THRELKELD GENEALOGY -BY- HANSFORD LEE THRELKELD Colonel United States Army, Retired MEMBER The Institute of American Genealogy The Sons of the American Reoolution The Kentuc"la/ State Historical Society The Filson Club PRICE $5.00 COPYRIGHT 1932 BY HANSFORD LICIC THRELKELD MORGANFIELD. KENTUCKY To the memory of my beloved father, a man of sterling integrity and high ideals, URIEL HANSFORD THRELKELD. He was proud of his ancestry and devoted to his family. To him is largely due the inspiration for undertaking this work. ABBREVIATIONS abt. About b. Bom hp. Baptized Co. County or Company d. Died dau.· Daughter E. East 1nq.. Inquisition (legal inquiry) m. Married Mt. Mount N. North p. Page -P. 0. Post Office prob. Probably R. Residence or P. 0. address R.R. Rural Route s. South St. Street or Saint w. West CONTENTS Page Preface ................................................................................................................. 1 Reference Books on Threlkelds................................... 10 Chapter I. First Threlkeld lmmigran ts............................................... 1 1 II. System Used in Tracing Families................................ 13 III. Christopher Threlkeld, the Immigrant of North­ umberland Co.,. Va., and his first three genera- tions ...................................... ·-·-··········-··········-····················· ....... 14 IV. Aaa James Threlkeld of Culpeper Co., Va. ·····-·· 35 V. Aab William Threlkeld of Mercer Co., Ky. ·····-·· 39 VI. Aha William Threlkeld and Aca James Threl­ keld of Culpeper Co., Va. -----·····-·············-··········-········ 42 VII. Ace George Threlkeld of Scott Co., Ky. ·····-········ 44 VIII. Ada James Threlkeld of Culpeper Co., Va. and . M1ss1ss1pp1 ········-········································································ 49 IX. Adb Daniel Threlkeld of Bracken Co., Ky. ·····-·· 51 X. Ade Willis Threlkeld of Livingston Co., Ky. ...... 52 XI. Adi Thomas Threlkeld of Livingston Co., Ky ....... · 63 XII. Aea Ruth Ann (Threlkeld) Hawkins of Scott Co., Ky. ·····-···························-···························-······················· 6 7 XIII. Aeb Margaret (Threlkeld) Cave of Scott Co., Ky. ··························-·······-················-····· ········-························· .... 6 9 XIV. Aec William Threlkeld of Scott Co., Ky. ·····-········ 76 XV. Aed Jesse Threlkeld of Scott Co., Ky. ..................... 102 XVI. Afa Joh~ Threlkeld of Fleming Co., Ky. ............... 11-0 XVII. Afb William Threlkeld of Fleming Co., Ky .......... 11 l XVIII. Afc James Threlkeld of Fleming Co., Ky ............. 118 Chapter Page XIX. Afd Daniel Threlkeld of Fleming and Union Co., Ky. ·····-····························-·························-······················· 12 5 XX. Afe Eleanor (Threlkeld) Bruce and Aff Lydia (Threlkeld) Mills of Fleming Co., Ky. ·····-··········· 173 XXI. Afg Lucy (Threlkeld) Waller of Fleming Co., Ky. ················································································-················· 18 7 XXII. Afh Ruth (Threlkeld) Johnson, Afi Nancy (Threlkeld) Porter, Afj Elizabeth (Threlkeld) Morris, and Afk Margaret (Threlkeld) O'.Rear of Fleming Co., Ky. ····················-··········-·························· 19 2 XXIII. Bba. George Threlkeld of Mercer Co., Ky. ......... 19 5 XXIV. Bbb Judith (Threlkeld) Bohon, Bbc Sarah · (Threlkeld) Bohon, and Bbe Betsey (Threl- keld) Russell of Mercer Co., Ky. .............................. 19 7 XXV. Bbf Daniel Threlkeld of Mercer Co., Ky................ 203 XXVI. Bbg John Threlkeld of Shelby Co., Ky................ 210 XX.VII. Bea Thomas Threlkeld of Shelby Co., Ky.......... 225 XXVIII. Bcb William G. Threlkeld of Shelby Co., Ky....... 234 XX.IX. Bha Elijah Threlkeld of Fairfax Co., Va................ 238 XXX. Bhc John Threlkeld of Muscogee Co., Ga. and Bh-d Moses Threlkeld of Shelby Co., Ky. ·····-····· 242 XX.XI. Bhe Aaron Threlkeld of Livingston Co., Ky., and Bhf Daniel Threlkeld of Culpeper Co., Va.... 2 4 7 XX.XII. Bhg Gabriel Threlkeld of Livingston Co., Ky....... 268 XX.XIII. Bhh Thomas Threlkeld of Georgia and Missis­ sippi and Bhi Anne (Threlkeld) Fox of Vir- ginia ··············-·························-····················································· 2 89 XX.XIV. Bhj Peter Threlkeld of Hopkins and McLean Co., Ky. ·····························-························································ 2 9 2 Chapter Page XXXV. Cba Elijah Threlkeld of Henry Co., Va., and descendants in Arkansas ·········································--······· 30 3 XXXVI. H Henry Threlkeld of Cumberland Co., Eng­ land and District of Columbia, U. S. J Rev. Joseph Threlkeld of Cumberland Co., England and Montgomery Co., Md. K Joseph Threl­ keld ·of Westmoreland Co., England, and de­ scendants in Kansas and British Columbia. L Tolliver