Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University The aT ylor Magazine Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections Fall 1993 Taylor Magazine (Fall 1993) Taylor University Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu_magazines Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Taylor University, "Taylor Magazine (Fall 1993)" (1993). The Taylor Magazine. 100. https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu_magazines/100 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aT ylor Magazine by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. — A MAGAZINE FOR TAYLOR UNIVERSITY ALUMNI AND FRIENDS AUTUMN 1 993 — With Honor Roll of Donors Bibles and Basketballs A Venture for Victory The Sports Evangelism Movement Began at Taylor University — PRECIS Why the Start is Not Always the Beginning year was the start of something big. Dan So, you see, there is a connection between what is Last Wilson "66. teacher and coach at Fort happening here on campus now and what Coach Wayne's Elmhurst High School, founded began years ago down in Upland. This league is a I a Saturday basketball league on the part of it." Taylor University-Fort Wayne campus for inner- Indeed, eveiy sports ministry venture the city youth. The program took off like a rocket. world around—and they are legion—is heir to "We were seeing 25 kids a week being saved, Odle's legacy and that of Venture for Victory just as a result of their coming and playing team members. Within this issue we recount the basketball," says Dick Baxter, director of Taylor start of that ministiy (page 10) and look in on the World Outreach. (This year, TWO will involve subsequent efforts of fonner players Don Callan students in discipling the young people who come '55 (page 14), Don Granitz '52 (page 17), and to know Christ through the basketball ministiy Jack King '59 (page 18). Noting the role of The league will operate officially under the Wandering Wheels (another pioneering sports auspices of TUFW, in cooperation with Wilson effort that had its genesis at Taylor), a pictorial and Youth for Christ.) look at cuiTcnt campus involvement in sports Not long ago, the principals charged with ministiy concludes our review. providing campus leadership for the effort met to Concludes? Those stories only scratch the discuss their plan of action. surface of what is happening in the sports As they were remarking on the first-year evangelism movement. Similarly, to say that success of the venture, and how the Lord's hand something big started at TUFW last year is seems to be upon it, they were inteiTupted by an misleading. That "something big" started 40 years "old-timer" who helped put the effort into earlier, and we can only praise God for it. historical perspective. "Wait a minute, fellows," said he. "You need a 1988 reception honoring Don and to understand the background of this ministiy." At Bonnie (Weaver '44) Odle, career According to his account, Wilson was challenged missionaiy Paul Stubbs '59 was one of to start a sports ministry program for inner-city 1 many to pay tribute. "There are literally youth by his friend, Sheldon Bassett "62. A hundreds of millions of souls that have been former assistant coach at Taylor, Bassett directs touched by sports evangelism," he said. the Solheim Center at Chicago's Moody Bible "I've been traveling for the last 12 years Institute. There, he has founded a successful through Central and South America and the basketball evangelism program for inner-city Caribbean. Down there, I see [Coach Odle's] youth. Bassett reputedly asked Wilson, "Dan, tracks eveiy place I go. when are you going to let God use you to do "When I was in Korea, my wife and I did a lot something similar for the kids in Fort Wayne?" of evangelistic work out in the islands—out Although that question may have been the where no American had ever been. Whenever I catalyst for Wilson's involvement, the real would go in, the best introduction I could have impetus for the TUFW Saturday basketball league was that I had worked with Venture for Victoiy dates back decades to 1952—as the group's self- People out there had heard the broadcast of the appointed historian pointed out. basketball games and had heard the message of In that year Taylor's long-time head basketball Jesus Christ on the radio. Many had accepted coach Don Odle '42 was instrumental in assem- Christ, even though they had never been into the bling the first-ever sports ministry team to travel mainland of Korea and had never seen a basket- overseas. As director of the Venture for Victory ball game. Don Odle's influence truly extends program for 12 years, he pioneered the concept of around the world." sports evangelism—taking teams to the Orient Through your support