!["Ofli Gazettesine “Ne.4 LAGOS -- 23Djuly, 1959 Es a Vets : “CONTENTS Fase](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
we 4 "oflI Gazettesine “Ne.4 _ LAGOS -- 23dJuly, 1959 eS a vets : “CONTENTS Fase . ee aaPage. 2 | Page. Governor-Goneral’s Movements 980 ‘Resolution of Board:ofDitettors:and Yetura: Petes Appointment of GovertionGoneral's- Depisty = 980 g, of Assete and Liabilities at the close of © businesson. 15th July, 1959—Central Bank DutiesutionofofthethaHfgkCorimileeintr{dnér forfor theth oo of Nigeria... ee ee we «> 996 General Executive Class—Exclusion of Posts 997 Appeintaatt ofPermanent Secreterien 9... 981 Examination in Native’ Languaged—Fetleral Movements of Officers wy as, on 981-7 Territory of Lagos ee ee: - 997, Appointmentof Board of Inquiry re Dispute Ni erian College of Teéthnology—Zaria : Afonveon MMossra_ Elder Dempsten Limitted. ranch; :Departmenti of . Architecture, and the NigerianUnionofSeamen. “b87 -“ “9| RBA,Fingl Examination, - -- "998 Enrolment in Spocial List Bof u.MOS. _ SB; Nigerian MilitaryFoicas 4.00 fee. 05988. Tageee8ears6 ning,College,oleaeeeeSuru-Lere 998. Probate: Notices 26 0 Eotge itt "15989400..‘NagirsLanguage Examination:June,1959 tela’ Teagonos. LandLas1dRegiatey+Appitofor Fire 990 Results 998° West African Currency Board as : . 998 Fedort,eebusdecriés Comnilestoti= Export Duty on Rubber eee »» 998 Appointment of Acting Chairman . 901 Tenders aa EES Cy 999. Appointment bf members of the Federal ;: Board ‘es ee oof : Srave- VACANCIES : Appointment of person, to at on.behalt of , University. College, rhedin’ ee oa port Licensing Authority ee99 University College; Peale ae «+. 1000 - PublioService'Commission,Northern i Appalatneat ofpotgon,10,set on bohalt of *" Region: 3°. ih? “oo 1000: rt LicensingAutho cH Ot eeMinistry’ of Health‘xia Boe al: Bp es Determination to render ae the office of a member of ‘Benutinesr Goromittes: ‘for: Western. Region: "5 2001-2 Southern Cariarcona . se oe ee OL Ministryof Agriculture and Netural : Resourses, Western Region ve « 1002-3 Confirmationof Ordinance vest. oe O91 Ministry of Worksand Transport,Western ae Medical Practitionors reteeretin Nigeria 1. 992 Region «|. 1004' Lou of TNR 29 ae ae at es 992 Southern Cameroons Information Service. - 1004 Loav of TreasuryReceipt 6. eee 992. Board of Customs and Excide: Notices.” 100456 ‘ Lossof Local Purchase Orders 4° ge GB: Loa-of Temporary Gcoupation Ticence. oh oe ‘Iypm To Taxaat Noricas IN SUPPLEMENT Books md y ef 2 Sy Ss. 4993.: oNNow : ‘Short. Title :_. Page . Sywles Consular ‘Repressatation, Spe ge O93, * 163.5. ‘Mineral Oils.Gafety):(Amendment) ee, UnitedStates CommilusRepresentations” guiations,; 19 tip Fig cul wae BSS1 © 164 NesmenNavy (onSendenent) Catering Reat Wourey Mamie. vebo 4. 993 gulations, 1959 . - 4.7 B332 Noticesby thoHoardofCustomsand Excise oe 993 165 Navigation. of Inland Waters ‘Tresauty Returns ‘for the: month of January. 166 Promocting(Areas1959 ox: arais} B333. 1959,and for fheheperiod tat April, 1958 to 31at Yanjanuary, 1959 eee ae +~ 994-6 BrobibivonDeldeclaration, 1959... B338.