Threlkeld of Culpeper Co., Va. M William Thrailkill (Threlkeld) of Yorkshire, England and W estem Tennessee. N Whitfield C. Thrailkill of Mississippi ··························-········-··········· 3 0 5 XXXVII. Ancient Threlkeld Family in England ·····--·······--· 3 1 3 Index ·····················································-·······················································-····· 3 2 9 PREFACE The compiler has endeavored to give herein as complete genealogy as possible of all families of Threlkelds that could be located in the United States, beginning with the earliest known family of that name in Virginia. This proved to be quite a task, for upon tracing his own ancestry back to Virginia many different branches of the Threlkeld family were dis­ covered. There are included herein also a number of branches who spell the name differently, such as Threlkel, Thirlkeld, and Thrailkill, but most of these are known to be of the same family. Generally the present generations of these families state that a father or grandfather changed the name for con­ venience in writing, or to make it more euphonious, or to spell it as it is often incorrectly pronounced. There is now in the northern part of England in County Cumberland a very old town named Threlkeld, having an old church called the Threlkeld Church. Near this town of Threl­ keld some families of Threlkelds still live ( 1 9 3 2) and spell their name as above. Three brothers who spell their name Threlkeld came to the United States from this section of England in 1914. Ail of them served in the American Army in the World War, and in recent years have entered the livestock bJisiness near Savona, British Columbia. The early ancestors of nearly all the Threlkelds in the United States came from Virginia and many families later came on to Kentucky. In order to obtain information about these the records of about fifty counties in Virginia and thirty counties in Kentucky were examined personally, and data of value copied and used in this work. In many counties of Vir­ ginia, the records of wills, marriages, and deeds were partially or entirely destroyed or lost during the Civil War, so that it has been impossible to obtain a complete record of the early families. It is believed, however, that a fairly connected record has been made of these families, beginning with the earliest known imigrant of that name. By voluminous correspondence and pei:sonal visits in Vir­ ginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, requiring many thoua sand miles of travel, the record of later generations has been brought down generally to recent date. However,· due to failure of many to reply to correspondence or to give full data, the history of some branches is not as complete as de­ sired, and no doubt there are some families of Threlkelds that have not been located. An earnest effort has -been made to eliminate errors but doubtless some have crept in unavoidably. The compiler could not have completed this work with­ out .the kind and active assistance of a large number of mem­ bers of the various branches of the family, who were diligent in furnishing data on their branches, and to each and all of these he wishes to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for their kindness and interest. It would be impracticable to name all, hut among those most active in rendering continued as­ sistance are mentioned the following: Professor William L Threlkeld, Lexington, Kentucky, for supplying copy of the ..Story of Threlkeld.. by Professor Samuel G. Oliphant, of Wisconsin, prepared in England under the direction and at the expense of Professor Threlkeld; Mr. Melville C. Threlkeld, of San Francisco, California, for employing at his own expense a genealogist in England to collect extensive data on the family and furnishing a typwritten copy of same, and in other ways being of great assistance in the compilation of this work; Mrs., Lucinda Bruce (Morgan) Green, Los Angeles, California, for furnishing a copy of the "Life Story", Shenandoah Pub~ lishing House, Strasburg, Virginia, 1926, giving much data on the Bruce and Morgan branches of the family; Professor Archie L. Threlkeld, Denver, Colorado, and Miss Fannie Thrailkill, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for furnishing much valu­ able data on the Threlkeld family in England and on their own branches; and Dr. George W. Threlkeld, Dwight, Ill., for furnishing photographic views from town of Threlkeld Eng­ land. Thanks are also extended to the following for furnishing data on their own or other branches that otherwise could not easily have been obtained: Mrs. lolene Hawkins, Flemings­ burg, Kentucky; Mr. Horace Herndon, Owenton; Mrs. Charles F. Jones, Lexington; Mrs. George R. Secrest, Carlisle; Dr. Elmer C.
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