of Taylor University and South America, using basketball games to your influence, too, extends around the world in attract an audience for evangelism. the lives and ministries of alumni who, like Don "The Holy Spirit touched his efforts," offered Odle, received preparation for service at Taylor. the group's informant. "Coach Odle's players In the 1992-1993 Honor Roll of Donors, we She! Bassett and Dan Wilson among them—have recognize your partnership in this ministiy and picked up on his ministry. They, with others, have thank you for joining in this venture for the expanded upon his efforts to the point where ultimate victoiy of God's kingdom. sports ministry is now a world wide phenomenon. —Doit? Marlow 'SI. editor TABLE OF CONTENTS ON THE COVER: Dr. Tim Oilier '62, now Taylor a computer science professor at Tay- Volume 86. Number I Taylor Autumn 1993 lor, played on three Venture for Victory teams. He is pictured here in 1960, preaching to Taiwanese troops on the island of Matsu, just miles off the coast of mainland China. Taylor University Dr. Jay Kesler '58, president Dr. Daryl R. Yost, provost Taylor: A Magazine forTaylor University Alumni and Friends is published quarterly for alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents of current stu- dents, and friends of Taylor University by the University Relations Office, Dr. Charles R. Jaggers '69, vice president. Douglas J R. Marlow '81, editor, designer Marty Songer '78, alumni notes editor Jim Garringer, photographer Student writers: Lillian Foo '95, Dan Sin '93 Regular contributing authors: Dr, Jay Kesler '58, Wesley Robinson '50 Guest author this issue: Jack King '59 Address letters and comments to: Editor, Venture for Victory teams were pioneers in using sport as a Taylor. Taylor University, 500 West Reade platform for sharing the gospel. Avenue, Upland, Indiana 46989-1001 orcalll- 800-TU-23456. ext 5197. The staff reserves the right to publish a representative sample of letters and to edit letters for space. 9 VENTUROUS SPIRIT by Jay Kesler 58 Class news for Alumni Notes should be sent God used Don Odle '42 to bring divergent elements to Marty Cleveland Songer '78, Alumni Direc- togetlier into a powerful influence/or the gospel. tor, at the address above, or call 1-800-TU- 23456, ext 5113 Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed for possible inclusion in the magazine Enclose a self-addressed, stamped A LENGTHENING SHADOW by Doug Malow 81 envelope for return of matenal Selection and 1 publication are at the discretion of the editor In pioneering I enture for J ictoiy. Coach Don Odle earned and his advisory panel. Opinions expressed in " the title. "Father of Sports Evangelism. That was the Taylor are those of the authors, not necessarily farthest thing from his mind in 1952. however. Taylor University Copyright 1 993 by Taylor University. Persons TALKIN'! by Jack King 59 wishing to reproduce any portion of Taylor 1 8 NOW YOU'RE magazine's contents are requested to call or Sport is an international language—and as such, offers write in advance for permission. powerful potential for communicating the gospel. Front cover photograph: Taylor University ar- chives; back cover photograph: Jim Garringer, SPORTS MINISTRIES AT TAYLOR university photographer. 20 The tradition continues. Taylor players, alumni, and Taylor University complies with all federal and coaches recently paired the go.spel with sport in Argen- state nondiscrimination laws Taylor Univer- tina. Belarus. Russia. sity is an equal-opportunity institution. Direct Brazil. Honduras. Lat\ia. and inquiries to the Office of the President, Taylor University, 500 West Reade Avenue, Upland, Indiana 46989-1001 (telephone 317- 1 A HONOR ROLL OF DONORS or 1992 ggs 998-5201 ), or the Office of Civil Rights, Wash- ington, DC. Please mail address corrections to Office of 2 EXCHANGE 26 TAYLOR GATHERING University Relations, Taylor University, 500 West Reade Avenue, Upland, Indiana 46989- ON CAMPUS ALUMNI NOTES 1001. 3 27 22 TRADITION 32 VISTA 24 IN MEMORIAM Autumn 1993 TAYLOR . EXCHANGE Case of Mistaken Identity As the president of the Interna- and, although my brother Jamie never AYLOK I was impressed by the recent tional Students Society at the Taylor- attended, he is known by many issue of Taylor honoring Sainmy Upland campus, I feel a responsibil- alumni and considers himself part of Moms. I was pleased to leam about ity to make you aware of your eiTor the Taylor family. the gi'eat strides Taylor University and to remind you there are differ- A few side notes: my brother has made in relation to international ences between international students Malcolm attended only one summer students and programs. and missionary kids.
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