THE AMERICAN SEE PAGE 1 8 OUR NEWEST ALLY-SPAIN SEE PAGE 20 New Records LGOIOJV for '54 ? MAGAZINE JANUARY 1954 THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA What they do in 1954 will affect Americans for years to come \ Ifyou like Leer youll love Schlitz f t ii I' r Satisfaction is what you really want in beer! Day after day the supreme quality of Schlitz gives more satisfaction to more people than any other beer in the world. That's why Schlitz is America's largest selhng beer. Just the kiss of the hops . No bitterness. © I9M— Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Breweries o( Milwaukee, Wis. end Brooklyn, N. Y. e Beer that Made Milwaukee Famo What happens when y_gu signal the engine room? Split-second acceleration is a big help when you're navigating a car on to- day's busy streets and highways. That's one of the reasons why so many car owners use nothing but high octane "Ethyl" gasoline. When your foot goes down/'Ethyl" gasoline delivers full, knockless power. And because you know your engine will get going without hesitation, your driving is surer and safer . and more fun. Next time you "fill 'er up," ask for "Ethyl" gasoline and enjoy the powerful difference it makes in your car's performance. ETHYL CORPORATION • New York 17, N. Y. Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada Protect your engine—get more power with ^^TWYl!! ffasoline ! . Outdates Messy Oils -sj Vol. 56 No. ), Jonuory 1954 THE AMERICAN V-7 LEGION New Vitalis MAGAZINE Grooming Agent Contents for January, 1954 Cover by H. EWING & WECO is Greaseless WALL OF FEAR (fiction) by Donovan Fitzpatrick 11 ONCE AGAIN HE KNEW HE HAD TO FACE DEATH. BRAINWASHING, AMERICAN STYLE by Alfred Kohlberg 14 WHY MANY AMERICANS THINK ALONG THE COMMIE LINE. ICE FISHING . MADE EASY by George S. Fichter 16 A MILLION PEOPLE ARE DOING IT. OUR NEWEST ALLY -SPAIN by Edward Toledano 18 DOWN-TO-EARTH INFORMATION WITHOUT HYSTERIA. NEW RECORDS FOR '54? by Arthur Daley 20 PROVING THAT THE HUMAN BODY IS A MARVELOUS MACHINE. PIN-UPS OF THREE WARS by Walter Brooks 22 YOUR AGE MAY DETERMINE YOUR CHOICE. GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR TV SET by Robert Scharff 24 SOME POINTERS THAT WILL MEAN BETTER ENTERTAINMENT. GOD'S SMUGGLER by Vernon Pizer 25 WHY MANY RUSSIANS ARE BEING SAVED FROM GODLESSNESS. THE LEGION IN PICTURES 26 THE CAMERA BECOMES NOSTALGIC. NEWS OF THE LEGION 31 Features SOUND OFF! 4 PRODUCTS PARADE . 8 NEWSLETTER 29 EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB. .28 PARTING SHOTS ... 64 Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, stami^ed cn\cloi)e is inducted The American Legion Magazine is the official publication of Tfie Americon Legion ond ts owned exclusively by The American Legion. Copyright 1953 by The American Legion. Pub- lished monthly at 1100 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Acceptance for mailing at special rote Keep Your Hair Neat of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscription, $1.50, Entered as second class motter June 30, 1948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member subscriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The American Legion Magazine, All Day this New P. O, Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING WESTERN OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 580 Fifth Avenue 333 Norfh Michigan Avenue Indianapolis 6, Indiana New York 36, N. Y. Chicago 1, Illinois Greaseless Way! POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned under labels Form 3579 to Post Office Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. No animal, mineral or vegetable oil Connell, Nafiono/ Commandor . Indianapolis in new Vitalis. It keeps your hair neat Arthur J. John Stelle, McLeons- Cocreham, Baton Rouge, schiel L. Hunt, Austin, dis- with V-7, new greaseless grooming boro, Illinois, Chairmen Lo.; Clovis Copelond Texas; George D. Levy, covery. Never a gummy film or "oil- of the Legion Publica- Little Rock, Ark.; Pau Sumter, S. C; Dr. tions Commission; Dan B. Dague, Dov/ningtown, Charles R. Logan, slick" look W. Emmett, Oakdale, Pa.; Josephus Daniels Keokuk, lowo; William California, and Earl L. Jr., f?aleigh, N. C. P. Roan, L a r ksv i 1 1 e, Emmett Safay, Prevents Hair Dryness Meyer, Allionce, Ne- John E. Drinkard, Cull Penna.; braska, Vice -Chairmen. man, Ala.; Dove H Jacksonville, Fla.; D. L. Members of the Com- Fleischer, St. Louis Sears, Toledo, Ohio; What's more, Vitalis gives you special mission: Lang Arm- Mo.; Samuel J, Gor Harold A. Shindler, protection from annoying dryness. strong, Spokane, Wash.; man, Wesf Hartford Newburgh, Ind.; Edgar Charles E. Booth, Hunt- Conn.; Eorl Hitchcock G. Vaughan, Si. Paul, New laboratory findings show that ington, W. Va.; Roland Glens Falls, N. Y.; Her Mi nn. even excessively dried-out hair gets Mtinagtnf: Editor Adrcrtifin^ Director O'Neil Boyd B. Stutler Fred L. Maguire back its normal moisture content faster James F. New^btk. N. Y. Art Editor E.t^tnn Ady. M ^r with Vitalis than with any other lead- Al Marshall WilliamM.DeVitolis As^'t to Publiihcr A s^ol uire EJiftnf ]\',.lctn Adr. .