A -Lew Ayres Story by James Street Full-Page Portrait Gallery of Gene Autry an~ His UMelody' R~nch" Cast with CHARLEY GRAPEWIN • MARJORIE RAMBEAU GEN E TI ERNEY • WI LLIAM TRACY and Dana Andrews • Slim Summerville • Ward Bond Grant Mitchell • Zeffie Tilbury • SCreen Play by Nunnally Johnson • Directed by JOH N FORD Produced by DARRYL F. lANUCK A 20th Century-Fox Picture ~ .1 MOVIE · RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and Programs The Bette Davis Marriage Brings a Lefter from a Skeptic THE publication which permits its readers to be quality. You may, who knows , be hearing the hoaxed by inept or inaccurate reporting is not birth of a new star. worth the ink and paper on which it is printed. That is why our writers are such stalwarts as TODAY THE CORNERSTONE of our democ­ James Street, Kay Proctor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, racy is based on the theory of freedom of the Jr., Lupton A. Wilkinson, and others of similar re­ press, free speech, and complete information in sponsibility. We have believed for a long time. the hands of every citizen. The average citizen that our readers have faith in the things they here is better equipped to cope with the prob­ read in Movie-Radio Guide. lems that confront our nation than t he citizens A letter which crossed our desk the other day, of any state since time began. however, caused us some worry. It said: But more and more, as we talk to our neigh­ The story of Bette Davis driving through storm and bors, we find puzzleme nt and confusion. Men are strife to reach her expected husband and wedding party makes very romantic reading, but I wish someone would informed but they are bewildered. A great tell the real true story for a change. My father, Marcus E. statesman whom they respect, such a man as Rawlins, runs the Clemenceau Airport. Justin Dart often lands there, especially when it is raining and the field near Senator Wheeler of Montana, says that President his ranch is muddy. On December 29, just before dark, he came in .. Quite a number of us went out to see him land. -B~rt Six Roosevelt is power-crazy and a would-be d icta­ A very small woman got out of the plane and stood with BETTE DAVIS, I., is mistaken many times tor. A great Republican, Wendell Willkie, says her back to the crowd. A few moments later Justin Dart got out, and after all the boxes and packages had been for her sister, Barb'ara P,el'gram, r. It h,ap­ the President should be given every power he removed from the plane and placed in a covered pick-up pened on Bette's wedding ni,ght, ag'ain truck, Jane Bryan Dart also got out. They have landed asks. Men of much experience take opposite sides h ere many times and no one ever pays any attention to on the Town Meeting broadcasts. Round Table. them, but some of us did wonder who their friend was. The two women got in the truck and my dad went over to discussions turn into dogfights. talk to Jane Dart. The minute he saw the other woman's face he recognized her. He said, " Well, hello." She smiled Who is right? If experts whose experience is and said "Hello" and then quickly put one finger to her vastly greater than o ur own, if th.ese men cannot mouth, silently asking him not to reveal her identity. He didn' t tell anyone who she was until after they came back agree .. how can we who only labor and listen to get the plane the day after the wedding. come to valid conclusions? That woman was Bette Davis. She flew in here with CONTENTS Jane and Justin Dart, and I wish someone would tell what Democracy is a process of d etermining the really happened instead of feeding the gullible people with fairy-tales of Bette's bravery in driving over stormy roads public will and putting that will into practise. to marry the man she loved. Sincerely, Mrs. J. B. Tissaw. Movies But now, hedged about by such mighty dilem­ Shots in the Dark ................ 2 mas, what is your will or my will? Many of us do W ell, we were considerably worried. We wired Livvie W,as a Lady (an article) ... 4 Kay Proctor for an explanation. We got it. Th is . Week in Hollywood (news) .. 6 not know; and the extent to which we do not know is the extent of our danger. Our Davis marriage story corroborated in detail by Revi!lws (a d·e·partment) ......... .. 6 Bette Davis and others in wedding party. Woman who Award for Distinguished Acting Dictatorship knows! It knows with a savage, arrived in plane with M:,r. and Mrs. Dart was Barbara (a dep'artment) ... .. ... ....... 