APPENDIX A AGENCY COORDINATION COLLEEN LAKE AIRPORT BOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPOSED SECURITY GATES SECURITY TAXIWAY "F" GATE WIDENING EXISTING TAXIWAY 50' W X 500' L T/W "F" T/W "A" T/W "E" EXISTING TAXIWAY 35' W X 200' L T/W "B" T/W "C" T/W "D" T/W "A" T/W "A" RUNWAY 5-23 DALTON HWY SAGAVANIRKTOK RIVER PROPOSED ACTION & APE LEGEND EXISTING SECURITY FENCING PROPOSED SECURITY FENCING AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) DEADHORSE AIRPORT REHABILITATION AKSAS Project No: 63626 FIGURE DATE: AUGUST 2012 2 Daniel De Bord From: Morris, William A (DFG) <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:42 AM To: Daniel De Bord Cc: Winters, Jack F (DFG) Subject: RE: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Categories: Important Daniel, The ADF&G has reviewed your plans for installing additional security fencing, expanding taxiway F and increasing the safety zone at the Deadhorse Airport and we have no objections or comments. Thanks, Bill **************************************** Bill Morris Region III Regional Supervisor Division of Habitat Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game 1300 College Road Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: (907) 459‐7282 FAX: (907) 459‐7303 http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/ ***************************************** From: Daniel De Bord [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:08 PM To: Morris, William A (DFG) Cc: Stumpf, RJ (DOT); Kirkendall, John M (DOT); Sara Lindberg Subject: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Hi Bill, On behalf of the DOT&PF, I wanted to informally consult with you regarding the Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626). The proposed project will impact approximately 1.5 acres of wetlands (no fish streams) by installing security fencing and widening Taxiway F. Approximately 200’ of Taxiway F is paved and marked at 35’ wide; with the remainder paved at 50’ wide. This is non‐standard. DOT&PF proposes widening Taxiway F to a uniform width of 50 feet and widening the embankment as necessary to achieve a 118‐foot safety area width in accordance with FAA standards for Design Group III facilities. In addition, the lack of security fencing around airside facilities in the northeast corner of the airport does not meet current TSA standards. DOT&PF proposes installing security fencing for the lease lots around taxiways E & F and placing fill as required to provide a stable foundation for fence posts and gates. Please see the attached figures. I will call you soon to see if you have any concerns or comments. 1 Cheers, Daniel Daniel De Bord Environmental Analyst Environmental and Water Resources Division 544 4th Avenue, Suite 102 Fairbanks, AK 99701 USKH Inc. main: 907.451.2128 direct: 907.450.1439 Celebrating 40 years www.uskh.com Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn paper = trees This electronic communication (including all attachments) is intended only for the named addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. It has not passed through our standard review process. Design data and recommendations included herein are provided as a matter of convenience and should not be used for final design. RELY ONLY ON THE FINAL HARDCOPY MATERIALS BEARING THE CONSULTANT'S ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL. If you are not the named addressee(s), any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete the original communication from your system. This e-mail and all other electronic (including voice) communications from the sender's firm are not intended by the sender to constitute an electronic record, an electronic signature or any agreement to conduct a transaction by electronic means. Any such intention or agreement is hereby expressly disclaimed unless otherwise specifically indicated. 2 Record of Conversation WO#: 1275300 PROJECT: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Prj. (63626) DATE: 11/15/12 TIME: 4:00 PHONE #: 907-852-0320 TALKED TO: Waska Williams BY: Daniel De Bord, USKH Environmental Analyst SUBJECT: Informal Consultation I sent Waska by email a project description and project figures the day before, requesting his input on any concerns or comments. Today we spoke on the phone and Waska had the following comments: NSB does not see a problem with the proposed project. A LMR application will be required for the proposed project with a Development Permit fee of $2,000 for impacting the estimated 1.5 acres of wetlands. In addition an IHLC clearance will be necessary. The LMR will take 30 days for processing, which includes 20 days for public comment and 5 to 10 days for administration. End of comments. ACTION REQUIRED: None. RECORD OF CONVERSATION / MEMO TO FILE \\ancfile2\Jobs\1275300\Environmental\Environmental Document\Appendices\Agency Consultations\1275300_Deadhorse ROC for NSB Consult_11-16- 12.docx Page 1 of 1 Updated: 12/2008 Daniel De Bord From: Daniel De Bord Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:29 PM To: 'Stumpf, RJ (DOT)' Cc: Sara Lindberg; [email protected] Subject: