This article was downloaded by: [University of Cambridge] On: 11 January 2015, At: 10:54 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 7 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: tnah13 IX.—Report on the Neuroptera Odonata collected by Mr. E. E. Austen at Sierra Leone during August and September 1899 W.F. Kirby F.L.S. F.E.S. Published online: 22 Sep 2009. To cite this article: W.F. Kirby F.L.S. F.E.S. (1900) IX.—Report on the Neuroptera Odonata collected by Mr. E. E. Austen at Sierra Leone during August and September 1899, Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 7, 6:31, 67-79, DOI: 10.1080/00222930008678342 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 Mr. W. F. Kirby on Odonatafrom Sierra Leone. 67 Idcdus pythia, sp. n. Male.--Head, collar, and tegulm pale greyish fawn-coloar ; antennm fawn-colour~ the tips white; abdomen yellow, the underside white, the anal segment pale greyish fa~vn-eolour ; legs white. Primaries semihyaline yellowish white, the basal half of the wing pale greyish fawn-coloub with several yellowish-brown spo~s along the inner margin ; a larg% round, pale greyish fawn-coloured spot with an indistinct darker brown centre close to the apex: secondaries semihyaline yellowish white, dark yellow along the inner margin. Expanse l I inch. ttab. Bolivia, Songo (Mas. Drace). Oflharus amata~ sp. n. Female.--Head, antennm, collar, teguhe, thorax, abdomen~ and legs black; abdomen banded with yellow. Primaries olive-brown, palest at the base and along the costal margiu, the veins black; a rather large indistinct blackish spot a~ the end of the cell : secondaries semihyaline brownish black, the fringe dark brown. Expanse 2 inches. Hab. Venezuela (Mus. Druce). IX.--Report on the ~Veuroptera Odonata collectd by ,l/Tt'. E. E. Austen at Sierra Leone during Augast and Septeraber 1899. By W. F. KI~aY, F.L.S., F.E.S. [Plate II.] DuRIs(~ Mr. Austen's visit to Sierra Leone, as a member of :Major Ross's expedition to inquire into the connexion between Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 mosquitos and malaria, he collected a considerable number of dragonflies; but as he captured long series whenever he was abl% the number of distinct species obtained amounted only to eighteen. However, I am able to describe seven newspecies in the present pape U two of which I have made the types of new genera. I should also mention that specimens of most of these have been in the Museum fbr some tim% bug have not previously been described. In place of quoting full synonymy in the present, pape 5 I generally confine myself to quoting references to the original 5* 68 Mr. W. F. Kirby on Oclonata from Sierra Leone. author of a species and to nay 'Catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata.' The only other Neuroptera in the collection were four specimens of M!/rmeleon tristis~ Walker~ taken on Sept. 5~ 1899~ and one or two small species of Ephemerid~e and Termitidse not at present determinable. The following species were obtained by Mr. Austen :~ Libellulidze. Orthetrum~ Newm. chrysostigma~ Burro. LIBELLULIN~. Julia~ Kirb. (sp. n.). ~antala~ Hag. 3'lavescens, Fabr. l~hyothemis~ Hag. CORDULIII~, notata, Fabr. Macromia, Ramb. Y)alpopleura, Ramb. 8elysi, Kith. (sp. n.). Lucia, Drury. l~ortia, Drury. ~schnid~. Trithemis, Bmuer. Kalula, Kirb. (sp. n.). A~SCHNT1V~E, serva, Kirb. (sp. n.). Anaciceschna, De Selys. tlelothemis, Kaxsch. triangulifera, McLachl. dorsalis, Ramb. J~eblecia, Kith. (g. n.). adolescens, Kirb. (sp. n.). Agrionid~, Crocothemls, Brauer. erythreea~ Brull6. AGRIONIN~, Thermorthemis~ Kith. 8apho, De Selys. Austeni, Kith. (sp. n.). ciliata, Fabr. leonina, Karsch. Zibellago, De Selys. Apeleutherus, Kirb. (g. n.). dispar, Beauv. ~trachanll Kirb. (sp. n.). Pantala flavescens. Zibelhda2gavescens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 285 (1798). _Pantalajgavescens~ Kirb. Cat. Neut. 0don. p. 1. n. 1 (1890). 9 specimensj Aug. 25, Sept. 13~ 2I~ 27 (1899). Rh2lothemis notala. Libellula notata, Fabr. Spec. Ins. i. p. 390. n. 12 (1781) Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 _~hyothem~s notata~ Klrb. Cat. Nero.. Odon. p. 6. n. 21 (1890). 