VXIDAT, namUAKT I, Itw , F O X m i® E !t Eofttittg Hffralb 1 Average Daily Ctreulailon The Weather r«w tto Moatk at Jumaiy. ISM roneast of U. B. Wsmttmr mmntrn Mrs. O. A. Stonebury, Jr., of Ralph Pulford of 24 Starkweath­ Cloudy with ■mtteroa auow 528 Middle tui-npike. west 1" er street has recently received s 9,030 annlM today; fair toulglit; fair new rating. He is now a Machinist lEuf ttttm Ik n iU i and cold Btmdmj. AboutTown lafantile Paralysis to* Boston to attend the Alumnae Momber « l Um A udit dinner of the Chamberlain. School Mate. 1-c, and is at present on the U.S.S. Sellnur, carrying troops' Bo n m «C C Ireeleaeee 1 . TednUclan WfUi Orade Milton tal donations at Man* of Fashion and Retailing. Mrs. Stonebury graduated with «the home from the Paclflc. He arrived Manchester— A City of Village Charm r if . CvT, htubond of Mra. Mitton in San Francisco last week from ■ . C«rt. 1» Summit atreet. hs« Chester Trust Co. as of class of '41. Before her marriage she was a buyer of jewelry, hand­ the Philippines. He has been with bMit reUeved from duty with the the Navy three and a half years, VOL. LXV, NO, 105 (CiSMiaod Advertlalag on Page MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1946 «7th Signal BatUllon at Baae M 10 a. m today bags and cosmetics, and also op­ and is hoping to be discharged In Northern Lunon. and \vill w n erated an interior decorating and return to eivllian life in the ha on hla way back to the United $3,566.16 shop. next few months. Impeccably Tailored . ■ Stataa for dlacharge. InducUd in i, >lay, m s . Tech. 5 Carr haa ^rv- (Note -L.isting of donors fol­ ‘ ill Fine Fabrics Furniture Factory Goes Up in Smoke ed overtaeaa alnce October, •IP-it. lows day by day as they are Edward A. Ristau AMM 3-r son of Ludwig Ristau of .35 Char­ Sharp/Opposition New Strategy Hla 'mother., Mta. M. A. Carr, re- available.) T.ALL OEUAK8 -aldea at 4ST Bumalde avenue, Eaat ter Oak street, Manchester, is one Hartford. of 1,03.5 Navy veterans returning'-: to the States for dis< harge aboard . BINGO |D4at Central Pomona Orange the U.S.S. Salamaua. an escort $19.40 Met by proposal „(ll meet tomorrow evening at Troop No. 8, Olrl Scouts, recently carrier of the "Magic Carpet" fleet, . TONIGHT which left Pearl Harbor, January | Settling Strike; 7:S0 with Wapplng Orange at the organized at the Manchester Green Community house. Manchester school, with Mrs. Parker of Lenox 21, and waa schedulfid to arrive' ORANGE HALL to Orange will have a part In the pro­ street ss leader, held an old clothea in San Diego about January 27. | gram. party yesterday afternoon. The To Oust^BrMley girla appeared dressed in the cloth­ ing they were donating to the cur­ $39.98 \ A Truman Key Figure rent Victory clothea drive for over­ seas war aufferers. Prizes were Other Veterans Organiz­ 1 EUastic Stockings awarded to Beth Cook and Nancy Auto Washer Kennedy for the moat amusing 'R u iiih I llie Clock Service ations Oppose Legion’s High Government Offi- ’ Ugbi and Heavy Weight rigs. Refreshments were serve^y by Demand; Eisenhower Probers Given Sun Spots Patrol 3. and after the party the now available. Call 622.3! We'll Admits KiUing cials Trying to Find ARTHUR DRUG STORES bundles were delivered to the re­ tell you EXACTLY when your Pledges Support ‘Any­ Solution in Paralyz­ S4S Main S t TeL S809 ceiving station at the V.F.W. cab will arrive. Remember—* Ledd on Chief Bring Hiss Home. Many of the girls acted up­ where, Anytime’ to WomaUi Clerk ing Steel Dispute; on the suggestion to enclose notes 24-HOUR a Day Service./ Vet Agency’s Head with the garments so that they ' Attack Puzzle On Radios Truman Confers With might reach other girla abroad Investigators ‘ROunding Fact - Finding Board; who possibly would write them In Bulletin! Out* Evidence to Be LECLERC return. Short Wtwe Channels Settlement, Not Seiz­ Washington, Feb. 2,r—i/P) Given Grand Jury- in Safford States Flatly FUNERAL HOME The Alplna Society will hold its __President Truman today Jammed Today; Big ure Seen a% His Aim monthly meeting Sunday after­ New Haven Slaying Tokyo Did Broadcast Main Street noon at three o'clock at the Ital- gave his “complete and un* qualified” support to Gen. Coded Warning 72 Enough to Be Seen Phone S26f ian-American clubhouse on Eld- By The Associated Press ridge street. Omar N. Bradley in the cur­ New Haven, Feb. 2—(P)—Inves- Hours Before War With Only Naked Eye High government officials rent controversy over Brad­ tigatora today were “rounding out mapped new strategy today • ley’s operation of the Veter­ the evidence on which It la planned Washington, Feb. 2—lJe>—Con­ London, Feb 2—(/P)—Short wave in an effort to tind a solution to place Oeorge Spicer, 20-year-oId P H O N i ans administration. ~ gressional Investigators went to radio channels W'ere jammed today :‘or ending the paralyzing na- automobile washer, before a New w’ork today on their first hot lead by hissing noises caused by a ;ion-wide steel strikfi. Presi­ YOUR Washington, Feb. 2.