7 lustful decision. Its will is to conquer, conquer, Pelgram, Bette's sister, who is frequently mistaken for Dr. Kildar-e and Mr. Ayres (an Bette even in Hollywood. Darts piloted Barbara to Arizona conquer. W e mu st know, too, or we will perish. from Hollywood for ceremony. Her identity as their pas­ article) ................. ...... 8 senger can be confirmed by Mrs. Tissaw upon Dart's re­ The Old South Wins a Woman Can we know? W e have asked our leaders turn to Arizona in March. Bette's contract, incidentally, 10 prohibits her flying anywhere. Am air-maiHng you picture ("Virginia") . ............. ... for an answer and they say that we can know. of Barbara for further corroboration of original story. Kay This Too Is Hollywood (a series) .. 12 We can know by thinking. They mean sheer, Proctor. • Radio hard brow-furrowing thinking. Perhaps we have Obviously, our story This Week's Hadio Events; gone too long without thinki ng. Perhaps 'we have was correct and Mr. Star of Stars Ballot . ' .......... 13 become too soft-headed. Now is the time t o Rawlins had made a This Week's Music ................ 14 learn if we can resolve all of our vast knowledge mistake in identity. This Week's Drama ....... .. ...... 15 into hard-driving decision. If we can turn vacilla­ Ordinarily, that would First F'amili,esof Radio (Gene Au- tion into determinatio n, if we can strain from the try and his "Melody Ranch") ... 33 be that. We publish' A Heaven for Horses? (an article) .34 truths that we know the harsh, ineluctable residue the above exchange It Takes Work .. ... ... ......... 35 of our own destiny, and know that ne ither hell of correspondence, On th'e Bandwagon (a department) .36 nor highwater can swerve us from the last-man however, because we Radio in the Dust Bowl (ran article) . 37 defense of our democracy, then the knowledge Along the Airi.altos (news) ........ 38 want to allay the On Short Waves (-a department) . 40 that has been b rought whispers which have to us from the earth's arisen recently about Programs ".": four corners by radio the reliability of Week of March 1-7 .... ....... 16-32 will be a blessing Muriel Angelus magazines devoted to without peer since Hollywood. We speak Curtis Mitchell, Editor man began to reason only for ourselves, of course, but we are glad Vol. 10, No. 21 M,arch 1-7, 1941 for himself. that this challenge from Mrs. Tissdw has enabled 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. us to indicate her error as well as to demonstrate GIRL ON THE Associate Editor, Mart.in Lewis; Managing Editor,. Ruth the ten-year-old fact that stories published in Bt?:zell ; Vr.partmc'1It Editors.- Gordon Swarthout. Movies; COVER: Few ac­ W'llSOIi Brown. New York; Evans Plurumer, Hollywood; Don Movie-Radio Guide are honest and accurate as Moore, Midwest; Richard Kunstman. Programs; James tresses, if a ny , have Bauion. Education; Charles A. Mort"ison, Short Waves; sincerity and integrity can make them. Vi\'a Li(li)ling, Music. Editorilll Assistants: John Cnrlson . managed to turn o ut .... rancls Chase, Jr .• Ralo'mond Hanlon. Charles Locigno. Arthur Miller. Clarence Reuter. Melvin Spiegel. nine successive box- MURIEL ANGELUS is the lovely name of a MOVIF; -RADIO GUIDE (Trade- Mark Registered U. S. Pat. office hits in a row , Deanna Durbin Office). Volume X. Number 2 1. ""eek ot Marrh 1- 7. young lady who possesses a lovely voice. Not 19-11. Published weekly by Triangle Publications. Inc .. 73 1 and when one comes long ago she was one of the brightest and most Plymouth Court. ('hicago. Illinois. Entered as serolu.l-class along who can, you can call it genius without m~ tter at the Post Otflre. Cbicago, lilinob. F'ebruary 21 . hopeful names on Paramount's roster of possible 194 0. under t·he act of March 3 . 1819. Authorized by Post Office Depul't.ment. Ot tawa. Canada. as second-class matter. strainin g or overworking the word. " Nice Girl" is stars. But something, we don't know what, hap­ Copyright. 194 ) , by Triangle Publications. Inc. All rIgllts the film which makes Deanna Durbin a genius. For r c~e n'E' d . Um-olicited manuscripts should be accompanied by pened. :i tamlled . sl'lf-addre5sed envelope for return. Ten cents per in it, the singing youngster who practically grew ('P!) ' i f" the Unitl! d States. Suhscription rates in the U. S, Usually, a woman who has aspired to screen and pfhi sesslons and countries of the Pan-American PostaL up in films stages her ninth consecutive box-office Union: six months. $2.50; one year. $4.00; two years, fame and failed fades from the picture of public $6.{}O; ~ three )."Cars , $8.00.
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