Newsletter wwww Issue N. 03 may 2011 Contents: I-SPEED Wynne Jones about Political Steering Group meeting in Powys 1 Wynne Jones about Political Steering Summary of the 1st Political Steering Group meeting 1 Group meeting in Powys Announcement of next workshop in Bracciano and Rome 3 New I-SPEED partner: National Association It was with great of Bulgarian Municipalities 4 pleasure that we How can tourism affect the economy greening? 4 hosted the first Political Steering B2N project 4 Group at Lake Itineraries for cultural routes 5 Vyrnwy, Powys in Nordic countries continue ranking high February, where even though the in the Global Information Technology Report 5 sun did not shine, Events 6 the peace and tranquillity of the area provided a magnificent backdrop and Link 6 environment to work within. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to showcase Powys to our European Partners, it also gave a great insight into the challenges faced by the tour- ism industry in Powys in relation to trav- elling from overseas, information provi- sion, availability of 2g and 3g coverage etc. This added another dimension to the discussion and the ability to receive firsthand professional feedback in rela- tion to Powys as a destination is con- tinuing to prove invaluable. The conference proved to be an excel- lent networking opportunity both inter- nationally and also from within Powys. The good work already achieved within Lake Vymwy I-SPEED Political Steering Group Meeting The I-SPEED Political Steering Group a new political framework for tourism in (PSG) was held on February 9th 2011 at Europe », already analysed in the 2nd Lake Vyrnwy (Powys County). I-SPEED newsletter. In particular Ms In the morning session, 2 representatives Boros emphasized the importance of of the European Commission explained the new political framework for Tourism the “New consolidated framework for in Europe in line with the Lisbon Treaty the EU Tourism Policy”. Krisztina Boros and the and Krista De Spiegeleer explained in Europe 2020 Strategy for growth and Project co-financed by the European Regional details the Communication « Europe, employment. Development Fund and the Norwegian Funds the world’s No 1 tourist destination - 4 experts from Spain, Norway and Unit- www.ispeed.eu Facebook: http://bit.ly/c5d8ug Flickr: www.flickr.com/ispeedproject twitter: twitter.com/ispeedproject N. 03 may 2011 I-SPEED proved to be motivational and ed Kingdom gave an overview of some a catalyst for the joining up of other relevant projects in the fields of: tourism existing initiatives across Powys that innovation, social media, cluster organi- could benefit from the priorities identi- zation and destination management. fied through ISPEED. From the perspective of Powys, it was I-SPEED PSG participants: encouraging to hear the Chief Execu- • Carla Rey, Deputy Mayor for Com- tive express his thoughts that Tourism merce and Urban Quality, City of Venice has a place within Powys and the ac- • Christian Haugen, County Com- knowledgement that ICT can and must msioner Hedmark County Council be the driving force to increase eco- • City of Warsaw representative nomic growth that is very much need- ed at this unstable time. • Region of Crete representative • Wynne Jones - Councillor, Portfolio The political debate highlighted that Holder for Regeneration and Develop- It’s very important to stress that political even though as partners, we represent areas of differing terrain and economic ment, Powys County representatives (many of them will end wealth; the issues faced had a com- • José Paz, Director of the Tourist Re- their commitment before 2015) put at monality such as interaction with trade, search Institute, Galicia Region the first place, in 2015, their commu- destination management and govern- • Gian Paolo Manzella, President De- nity well being and the quality of living ance. legate for Innovation and Economic De- for all the populations in their region or velopment, Province of Rome city. This is not so banal in a project that The debate has highlighted core ar- eas for development. Current priorities • Valérie Demangeau, Vice President has the SMEs in tourism sector as a main were acknowledged as booking plat- Nantes Municipality target. We dare say that a new sensibility forms and digital branding. Medium is coming on in EU to the core of tour- term visions for 2010 included quality Extract from PSG report made by ism sustainability: the best reciprocal ef- of life, destination management, social COSES (Giovanni Santoro) : fects between visitors and inhabitants, networking, mobile applications. The PSG meeting went on in two sec- and vice versa. In other words I-SPEED This is very relevant to the aim that we tions. During the first one, political rep- partners do not seem hard-tourism strive