This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com FOIA Log Fiscal Year 2017 1 Oct 2016 - 30 Sep 2017 ~ I , John a copy ot_ I or ; , of the ,;,, I Strategy" document for your agency. ~ I , John a copy _ot oc ' ' I , of'" IFOIA ~~~t to or from, of the DIA Lt. General ; R. Stewart, which contain the phrase "DAMAGE ". I ask that you conduct a search for records dating from 1/1/15 to the date of the processing of this ~<:t (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2015 TO 10/06/2016). I 11 FOIA "''"· Meg'" 3 Nu~~;~u~9 Locatlo~: ~~a:~~~OL2 Row 60 10 Shelf 04 Box number(s): 1-2 *W1thdrawn ITab Numbers or Description If Information requested: · Matter, 1974. £Qi&Qi (bl(l I Sec I 4(cl (bl(61 1 IFOIA "~Pi ~on beh;lf ~~~~:.: ; Ifoci ; 'by I<DI(JI 1 u ; m (bl(bl '"""' w ucc"' (b)(b) I ~~ ' ' ;eleted !finds were ; 1 actions based on ' rour I from the i ~y Per DIAl <>4nn.nw I •d l(b)(6) I I 1 ( I IOC cthe '"Y I ' will have~ loss of ,; doe ; clohtu 14.2.15. \UJ\ 1J ::.ec 1 4(c) (b)(3) 10 USC 424 (b)(6) ; , Jouh"a i .. ~ c?p~e~ of any i 111 (a!so FOIA ' known as Dahabshll; Dahabshiil Group; Dahabshiil Transfer i Ltd; Dahabshil, Inc.) and its connection or i of services to either ai-Qaeda or ai-Shabaab. The Idate range for th1s request is from September 11, 2001 to I , M"hoel I~OC(b) j fcom DoD foe dl•ect •eupooue to IFOIA all documents, including but not l1m1ted to I letters, memoranda, briefing papers, intelligence summaries of meetings, transcripts of meetings, i''.>~ minutes, memoranda of conversation, and any !other documents relating in whole or In part to the visit of General Peter Pace to Colombia on or about 24, 2004. I I 1\CI\CI IFOIA FOIA-00008·2017 Elias, Lou Request1ng copies of the follow1ng: 1) The complete Source FOIA Selection Decision for RFP HHM402-15R-0092 2) The complete Source Selection Plan for RFP HHM402-16R-0092 3) A copy of the costjtechn1cal trade-off analySIS for RFP HHM402-16R-0092 4) A copy of the Independence Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) for RFP HHM402-16R- 0092. FOIA-00009·2017 Greenewald, John A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of all FOIA documents, budgets, emails from pertinent agency personnel, etc., about the budget that your agency spends on advertising on social networks. These social networks would 1nclude, but not be lim1ted to, Face book, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+, etc. FOIA-00010-2017 Pomp, Alexander I request that a copy of the following records be provided FOIA to me: ·document IRIS #01016795 InterrogatiOn of Soviet Instructor P1lot who defected in a MIG-25 (Foxbat) in 1976. FOIA-00011-2017 Godoy, Angelina All documents regarding military operations in the San FOIA Vicente department of El Salvador between June and October of 1982, including but not l1m1ted to the military operation "Tenlente Coronel Mario Azenon Palma." We are also Interested in documents regarding the 25 people taken prisoner dur1ng th1s operation, as described in a previously declassified CIA document [Attachment 1]. Please refer to the UN Truth Commission excerpt [Attachment 2] for additional1nformat1on reyarding this operation. Please also include terms "Atlacatl Battalion" and "Bellosa Battalion" in your search. Lastly, please consider any documents regarding "EI Calabozo" or "The Dungeon" during this t1me frame as responsive to this request. FOIA-00012-2017 Evans, Michael Intelligence Informat1on Reports (IIR) relating in whole or FOIA In part to the bombing of the "Club El Nogal" in Bogota, Columbia, in February of 2003 and the subsequent 1nvestigat1on The bombing, which killed approximately 36 people, was attributed to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia {FARC). FOIA-00013-2017 Green, Steven I request a copy of the following documents pertaining to FOIA DI'H, Clapper 2016 Worldwide Threat Assessment be provided to me. FOIA-00014-2017 Greenewald, John A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, perta1n1ng tot he FOIA crash of Arrow Air Flight 1285. Arrow Air Flight 1285 was a McDonnell Doulas DC-8 jetliner that operated as an international charter flight carrymg U.S. troops from Cairo, Egypt, to their home base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, v1a Cologne, West Germany and Gander, Canada. On the morning of Thursday, 12 December 1985, shortly after takeoff from Gander en route to Fort Campbell, the aircraft stalled, crashed, and burned about half a