JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on indianexpress.com eye THE SUNDAY EXPRESS MAGAZINE MIRROR,MIRROR, NEWDELHI,LATECITY ON THE WA LL JULY26,2020 In this pandemic-ridden 20PAGES,`6.00 world,isdressing up a (`8PATNA&RAIPUR,`12SRINAGAR) thing of thepast? DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH,DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR,PUNE,VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGE16, 17, 18 Ayodhya, Aug 5: PM DON’T SEE ANISSUE: L-G at Ram temple event Changeinstand:4G will be live on DD won’tbeaproblem, KRISHNKAUSHIK& AVANEESHMISHRA SUNDAY NEWDELHI,AYODHYA,JULY25 STORY J&KtoHomeMinistry PRIME MINISTER Narendra PAGE 13 Modi will attend the bhoomi pu- Media policywill be ‘re-checked’, InformationDeptcan’t jan at the sitefor the proposed AYODHYA RamtempleinAyodhya on decide what content is fake,anti-national, says Murmu August5and this willbetelecast live by public broadcaster Doordarshan. NAVEEDIQBAL& India for Sharing details of theupcom- PVAIDYANATHANIYER ing event, the Shri Ram SRINAGAR,JULY25 incremental Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, the Trustconstitutedtooversee the THE UNION TerritoryofJammu temple construction, took to and Kashmir has told the Union progress, From the drawing Twitter Saturday:“The dayPM MinistryofHome Affairs that it board to the temple site @narendramodi ji will be in did nothaveany objection in statusquo Ayodhya to inauguratethe con- —catching up with restoring 4G internetservices, struction of Shri Ram Ayodhya as it dresses and thathigh-speedNet con- Janmbhoomi Mandir,itwill be up forthe big day nectivity would notposeany ante at LAC the mosthistoric moment in the problem. history of independent India. “Wehavebeen making (a) The eventwillbetelecastLIVEon Janmabhoomi temple of representation forthis… Ifeel ‘Pak will do itspropaganda, SUSHANTSINGH Doordarshan. Other channels Bhagwan Shri Ram”. that 4G will notbeaproblem. I whetheritis2Gor4G’ NEWDELHI,JULY25 will also broadcast thetelecast.” Also Saturday, UttarPradesh am notafraid howpeople will Sources in Prasar Bharati said Chief MinisterYogiAdityanath use this. Pakistanwill do its INDIA AND China areexpected the event will be coveredlikeany visitedAyodhya and inspected propaganda, whether it is 2G or to schedule the fifthround of other event of the Prime arrangementsahead of the 4G. It will always be there… But J&K talksatthe Corps Commander Minister. bhoomi pujan. Idon’t see an issue,” Lieutenant ONEYEARAFTER levelnextweektoresolve thesit- VishwaHinduParishadna- Announcing that the Prime Governor GCMurmu told The uation along the Line of Actual tional spokesperson Vinod Ministerwill be visiting Sunday Express here Friday. AUGUST5 Control (LAC)inLadakh. Bansal, in apress statement Ayodhya,hedirected authorities This is achangeinthe earlier NewDelhi has decidedto tweetedSaturday, saidthe Prime to run special cleanlinessdrives position takenbythe J&K admin- ANEXPRESS SERIES sticktoits strategy of “incremen- MinisterwillbeinAyodhya until August3,and to consider it THE COUNTDOWN istrationtwo months agoinMay. talchangedespiteslow on August5and will be “wor- aSwachhtaAbhiyan before In an affidavit filedon progress” while pressing forthe shipping withrevered saints, Deepawali.Healso directed that Uttar PradeshCMYogi Adityanath at the Hanuman Garhi temple in Ayodhya on Saturday. He Thursdayinthe Supreme Court, On May11, the J&K adminis- end-goal, the restoration of sta- scholars, trustees and other all Covid protocols be followed. reviewedarrangementsfor the August5bhoomi pujan forthe Ramtemple. Avaneesh Mishra the Centrehad said that aspecial tration had sought the dismissal tus quoanteasofApril —before dignitaries forthe grand CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 committee setuptoexamine the of aplea by the Foundation for thestart of themilitary standoff. demands forrestoring 4G serv- Media Professionals at the It has also ruledout applica- ices,following the orders of the Supreme Courtbypointing out tion of anykind of militarypres- India offers 11 courtonMay 11,had mettwice that high-speedinternetwould sure againstChina as an option, Riot murderaccused TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE on May15and June 10,and ar- enablethe spread of fake news/ so as to avoid any inadvertent es- AfghanSikhs rivedatadecision that “no fur- rumours, and transfer of heavy calation. CASES: RECOVERED:8,49,431 ther relaxation of the restrictions audio/ video files, whichcould be Agovernment official told deleted phone data, 145 on Internetservices, including usedbyterroroutfitsfor incite- The SundayExpress that both visa:man who DAYSSINCE 13,36,860 DEATHS:31,358 4G services, would be carriedout ment as alsoinplanning attacks. sides have agreedtoholdthe PANDEMIC BEGAN TESTS: 1,58,49,068 | DOUBLING RATE: 19.62** at present”. To another question on the talksatthe levelofthe Corps can’t find weapon: was abducted The special committee com- J&KInformation Department’s Commander during the meeting prises the Union Home Media Policy 2020, whichem- Fridayofthe Working to girl rescued Secretary, Department of powers the DIPR (Department of Mechanism forConsultation & Delhi Police to court TelecommunicationsSecretary InformationandPublic Relations) Coordination on India-China and the Chief SecretaryofJ&K. