ican-^ .- <■" Discarded CSL O OX J> > ^carded CSL Connecticut Dailv Campus Z 3] ■** 03 00 Serving Storra Since 1896 GO w VOL. LXIX, NO. 100 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1965 }£KD > General Timmes To Speak Babbidge Announces Promotions On Vietnamese War Effort For Fifty-Four Faculty Members Major G«neral Charles J. he commanded a battalion of the Timmes, former chief of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regi- Thirteen members of the UConn lish, Dr. Norman T. Davis, Zool- Appointed to the rank of assis- Military Assistance Advisory ment. He led his battalion in faculty have been raised In rank ogy, Dr. Frank Dolyak, Zoology, tant professor were: Dr. Alvaro Group In Vietnam will speak on battle from D-Day until the end to full professor, President and Allan Glllespie, Music. Blzzlcarl, Foreign Languages, the Vietnam crisis tonight at of the war In Europe. The unit Homer D. Babbidge, Jr., Also, George Hemphlll, English, Dr. Clarence R. Calder Jr., 7:30 In the HUB Ballroom. participated in two combat Jumps, announced today. Dr. Ruth Hunter, Zoology, Dr. School of Education, Irving p. John Dolan, President of the at Normandy and at the cross- The new professors, who were Harry M. Johnson, Department Cummings, English, Alan Hart, Senior Class who extended the ing of the Rhine River. among 54 faculty and staff mem- of Finance, Dr. Clyde Jones, Department of Philosophy, Her- Invitation on behalf of the senior After the war the General atten- bers promoted are: Dr. Charles Department of Child Development bert E. Kiel, Department of Class, said: "There has been ded Command and General Staff Jerge, assistant dean of the and Family Relations, Dr. Hay- Chemical Engineering, Rosaline a great deal printed about the College at Fort Leavenworth, School of Dental Medicine; Dr. rettin Kardestuncer, Department Levenson, Institute of Public Ser- Vietnamese situation. Most of Kansas, graduating In 1947. As Alan J. Kenyon, a veterinarian of Civil Engineering, Dr. Nafe vice, Emily L. Mercer, School this has come from unauthori- part of this program he was in the Department of Animal E. Katter, Department of Theater, of Physical Education, Gabriel tatlve sources. Now, for the selected to attend the four year Diseases; Joseph A. LaPlante, Dr. E. Duwayne Keller, child Rosado, Foreign Languages, first time a person qualified to Russian Language and Area a member of the law faculty; Development, Dr. Jack Lamb, Bernard S. Sheehan, Electrical discuss the matter will do so." Training School. This program Dr. Nell Littlefleld, a specialist Department of Speech, Dr. Free- Engineering, Paul zelanski, Art, entailed training at the Army in commercial and local govern- man Meyer, Department of His- Dorothy McLaughlin, School of Following the talk General Language School and the Russian ment law. tory, Dr. William Moynihan, Eng- Physical Therapy. Timmes will answer questions Institute of Columbia University. Also, Charles E. Lee, a mar- lish; Bradley L. Newcomb, De- Named Assistant Dean of the from the floor. A coffee will In addition he spent two years keting specialist; Joseph M. Lent, partment of Mechanical En- Graduate School Is Dr. Max Put- be held in the Student Union In Germany studying the Russian a plant scientist; Dr. Arwood gineering. zel, formerly assistant to the Reception Lounge to conclude the language, history, and political Northby, dean of students; Dr. Also, Dr. R. Kent Newmeyer, graduate dean and assistant pro- evening's program. s cience. General Timmes Is also William C. Orr, a chemist; Dr. History, Dr. Leonard Peters, fessor of English. Promoted m June 1961 he was designated a graduate of the Armed Forces Robert E. Osborne, head of the English; Dr. Helene Reschovsky, to University Educational Assist- Chief of the united States Army Staff college and the National Department of Foreign Langua- Department of Mathematics, An- ant I Is (Miss) Arpple Chark- Section of the Military Assist- War College. In 1957 he re- ges; Dr. William Rosen, an auth- thony Terenzlo, Department of oudlan, Assistant Auditorium ance Advisory Group In Vietnam. ceived his Master of Arts degree ority on Shakespeare; Dr. Arnold Art, Edwin W. Tucker, Business Manager. Promoted to Research Shortly thereafter he became in Political Theory from George- Russek, a physicist; Dr. Phil- Administration; Dr. M. Glen Wil- Assistant IV is G.R. Norman, chief of the advisory group and town University. more B. Wass, an economic ed- son Jr., Theater. Department of Animal industries. he served in this position until From 1956 to 1958 General ucator; and Thomas W. Wilcox, June, 1964. During this time Timmes served In Korea, first a specialist in Renaissance lit- General Timmes was the highest as Senior Advisor to the erature. United States military authority Commanding General of the n Appointed to