towards as cited within the Cor- resentatives from 8 partner countries fans, but quality of place caretakers. porate Improvement Plan of Powys presented their answers to the 2 ques- To resume actual situation in a slogan, County Council: “to improve the quality tions prepared by the research centre we are facing an ultimate passage from of life for every Powys resident and all COSES, and anticipated via mail. In the era of ICT totem in tourism (and those who visit our county” the second interactive section of PSG travel) hubs to the era of one visitor-one I-SPEED could potentially provide a meeting, Professor Fabrizio Panozzo of hub, where personal mobile applica- “tool” to achieve this great aim and it University of Venice ran a scoring proce- tions empower the traveller with a mess was interesting to learn that Venice dure on 3 themes and 15 items, set by of information he/she would be able to also strive towards treating all visitors COSES, to survey in a synthetic way the manage, with the same device, toward as temporary citizens for the time that evaluation of political representatives a deeply individual and satisfying way. they are in Venice which they hope will about the project aims and its strategic The customer do the customization of promote a sense of respect between priorities. the supply by him/her self, becoming members of the community and visi- The strategic priorities set by the PSG the ultimate step on guide of each site, tors to create a much more pleasant environment within which both can live and visit. PSG Meeting - Interactive Section Conclusion It is the intention that we at Powys will • Despite different conditions there seems to be common understanding of both current challenges and future priorites learn at both a political and ground • More important in the present are “booking platform”/ “eductation and knowlege level to create a tourism product that management” / “digital branding” is beneficial to all. Discussions had at • Of greater importance for the vision 2015 are “quality of life” / “destinations management” the conference will be in the forefront / “social networking” / “mobile apps” of our minds during development of fu- • In the transition to the future what becomesmore relevant is: social networking” ture policies, strategies, and decision / “destinations management companies” and mobile applications making on the ground. • What is perceived as becoming less important are “onformations and booking platforms” / ”project development funds” / “certifications labels and audit schemes” Wynne Jones, Councillor, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Develop- ment, Powys County just in time. I-SPEED partners confirm for the 2015 vision involves: the awareness of this forthcoming fu- • quality of life; ture. • destination management; A better rating position for destination • mobile applications; management, in 2015, is greatly reas- • social networking. suring tourism experts: I-SPEED part- ners show a good awareness that, once developed, a tourism place needs to be www.ispeed.eu Facebook: http://bit.ly/c5d8ug Flickr: www.flickr.com/ispeedproject twitter: twitter.com/ispeedproject N. 03 may 2011 managed and not let run by itself, to avoid congestion or bad quality sup- ply and visitor experience. Destination management is a deep rooted concept among tourism researchers and there is a growing number of best practices about it (i.e. //venice>connected), not yet satisfying if compared to some dra- matic management lacks. It absolutely remains an important strategic purpose for local administrators. Last but not least the % upgrading for the issue social networking does con- I-SPEED team at Lake Vyrnwy firm an high sensibility for local commu- nities, since the use of these practices is growing as far as people become ICT any place, from the storytelling of real first should be not so tomorrow. UE has literate and generations turn over, and experiences, by real people. COSES to be satisfied with the sensibility that the virtual places become more and suggests that, in a short time, the us- I-SPEED project has collaborated to more a new space for exchange: so- ers of //venice>connected will become generate among partners and with the ciality and marketing as well. In 2015, the best promoter of the booking sys- readiness of Cities, Counties and Re- surely, the social network communities tem, if they had been satisfied of the gions to afford the challenge of a never will work as the main global square to experience, telling the story on what- ending changing. inform and to exchange valuation on ever social network, at a zero cost for It’s no so banal among politicians and holiday destinations. Not to be there //venice>connected itself (and the City European
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