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 DIVYAGOYAL VHP office-bearer questioned by LUDHIANA,JULY25 police in the case says complainedto FOUR MONTHS afteranIslamic KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* RATE** the L-Gabout ‘false cases’ on Hindus State-backedattackatagurd- wara in Kabul’s Shor Bazaar ■ Maharashtra 3,57,117 9,615 2.89% 24.93 Forsaken after Covid, Bhagalpur lice regarding the case, has killed at least25membersofthe ■ Delhi 1,28,389 1,025 0.96% 75.22 SHYAMLALYADAV& lodged aformalcomplaint that community, andamid allega- Tamil Nadu 1,99,749 6,785 3.14% 22.95 KAUNAINSHERIFFM “falsecases” arebeing foistedon tions of abductions and forced ■ says, ‘This is no time for elections’ NEWDELHI,JULY25 “innocentHindus”. marriage, 11 Sikhs from ■ Karnataka 85,870 5,007 6.54% 11.01 On April 9, Devesh Mishra, Afghanistanhavebeen granted ■ AndhraPradesh 80,858 8,147 10.32% 6.97 Rs 3,500eachtoatruck driverto ing the coronavirus? Hum log ■ Section of Arms Actdropped VHP vice-president of Yamuna short-term visas by the Indian ASADISTRICT gethome to Bihar from Delhi, keede makaude hain kya (Are we ■ All accuseddeletedmobile Vihar Vibhaag, wasamong 22 Embassy in Kabul. *Compounded Daily Growth Rate overlast7days ** Calculatedover7-day growth UNLOCKS travelling without food and wa- insects)?” phonedataofdays when riots people summoned by the Crime Theyare expectedtoreach CASEFATALITYRATIO POSITIVITYRATE DAILYIN,DAILYOUT ter, crampedinthe darkinthe Since returning to his village unfolded BranchofDelhi Police in connec- Delhi Sunday. backofthe vehicle, likecriminals. of Mehesleti, Singh, who ■ CCTVfootage of incidentnot tion with the probeintothe Chhabol Singh, acommunity 7DAYSEARLIER: 7DAYSEARLIER: DETECTED TODAY AN EXPRESS SERIES Onetime, Singh recalls, the worked as a rajmistri in Delhi, found murder of Parvez. leader in Kabul, told TheSunday 2.53 7.73 48,916 truckdrivertold them to getoff hashad no job and is running The same night, six of them, Express that amongthose who NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: DIPANKARGHOSE and hide as aDelhi Police vehi- out of money. His anger still sim- THESE ARE some of the revela- including Mishra,wereallowed receivedthe visas Saturdayin- 2.35 8.43 32,223 BHAGALPUR,JULY25 cle cruisednearby. “I wassoan- mers, but is nowdirected as tions made by DelhiPolice in its to leave.Mishraclaims he was clude Nidan Singh Sachdeva, Deathsasaratioof Positives against Becoming sick vs gryatModi, at Nitish Kumar,” much at the Opposition. chargesheet on the murderof calledfor questioning on the ba- who wasabducted from agurd- positivecases(in %); number tested recovering; more IT WASoveramonthago,but Singh says.“Who givesfour “Everybody has abandonedus. Parvez (48), who succumbed to sisofa“false complaint” filedby wara in Paktia province last indicator of progress (in %); indicatorof recoveries for 14 days Anil Singh remembers the anger hours before shuttingdowna Have they cometohelp us?Has agunshotinjuryonthe right the victim’s son Sahil Parvez, month, and a15-year old girl in avertingdeaths the spread of disease may signal the peak likeitwas yesterday, coursing country, leaving thepoortofend the MLAcome? Theyare all the chest, on February 25 during the stating that Mishrawas leading who wasrecently“rescued” DataasonJuly24,releasedbyUnionMinistryofHealth,ICMRandstates.Oftendailynumbersinclude through his veins. Singh and a forthemselves? Who bars peo- same,” Singh says. datafrompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive riots in North-EastDelhi. The themob. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 groupof70men hadpaid plesaying theymightbecarry- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 chargesheetnames 16 people “My phone recorddetails, and chargedwith murder and rioting. the CCTVshowIwas notpresent ED While police, in the in Delhi. The policeseizedmy Taliban chargesheetfiledonJune 15
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