the rank of Pamela Whiteman Selected in Vietnam. Republic of Korea Army Corps associate professor were-. Frank and later as Chief of Staff of Ballard, Department of Theater, First Jungle Bunny Queen General Timmes now is Direc- the Korean Military Advisory Dr. Ralph Bartram, Department of Physics, Dr. Emll Bernstein, tor of Programs in the Office Group, m 1959 he was assigned by Charlotte Evans President Agdens commented, of the Deputy Chief of Staff for to the 101st Airborne Division, Department of zoology, Dr. James Carlsen, Department of Pamela Whiteman, a second "She was white as a ghost-Just Personnel of the Headquarters Fort Campbell, Kentucky, as semester English major and res- standing there petrified." When of the Department of the Army. Assistant Division Commander. Music, Dr. Joseph Cary, Depart- ment of English, Dr. L Ridgway ident of South Hall B, was elected the other finalists had been el- General Timmes' decorations Jungle Bunny Queen at the run- iminated, and Pam stood alone include the Distinguished Service Davis, Department of Political Science, Dr. Jack M. Davis, Eng- off dance last Friday, March 26, as Queen, she said she "still Cross, the Distinguished Service in the dining hall of North didn't really believe It. I was Medal, The Silver Star, the Campus. fully convinced I wouldn't win." Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Clus- CDC The Idea of having a Jungle As each runner up was ter, and the Purple Heart with Bunny Queen stemmed from the announced, she received a large Oak Leaf Cluster. He also earned STAFF Intention of Sheldon Agdens, stuffed bunny and a trophy from the Combat Infantry Badge and President of the North Campus Secretary Barry Jones. The the Master Parachutist Badge. MEETING President's Council, to "reorient newly-elected Jungle Bunny General Timmes was born In CDC staff meeting, Wed- the nature of the Presidents' Queen received a "huge" white Innsbruck, Austria where his fa- nesday, March 31, at 4 p.m. Council from a protective to a bunny and a gold cup trophy ther, a native New Yorker, was in the News room. AH social organization." It was presented by Agdens. As he engaged In medical research. He staff members must attend. decided to hold a dance with handed her the trophy, Agdens attended primary and secondary the Jungle Bunny Queen contest asked, "How does it feel to be schools In New York City and as the main feature. Jungle Bunny Queen?" She re- received a Bachelor of Arts de- UConn Secretary plied, "I don't believe it. B gree from Fordham University. Each women's social unit on feels great." Later, In speak- He then continued at Fordham campus was requested to send two contestants to an introductory ing of Agdens, the Queen declared and received his Bachelor of Succumbs Sunday that "Sheldon should be com- Legal Laws degree. coffee. When nominated, Pam was "fully convinced" that she mended - It was run very weU." After his graduation from law In Eastford Fire wasn't going to win. Twenty- According to Dick Bernstein, school he practiced law In New CCC chairman, Pamela Is el- Mrs. Norah Colburn, employed five semi-finalists were then sel- igible to run for Miss University York City until he was called since December 1964 as a sec- ected from the 90 original can- of Connecticut. to active duty with the Army In retary at UConn, died early Sun- didates by the North Campus 1941. During World War n General Timmes day In a fire that destroyed her President's Council, and a second Jungle Bunny home in an Isolated section of coffee was held to determine the Eastford, Conn. five finalists. World News Briefs Also killed In the fire were Mrs. Chosen were Sharon Choate, Colburn's two sons* Kevin 9, and Rickey Bradley, Denlse La- U.S. Embassy In Saigon Bombed Shawn 7; Mrs. Colburn's sister, France, Georgette Ponton, and Mrs. Theresa Loewy and her Pam Whiteman, who described Saigon (AP) - A huge bomb has Windows and shutters on two children, Peggy Ann, 5, and Mi- the atmosphere as "very relaxed, exploded at the U.S. embassy In sides of the corner building chael, six months. very congenial," and said all the Saigon, and It Is feared casual- were smashed and burning. The only survivor is Mrs. Col- seml-flnallsts were "nervous to- ties are heavy. First reports The bomb appeared to have been burn's husband, Russell. He was gether". On being nominated as said one of the casualties was a placed In a vehicle In the street- uninjured. a finalist she commented, "1 ranking member of the embassy. apparently causing the wounding Colburn told firemen he was was completely surprised, and It was not known Immediately of the Vietnamese in the street. very happy." how many others were wounded. awakened about 2:30 a.m. when The run-off dance, beginning at The blast was heard throughout The U.S.
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