3 speeimens~ Aug. 26~ Sept, 2 (1899). Palpopleura Lucia. •ibellula Zucia, Drury, IlL Exot. Ent. ii. pl. xlv. fig.. 1 (1773). PalTopleura Zucia, Kirb. Cat. Neut. Odon. p. 9. n. I (1890). 35 specimens~ Aug. 21 to Sept. 22 0899). One of the commonest and most widely distributed African dragonflies. Mr. W. F. Kirby on Odonata from l~;erra Leone. 69 Palpopleura Portia. Zibeltula Portia, Drurv, III. Exot. Ent. ii. pl. xlvll, fig. 3 (1773). 2alpopleura Portia, K]rb. Cat. Neut. Odon. p. 9. n. 4 (1890). 5 specimens, Aug. 26 to Sept. 21 (1899). Although long known and widely distributed, this species does not seem to be nearly so abundant as P. LuJa, Drury. Trithemis Kalula, sp. n. (PI. II. figs. 2, 2 a.) Long. corp. 32-34 millim. ; exp. al. 53-55 millim. ; long. pter. 2 miltim. Male.FRufo-testaeeous, with hyaline wings. Very similar to T. arteriosa, Burro., from which it differs as follows:-- The segments of the abdomen are distinctly shorter and broader, and instead of a row of lateral black spots succeeded by a continuous band, there is a row of lateral black spots enlarging and expanding behind~ which are more or less expanded on the last three segments, sometimes so much as to cover most of these segments~ except a reddish spot on each side in front. The middle appendages of the same segment consist of a pair of long slender reeurved hooks. The neara- tion is brown, reddish only sometimes in the costal and post- costal areas. The yellow shade at the base of the hind wings is darker than in T. arterlosa and the cells in it are usually centred with pale brown. In adult specimens the vertex is violet~ and the thorax and abdomen are slightly pruinose, but more of a reddish plum-colour than blue. An immature male (and pre- sumably the female) has a broad brown median band on the thorax, and a narrower one on each side, the latter connected below with a longitudinal black band on the pleura, which emits three oblique brown bands downward, the hindormost connected with a black space, filled up with two pale spots in fi'ont and a large transverse one behind on the metapectus. At the base of the abdomen there are also three brown stripes above the level of the lateral markings already described. In Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 the more mature specimens these markings are more or less obscured. Legs black. Pterostigma brow% more or less centred with yellow. 4 specimens, Aug. 26, Sept. 13, 21 (1899). Trithemis serva, sp. n. (Woodcut, fig. 1.) Long. corp. 34 millim. ; exp. el. 57 millim. ; long. pter. 2½ millim. Male.FDull black, more or less varied with testaceous in immature specimens~ especially on the face; ia the most F i,lmmmummmm Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 70 Mr. W. F. Kirby on Oclonatafrom Sierra Leone. mature specimens the vertex is violet and the thorax pruinose blue. The sides of the mentum are sometimes yellow. Wings hyaline, with black nervures; fore wings with 11-13 antenodal and 7-10 postnodal cross-nervures; pterostigma dark brown, traversed by a narrow yellow line. Triangle traversed, followed by three rows of cells, increasing; sub- triangular space consisting of 3 cells : hind wings with 7-8 Fig. 1. I ! Trlthemls serva. antenodal and 9-11 postnodal cross-nervures; membranu]e white~ stained with blackish; a small yellow cloud beyond~ sometimes obso]ete~ with its outer border straight~ and above the lower basal cell, only visible at the extreme base. Ap- pendages of tile second segment very prominent~ the two hindermost converging like a pail" of pincers. I)escribed flora six specimens, two of them taken by Mr. Austen on Sept. 5 and 21 (1899). _Allied to the East-Indian T. festlva~ Ramb, bu~ easily distinguished by the different shape of the markings at the base of the hind wings and the form of the appendages of the Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 10:54 11 January 2015 second segment of the abdomen.
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