mile from the runway, killing all 248 passengers and 8 crew members on board. FOIA-00015-~1)17 Turse, Nick I request all copies of all assessments, reports, and FOIA analyses of drone use by the Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIL; and by 1t Arabic language acronym Daesh. The time from of this request is January 1, 2016 to the present. FOIA-00016-2017 Bearden, James I request all records concerning a deceased ind1v1dual FOIA named James Lenroy Bearden. Mr. Bearden IS my father and has been deceased since 2011. FOIA-00017-2017 Bracey, M1chael Requesting access to the following documents: *Record FOIA Group Number: 319 *HMS Entry/Accession Number: 40- 12W II 32 Locat1on: Stack 490 Row 51 Compartment 09 Shelf 03 Box number(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 *Withdrawn Tab Numbers and Description of Information requested: Box 1 -Items 1-6; Box #2- Items 1-40; Box #3-Items 1-27, 33-46; Box #4- Items 1-44, 45-79; Box #5- Items 1-21; Box #6- Items 1-19; Box #7- Items 6- 30; Box #9- Items 1-4, 12-13, 28, 40, 43, 45, 62, 66, 73, 77, 91; Box #10- Items 1-27. FOIA-00018-2017 Bracey, Michael Requesting access to the following documents: *Record FOIA Group Number: 319 *HMS Entry/Accession Number: 55 Location: Stack 490 Row 83 Compartment 17 Shelf 3 Box number(s): 1-2, 3, 4 *Withdrawn Tab Numbers and Description of Information requested: Box 1- Item, 1-12 (Daily Journals); Box #2- Items 1-42 Daily Stuff Journals; Box #3- Items 1-49 (Daily Journals); Box #4- Items 1- 15; Box #5- Items 1-18. ~OIA-Q0019-2017 Elias, Barbara Requesting all reports from January 1, 2011 to the present FOIA related to Afghan Local Pollee (ALP) and crimes, including but not limited to human rights abuses, rape and arbitrary detention. FOIA-00020-2017 Godoy, Angelina All documents including but not limited to memos, FOIA briefings, internal statements and memos, cables, workmg papers, etc., that are related in whole or 1n part to the murder of Angel Gon2.a1o Sandoval Nolasco in 1984 in the village "Las Palm1llas" in the area of Costa Rica in Tesistepeque (dept. of Santa Ana). Sandoval Nolasco. FOIA-00021-2017 Willard, Emily All documents regarding the town of Nuevo Amanecer FOIA ("New Dawn" 1n English) from 1998 to the present. FOIA-00022-2017 Badger, Phillip Seeking informatiOn on two Inventions by Hans Coler FOIA (perhaps Hans Kohler), a German citizen who invented a device that allegedly could derive electrical energy without chemical or mechanical source of power. Th1s device was called the magnetromapparata and was developed in Germany in 1933 by Coler and von Unruh, with later assistance from Franz Haid with Siemens-Schukert. Seeking a copy of the 150 page report and any other informat1on related to the work of Hans Coler. FOIA-00023-2017 Greenewald, John Request a copy of records which contain the following FOIA keywords: "Black Vault" and or www.theblackvault.com and or theblackvault.com and or www.blackvault.com and or blackvault.com. I please ask that you do not include and can omit, any and all emails sent to and from my address, (b)(6) . Please just Include emails that were NOT sent to me already. You can limit my search to records from the last 5 years from the date of processing this request. FQIA..Q0024·2017 Greenewald, John Request a copy of records which contain the following FOIA keyword: GREENEWALD. I please ask that you do not mclude and can omit, any and all emails sent to and from my address, lh11R1 . Please just include emails that were NOT sent to me already. You can limit my search to records from the last 5 years from the date of processing this request. FOIA-00025·2017 Gerns, Christopher Records pertaining to descriptions/names (preferably RFPs) FOIA of the individual Task Orders issued under the Solutions for Intelligence AnalySIS II (SIA II) IDIQ. The awardees were provided the following IDIQ contract numbers (HHM402-12- D-0007, HHM402-12-D-0008, HHM402-12-D-0009, HHM402·12·0-0010, HHM402-12-D-0011, HHM402-12-D- 0012, HHM402-12-D-0013, HHM402·12-D-0014, HHM402- 12-D-0015, HHM402-12-D-0016, HHM402·12-D-0017. In addition to informatiOn on the SIA II Task Orders, I also WISh to be provided w1th the SIA II IDIQ RFP. fOIA·OOQJE!-2017 Lesar, James Document referred from INSCOM for a direct response to a FOIA requester: Request all records in volumes 1-137 of this file which were processed 1n response to FOIAPA Request No.
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