I ' I •• ·' '. ' ' ' .J <_.,, (< './ .. , I . : JPS Form 10-900 0 MB No. 10024--0018 Cct 1990! V\...(L-=- 1... { I =r/~J United States Department of the Interior JUN 1 1993 National Park Service ~ ~ .- w ,\\\ b fl-Av ..J NATI NAL National Register of Historic Places .··.::.::::: l':'.-r~r Registration Form ) l ,his form 1s for use ,n nom1na11ng or reouest1ng aeterm1nat1ons for 1na1v1dual properties ana districts. See 1nstruct1ons 1n How to Complete the 'iat1ona1 Register er ri1stonc Places Reg1strat1on Form 1Nat1ona1 Register Bulletin 16A). Complete eacn item by marKing ·x" in the aopropriate box or '::v entering the 1niormat1on requested. If an item aoes not apply to tne property berng documented. enter " N/A" for " not app11cao1e.· · For functions. Jrcn,tectural class1i1ca11on. materials, ana areas ot significance. enter only categories and suocategories from trie 1nstruct1ons. Place additional -3ntnes ana narrative ,terns on cont1nuat1on sheets 1NPS Form 10-900al. Use a typewriter. word processor. or computer. to complete all items. 1 . Name of Property historic name - ----~:'.vlc..:..:.I=C=H=I=E'---"T"-A,_,V_.E"""RN,._,_ __________________ _______ VDHR FILE NO. 02-93 other names/site number---------------- - ------------------ 2. Location South side of S.R. 53, !1 mile east of S.R. 20 street & numoer - ------------------------------- ~ not for publication Charlottesville ~ .. city or town - ----------------------------------- - VIClnlty state _ ____v_i_r_g_1_·11 _1_· a___ _ code_VA county __Albemarle_ _____ ___ code ___003 zip code ___22901_ 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act. as amended, I hereby certify that this gJ nomination _ request tor determmatmn of eligibility meets the documentatJon standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion. the property '._ meets :!:: ~es not mee!.J.he Nation~ Register criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant - nationally _ statewide L locally. (L See cont1nua11on sneet for additional comments.) Signature or certifying oiticial/Title Date Virgi11ia Departme11t of Historic Resources, 221 Gover11or St. Richmond, Va. State at Feaeral agency and bureau In my opinion. the property C meets C does not meet the National Register criteria. (C See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of certifying ofticial/Title Date State or Feaeral agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that the property is: Signature of the Keeper Date of Action ·_: entered in rne National Register_ 0 See continuation sheet. =determ,nea eligible for the National Register ~ See continuation sheet. _ determined not eligible for the National Register. _ removed from the National Register. =other. (explain:)------ 111M I 7 1993 :1ICHIE TAVERN ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA ' '; ame ot Prooel'TV Countv ana State 5. Classification Ownership of Propeny Category of Property Number of Resources within Property .:.~ ecK as many coxes as apply) ,Chee~ only one ooxl 1Do not inc1uae crev1ous1v l1stea resources in rne count.I ~ private ~ bu1lding(s) Contributing Noncontributing -: pubiic-local district -= 1 9 buildings ..:: public-State =site 0 0 publtc-Feaeral =structure sites =obJect 0 2 structures 0 0 objects 1 11 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed :: .~ rer N/A" ,f propeny 1s not pan oi a multiple oropeny 11sting.J in the National Register N/A 0 o. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions =~t er categories trom 1ns1ruc11ons1 1Enter categories irom 1ns1ruct1ons1 Recreation and Culture: :,,[useum Recreation and Culture: ~useum Commerce / Trade : Re staurant Commerce/Trade: Restaurant 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials i::,ter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from 1nstruct1ons1 _ __.1... ~.... t...,e c;.._ ....J ...9..... t .... b'--" a... c ..... d........ 2... 0.,.t ... b....__ .....c""' e"""c..... t.... 1.... 