* * With the Armed Forces Two pamphlets have been received at the Discharged leans, Louisiana . Alumni office that are of interest to many No- Col . Wallace N. Davidson, '19med, Cushing, Oklahorrums . These are the Cannoneers Post, the Lt. Col. Walter J. Arnote, '28law, McAlester, will receive a discharge from the Army in Oc- Story story of the 94th Division Artillery, and the has received a discharge from the Army and tober. He recently returned to the United States of the 45th Division Artillery. Both these pam- planned to return to his law practice at McAlester . from Burma, where he commanded a 1,600-bed phlets relate the history of their divisions in this He was in service five years and served overseas Evacuation Hospital for two years. war. with the Headquarters company of the 45th Di- Cannoneers Post Capt. Having acquired more than 100 points under The was published by vision. the discharge system, Capt . Phil McCartney, '41, J. Leland Gourley, '40, Norman, public relations . officer . In the author's note he says : "To the Elmer L Kirkpatrick, '29ma, storekeeper 2/c, Ponca City, has been discharged from the Army Tryon, has been discharged from the Navy . Mr. Air Force. He returned to the United States in people outside the 94th Division Artillery and Kirkpatrick served on Saipan and other points members of our immediate family, this book the fall of 1943 from the South Pacific, where he of action in the Pacific theater of war . served as a medium bomber pilot. He has since probably will be pretty dull reading . We have been not had the space or time to make a more colorful Master Sgt. Jack S. Lewis, '32, Oklahoma stationed at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma story as it should be . The information contained City, has recently received a discharge from the City, and at Coffeyville, Kansas. herein is mostly a succession of plain facts. Army . Mr. Lewis, who has returned to his home Lt . John R. Couch, '40law, Pryor, has re- We have tried hard, though, to dig out of official in Oklahoma City, served overseas with the 28th ceived an honorable discharge from the Army records, maps and documents exact information Air Depot group. Air Force after serving overseas with the 494th which will help give credence to the stories you Capt. Amos Battenfield, '41journ, Norman, has and 432nd Squadrons, and being awarded the will tell your wives, sweethearts and grandchil- received a discharge from the Army Air Forces Air Medal with seven Oak Leaf Clusters. He has dren about how you won the war in Europe ." on the point system . Captain Battenfield, who opened his office in the First National Bank Thus, in a very plain manner is told the story was pilot of a B-24 during the first raid on Wake Building, Oklahoma City . of the 94th from the time of its organization at Island, holds the Distinguished Flying Cross and Fort Custer, Michigan, on September 15, 1942, the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters . Injured in Action until hostilities ceased in the European theater of Lt. Col. Frederick R. Hood, '30med, Okla- Lt . Herbert L. Durgan, '37eng, Oklahoma operations. homa City, has been honorably discharged from In a like manner the Story of the 45th Division City, was injured in action in Germany last Artillery is told as it follows the division from the Army . He planned to resume his practice in March 25 . Returned to the United States for hos- the time it was called into federal service on cardiology in the Osler Building, Oklahoma City, pitalization, he was stationed at Birmingham Gen- September 16, 1940, at Fort Sill, through the July Dr. was originally eral Hospital, Van Nuys, California. Lieutenant 1 . Hood commissioned Durgan was with the 399th Field Artillery bat- continued policing of Munich on May 9, 1945 . in the Army Medical Corps in 1942, when he Among the officers featured by write-ups and talion. pictures in the book are three O.U. alumni . They reported to LaGarde General Hospital, New Or- are Lt. Col . Russell D. Funk, '24, Oklahoma City, Prisoner of War commanding officer, 158th Field Artillery bat- talion; Lt. Col . John Embry, '27law, Chandler, Capt. Robert L. Cooper, '39law, Pond Creek, commanding officer, 160th Field Artillery bat- was taken prisoner by the Japanese on June 20 talion, and Lt. Col . Hal L. Muldrow, Jr., '28bus, while commanding native troops in China. Cap- Norman, commanding officer, 189th Field Artil- tain Cooper entered the Field Artillery as a lery battalion. lieutenant in 1943 and was sent to the Chinese Both histories are accompanied by realistic pic- theater in January, 1944 . He was the only Ameri- tures of battles in which the divisions participated . can serving with the segment of the Chinese Army at the post where he was captured . He had Wolfard Views Damage been in the interior of China for several months. AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE SERVICE COM- MAND STATION, England .