- Bo | OPPICIAL Gazeta No. 43, Vol. 46 GovernmentNotice No. 1491 His Beccilancy the Governor-General willh JeaveLagatbatethof July, 1959 for a visic ta Ghana, ete wl ceturn fo Lagos onthe Ht of July,195 ye : ¥ , , Lagos, 21st July, 1959. " 5 Government Notice No. 1492 we dD - APPOINTMENT.oF Govntion-esti Dervry ~ It is hereby otifiedfor genetalinfoormationthatby, pe Federaticatbf iercacedlha1thishsy of N 1958,Seesry: z,, Deputy -Govetnor-Gesteral will-assur 23thof July, 1959 to 31stofJuly, 1959, a [| By BismeEx SY] NDWRa!a) |630 Fe : Lagos, 21st July, 1959. ia3 GositnleldNotice No. 1493 CCE &Welbon « z haq . Duties op-Hick Commissioner TORTHE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS It is hereby notified for general informationthat byVirkieof an Instrument under the Public Seal of the-.. Federation of Nigeria dated”12th day of September, 1958,.Sir Raven Faancis AuNwick Gary, X.0.M.G., - K.GN0., 0.1.2, will assume the duties of the High Commissioner for the Southern Cameroon: during the period front the meekofJuly:1950:to Sistof. July, 195918 a ~ . By,iis Pecellencys Consnant SE OBoe dic GHe GumeaeaBaawn, a to aan feta Acting Sccretary to the Commissioner. : Waren~ . ae They _ for the Southern Cameroons ot Lagos, 218t July, 19995 Se 7 we GGOOO4/S. 3 Government:Natice_No, 1494: . Lt Moats , DisearangitSr DormkoOF THE Goveitson-Gexenat oe Sekine‘AnSENcE oFTHE Govgrnior-GEngnAL,ROMLagos | Withreferenceto GavornmentNotice‘No. 1582'of 7th July, 1959,itis hereby notified that Sir Raueu Francis ALNWICK GREY,K0-81.G.; E.0.V.0., 0.8-8,, Deputy Governor-General, discharged the duties of the Governor-Generaldiiring theperidd.fromthe ‘tatJuly, 1959: ta 10th.of July, 1959,inclusive. By His Bacellencr'sCommend. A. G. H Ganpner-Brows, Lagos, 2st July,199% Actingte Secratary.£0 the Governor-General 3 . me so * GG0004/S, Gavernment Notice No. 1493 5 2 Duyieeor THE Hick:EDMIRSFONER YOR.THE Sountican Casmroons With referenva-ta Goverment:NoticeNo,1383 of 7th July, 1959, it is hereby notified shat Sir Rater- Faancis ALNWICKGary, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.0:;0K. Deputy Governor-General ofthe Federation, discharged the duties. ofthe High Commissiones for the.Sputhem Cameroons during the periodfrom the 4th of July, 195%,to 10th of Joly, 1959, inclusive... : ;-: - . -. ByHisBivettsioy'sConon, Re A. G. H. Gaapnrr-Brown, a4 tals +1989, ee wet Acting Secretary 10the Governor-General Lagos8,, 21s y ‘ ce: ry mis: wow eg: Soe, Gop.: 3 fC se Gacetnment Notice: No.186° j Discuarce OF Duriss OF ruf,Govennor-GENrRaL - Dunnetie Absence or'tHR Governor-Girmmal reoLacos | With/\ference to-Goveriment Notice No.1386of 7th July, 1959, it is hereby notified that Sir Ratrn Francis ALNWICKGREY;32051.) K.09.0;, ‘0,88; Deputy.Governor-Genctal, dhtchargedthedutics of the Governor-Generalduring’?‘he periodEromthe 15th ofJuly, 1959 to 18th of Jnly,1959, inclusive. i a By His Excelicnty'aConemanit, re ar 2 iarG. EL GiknierBrow LegARDAAAIH0 oeae re "elSect he-GoceBighooyys.sGane Heh Jul) 1985, _OPRIGIAL, GAZETTE st Government Netiee No. 1497" . Dutizs of tas Hier Connctestcna FOR THE1s SourimRN Cammroons With referencetto- Government Netice Ne,1387 of7h July, 1959, it is herebynotified that Sir “RALpa Francis AuawrerGREY, K,O1.0,, K.C,V.0,, 0.0,8,, Deputy Governor-General of the Fedetation, dischatged the1939,dutiest0 18thoftheofTeHi ne1959,ommissioncrinelunive,for theSouther, Camerdona duritgane theregeperiod from.the 15th of Tuly,ul - ‘By His Excellency's Command, - ° A. G. H. Garpner-Brown,, Acting Secretary to the Governor-General Lagoa, Zlat July, 1989; Gann GovernmentNotice Na, 1498 Arroutestent or PaRMANRN Sromstany . Iti notified that MrJ, E. Kina hasbeenappointedto act as Pertanient Secretary, Ministryof Hestarch faefay,1255 in quccestlon to Mr D, K. Parkinson0.ong. Mr J, E.King’3 appointment.has effect from at July, 1 Government NoticeNo. 