—(A*) Haven county grand Jury In the in the big mystery of tjie Pearl group of sun spots which scien­ dent Truman '^as the key RANGE AND FUEL OIL —The American Legion’s de­ flat-iron ‘slaying last Wednesday . O RDiR Harbor Probe:—did the • United tists estimated covered an area of Igure in the government’s mand forUhe ouster of Gen. of Misa UarKm H. Granatir. Firemen battle flames wblcK destroyed nearly a block of bulk _ I st the Globe Bosse World fUr- States have a three-day advance 3,500,000,000 square miles on the The 30-year-oId woman, clerk In nove to effect a settlement Wholesale Gasoline Omar N. Bradley as veterans nlture plant at Evansville, Ind. Fire s ta rt# in the one-story f/ame dry kiln and “cooling” room. tip-off from Tokyo that war was sun’s surface. -of the wage dispute and end a Dixwell avenue "bargain store" (AP wirephoto). Big enough to be seen by the M b administrator ran into sharp operated ,by her father, Joseph, at hand? naked eye and 70 times the size the 13-day-old walkout of 750,000 • w " P r e m opposition today from other waa bludgeoned to death Wednes­ The mystery has preoccupied of the earth, the spots will pass CIO Steelworkers. day after what Detective Capt. the committee since the inquiry from view, due to the sun's rota­ Says Action Imperative far FURNACE — HEATER — FIREPLACE — COODNO Bantly Oil Company veterans organizations, and witness after witness has testified Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Raymond J. Eagan described as a Prepare Today tion, about Feb. II, according to One government official said "furious struggle" which left the Frankness in HandRng that ■no Tokyo advance warning of calculations made at the Royal action in the strike, which has re­ 831 Atain Street Tel. 5293 or M 057 pledged him support “any­ scene of the slaying "a shambles.' hoptllltiea waa ever Intercepted observatory at Greenwich. sulted in shutdown of allied indue- The W. G Glenney Co. where anytime.^’ Elsenhower toW and decoded. •M NORTH MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 41M Opposite the Armory a Held On Coroner's Warrant To Get Bodies. Appear As Shadows trieo with forced layoffs of some Peggy Page Juniors reporters he was not familiar with Spicer, father of a son born 10 World Problems Seen Now Squarely Challenged Although intensely bright, the 55,000 workers, waa imperative. the Legion's demand for an Inves- days ago, was lockefl up s t police This previous testimony is now spots appeared aa ahadowa on the After Mr, Trunum bad confer­ tigaUoo oC Bradley,’ but he con­ headquarters last night on a coro­ squarely challenged by Navy sun’s surface. red with membere of the Steel Spun Rsyon — Rayon Crepe Wash sidered the genetal one of the ner’s warrant after Coroner James Off Mountaui Capt L. F. SaffoM. who states The emiaslon of radio waves able Dresses. Sizes 9 to 15. Fact-Finding board. Chairman $5.98 greatest living Americans. J. Corrigan said he had signed Unjfed flatly that Tokyo ®d broadcast Nathan P. Feinslnger eaid it was _ * \ "If General Bradley needs any written statement admitting the NaUon. Dele- LegJg^S coded war warning to Japanese (Continued oa Page Foar) Envision New * his belief that the president ban support," he declared, "here U onp slaying. ^ ------------------- Ground^ Party Discov­ diplomatic offirlsli 72 hniirs—b&i "sbihe expectation of something Your Spring Suit is a shining example of talented who wUl fly anywhere, anytime to Corrigan said Spiqer, a Negro, ers Wreckage of Air^ Era in Diplomacy Aft- fore, the Pearl Harbor attack, and happening in the near future.” He tailoring — an example of smart lines and expert COTTON STRIPE JUNIOR support him." signed the statement in the pres­ III Chile Ready that the warning was intercepted kdded Mr. Truman dtd not tell the Our~Annual February CUlBM Deflalts Progress ence of Captain Eagan, Coupty De­ liner 10,000 Feet Up er Oash on Greece! by the U. S. Navy, Threat Made board members what he had in workmanship. Choose it in your favorite color. DRESSES ......................... tective John A. Holtz and Detec­ The only witness yet to offer $5^98 Bradley said he w ^ d welcome tive John F.
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