FW: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Attachments: Deadhorse Airport Figures_07-30-12.pdf RJ, I talked to Mike. He said the Corps had no comments or concerns about the project. Daniel From: Daniel De Bord Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:43 PM To: [email protected] Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Sara Lindberg Subject: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Hi Mike, On behalf of the DOT&PF, I wanted to informally consult with you regarding the Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626). The proposed project will impact approximately 1.5 acres by installing security fencing and widening Taxiway F. Approximately 200’ of Taxiway F is paved and marked at 35’ wide; with the remainder paved at 50’ wide. This is non‐ standard. DOT&PF proposes widening Taxiway F to a uniform width of 50 feet and widening the embankment as necessary to achieve a 118‐foot safety area width in accordance with FAA standards for Design Group III facilities. In addition, the lack of security fencing around airside facilities in the northeast corner of the airport does not meet current TSA standards. DOT&PF proposes installing security fencing for the lease lots around taxiways E & F and placing fill as required to provide a stable foundation for fence posts and gates. Please see the attached figures. I will call you soon to see if you have any concerns or comments. Cheers, Daniel Daniel De Bord Environmental Analyst Environmental and Water Resources Division 544 4th Avenue, Suite 102 Fairbanks, AK 99701 USKH Inc. main: 907.451.2128 direct: 907.450.1439 Celebrating 40 years www.uskh.com Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn paper = trees 1 Daniel De Bord From: Veach, Charleen <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 2:27 PM To: Daniel De Bord Subject: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Daniel, As per our conversation this morning regarding the above referenced project, we do not expect any impacts to our trust resources from the project as it is currently proposed. If a public notice for a permit through the Corps comes across our desk for this project, we will respond with more formal comments. Thank you for your assistance. -- Charleen Veach, Fish & Wildlife Biologist Conservation Planning Assistance Branch U.S. Fish & Wildlife Field Office 101 12th Avenue, Room 110 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-0276 1 Daniel De Bord From: Torrence, Shannon <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:16 AM To: Daniel De Bord Subject: Re: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Attachments: DeadhorseAirportRehab2012_signed.pdf Hi Daniel, I received your message. I'm sorry about the scanning issue for the signed consultation. I've attached an "all pages" version to this email. As for your request to place geo-fabric down instead of gravel by May 15th, that would be fine. Let me know if you have more questions, Shannon Shannon Torrence, PhD Endangered Species Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks Field Office Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-455-1871 [email protected] On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Daniel De Bord <[email protected]> wrote: Thanks Shannon. Have a great day! Daniel From: Torrence, Shannon [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:38 PM To: Daniel De Bord Subject: Re: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Hi Daniel, 1 Attached is a signed copy of the Deadhorse Airport rehab informal. Let me know if you have questions, Thanks, Shannon On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:05 PM, <[email protected]> wrote: Louise -- Shannon Torrence, PhD Endangered Species Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks Field Office Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-455-1871 [email protected] 2 Daniel De Bord From: Daniel De Bord Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:26 PM To: 'Torrence, Shannon' Cc: 'Stumpf, RJ (DOT)'; Sara Lindberg Subject: RE: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Hi Shannon, It’s good to hear from you. We anticipate that construction would begin next summer. To avoid impacts to migratory birds, no clearing or fill activities would occur between June 6th and August 5th. In the event that construction needs to begin sooner, best management practices would be followed to avoid impacts to nesting Spectacled Eiders by placing a lift of gravel over the project footprint before May 15th. Daniel From: Torrence, Shannon [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:54 AM To: Daniel De Bord Subject: Re: Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No. 63626) Hi Daniel, I'm getting around to working on this project. When would this project take place? Thanks, SHannon On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:05 PM, <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Louise, On behalf of the DOT&PF, I wanted to informally consult with you regarding the Deadhorse Airport Rehabilitation Project (No.
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