1499 er AProIntmMaent oy Permanent SHCRETARY : "Mintstry or Covntinen AND: Inbustay Ie iu notified thee.Francis Davin Ksnnarp Wittans, Esquire has been appointed to act. as Permanent ecre! Ministry of Commerca and Industry, in succeasHon to Tors Epwann, Braucnamp Hatt, Esquire, * BeWills""appointment haseffect£ron 18 Joly, 19 3 ea Government Noticé No. 1500 NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES The following are notified for general information :— By His Excellency’s Command, 4 AG HL Garpnen-Brown, Acting Secretary. to the Governor-General andto the High: Gamunissionerfor Lagos, 23rd July, 1989. _ : the# Sautheea Cameroons: : NEW APPOINTMENTS . oe se + Date-of Date of Departrant Name. Appointment _ Appointment Arrival Civil Aviation +e Beechoy, PJ, +» Staff Pilot... 14-5~59..27-5-59 Customs and Excise .. Onyekwere, H.C. 0. “Waterguard Oficer, Gtade iit 18-459 = “Inland Waterways =... Igwemmn, A, +« Hydrological Assistant, - , we Grade ITT - 16-4-59 ~ : Lewis, K, 'T. ++ Hydrographic Surveyor «+ «14-559: 27-5-59 Onwuka, A. G. «» Marine Engineering Assistant, . Grade re. 41-3-59 Judicial a ae Aghoola, G. rd ClansClock os see 1459 Giwa, L, A. ve Spd Class Clerk i. 3... 235-59 —_ Ministry of Commerce “Aderibighe, 01- ve Sed Class Laboratory wart Induatry: : echnician =. te 5~1~59 — Babatundé, § rs Ord Class Clerk .. tye) 12-85-59 —_ Dy-Silva, TS +e 3rd Class Clark .. 4 2. 25-23-59 Doloughan, W. ln ++ Industrial Officer 11-6-59. 246-59 Opintiagi, M.A, .<. Technical Assistant, Grade (i. 23-4-59 ae ene, EL, ee SedClass Clerk’... ee 2 346-597 Ministry ‘of Communi Adesegha, AI.) .+. Clerical Assistant 2-8-459 — . cations and Aviation ‘Akingbala, E.M. A... DrawingOffice Assistant 8-4-59 . akwenze, Fe, 1+. Felephone Operatorrin- oo, Training 1-5-59 —_ Awoallc, J. oy. ord Class Clerk -. ye 20-12-58 _ Dimoji, ¥-E. = .. 3rd Cluss Clerk 5. °° 24. 22-5+59 ao Egwuagu, BE“ve Mechanical Agcoynting: ty, Assistant, Grade T7T a. 91-59 _ Etang,1, C. _. as Teliphone Oneratorcin . » Training : +e | 145+59 _ « Newera, P. +. Clerical Assistant |. 163-59 * Mavosu,Fy 1. y+ “Telephone Opermtor-in- : wo . Weurumivo,2 0, BL.eee3 ae ClueInsp ClericClerk we eeNoswitaos =_ 4 Ob, BE... Le -3td Glass Clerk 1. BARBI, Ro Okolo, A, °° 4s Rostal Officer 65 » F559 a: ee eyo. - the Se7 . « . ‘ s 1 Cosy g SRY, 982 c ORFICIAL GAZETTE Ho 45, Vol. 46 NEW APPOINTMENTS—continued . Dateof Date of Department Name Appointment Appointment Arrical Ministryof Communi- reh, O. Qs . rd Class Clerk .. ae 45-59 - cations and Aviation yvins, ML. »» Clerical Assistant 1-4-53 =e —continued Ukeagumo, I. N. TelephoneOperator-in-Training 1+5-59 _ Ministry of Education Monnelly, Miss K.J. Secretary-T'ypist .. «+ 16-6-59 17-6-59 Omoiycbagbe, G. O. Stores Assistant .. as 541-58 _ Ministry of Finance .. Healey, F. R. «s Senior Accountant ae 2265-59 28-5~59 . Ministry of Finance > Akum, D. M. -» 3rd Class Clerk .. oe, 44-59 — (Southern Cameroons) Shey, L. J. -. 3rd Class Clerk ., «2 29-16-58 os Ministry of Health .. Agharanya, Eson Staff Nurse ee re 285-59 _ Akinboboye, Dr P, I. Medical Officer <. oe 172+39 aMinistry of Labowr: .. Nnadi,‘ J, A. ++ Co-operativeGrdelt Inspectoree wk BBY Ministry of Research Login, R. W. +e Film Processor .. « 11-6-88 24-45-59 Misi of Works and Asrafeso, Miss T.
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