1 r.... •,,_:1 --.D.8.1;ec,,JT<.,Ji..,v... a:1.J~s-· _,_,c.ua lonial foundation _ _..::l.l,..J.IJ.J.;~------------ - Re vi val walls ____w_o_o_d_: _ W_e_a_t_h_e_r_b_o_a_r_d______ _ roof ____w_o _o_d_: _ s_h_i_n.:.g_l_e _ _______ _ other-- --- --------------- Narrative Description 1Descr1be the historic and current condition of the propeny on one or more continuation sheets.) ;,1'' .; f .. t /U.Y.;; I ·~)·• .11_) :UCHIE TAVERN ALBEMARLE COUNTY. VI RGINIA 'Jame or P•ooenv ::ounry ana Slate 8. Statement ot Significance Applicable National Register Criteria Areas at Significance , Mar>< , n one or more coxes ror 1:ia c:11eria oua111y1n9 rne prooenv :Enter ~.::1eaor1e s 1rom ins1r ,,c1,ons1 ·or Nat1ona1 Rea1ster 1,s11rn;i 1 X ~ Prooenv 1s associated w1rn events that have maae E~TERTAINMENT / RECREATION a s1gn1ticant contriout1on ro rhe broad patterns ot Jur n1storv B Prooerty 1s associated with the lives of persons significant 1n our past. C ?rooerty emboa1es rne aisnnct1ve cnaraccerist1cs Jf a type. perioa. or method of construction or represents the worK of a master. or possesses "11gh art1st1c values. or ,eoresents a significant and cJ1stingu1shable ent,ty wnose components lack Period at Significance ,na,v,dual d1stinct1on. D P·l]oenv has , 1e1aed. or 1s likely to yield. - --1~9-c-2 7-+94.,,.2u. - ----- - - --- •1 rormat1o n 1moo r1 ant ,n Dr eh1storv or h1s corv. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates , M.ir~ , :, all tne ooxes ;n,u ao o11 , Property ,s: 1927-1928 : A owned by a religious 1nst1tution or used for rel1g1ous purposes. Significant Person X: B removed from its original location . (Comp1ete 11 Criterion B 1s marked aoove1 _ C a birthplace or grave. Cultural Affiliation D a cemetery. E a reconstructea ou1ld1ng. 001ect. or structure. N/A ___ F a commemorative property. -= G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance Architect/Builder within the past 50 years. llt1know:n Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the srgnrficance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) 9. Major Bibliographical References Blbilography (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparrng this form on one or more continuation sheets.I Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: =preliminary determination of individual listing (36 ::6( State Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested D Other State agency .= previously listed in the National Register D Federal agency :---; previously determined eligible by the National D Local government Register D University =: designated a National Historic Landmark D Other =recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository: # ___________ VDHR, 221 Governor Street, Richmond, Virginia ,-, recorded by Historic American Engineering Record # _________ '-!JCB JE I.WERN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA · :ame or Property .:;.;unry ana State 10. Geographical Data 6.7 acres Acreage ot Property--- --- ------- UTM References ,:,1ace aaa1t1ona1 UTM references on a cont1nua11on sneet.1 l 7 7 2 2 6 6 0 4 2 0 9 5 9 0 3 =one ::asuna 'lortnrna :one ::Jstinq Nortnrng 4 See c:nrrnuatron sneer Verbal Boundary Description ::escrroe rne bounaarres or rhe property on a ~::ntrnuatron sneeu Boundary Justification ::xpla1n wny tne bounaarres were selectea an a continuatron sneet.1 11. Form Preoared By ""'amettitle _ _ _ __G_e_o_f_f_r _e_y_ B_. _H_e_n_r_y__ __________________________ ~larch 31, 1993 organization -------- --- ------------- date-------- ---- - - 301-982-2800 street & numoer _ _ 4_6_0_4_C_h_e_ s_tn_u_t _ S_t_r_e_e_t__ _______ telephone------------- 20814 city or town ____c_ h_e_vy_ _ c_h_a_s_e_,_~_Ia_r_y_l _a_n_d_ _____ saet t ______ zip code _ _____ _ Additional Documentation Submit the following ,terns with the camoletea torm · Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items 1Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional rtems) Property Owner \Complete this item at the request of SHPO or FPO.) M. Joseph Conte name - - - ------------------------------------------ Michie Tavern, Route 21, Box 112 804-977-1234 street & number--------------------- telephone ____________ _ Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 city or town - ------ - --------- ---- state ______ zip code _______ Paperwork Reduct.ion Act Statement: This Information is being collected for applications to the National Register of Historic Places to nominate propemes for listing or determine eligibility for fisting, 10 list properties. and to amend existing listings. Response to this request is required to obtain a benet1t m accordance wilh the National Historic Preservation Act. as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 er seq.). Estimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 18.1 hours per response including time for reviewing instructions. gathering and maintaining data. and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this form to the Chief. Administrative Services Division, Natfonal Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, DC 20013-7127; and the Office ot Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductions Projects (1024-0018), Washington. DC 20503. ,, United States Department of the Interior
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