The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Ann Hamilton, in memory of her twin daughters Elizabeth & Judith. Judith was awarded the Certificate of Merit for excellence in recitation from Scottish Literature twice. The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com ROBERT BURNS CHRONICLE 1961 THE BURNS FEDERATION KILMARNOCK Price ,s, (Paper bound), 7s. 6d. (Cloth bound) .:- "' ~ I "BURNS CHRONICLE" I. ""' - .• . I. .. ., ~ ·: r I . • ~-· •.. L ' - ' "• J I take the liqueur that Next time The ancient "" i drinking· d everyone s . ·ncludes ol Drambu1e 1 d .. recipeScotch for whisky, . heather honey an ·- delicate herbs . : "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BURNS A Study of the Poems and Songs THOMAS CRAWFORD "This is at once the most comprehensive and the most detailed volume I have read on Bu-rns's work. It is also one of the most perceptive and illuminating." Alexander Scott In a B.B.C. review "A first-rate critical study, scholarly, independent and comprehensive ... an admirable commentary on Burns and his critics, the masterly analysis and revaluation for which we have waited so long." The Scotsman "A really great book about Burns covering every aspect of his genius." Aberdeen Press and journal Price 35s. ROBERT BURNS Some Poems, Songs and Epistles Edited by JOHN McVIE ·Illustrated by JOHN MACKAY "Surely the most attractive of all modern treasuries on our National Bard." Aberdeen Press and journal "Every student of Burns ought to possess a copy." Scots Year Book 74 line drawings Price IOs. 6d. OLIVER AND BOYD Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, T, "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER "Long Life to thy fame and peace to thy soul, Rob Burns! When I want to express a sentiment which I feel strongly, I find the phrase in Shakespeare-or thee.'' Thus wrote Sir Walter Scott in his Journal. And to-day, as always, Burns's countrymen find in his songs the expression of their deepest feelings and beliefs. A teacher's work is never more worthwhile than when he introduces the next generation to this part of our inheritance. For more than seventy years the Burns Federation has helped such work. Now, along with McDougall's, it has prepared The Burns Federation Song Book especially for use in schools. This contains twenty songs, the texts of which have been taken from the best sources and scrupulously edited, with glossaries and notes on pronunciation. Some of the tunes are those to which Burns wrote his words, and others are ones which have become traditionally associated with them. They are all suited to the range of a child's voice, and the accompaniments are straight­ forward and musically satisfying. The Burns Federation Song Book is published in two forms: the Pupils' Edition, with staff and sol-fa notation, and the Piano Edition. Each book has the same full glossaries and phonetic pronunciations, together with an introductory note on pronuncia­ tion by David D. Murison, the editor of The Scottish National Dictionary. The musical arrangements are by George Short, and the songs have been chosen and edited by John McVie. Pupils' Edition 2s. 9d. (3s. post free) Piano Edition 6s. 6d. (7s. post free) THE BURNS FEDERATION SONG BOOK Is published by McDOUGALL, 30 ROYAL TERRACE, EDINBURGH "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Acc1ptabl1 Gifts at any time THE POEMS OF Shortbread Slab Cakes ·Robert Black.bun """--1 Burns Tea ~ Cloth binding, gilt title, G~ tinted tops Largs Nelson Clama 6s ~~ Gourock Blue Rexine bindings, Saltcoats gilt title, dark blue top Port Glasgow W1ncbaur Clama 8s 6d Greenock Eatabliahed 1838. --·-- Highland Dancing BURNSIANA The official textbook of The Scottish Official Board of High­ All recent books on or by land Dancing-an authoritative, Robert Burns and many early works are available practical and comprehensive from stock. manual. It sets for the first time a universal standard of Our list of current Burns books wlll be sent on knowledge, instruction and per­ request. formance. With 7S close-up action photographs. 2ls Enquiries and orders co : JOHN GRANT (Booksellers) LTD. 31 Geor1e IV. Brld1e, --·- EDINBURGH, I. NELSON For Scottish Books, Prints and Maps, new and old PAllKSIDI WOlllCS EDIHSUllmt 9 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER 24 FORTH STREET, EDINBPRGH, 1, December, 1960. Dear Reader, A new idea has been thought of which may interest you, since you are a friend of the great poet Robert Burns. For over 100 years so-called District Checks have been created in Scotland, and we give you enclosed a list of all of them. One of the latest was the Carnegie, which was supplied by us at the time. - It has occurred to us, as lOO•years-old high-class Woollen Merchants of Scotland, that there is no reason why there should not be a Robert Burns check, to be worn in various forms by his friends all over the world, and we have therefore created such a check. It consists of a Shepherd Cheek, which reminds one of the farmer, with a Rodden Grey