TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Part I Summary of Findings............................………………………………………………… 1 Part II Resource Papers 1. Sustainable Development of the Cottage Dairy Sector in Asia and the Pacific – Challenges and Opportunities ................................................................................... Rattan Sagar Khanna 7 2. Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sustainable Dairy Development in Pakistan ...................................................................……………... Arshad Hussain Hashmi 21 3. Management of Dairy-animal Feeding for Better Productivity and Food Safety ................................................................................................ Jong Kyu Ha and Hyun Jin Kim 25 4. Small-scale Milk Collection, Processing and Marketing – FAO Activities …. Anthony Bennet 36 5. Cost Effective Technologies for Milk Preservation and Processing by Dairy SMEs ................................................……………………………..………..…. Muhammad Abdullah 41 Part III Country Papers 1. Bangladesh ............……………………… Nasimul Ghani and Mohammed Habibur Rahman 48 2. Fiji ..........…………………………………………………………… Mosese Rorokole Ratuki 54 3. India ........................…………………………………………………… Rattan Sagar Khanna 57 4. Indonesia (1) ......…………………………………………………… Aderina Uli Panggabean 70 5. Indonesia (2) ................................................…………………………… Riasuri Gail Sianturi 75 6. Islamic Republic of Iran ......................................…………..………….…. Hormoz Mansouri 78 7. Republic of Korea ..........................................................………….………… Yoon Yoh Chang 83 8. Malaysia .................……………............………………………………...…………. Roslaini Rusli 87 9. Mongolia .………...…………………………. Sodnom Batsaikhan and Rattan Sagar Khanna 92 10. Nepal ............................................................................... Arun Shrestha and Ajab Lal Yadav 96 11. Pakistan (1) ............................................................................................... Muhammad Anwar 103 12. Pakistan (2) ....................................................................................... Muhammad Nasir Javed 108 13. The Philippines ......................................................................................... Marilyn B. Mabale 110 14. Sri Lanka ............................................................................................... Shadana Gajanayake 116 15. Thailand ............................................................ Yongyut Udomsak and Rattan Sagar Khanna 122 Part IV Appendices 1. List of Participants, Resource Speakers, and Secretariat ......……………...……...…………... 127 2. Program of Activities .........………….……………………………………………...………… 131 1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS INTRODUCTION The Seminar on Sustainable Dairy-sector Development for Poverty Reduction, which was orga- nized by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) and hosted by the Government of Pakistan, was held at Faisalabad from 22 to 27 November 2004. On behalf of the Government of Pakistan, the National Productivity Organization of Pakistan and the University of Agriculture Faisalabad, implemented the program. Fifteen participants from 11 member countries and eight resource persons from Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, India, Republic of Korea and Pakistan participated in the seminar. The objectives of the seminar were: (a) to review recent developments in the dairy sector in member countries with particular focus on smallholder dairy farmers and rural areas; (b) to identify issues and constraints that resource-poor smallholders are facing; and (c) to discuss major challenges for raising productivity for the sustainable development of the dairy sector. The seminar was held in four stages. In the first stage resource papers were presented on the core subjects of milk production, productivity enhancement, milk procurement, milk procurement or- ganization, milk processing, product manufacture and marketing. The resource papers highlighted the latest developments in diverse areas that would help dairying in its totality and help to add value to the produce of the rural smallholder. In the second stage country papers were presented. These papers discussed the current scenario of dairy development under country specific conditions and state of the smallholder. Each of the presenters identified challenges and issues facing that country. Discussions held at the end of each of the sessions on resource paper and country paper helped in surfacing the problems and likely solutions. In the third stage the participants usefully applied a day to visit the Pakistan countryside to appreciate the systems prevalent in Pakistan for rural milk production, farm- ing practices, procurement practices and small scale chilling of milk to extend its shelf life. The partici- pants compared the systems prevalent in their home countries with the Pakistani farms. The last and fourth stage of the seminar was a workshop held in two parallel groups. The workshop was held to identify issues and problems in development of sustainable small-scale dairy sector in member coun- tries; and to formulate strategies and strategic action plans to address those issues and problems. The subjects covered by the resource papers were: (1) Sustainable Development of the Cottage Dairy- sector in Asia and the Pacific – Challenges and Opportunities; (2) Role of Small and Medium Enter- prises (SMEs) in Sustainable Dairy Development; (3) Management of Dairy-animal Feeding for Better Productivity and Food Safety; (4) Management of Dairy-animal Breeding for Higher Productivity (Pa- per not available); (5) Small-scale Milk Collection, Processing and Marketing – FAO Activities; (6) Milk Production and Marketing Systems in Pakistan: Constraints and Opportunities (Paper not avail- able); and (7) Cost-effective Technologies for Milk Preservation and Processing by Dairy SMEs. Based on resource paper and country paper presentations, group discussions and other seminar deliberations, the participants identified issues and problems in the development of sustainable small- scale dairy-sector in the participating member countries and formulated strategic actions to address them, as summarized below: Group A. Development of Sustainable Milk Production (Preharvest) Perceived Agency/ Issues/Problems Strategies Strategic action/Activity Organization 1. Availability of 1. Development of 1. Smallholder dairying in Asia should 1. Government suitable genetic local breeds preferably be developed on department resources of dairy upgradation of local breeds of dairy should decide animals animals. The objectives and goals the objectives of breeding the animals and the of breeding strategies should be decided with policy. regard to the national priorities. 1 2. Conservation 2. There is need to set up system for 2. The execution of of genetic record keeping of life cycle policy objectives resources events/activities of dairy animals should be facili- kept by the Smallholder so as to tated by the conserve and develop local government genetic resources. departments in 3. Choice of local 3. Crossbreeding programs set up for participation or exotic breed higher milk production should be with the farmers’ sustainable and restricted to non- organizations descript animals. Indiscriminate and the NGOs. crossbreeding of known and developed indigenous breeds must be avoided so as to protect and conserve the indigenous genetic resources. 2. Inadequate avail- 1. Adequate 1. For efficient milk production, the Government ability of feed availability of local feed resources should be departments, resources and quality feed used as the main feeding inputs. agricultural univer- nutritional manage- resources sities, research ment of dairy throughout the institutes, farmers’ animals. year organizations and 2. Appropriate 2. Technology and techniques are NGOs, etc. technology for available and should be further improving the improved to process and preserve quality of fodder for future use. For ex- feed/fodder ample, local fodders and foliage resources. when available in abundance can be preserved as hay and silage. Research and development should continue keeping in view the environmental issues to develop new feed resources. 3. Improvement of 3. Strategy to cope up with the feed quality and seasonal feed availability is feed production developed with reference to system specific agro-ecological zones and the technology be transferred to farmers. 4. Development of 4. Practical guidelines should be practical developed for feed resources guidelines management and feeding under different systems of dairy produc- tion. 5. Farming prac- 5. Different dairy production sys- tices for sus- tems, e.g., animal-crop system, tainable dairy commercial animal production production system, multiple species system, etc., need to be utilized for sus- tainable dairy production. 3. General Manage- 1. Human resource 1. Small scale farmers should be Government ment management trained for animal care, housing, departments, prophylaxis, prevention of masti- agricultural univer- tis, vaccination, de-worming, sities, research reproductive management (heat institutes, farmers’ 2 detection) & control of communi- organizations and cable diseases and resource utiliza- NGOs, etc. tion for improved productivity of safe milk. 2. Disease control 2. There is need to develop and train and health village based persons as para-vets, management technician, professional for animal production and health control for smallholder set up. 3.
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