WESTERN PACIFIC ~~~~p, ~sts What about public reaction tion from a very critical traveler to the California ZephY1'? You such as I am." ... "Liked the Cali­ wilL be in teTested in the follow­ fornia Zephyr so much I had my ing actual quotations. r eservations changed so I could make the r eturn trip by the same route." ... "Nothing more to be of­ AUG UST, 1949 No. I On March 20 of this year our new train, the California Zephyr, went fer ed on this earth in the way of Depa rtm e nt of Public Re latio ns, 526 Missio n Street, San Fran cisco into daily operation between Sa n luxury travel." ... "We are letting Lee Sh e rwood, Editor C o nstance Beeso n, A ssociate Ediior Francisco -Oa kland and Chlcago. everyone know wh a t a wonderful CORRESPONDENTS Since that time it has been given train the California Zephyr is." ... Ruth Cra ne, Sac ra me nt o Northe rn Hazel Pe te rse n, O a kla nd a world of attention by the press, "As a newspaper man I have made Frank ~ i nd ee, Tidewater Sout hern • Bil l McGrath, Chicag o numerous trips for 50 years on J,m Mil ls, Mrs. Mol ly Fagan, Rita Conn oll y, San Francisco and innumerable r ema rks a nd let­ ters have indicated what the riding trains, and positively have never ~ 7 publi c really thinks of the new experienced a nything so magnifi­ I N DEX streamliner. cent as the Vista Domed California Page Some of the letters have made Zephyr." . .. California Zephyr Acceptance. 3, 4 suggestions, a few h ave frowned at "There aren't many trains I have Sidetracks 5 the "gadgets" - radios, telephones, missed, and the California Zephyr is Along the F eather River Route 6, 7 heaters, etc.-one or two have come the best train I ha ve ever been on." They Retire ... They Take Over 8,9 away disgruntled, but the vast ma­ . .. "Train was delightfu lly cool and W. P. Will Remember 10 jority r eally enthuse about th e th e service and food excellent .. .. Don't Be Half Safe! 11 California Zephyr. Man y comment "The best train operating today." How We Are Doing 12, 13 on the attention and service they . "It was everything they said, Western P acific Picnic 14 get from train personnel. And all a nd more." .. "Rema rkably com­ Caboosing 15 like th e Vista Domes. But remarks fortable, remarkably courteous, All Clear Ahead 16,17 most often h eard ar e about th e train remarkable scen ery." ... "Ridin!1 The Cherry Specials 18 itself; the public's enthusiasm has through the F eather River Canyon "W6ATO Calling Siam" 19 been s urprisingly strong as to ap­ in the Vista Dome was like rid­ Western Pacific Goes to the F air 20,21 proval of our new train. ing through fai ryland in a roller More Caboosing 22 Here are actual quotations taken coaster." '. .. Sports 23 from letters and the press: ABOUT THE SERVI CE ABOUT THE TRA IN "Service was all that could be To Western Pacific Railroaders: "I h ave traveled on every good desired." .. "Particularly want to train in the United States (with the commend Russell Elster, club" car The little magazine you are reading is the first issue of Western attendant; John. D. Verquevedo, Pacific MILEPOSTS. It is your magazine, and we hope you will like exception of the Super Chief of the Santa F e ) a nd I can assure you that club car attendant; Miss B e tty its contents and its size. Every effort will be made to cover the Pitschke, Zephyrette, and Zeb entire Western Pacific System, and we earnestly solicit your the California Zephyr is the best · train which I have ridden." . .. "Th e Evans, dining cal' steward." . .. assistance in gathering news of our road and its employees. The "Much impressed with the excellent editors will welcome your suggestions and constructive criticisms. equipment and the smooth opera­ tion of the train are worthy of m en - service rendered by Harry Hill- 3 2 i\1 I L EPOSTS M IL EPOSTS "Conductors, train", ' n, Zvphyrettes SIDETRACKS and porte rs a ll s em d to go out of their way to be h e lpful." ... "Wish to thank E. E. Scotl, Li·k 1 agent, for arranging such won I ,.ful ac­ Win Apprenticeship Up the Ladder commodations." . .. "Bill Cook. din­ Honors The following men have received ing car steward, was so cou rleous new appointments: Nine Western P acific men r e­ and helpful he added greatly to the C. D. FabTin is n ew manager of ceived apprenticesh ip certificates at pleasure or the trip." ... Time Service in San Francisco. H