\/.e7. Vitalis! Frank Lisiecki ing hair tonic. Try new Robert B. Pitkin H. J. Prussing, Jr. Editor Irving Herschbein Dcttoit Ad^ . /v'.T Joseph C. Keeley Schipper-Webb Assoc. NEW, FINER A (ivisory Editor James F. Barton U'rxt C.'J^t Adr. Ki-r- Alexander Gardiner Indi.inapoiis. Ind. Eschen & Roe Co. Please notify the Circulation Department, Publications Division, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, Indiana, if you have changed your address, using notice form 22S VITALIS which you may secure from your Postmaster. Be sure to cut off the address label on your Magazine and paste it in the space provided. Always cive your latest mem- bership card number and both your new and your old address, and notify your local Hair Tonic with V-7 Post or the Adjutant of your Post. Product of Brislol-Myeis 2 • THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • JANUARY. 1954 » let your throat enjoy smooth smoking Jhm Is no ^ubsfifuh for PAIL MAIL — tlie finest (juslifif money can buy Discover a Smoothness, Mildness and Satisfaction No Other Cigarette Offers You Tall Malik Longer,. ,Compare PALL MALL wiih any short cigarefte. See how mild PALL MALL's smoke becomes as if is filtered further through PALL MALL's traditionally fine, mellow tobaccos. PALL MALL — the cigarette that changed America's smoking habits — gives you a smoothness, mildness and satisfaction no other cigarette can offer you. GUARD AGAINST THROAT-SCRATCH fall Mall kTmr,.. Compare PALL MALL with any long cigarefie. PALL MALL's fine tobaccos are the finest qual- ity money can buy and fine fobacco is its own best filter for sweeter, smoother smoking. Moreover the better a cigarette is packed, the better it filters the smoke on the way to your throat. No other cigarette of any length can give you the pleasure you get from PALL MALL. The cigarette that changed America's smoking habits Outstanding nntd! 1 / The '\ [ EASIEST 1 tool t you can /' use! / KeiiiizOmTIC RECOGNIZING A RED CHINESE for the Flynns, Peglcrs and sundry TORCH rotten ilk. I fear for America as long Sir: I hear a lot of talk lateh' about as you dispense your bilge and Mc- \ Solders in a jiffy, burns paint, recognizing Red China in tlie United free 'antiques furniture lets you Carthy and his ilk run around — Nations. The only way to recognize Torch complete do hundreds of jobs yourself tearing down our long cherished free- a red is through the sights of a ma- and saves you money. doms. These suppoitcrs of the great ^6-95 chine gun. One of the biggest blunders ONLY Instant lighting, lightweight, patriot who hate Negroes, hate Jews, ot your hordwore compact. Disposable cylin- of all time w as made \\ hen Roosevelt hate foreigners, in fact hate cver> thing slore. Replacement der contains enough fuel for recognized the red regime of Russia is in this class cylinder. ... $1 .95 months of normal use. that decent. Are you and began dealing with them. Are wc too? It is very sad, indeed. I wouldn't going to be misled into committing a cry one second if you stopped sending FREE BOOKLET SHOWS YOU HOW greater blunder? No nation should be me >'our useless rag. TO USE TORCH FOR MANY JOBS permitted to siioot its wav into the Karl Klondike U.N. Hctrrisbiirg, III. SencJ for booklet today. Write: Ricliard L. Acord OTTO BERNZ COMPANY, Inc. Chillicothe, Ohio 286 Lyell Avenue • Rochester 6, New York SECOND CHANCE Sir: I read \\ ith disgust the article Second Chance in Germany by I'reda ORCHIDS Utlcy. It is impossible for me to an- swer all the nonsense, untruth and dis- BIG profits/.^ spare-full TIME facts she World's most thrilling hobby - profitable home tortion of historical which business. SinKlt* Orchid plant may multiply expects us to s\\ allow. into many - each as valuable as the first. Successful home grower shows you how! Raise L. B. Kanienctz S'^^Kt'ous Cattleyas, Cymbidiums, Epiden- drums, on livinfj-room table. Big-profit Dixon, III. orders come from friends, neighbors, florists, etc. -also Mail Orders. Illustrated secrets of the experts in simple "show- how"language AND blooming-sizeOrchid plants sent at NO RISK. Sir: Congratulations on Second Chance Everything you need to start - for pleasure or profit. FREE - full details-SEND NO MONEY. Write today. TROPICAL FLOWERLANO. in Gerniany. It is high time someone I IDEA Dept.
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