back up election database to CD. eSe page23. Page10 HartInterCivic, lnc. o o o F F: o !t M -Fromtr: Black Box Voting Document-g Arcives- E =-'4 o {; € F o I I g, CI T: JA EI E ;t g F E F 5 E i! o z g luJ Ffl o iE IL F o z F o F c) uJ (ft E r-E NP o- T g3 & g: :f, o -^; o r----- E I Y ER :- lEs ! {, o o9 (J $es .e d, s*g.g E !B- 35 9 c ;.i 'r CI 35 t.9ie :EE EE jF E z EirEF t0 lt z IE ; a.- a ri ri I __l E, l3o r- --a I I E3 E B I r I z 4.9 o , I 3 I € d! E: F a p €g --l s Ei ; ! HE E d 5 * sUe aF tll H E !;; T o o" - -bn'8 THFES. --? t; = o i; I tJ1 € r-EcH.SEEF ia (n9 o 6€: EEP2A e--E E:3 IEEEEei .E -T E4, 3,b -bP I€EEeq-= EHBsqi F l!{oE NE'EoU; i--.* 5gd E sQt FP5FE 3 r- iE-Fr _6:; F$$ o (t) ,o TallySoftrare TrainingManual Tally OporatorTralnlng Cout€eOutllne Tellv OpeRAToRTRATNtNG Counse -From Black Box Ourlrn Voting Documente Arcives- EsdmatedTlm6: 1 day Audlence:Tabulation specialists, Elections Offcials ObJecttves:Trainee will openTally and @W a BOSSdatabase, set up Tallybefore the electionstarts, read MBBs, look at challengedballots, assign write-ins, enter absentee and manualvot6, viewand printTalty reports, close an electionand archivetheTally database. Benef,tsof Tally: Tallytabulates the castvotes with "oneclicr simplicity.Certified writa-inscan b€ identifiedbefore
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