YALE UNIVERSITY 3 9002 07494 5354 OF THE Ll e y e n t h o e s s i o n ¥ J 5 OF THE INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. HELD AT SHAHJIHÀNPOEE, ¿rA.NXJA.IiY 0-13, 1S75. B ö * / v. W L U C K N O W : PKINTED AT THE AMERICAN METHODIST MISSION PRESS. 1875. 48 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE. DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS. 1.— Have any entered this Conference by transfer or re-admission ? By transfer.— C. P. H a r d , F. A. G o o d w in , and J o h n E. R o b in s o n . 2.— Who are admitted on trial ?— W i l l i a m T. G. C u r t ie s . 3.— Who remain on trial 1— J a m e s S h a w , C h r is t o p h e r W. C h r i s t i a n , G e o r g e K. G i l d e r , D e n n i s O s b o r n e , J o h n T h o m a s , H o r a c e J. A d a m s , I s a a c F ie l d b r a v e , H ir a m A . C u t t i n g . C h a r l e s R. J e f f r ie s was discontinued. 4.— Who are admitted into full connection ] — F. B. C h e r in g t o n , R. G r a y , A . D. M cH e n r y , and J. E. S co tt. 5.— Who are the Deacous of the first class ?—F. B. C h e r in g t o n , R . G r a y , A. D. M c H e n r y , and J. E. S cott. 6.— W ho are the Deacons of the second class ?— B. H. B a d l e y . 7.— Who have been elected and ordained Elders this year ?—W . E. R o b b in s and J a m e s S h a w . 8.— Who are the supernumerary Preacher* 1— None. 9.— Who are the superannuated Preachers?— None. 10.— W as the character of each Preacher examined ?—This was strictly attended to. 11.— H a v e any located?— None. 12.— Have any withdrawn-1— None. 13.— Have any been transferred ?— None. 14.— Have any been expelled?— None. 15.— Have any died?— None. 16.— W hat is the Statistical Report ?—( See Statistics.) 22.— Where are the Preachers stationed this year 1— (See Appointments.) 23.— Where and when shall the next Conference be held ?■—A t C a w n p o r e . DAILY PROCEEDINGS. F IR S T D A Y . S hahjehanpore , January 6th, 1875., T h e India Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church convened in Shahjehanpore to hold its Eleventh Annual Session, Wednesday, January 6th, 1875. The opening religious services were conducted by C. W . Judd and consisted of singing the 706th Hymn, reading the 103th Psalm, and the third Chapter of Colossians, and prayer by J. H . Messmore, Isaac Fieldbrave, and C. W . Judd. The Conference roll was called by J. D. Brown, Secretary of the Conference Session, and twenty-five members answered to their names. In the absence of a Bishop, T. J. Scott was elected President of the Conference. J. D. Brown was re-elected Secretary, and B. H . Badley Assistant and Recording Secretary. The Presiding Elders having been appointed a Committee to present nominations for the standing Committees, presented the following report which was adopted :— On Statistics— F . B . C h e r in g t o n , J. E . S c o t t , I s a a c F ie l d b r a v e . Sunday Schools— J. H . G i l l , T. C r a v e n , A. C. P a u l . Colportage— J o h n T. M c M a h o n , H. J a c k s o n , S u n d e r L a l . Publishing Minutes— S e c r e t a r ie s a n d S uperintendent o f P r e s s . Auditing Committee— E . C u n n i n g h a m , D. W . T h o m a s , W . J . G l a d w i n . Temperance— J. W . W a u g h , S. K n o w l e s , R. G rat. G 50 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE. State o f the Church.— J. H . M e ssm o r e , R. H o s k in s , C. W . J u d d . Pu blic Worship— E. W . P a r k e r , P . M . B u c k , S. K n o w l e s . On motion the Presiding Elders were constituted the Committee on Missions. William Taylor, Superintendent of the Bombay and Bengal Mission was added to the same Committee. The first Disciplinary question, “ Have any entered this Conference by transfer or re-admission ?” was taken up. The case of J. J. Annett was referred to a Committee consisting of E. W . Parker. H. Mansell, and T. S. Johnson. The names of C. P. Hard, from the Western New York Conference, F. A . Goodwin, from the Central Illinois Conference, and John E. Eobinson, from the Central Illinois Conference, were announced as transferred to the India Conference. The following Certificates of Ordination were announced and placed on record :— “ This is to certify that in the city of Allahabad, India, on the 25th day of January, 1874, the following persons were by me ordained to the order of Deacons in the Methodist Episcopal Church, viz., Christopher W . Christian, Charles E. Jefferies, and George K . G ilder; and that in the city of Bombay, India, on the 30th day January, 1874 the following persons were by me ordained to the order of Deacons in the same Church, viz., James Shaw, and Frank Pearcy. WILLIAM L. HAEEIS. A r a b i a n S e a , February 2nd, 1874. This may certify that in the city of Bombay, on the 30th day of January, 1874, being assisted in the service by Ross C. Haughton, of the Western N ew York Conference, William A. Spencer of the Central Illinois Conference, James L. Humphrey of the India Conference, and the Eev. Charles R. Harding, Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, the following persons were by me ordained to the order of Elders in the Methodist Episcopal Church, viz., William E. Robbins and James Shaw. This may further certify that, at the same time and place, George Bowen, whose orders as an Elder MINUTES OF CONFERENCE. 51 were recognised by the India Conference at its session in 1874, on condition he should take on him the Ordination Vows of Elders in the Methodist Episcopal Church, took on him the said ordination vows and is therefore authorized to exercise the office of an Elder in the said Church. WILLIAM L. HARRIS.” A r a b i a n S e a , February 2nd, 1874. The hours of 11-30, a .m ., and 3 p .m ., were fixed upon as the time of the opening and closing of the sessions of Conference. On motion the call for statistics was made the order of the day for Thursday at 12 o’clock M. On motion the Treasurer of the Mission was appointed to rcceive and transmit the Missionary Collections to the Treasurer of the Parent Society at N ew York. The Conference proceeded to fix the place for holding its next session and Cawnpore was chosen. Rev. C. W . Christian of the Bombay and Bengal Mission was introduced to the Conference. On motion the Conference adjourned. The doxology was sung, and benediction pronounced by W . Taylor. SECOND DAY. T h u r s d a y , January 7th, 1875. C o n f e r e n c e assembled at the appointed hour. The religious services were conducted by S. Knowles. The roll was called. On motion the calling of the roll during the remainder of the Session was dispensed with. The minutes of the preceeding session were read and approved. The following resolution was adopted :— Resolved,—That the Board of Trustees take into consideration and report to the Conference the status and condition of all the School work connected with the Mission. Rev. R. J. Ellis of the Jessore Baptist Mission, Bengal, Revs. D. O. Fox, and A. Norton of the Bombay and Bengal Mission, and H. J. Myers, Esq., of Calcutta, were introduced to the Conference. The order of the day, viz., the call for Statistics was taken up, and statistics from all the stations were received. 52 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE. TLe Fourth Disciplinary question, “ Wlio are admitted into full connection ?” was asked. The characters of the following brethren were passed, and after answering the usual Disciplinary questions they were admitted into full connection : F. B. Cherington (who had finished the first and second years of both courses of study), R. Gray, A. D. McHenry, and J. E. Scott, (who had finished the first jrear of the Hindustani and the first year of the English course of study). Rev. Piyare Mohun Mukerji, an ordained minister of the Congre- gationalist Church, having become a minister in the M.
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