-Japan of tomorrow Back from Battlefronts was mirrored for Sgt. Neal E. Wolfard, '37-'40, It was a real homecoming recently at the home Norman, when he recently took the "trolley run" to view the devastated and defeated Third Reich of Mrs. Joe Bailey Allen, Oklahoma City, when in an eight-hour flight in an Eighth Air Force all three of her sons arrived for a visit at the same B-17 Flying Fortress. time . Master Sgt . William M. Allen, '39-'41, had Sergeant Wolfard is stationed at this large just traded his 110 points for a discharge and was strategic air depot near Bury St. Edmunds, . Suffolk, where battle-damaged Forts were repaired preparing to resume his studies at the University before further flights into Germany . He was overseas for 32 months, seeing action in It was his first opportunity to observe cities Africa, Sicily, Italy, southern France and Ger- like Kassel, Cologne, Hamburg, Brunswick, Han- many with a tank outfit . For meritorious service over, and Eindhoven . He saw how steel and . armament works, chemical and power plants, iron in France and Germany he won the Bronze Star works and refineries were reduced to rubble. Pfc . Charles I. Bailey, '40-'41, a technician Sergeant Wolfard's work, along with others of with an Air Force ground crew, was stationed the Eighth Air Force, aided this achievement . at San Angelo, Texas. Pfc . Joe B. Allen, '43, had been overseas 10 Missing in Action months with the 95th Infantry Division . He saw E. B. Setliff, '40-'43, Madill, has been re- FORMER SAILOR Now MAJOR Lt. action in France, Germany, Belgium and Holland . ported missing in action since June 18. He was Paul W. Reed, '16, Sulphur, who 100 has an ex- He wears the Combat Infantryman's Badge and serving in the Pacific and had flown over tensive and unusual service record, has recently combat hours and had made eight raids against been promoted to the rank of major. Major the Order of the Purple Heart, which he was Japanese installations. Lieutenant Setliff was Reed served in World War I and as chairman awarded for wounds received in the Battle of Leaf Clus- awarded the Air Medal with one Oak of the Murray County Selective Service Board ter in May. He was a member of Phi Gamma Metz. until immediately following Pearl Harbor, Lt. James L. Dorland, '41, Norman, is in the Delta fraternity at the University. when he resigned his position and enlisted in the Navy. He served throughout the Guadal- United States after serving for 10 months in Liberated canal campaign as an enlisted man in the the European theater of operations. Lieutenant Lt. Ralph W. Johnson, '41, Durant, has been Navy . In May, 1943, he was commissioned in Dorland has been awarded the Distinguished liberated from a German prison camp, Stalag the Motor Transportation Branch of the Army Flying Cross and the Air Medal for outstanding and stationed at the San Francisco Port of Em- captured on April 26, 1943 . enemy. Luft No. 3 . He was barkation. Before entering the service, Major achievements in aerial combat against the Lieutenant Johnson was with the 17th Bombard- Reed was the Ford distributor for southern Pfc . David Wallace, '43, Oklahoma City, has ment group. Oklahoma . returned to the United States after a tour of duty 6 SOONER MAGAZINE overseas . Private Wallace spent seven months at a top turret gunner on a B-24 Liberator, holds 00- Lt. Paul Kelly, '40-'42, Oklahoma City, has the front in Europe with the 347th Infantry the Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters . He completed 18 months of overseas service and re- division. was a member of the 389th Bombardment group, turned home on leave. Lieutenant Kelly, who en- 00- Tech. Sgt. John M. Rowntree, '43, Oklahoma which has twice received the Distinguished Unit listed in March, 1943, served with the Fifth City, has arrived home on furlough from the Citation . At the end of his leave he reported to Cavalry . He was to report to Fort Leavenworth, European theater of war. He has been overseas Kansas, for re-assignment at the end of his leave. with the Second Infantry regiment since Sep- 00- Lt . James H. Witt, '41, Oklahoma City, was tember, 1944 . Sergeant Rowntree is holder of at home on leave after serving 16 months in Italy the Order of the Purple Heart. The Alumni Office requests the assistance of and India with the Air Force. Lieutenant Witt Capt . Glenn R. Robinson, '41eng, Miami, has all readers of Sooner Magazine in completing its holds the Distinguished Flying Cross and the returned home on leave after serving 12 months records of alumni-both graduates and former Air Medal with eight Oak Leaf Clusters.
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