Overcheck, which reminds one of the famous line in the poem "A man's a man for a' that," and two soft green lines running through the Overcheck to symbolise the fields and meadows where probably most of his thoughts were born. The Burns Federation have given their blessing to the adoption of that check and it is therefore official, and can be worn by all Robert Burns lovers. The cloth is made of a lovely, soft handling, light-weight Saxony, and if you are interested in acquiril)g a jacket length of this cloth please communicate with us and we shall send you a pattern of it. It is 58 inches wide. It will be available from the 25th of January, 1961, and as the demand is likely to be very large, orders will be treated in strict rotation. There will also be scarves and ties and rugs available, and handbags and ladies' hats and belts. May we add that a percentage of the total turnover will be devoted to all the deserving objects and ,'activities of the Burns Federation. Every genuine length will have a label- "Harrison's Robert Burns Check, All Wool, Made in Scotland, with Robert Burns's silhouette in the centre." Yours sincerely, GEORGE HAruusoN & Co. (EDINBURGH) Lm. G. E. Marchand, Director. Please mark envelope "Robert Burns." "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER . Building Contractors • • • THOS._ FINDLAY &Sons L~ MAUCH LINE relephone: Mauchllne 174/5 GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING WORK OF ALL KINDS JOINERY FOR BANKS, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, HOUSES, HOTELS, Etc. Estobllshed 1879 • • Woodworking Specialists "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BURNS MADE HAGGIS FAMOUS HAGGIS MADE M1KEANS FAMOUS M'KEANS LTD • 114 PORT DUNDAS RD. GLASGOW, C.4 to maintain its vital work at Home and Overseas For instance HOME FOR TRAINING THE YOUNG DISABLED SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE RELIEF OVERSEAS · HOSPITAL LIBRARIES and TROLLEY SHOPS CHIROPODY SERVICE FOR THE ELDERLY (In 24 Scottish Counties). MEDICAL LOAN DEPOTS Legacies a.nd Donations gratefully received by your LOCAL BRANCH or SCOTTISH BRANCH, BRITISH RED CROSS soc1m, 204 BATHSTREET, GLASGOW, C.2 "BURNS CHRON1CLE" ADVERTISER A "Robert Burns" Souvenir Here is a BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED TIN with PORTRAIT OF BURNS : BURNS COTIAGE and THE AULD BRIG on BANKS o' DOON Packed with Scotch "Butter" Shortbread awarded "Gold Medal" for excellent quality. An ideal Scottish Gift to take or send to your friends at home or abroad. We pack and post to all parts of the world. Orders can be sent in now for Christ­ mas and January celebrations. lncludlna Carton Per Tin & Inland Posta~ 40 Dainty Pieces 9/6 12/- ll Scotch Faris 6/6 9/- DAVID LAUDER & SONS LIMITED BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS HIGH CLASS RESTAURATEURS 22 KING STREET· KILMARNOCK· AYRSHIRE Telephone Kilmarnock 245 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER OPENING THE ROAD WHEN the Highlands were opened by General Wade's roads, the advantage was slowly realised. Fifty years later the truth was plain. Wade's roads which, for military purposes, broke the isolation of remote places had become arteries of commerce. Resolution and the energy of many men with stone-breaking hammers, crowbars, shovels, and little else made the roads. These men were soldiers of the Highland Companies later to be named the Black Watch. The twentieth century roadmaker has an enormously easier task. With .modern rock-drilling methods and efficient blasting techniques, rock is no longer an obstinate barrier to. progress. Specialised commerdal explosives and detonators, made by the Nobel Division of I.C.I., are powerful agents in civil-engineering works of many kinds, quarrying, metal-mining, coal-mining, and geophysical prospecting for oil and minerals. ·In years of change and expansion chemicals have been added to the list of Nobel Division products. Pentaerythritol,' industrial nitrocellulose, the "Cellofas" derivatives of cellulose and the versa­ tile silicones are now substantial manufacturing interests. These commercial explosives and chemicals are the material results of ideas vigorously expressed, The Nobel Division of I.C.I. has grown with ideas. In research faboratories, engineering departments, and in new plants, work for the future goes on. Better explosives, new chemicals, and more effi~ien,.t processes will be to-morrow's gift from to_;day's hard work~ ' IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDU~TRIES LTD. (Nobel Division), 460 SAVCHIEHALL $'1'.REET, GLASGOW, C.l. "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BURNS' H 0 USE DU M F&RI ES * Visitors to Dumfries should not fail to visit the old Red Sandstone House in Burns Street, in which the Poet lived and died. The whole House is now open for inspection by visitors and contains many interesting relics of Burns and his family. The House is situate only one minute's walk from St.
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