e a special Sacramento completion The new California Zephyr has succeeds the late Mr. S. A. Pope . made a hit, of that there is no doubt. ceremony in June under the State The train is completely filled every D epartment of Education Appren­ John G. Edwa"ds has been ap­ trip and wise travelers make r eser­ ticeship Training program. pointed passenger traffic r e pre ­ vations well in advance, pm·ticu­ They are: Machinists - J . C. sentative in New York City . larly after once having ridden the M. M. Ch"isty has taken over the crease." . "Food was excellent, Caughey, h .; J. E. Lamey, N. V. Western P acific train. duties of auditor of payroll accounts but found one of your employees in Sm·jan. Boilermakers - D. J. Ha,'­ in place of the late Mr. F. A. King, the snack bar to be impertinent." "ington, J. L . Lee. Sheet Metal San Francisco.. .. "We were neve r treated nicer Workers - E. J . Robinson, N. G . than we were by your porter , D. Queen Rid es Zephyr Owens. Carman - R . K inzel, J1"­ In the legal department the fol ­ Dwyer." ... "I consider George B. Mrs. Richard Greene of Rich­ Electrician- L. J . Lib1"O. lowing changes have been made : mond, Calif., was "qu een" on Charles W. Dooling is now general Watson a real credit to your organi­ GLEASON TALK zation; his manner was very warm KFRC's "Queen for a Day" pro­ counsel; Mrs. Ha""iet P. Tyle,', gen­ and friendly.". "Porter Albert gram recently and won a free ride E. E. Gleason, general superin­ eral attorney; E. L. Van Dellen, Buchanan did much to make our on the California Zephyr to Glen­ tendent of motive power with head­ commerce attorney-with h ead­ journey a comfortable one." .. wood Springs, Colo. She left Oak ­ quarters at San Francisco, talked quarters in San Francisco.. .. "Your gracious Zephyrettes are a land June 27. Oh, yes, her husband on Management's Interest. E. T . Cuyler h as been appointed credit to any man's railroad." . accompanied her. assistant superintendent of motive power. His headquarters are in ::;acramento. Position of assistant to WP Attends Convention superintendent of motive power was abolished. Western P acific employees joined R obert A. Hansen is now district employees of the Southern Pacific, passenger representative at Sacra­ Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Rio mento .... Grande railroads in the 13th annual west coast convention of the Broth­ C. E. Elliott is new division engi­ erhood of Locomotive Firemen and neer, with h eadquarters at Sacra­ Enginemen and its auxiliary in a mento .... three-day meeting in Oakland. W. T. Richards has been pro­ H. C. Munson, vice-president and moted to engineer maintenance of general manager of WP, was among way and structures, with head­ those to speak at the convention. quarters at San Francisco. He was Delegates present numbered 500. former division engineer.... 4 M ILEPOSTS M ILEPOSTS .5 "YUkon 2-2100 , Please" Gentlemen Prefer 'Em SUtter 1-1651 is no more. B u t for .. So Do the Fish 41 years in the history of the San Western PaciEc Agent L. Peter Francisco offices of WP the number Hanley of Kedd ie, Calif., hasn' t was used by millions to contact bought a Hy 0 1' a salmon egg this Western Pacific. A n ew number has year-nor has h e dug for worms. taken the place of Ihe old - it is Yet he's h aving more luck fishing YUkon 2-2100. on the Feath er River than ever be­ R eason for the change is due to fore. The secret of his success lies W P 's expan sion -ever s ince t h e in h is bait - strands of h is wife's California Zeph yr went into service blonde hail'. the lines have been swam ped with Unlik e Ih e O. Henry story, "The telephon e calls for r eservation s and Gift of the Magi," abou t the gi rl who information. The increase in busi­ saddened h er spouse by cutting off ness necessitated more tr unk lines her waist- long tresses, Mrs. H an ­ for direct outside lin es. ley's golden blonde ha ir fits per­ The YUkon 2 prefi x is compara ­ fectly into Hanley's bait - making tively n ew, having been opened by project. H e fash io ns his own fli es, the Telephone and Telegraph Com­ copying nature and usin g th e ideas Cresta Dam, as see n from W P's ma in lin e. pany last November to take care h e fo und in fis hing - fl y instruction of th e demand for more telephone books. c hann els e verywh ere.
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